Two-dimensional world book

Book of Two Dimensions World Chapter 326

What kind of concept is this? A C-level magician is already considered a small and outstanding. If it weren't for the huge magic power this time, it was spent by the Holy Grail (the spiritual veins gathered in 60 years), I am afraid that no one can summon the hero king.

"Well, that's right, after all, it is the oldest king! Haughtiness is also right." Yan Fengli felt relieved when he heard the words, after all, the hero king can be regarded as a mythical character.

"By the way, Qili will ask you next." Shichen turned his gaze to Yanfeng Qili.

"I understand! Teacher." Qi Li respectfully said, everything is done according to the script prepared in advance.


On the roof tiles of the villa!Lin Mo sat there and looked at the night scene. He did present the world as Archer, and he also got all the skills and'treasures' of the original Jin Shining.

Of course, why do treasures have quotation marks? It is because these are products of fantasy realization. In the world of Xingyue, it is admitted that this is a'genuine product'. If Xingyue is out, this is a fake of authentic magic products.

Alaya naturally couldn't be so generous, let Lin Mo cool, and pretend to be enough.

However, although the things are magical, the shape in the conceptual product is real, which is equivalent to Alaya giving Lin Mo the blueprint for building the treasure.

As long as Lin Mo analyzes it a little bit, he can obtain the knowledge on the treasure, and this is left to the ontology far away in the Devil's High School world. In short, the ontology has stronger processing capabilities.

Of course, Lin Mo not only has the shining golden abilities and treasures, but also his own abilities based on magic power.

In other words, "The Cage Hand of the Red Dragon Emperor", "The Holy Spear of Twilight", "Ascalon", "Beast King 666"... and other artifacts, magic weapons, and conceptual weapons can all be used.

"Just waiting for the first one to come and die!" Lin Mo looked at the mountain and the envoy near Toosaka's house, with a playful smile on his mouth.

Chapter 419 Killing Assassin, New Hobby

As the last Servant appeared in the world, the church had a spiritual search board, and the first time he could perceive it, then the first act of the war would start!

Yanfeng Kirei was standing on the mountain road, looking down at Tosaka Toshimi's villa.

Black smoke emerged from behind, condensed into an Assassin wearing a white mask and tights.

"According to the news from the church, the last Servant has emerged, that is to say..." Yan Feng Qili said with a blank face, her poker face that has never changed.

"In other words, the war is about to start!" Assassin took over.

"That's it, without further ado, you go to Tosaka's house immediately!" Yanfeng Qili ordered.

"You mean..." Assassin said in an unexpected tone.

"If it's you, the magic enchantment like a fortress in the Tosaka family is not enough!"

Because of Assassin's career, with extremely high agility that mortals can't imagine, invasion and assassination couldn't be more suitable.

"Okay? I heard that you and Toosaka are allied!" Assassin groaned. Obviously, he did not expect that he would become the cannon fodder for someone to appear on stage.

"This doesn't need you to care about it. Even if you fight Archer, you don't need to be afraid. Remember, you are also a Servant!" Yanfeng Qili said very shamelessly. Explaining a waste of time with a dying Assassin. After cheering up, go Send it to death!

"You mean the Archer of the three major knights doesn't need to be afraid?" Assassin was taken aback, then jumped off the top of the mountain.

To be able to become the heroic spirit of the three knight ranks, which one is simple during his lifetime?

Either it is a great achievement, or a peerless warrior with thousands of enemies, and most of them were born in the age of magic!

"Please! Kill Tosaka Toshimi!" Looking at the cannon fodder Assassin who was leaving, Yanfeng Kirei whispered.

Assassin's movements are extremely agile and fast. He displays his cool running skills. Any obstacle in his eyes is nothing, a few stones as a temptation. It can easily escape the moving magic barrier. The body is flexible. I am afraid the ballerina. I would cry when I saw it.

Assassin jumped left and right, under Lin Mo's eyelids, he looked more like a clown. When he felt bored, he could do it in seconds!

"Effortless!" Assassin chuckled, reaching for the ruby ​​at the core of the barrier.

"Zheng——!" The voice of high speed breaking through the air suddenly sounded.

"Puff--!" A sharp spear pierced the core gem of the magic enchantment, and at the same time penetrated Assassin's palm and fixed it on the platform.

"Ah..." Assassin let out a miserable cry, and felt the cold murderous aura, and his heart was shocked.

"An ant-like fellow, who allowed you to look up?"

Behind Lin Mo of the golden armor was a golden ripple, spears, swords, knives, halberds, spears, axes, yokes, hammers, forks, and Ge appeared, and each one contained at least this C or more magic wave.

"Hit!" Launched all at once, and the Mantian Treasures were shot down. The scene was extremely magnificent and gorgeous, and the sad assassin didn't even react. It was directly hit by a round of violence, and the ground exploded with a radius of 30 to 40 meters. pit.

Looking at the big pit left by the bombed assassin and a pool of bloodstains that are about to disappear, Lin Mo said silently: "A trivial mess, you should lower your head, like an ant-die!"

Before, I received a contact from Tosaka Tokichen. Although he felt that this was unnecessary, Lin Mo was still willing to cooperate with Tokichen in acting.

In short, there is no loss to him, but Shichen's approach is too artificial, and it will attract the suspicion of other Masters. Of course, this has nothing to do with him.


Inside a luxury hotel!

"Ncer, can you defeat that golden servant like a nouveau riche?" Kenneth narrowed his eyes while looking at the magical image sent by the envoy.

"Monarch! There is no doubt that the opponent is an archer, although it is tricky, but with my martial arts, he can be stabbed to death by a gun! In the end, I will win the victory and dedicate the Holy Grail to you!" The handsome man appeared and bowed to promise Tao.

"That being said! But it is undeniable that the other party is very strong! This kind of enemy is not easy to fight prematurely!" The red-haired woman who spoke was Director Ken's fiancé, Sola.

Director Ken nodded and accepted the fiancée's suggestion. After all, there are too many uncertain factors in the Holy Grail War, and Dongki City is the site of the Tosaka family.

It’s just that Director Ken didn’t notice that his forehead was turning green, and his fiancee Sola looked softly at ncer, even showing Xiaojiabiyu’s shy blush.


Tosaka family!

In the study.

"Shichen, you are so courageous!" A majestic voice sounded, a golden magic circle appeared on the floor, and Lin Mo appeared, his eyes slightly displeased.

Shichen immediately got up, bent over and gave the courtesy of monarchs and ministers, and explained: "Fear, the king of kings. Tonight's arrangement is to show the majesty of the hero king! It is also to find who is the next lion to be hunted! It is the opening ceremony. The former after show! Please wait a moment."

The corner of Lin Mo's mouth evokes a chuckle, which is considered to have recognized Shichen's borrowings, and Ting can speak well.

"Alright! There are still some interesting things in this era!"

"Do you like this era?" Shichen proudly said. In his opinion, even if the hero king is the oldest king, it is just a'primitive' modern society, which is thousands of times richer than ancient times.

"Haha--! It's ugly mess!" Lin Mo looked at Shichen. His words were obviously disgusting, so he dare to look down on him?

The ugliness in Lin Mo's mouth is actually the current minister, what a big tail wolf for impotence men's clothing!

"Uh..." Shichen was stunned, his expression blank.

"But there are also some cute things! For example, loli, I am more interested in this now." Lin Mo smiled playfully.

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