Two-dimensional option system

Chapter 583 The Beginning of the Forbidden World

Modern city streets.

"Sure enough, it is a school city." Su Yu sighed.

This is the Academy City, that is, the magic banned book catalog, or the world of super-electromagnetic guns.

Su Yu personally prefers the world of super-electromagnetic guns, because Misaka Mikoto has a high charm as a highly popular anime heroine.

"Witch, look for Misaka Mikoto." Su Yu said.

"Yes." A voice sounded out of thin air.

The witch is not a demon, nor a human being, but an alchemy creature, and she is also an intangible alchemy creature.

The existence of the witch is a group of souls.

She was created by the Magic Sacred Code, and now that the Magic Sacred Code has been refined by Su Yu, he has become the new master of the witch.

It's a pity that the power of the four great sacred beasts and the power of the four orbs were all sent out with the godhead, otherwise, Su Yu is now a god.

Of course, he doesn't regret doing this. That godhead belongs to that world. If he doesn't send the godhead, he will be trapped in that world. To him, a godhead is far inferior to the second dimension.

There are more beautiful things waiting for him to discover, and there are many lovely heroines waiting for him to explore.

"By the way, we should seize his abilities." Su Yu suddenly remembered the hero of this story.


The stuffy room.

"I'm back." Kamijou Toma said weakly.

"Welcome back, Shangjoo-ma classmate." Su Yu smiled at Shangjoo-ma who entered the door.

"You...who are you?" Kamijou Toma asked in confusion.

"I'm just an ordinary high school student, do you mind if I take a photo?" Su Yu held the camera.

"Take a picture?" Kamijou Toma was taken aback.

"Kacha" Su Yu took a picture.

Kamijou Touma's hand hurts, and something is wrong.

"Thank you for your cooperation. In the future, your life will not be so hard anymore. These are my compensations." Su Yu took out a box and put it on the low table of Shangjo Toma, and got up to the balcony. Walking, he grabbed the nun hanging on the balcony.


Su Yu had disappeared before the sound of Shangjo Dangma's voice.

He looked at the place where Su Yu disappeared and opened the box to see that piles of yen were neatly placed.

"What the hell did that person come here for?" Kamijou Dangma looked puzzled, he was not going to move this box of money.


In a restaurant.

Su Yu looked at the little nun in white robe who had an astonishing appetite in front of her, drinking black tea quietly.

"I'm full." The little nun put down the thirtieth plate, her expression satisfied.

"Your name is Intikes, right?" Su Yu asked.

"How do you know my name?" Intiqs said in a daze.

"Because I, like you, have complete memory capabilities and a book." Su Yu stretched out his hand, and the magic holy book appeared in his hand.

Inticus looked at the magic scripture with surprise and curiosity in her eyes.

"My magic book can record everything, copy or plunder everything, and record my opponents." Su Yu said slowly.

"It's amazing!" Indix's eyes lit up, staring at Su Yu's magic book.

"It seems that someone by your side is chasing you. I will help you drive them away. Then, you stay by my side and I will take care of you. How about?" Su Yu was angry with the magic scripture.

"Do you want to get what's in my mind?" Inticus warned.

"The things in your mind are not worth mentioning to me. The knowledge I have is something you have never seen before and cannot imagine." Su Yu shook his head.

"Impossible! As long as it is magic, I have a record here." Inticus denied.

"Oh? Do you know alchemy?"

"what is that?"

"Then do you know forbidden magic?"

"No... I don't know..."

"Then do you know how to become a god?"

"do not know…"

"I am not a person in your world. I come from a higher plane. You can only be regarded as an intermediate plane. Any false god can destroy this place." Su Yu stretched out his hand.

Inticus hesitated, and put her little hand in Su Yu's.

"Do you like reading?" Su Yu smiled lightly.

"I like it, I don't like it." Intikes said with a complicated expression.

"Then do you want to completely forget what is in your mind?" Su Yu continued.

"Yes." Intick said without hesitation.

"Then, I will help you erase your memories and keep you away from those troubles." Su Yu stood up and said.

"Why are you helping me?" Intiqs asked in a low voice.

"Because you are so cute, is this reason enough?" Su Yu smiled slightly.

Inticus blushed, did not speak, and left the restaurant with Su Yu.

On a tall building.

The red-haired young man looked at Inticus and Su Yu, and followed them.

Su Yu seemed to feel it, and when he looked up, the red-haired young man had disappeared.

"What's the matter?" Inticus asked.

"It's nothing, I just found someone I know." Su Yu took Inticus's little hand and walked into a small alley.

The red-haired young man hurriedly chased him, only to find that Su Yu was the only one left in the alley.

"Where did you hide her?" The red-haired young man fell in front of Su Yu.

"If you win against me, I'll tell you." Su Yu took out the magic scripture and looked at him with a smile.

"In that case, then I'm not welcome!" The red-haired young man waved his hand, and several flames moved towards Su Yu.

However, when the flame reached Su Yu, it was blocked by a barrier.

"Magic defense barrier?" The red-haired young man was startled.

"It looks like you can't even break through my defenses. It's a pity." Su Yu shook his head.

This is the defense that the Demon God's robe comes with, enough for Su Yu to ignore the magic below the holy level, and to switch to this world is probably equivalent to being immune to attacks below the superpower.

"Damn it! Don't look down on the magician!" The red-haired young man was angry and threw out cards with runes.

Su Yu didn't care, watching him perform.

The red-haired young man realized that Su Yu didn't care, he was relieved.

After all the runes were placed, it only took a few minutes. With a wave of his hand, a flame giant appeared in front of Su Yu.

"A special summoning technique? Then..."

Su Yu snapped his fingers, and the witch emerged.

The red-haired young man looked at the witch in front of her in horror. She was more than five meters tall, like a demon in hell, with her mouth wide open and heading towards the flame giant.

The flame giant was frightened and stayed in place, and was swallowed up by the witch.

"Are you full?" Su Yu looked at the witch.

"I want to eat more." The witch replied honestly.

"Mr. Steele, another one?" Su Yu looked at the red-haired young man.

The red-haired young man looked at the witch blankly, and swallowed the flame giant with one mouth. What kind of monster is this?It's completely beyond the scope of his understanding.

"Witch, give him a curse." Su Yu thought for a while.

"Yes." The witch drew a symbol in the void and landed on Steer.

His face turned pale and fell to the ground.

"If you want to live, let the god crack fire weave come to me." Su Yu's voice sounded.

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