Two-dimensional world book

Book of Two Dimensions World Chapter 364

"Eunichan, isn't it enough to have us?" Amber said with tears, as if she had been abandoned.

"It's not the same thing! Her father met me in the Holy Grail War! There was a little "friendship", but now she is alone, alone and arranged in a cold church!" Lin Mo explained. Said, it can certainly inspire the sympathy of girls.

"Holy Grail War!" Qingzi's gaze condensed. She naturally paid attention to the Holy Grail War, and she was so full of the fighting between magicians. How did Lin Mo say, then this girl has become an orphan.

Amber, Jade, and Fujino heard what Lin Mo said so miserable, they themselves were saved by their brothers, and naturally they couldn't stop them. Instead, they wanted to encourage O'Neill to save Loli.

Lin Mo handed Linice the search for Karen Aldasia.

As the first task given by the monarch, Lynis said that even if it is stealing, robbing, or tying it, Loli Karen will be sent over, and it is absolutely not allowed to fail.

In the next period of time, Lin Mo often took Qingzi, Youzhu, and three little loli, plus Lynesse to go shopping, and even participated in some banquets, conveying the message that Lynesse was already his'person'.

Sure enough, the effect was immediate. The magic family, who had forced the debt, changed their attitudes one hundred and eighty, and even hoped to lend money to Akipolud without interest.

And the restless magic families or forces near Akipolud were silent, and they didn't dare to provoke the third magician.

Without that magician, he thought that the third magician was a good kind. After all, there were more than sixty or seventy magicians who died in his hands. They didn't want to be the next one.

In the Akipolud clan, some of the original opposition was suddenly subdued. Those old guys also praised Lin Mo and hugged Lin Mo's thigh. It can be said that they are on a steady pace and took the opportunity to recover. Patriarch power.

Karen was sent to Lin Mo. Except for his clothes and dirty face, he was not abused. He was a little bit poisonous. Although he was only four years old, he was able to scream in Amber.

After Lin Mo picked Sakura back from the boarding school, he went to the clock tower to visit the second magician Kisho Yazelrich. He originally thought that the other party would take the initiative to find the door, but the old guy didn't go to the road because of an accident.


In the gloomy office, the room full of antique decoration, Zellridge sat in his chair and saw Lin Mo coming in, but did not get up to greet him.

"To be honest, although the old man is very interested in you, but your existence is too special!" Zellridge opened his scarlet eyes. This is the characteristic of a dead person. It showed that he did not welcome Lin Mo's arrival.

"Oh? It's Gaia!" Lin Mo analyzed from the words, someone didn't want him to see him.

Zellridge was curious about Lin Mo, so instead of leaving the clock tower and avoiding Lin Mo, he adopted a non-active attitude.

So the one that can influence Zelrich's choice in the Lunar World is undoubtedly Gaia. To be precise, Zelrich is working for Gaia.

Zellridge's scarlet eyes narrowed, and said, "What is your purpose of visiting the old man?"

"I heard that Marshal Demon Road has only made a lot of interesting gems! Can you give me some?" Lin Mo didn't plan to wrestle and asked directly.

"Gems?" Zellridge was startled. He had no shortage of gems, and even in the magic world, no one had more gems than him.

However, the third magician obviously did not want that kind of magic gems, but magic ceremonial outfits. He did make some, but...reluctant!

Zelrich's mouth twitched, and he said nonchalantly: "Could it be that the third magician is also interested in turning into a magical girl?"

"Puff..." Lin Mo sprayed directly, slammed his fist on the table, and said viciously: "Zellridge, are you teasing me?"

"No, no, it's just the old man's gem magic dress, all of the magical girl series, there really are no young boys!" Zellridge waved his hand quickly and laughed.

"I didn't say to use it for myself! I am a cute magical girl, so I plan to give my sisters a gift! Hurry up! Marshal." Lin Mo's eyes became sharp, because he already felt it, this old magician The true intentions.

