Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 45: Waterdeep Eight

"Oh, my lord, I salute you, I am the humble witness and singer of Waterdeep and the northern wasteland, the troubadour Yarel." The man bowed deeply, using the etiquette of a commoner to meet the Grand Duke, exaggerated. But elegant. "Please don't believe the rumours about me - there are too many employers who are jealous of my face, coupled with skepticism from low self-esteem, as if I was born to seduce their wives and daughters. You need a guide, Translators and interesting travel companions, then the best people in the New World are right in front of you and at your disposal - and of course, hopefully, you'll also pay enough hiring prices to guarantee great value for your money."

Siegel looked around and found that the villain in the tavern had escaped by himself. The tavern owner would only smile awkwardly when he saw his gaze swept over, and the other drinkers were still sitting in their original positions.

"It's really a good place to talk about things, and you can turn a blind eye to many things." But Siegel still suggested that the poet walk with him, at least the air outside would be much better.

In autumn, the port area is humid and cold, and the sea breeze brings a lot of moisture, which condenses into a sticky white fog when the temperature drops at night. At this time, there are very few pedestrians on the street, and only those who have enough alcohol will come out to wander. A few wild dogs swaggered across the street, rummaging through the **** for something to eat. In the dark alley next to them, the unbearable Piao and Ji were leaning on the wall and swaying, making high-pitched voices without shame.

Siegel walked out of the door of the tavern and stopped. There was a slippery mud road under his feet, and by the moonlight he could still see some fragments of earthen jugs lying in ambush in the mud—the work of a drunkard. So he told everyone to wait for a while, then turned back into the rippling moonlight. This shocked the tavern owner, for fear that the "Knight" would want to step on it when he saw something unfair. But Siegel just took out five silver coins and bought the shoes on the boss's feet.

"Jack, you put on these shoes first, and I'll tie them with a strap, be careful not to hurt your feet." Siegel handed the pair of moccasins to the boy, and then found a piece of rope from the hidden pocket. Sure enough, he crouched down and tied him. Then he took off his coat again and put it on Jack. The boy was small, not even close to Siegel's chest, and looked slouched in his clothes. Jack clutched the robe tightly with both hands, and looked at Siegel's gleaming breastplate with a complicated look in his eyes.

The troubadour also saw the armor, squinting his eyes and looking up and down. He recognized that it was a custom made by dwarves, and it was not a fine product that ordinary craftsmen could make. This brand new piece of armor fits the size of its owner exactly, so in addition to being worth the money, it's even more surprising how much mind it contains. After all, Siegel is still a young man, and he looks less than twenty years old, and his body still has room to grow and exercise. The armors custom-made by dwarven master craftsmen are repaired for life, so they mainly design armor for those whose body shape has been fixed. So this breastplate for young people is even more extraordinary.

This time, I should ask for more compensation. That's what Yarel came to.

"My friend Janis should have told you that I need to go to the north, probably all the way to the border of the orc territory, so I need a guide and someone who is proficient in the language of the North. What do you say?"

"Sir, this is a dangerous journey, and my advice is not to make a decision lightly." Yarel made a submissive look, bent down and replied: "From your appearance, you are either rich or expensive. I don't know if there are guards accompanying you on this trip?"

"It's just you and me," Siegel replied. "So you have to choose your route and your destination carefully. Any suggestions?"

"You are testing me." Yarel stood up straight and said with a smile: "If you leave at this time, I suggest you go to the Jackdaw tribe. First, the Jackdaw tribe is relatively friendly, and they produce more than robbery. There is a lot of plunder, and merchants are also welcome to come. The second is that the harvest festival is coming soon, and they will hold a martial arts celebration there. Some tribes around will also go, and exchange their prey for some easily stored grain to survive the winter. "

"Where is the Jackdaw tribe?" Siegel asked.

"I will take you safely, sir." Yarel replied slyly.

"Very well, you are a smart person. Tell me about your request."

The troubadour snapped his fingers and said in a brisk tone: "Two hundred goldens, seven hundred miles round trip. No smoke from cooking, no beauty."

Siegel was a sailor, and he could understand Yarel. He replied, "You eat what I eat. The woman pays for her own expenses. Besides that, I can give you a hundred gold coins now, but you have to be sure. The other half will come back. paid when.”

"As you wish, my lord."

