The clouds in the sky gradually appeared, and the wind flowers fluttered, heralding the coming of the great war, the heavenly lai whistled by, blowing the man’s hair.

Kill God!

The heavy word seems absurd, but it seems so reasonable in the current situation of Motoyanagiin.

After all, the so-called regime change always relies on one person or a few people to do it, just to awaken a sleeping era.

Stepping on the highest peak of the Uruk royal court, looking at the countless tens of thousands of subjects below, Yuanliuyuan grinned.

“Next, gentlemen, our enemy is God, the being above the Spirit!

Can they devour us, devour the existence of the whole world, or do we come to prove that human beings can open up the whole world? ”

With his arms open, Motoyanagiin took a deep breath; “It’s time to give an answer!”

The evening bell of the good moon has rung, and it is time to give everything to defeat the greedy “gods” who claim to be noble!

Unexpectedly, he could witness the vastness of the world, and Motoyanagiin gave his last order to the people of Uruk.

“Declare to all the people who remain in Uruk!

Ten years ago, I came here to join the hero king in the Uruk era.

Three years ago, Enchidu arrived, and we, who created the power of the Three Kings, became increasingly brilliant, causing the dissatisfaction of the gods.

Gilgamesh once told you that the existence of gods is high, and the existence of gods is incomparable.

But! ”

The wind and clouds swirled, and speaking of this, a wanton smile appeared on Motoryuin’s face.

The laughter gradually expanded and spread out in this Kunyi land.

“However, you persisted in this despite the choices of escape, pleasure, grief, despair, etc., and were determined to fight Uruk to the end!

You know that the enemy is strong, but you are still determined to fight to the death.

There is no doubt that I am deeply blessed as your King. ”

The black eyes were like a shining light, and the smile on his face was gone, replaced by a solemn expression.

“The history, the people, the city, the culture, including Gilgamesh and Enchi, I’m proud of everything.

Therefore, even if Uruk will be destroyed by this and will be wiped out by the gods, I will never be sad because of this.

There is only one reason for this. ”

Raising his right hand high, Motoyanagiin shouted; “Even if only one person can fight to the end, the gesture of our life, the heroic posture of our battle will always be reflected in his mind and will never be extinguished.

Even if there are no descendants, even if he dies because of this, Uruk’s will will remain. This is the will that belongs to us as humans, the hymn that belongs to our humanity. ”

The majestic voice echoed in the ears of the people, as if only Yuanliuyuan was left in the entire heaven and earth.

“The destruction of Uruk does not mean the destruction of our ranks!

The demise of Uruk does not mean the demise of our own!

The disappearance of Uruk does not mean the disappearance of our ranks! ”

The fiery heart beat violently, and even the chest cavity vibrated for it. This emotion seems to invade the junction of reality, enveloping the whole world in its momentum.

Although Motoyanagiin’s words were deviant and did not put the gods in his eyes, no one was willing to accuse, no one wanted to accuse.

All this is only because it is the king of Uruk, the king who accompanies them in life and death, so that they are willing to follow to death.

“We will triumph, and this light of dawn that shines at the end must be a clarion call to open a new era.”

Listen to me, O people of Uruk. ”

The surging shouts seemed to echo the call of Yuanliuyuan, and the huge sound wave even blew away the floating clouds between heaven and earth.

“We will deny the gods at this moment and usher in a new era for humanity.

This is……. A true battle of gods with the gods. ”

The fiery sound condensed into a huge wave along the emerald microscopic in Uruk, and the faith and will contained in it seemed to break through the top of the firmament.

“Leave your lives in my hands, Uruk . It will last forever! ”

Enough to support the chest of heaven and earth, and to carry the shoulders of the whole world, that is the king, the king to whom everyone wants to be loyal.

Looking at each other and smiling, the people of Uruk did not hesitate to offer their loyalty, their souls, and everything they had to Motoyanagiin.

As the Xuan-colored Great Qin Jade Seal shone brightly, the heavy weapon of the country supplemented by the National Fortune broke through the shackles of the years in an instant, making the whole person of Yuanliuyuan have substantial changes.

With a song of mad medicine, the man could feel the bear fire burning in his throat to the heart, and then to the bones of his limbs, to every corner of his body.

How long can there be in life? In such a glorious era, if the most magnificent epic is not set off, then let alone others, Motoyanagiin himself will not forgive himself.

For Gilgamesh, for Enchidu, for Uruk, for Lingling.

In this battle, he will burn all his thoughts and win the supreme and glorious psalm.

Then, tell future generations of Uruk’s indelible glory and open a new era for humanity!

—————— dividing line ——————

Ps; To put it simply, the fighting method of Yuanliuin is to use the Great Qin State Seal on his body to absorb the entire national fortune of Uruk, and open the full power of the Sword of Oath Victory and the Obedient Sword against the gods with the blessing of the heavy weapon of the country.

It was the same as the Dragon’s Heart before, but this time his capital was not himself, but the entire Uruk.

If the achievement is achieved, if defeated, Uruk, who has lost all his luck, is like a charm lucky cleared, not far from death.

That’s it.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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