"Fight with the old man!" Zellic raised his hand and sang: "I am a magic stone, I am a collector..."

In an instant, the surrounding space was distorted, and the next moment, the surrounding environment changed, the eyes shone incomparably, and they came to the world of countless gems.

"Tsk-tsk-! This is all genuine!" Even the wealthy Lin Mo couldn't help being surprised. This magician who had lived for nearly 2,000 years was not really built, so rich.

"Be careful--! The destructive power of the third magician, the old man's gem magic, can be compared with the fifth method."

Zellridge reminded him that he raised his hand, fist-sized gems full of terrifying magic, densely arranged in a complex magic array, and constantly strengthening and compressing the magic.

"It just so happens that I have made a lot of weapons recently, so I will show my ugliness!" Lin Mo showed an evil smile on the corner of his mouth. In the sky, golden vortex ripples appeared densely, handing out the concepts of first-class and second-class products. Arms (treasures) emerged.

Chapter 471 Magic Gems

The office is distorted!

Lin Mo and Zellridge returned to the office.

Lin Mo was spotless, and Marshal Demon Road had a lot of torn clothes, and he knew the outcome at a glance.

" are a treasure emissary besides being the third magician!" Zellic said helplessly, usually bombarding others, but he did not expect to be treated like this. Once again.

In the enchantment of gems just now, Zellridge and Lin Mo fought in the ultimate showdown between "Nouveau riche". One lost a gem and the other lost a treasure. Among Lin Mo's treasures, there are many Dealing with magic treasures, so suppressed Zelrich.

Lin Mo smiled. He didn't believe that Zellridge hadn't noticed it. His conceptual weapon was created with fantasy realization, or rather, it was a test of his own current power.

"To be honest, I really can't bear it, they are like my must treat them well!" Zellic opened the barrier on the wall behind him with reluctance...


Leaving Zellridge, Lin Mo's face was red. The magical girl Ilia who has seen the parallel world of fate knows that Zellridge gave Rin Tosaka and Luvia magic rubies and magic sapphires to Toki City to find Employment card.

Both magic ruby ​​and magic sapphire are first-class magic costumes, and they are artificial elves. They have multiple transformations and download parallel world skills, allowing users to transform into magical girls. At the same time, they provide A-level magic barriers, physical protection, enhanced treatment, Body strengthening, flying and more!

I thought it would be good to harvest two pieces, but he did not expect how Zellridge made seven gems, namely red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple.

"Master——! Let us transform into a magical girl to save the world!" Rubies flew around Lin Mo, constantly urging Lin Mo to transform into a magical girl.

What a ghost!

"..." A black line appeared on Lin Mo's face, stretched out his index finger, and flicked it on top of the ruby.

"Oh, hello..." Ruby screamed, flew out, banged against the wall, the wall cracked, and the entire circular body was embedded in the wall.

"Sister, are you okay?" Sapphire incited small bow-like wings to fly to Ruby and asked concerned.

"Sister, what a shame!"

"Yeah! The Master is a man, and he is also a magic boy who wants to be -! Yeah!"

The other gems, surrounded by rubies, talked eloquently.

Lin Mo originally planned to bring them by his side first, but now he has decided to send them all out as soon as possible, otherwise, will this day pass?

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...I don't want to live...Don't drag me, I have to jump off the building to commit suicide!" Ruby dragged Sapphire and flew towards the window'desperately.

Sapphire persuaded: "Sister, please don't be like this..."

"Um... Sister, Master has left!" Xiao Zi had to remind him when he saw Ruby's horrible and pompous acting.

"Xia Mi?" Ruby turned around the five-pointed star and was stunned. As expected, Lin Mo was gone.

Goddamn Master, there is no sympathy or dreams at all!

Soon after Lin Mo left, Qingzi, Youzhu, Karen, Fujino, Amber, Jade, Wutiao Mist Painting, and Cherry came back.

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