Johnnys helped with the rest of the specific matters, and Siegel took Jack back home. Ms. Linda was no stranger to bringing some poor people home. Recently, even his son Karl, inspired by the temple, began to do some specific work to help the needy, and sometimes he would come to the house to bring some food to help the beggars. Ms. Linda is very proud of being surrounded by good people. Her only concern was whether Siegel's finances would last long.

But she had already come up with an idea to grow some vegetables in the garden next to the stables.

"Poor child!" This was her exclamation after seeing Jack. "Come with me baby, wash your hands, wipe your face, and I'll prepare some food for you."

"Excuse me, Ms. Linda." Siegel said with a smile. He told Jack to rest in peace, and if he had any thoughts, he would say it in the morning. Then he went back to the study and read the records about the North for a while before going to bed.

The next morning he was woken up by Ms. Linda's knock on the door calling for breakfast, and he came downstairs with the smell of pancakes. He saw that Jack had washed up and was dressed in clean and neat clothes - still the same clothes Carl used to wear. Jack's face was cleansed of all dirt, and he was still pimple-ridden, but looked much better. Siegel looked down at his ankles and found that the herbs had been applied and wrapped in gauze.

"Good morning, Jack, you look better! Let's have dinner together."

The breakfast was pancakes and sausage, served with a big glass of goat's milk. For Siegel, it's not enough, so he often buys some cooked meat himself in the morning. But for the skinny little Jack, the meal made him happy.

He finished eating quickly, blinked his eyes, and sat down in the dining chair, waiting for Siegel.

"What's the matter?" Siegel noticed this, put down the cutlery, and asked.

"Mr. Siegel, are you going to the savage territory of the north? I heard you and that troubadour say it when I was in the tavern."

"Yeah, I'll be leaving in a few days." Siegel looked at him and asked, "Are you from the north? I can take you home if you want to go home."

"No, I'm not a savage. I don't have a last name, but I'm from Marchnewt in the Hill Federation of the Old World. Dad is a farmer. Maybe he's still there." Jack looked up and could see it in his eyes strong force. "Mr. Siegel, that troubadour Yarel is very dangerous. I have seen him kill unreasonably in the rippling moonlight, killing unarmed debt collectors."

"I heard that from Johnny - the poor man with no front teeth you saw that night. I'm mentally prepared to be wary. Besides, I just need him to translate for me. ,just in case."

Jack bit his lower lip, nodded, and then said, "Mr. Siegel, I want to find my father, can I?"

"No problem, you're free now." Siegel clapped his hand and said, "If you're going back to the Old World, you can't take a boat directly from Waterdeep City. You may have also heard of the attack on the sea route. The thing, there is no big ship leaving the port now. You need to go south by land, to Ximu Town, board the ship from the southern route, and then find a way to go to the Hill Federation after returning to the old continent. You have a long way to go go."

"I only have this last relative. I have no mother since I was a child. Later, my father couldn't support me, so he gave me an apprenticeship to a trader, but then I was sold to a slave trader. If I go back like this, maybe he can still want me. , I will also work hard to support Mr. Siegel, I know you are a good man, I beg of your help."

"There's no problem, I'll let Buck Tooth take you to Ximu Town. Like me, he's also a sailor. He knows sea ships and can help you find the safest way to leave. But he can't accompany you to the old continent, that's true. Too far."

"Thank you, but I want to go to Ximu Town by myself."

Siegel wanted to persuade him again, telling him the danger of going on the road alone, but after thinking about it, he would always face this danger. So Siegel said, "If you make up your mind, that's fine. I'll give you some money to use on the road. But be careful, don't take your money out lightly, and it's better to follow a legitimate caravan. Go, save yourself some trouble. When are you going?"

Jack's eyes turned red and he said, "I want to leave right away."

"Alright, I'll send it to you."

Siegel called to Ms. Linda to prepare clothes and dry food, and sent Johnny to see if there was any caravan heading south. Everyone was busy. Siegel took out a short sword from his room, handed it to Jack with the scabbard, and then found the chain shirt he had made. Holding the pliers, he quickly modified the armor to suit Jack's size, and by the time Ms. Linda was ready to wrap it, he had already modified the chainmail shirt.

"Put it on, it's something I want to make by myself, it's somewhat useful." Siegel smiled, put the chain shirt over his shirt, and then put on a short-sleeved waistcoat. He brought two wallets, one with 30 gold coins in it, and the other with only silver coins and copper plates. He instructed Jack to keep it separately, and to use as little gold coins as possible except to pay the ship's cost.

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