After the text message session, the guests did not stay long in the living room and dispersed.

After a busy day, Lu Zhou returned to his room tiredly, and after hurriedly washing, he lay down on the bed on all fours.

There are several unread messages in the mobile phone chat software, and when I open it, it is sent by Pan Chengyi.

Pan Chengyi: [I think about it, I think you are very talented, Jinhua Entertainment gave you the wrong positioning before, you should not take the trainee route!] You can totally be an independent singer!

Pan Chengyi: [Brother, do you want to consider cooperating with me?] I will give you as a music producer, we will collide with inspiration, cooperate to produce songs, and I can wrap these for you in the packaging and promotion of music in the later stage]

Pan Chengyi: [Whether a good song can be popular or not, not only depends on the song itself, but also depends on the time and place, and it is very dependent on promotion. If there is no money to make it, how good the song may not be able to get up, plus you are not famous in the circle now, it will be more difficult to rely on yourself]

Pan Chengyi: [If we cooperate, I can advance funds for promotion first, and if the songs we make in the later stage are profitable to remove the cost, let’s take a reasonable dividend model, do you consider considering?]

Pan Chengyi: [I asked Nan Qiao, and she said that you proposed the termination of your contract with Jinhua Entertainment. Do you like to be free? This is completely fine, I don’t sign the master, let’s just have fun songs] Pan Chengyi: [Your song today, if you cooperate with

me, I can find you a good mixer and mastering, absolutely guarantee you the quality of production] Pan Chengyi

: [When are you free, come out for a meal together, we can talk carefully]

Lu Zhou didn’t expect that they had only met for the first time today, and Pan Chengyi was eager to cooperate with him?

He searched for the word “Pan Chengyi” on the Internet, and found that he was still a music producer with a good level.

If you want to mix the music industry, it is indeed not a one-man thing.

He needs helpers, he needs assists, to run faster.

He is now standing too low, and if he wants to return to a high position, on his own, he will never be able to do it overnight.

Lu Zhou lay down on the bed, closing his eyes and thinking. For a long time,

he slowly opened his eyes and replied a message to Pan Chengyi: [Brother Yi, talk about dinner another day]

After sending the message, at this time, someone knocked on the door.

Lu Zhou shouted “enter” and sat up from the bed. Immediately, the

door was opened from the outside, and a head came in, it was Li Jiayan.

Lu Zhou smiled and asked, “Looking for me?”

Li Jiayan was stunned for a moment, then curled her lips and smiled, “It’s not… Is Zhang Chen there?

Lu Zhou: “He’s not there, what are you looking for him for?”

Li Jia’s face showed a trace of embarrassment, she opened the door a little more, and simply walked into the room.

“It’s nothing, didn’t he just say that he accidentally scratched his hand while washing dishes?” I just happened to have a band-aid over, and I wanted to ask him if he wanted to stick it to avoid the wound touching the water when taking a bath, it was not easy to get better.

Lu Zhou listened subtly as she cared about the other man’s weak wounds.

“Oh… If you don’t put him at the end of the bed, he will come back later, and I will help you talk to him.”

“Okay, thanks!”

Li Jiayan took the band-aid to Zhang Chen’s bedside, placed it on the bedside table, and then exited the room.

What an interesting show.

Lu Zhou couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

Not long after Li Jiayan left, Lu Zhou received a message from Brother Zhao and asked him to go to the interview room to do a post-interview.

How to interview every day…

Lu Zhou originally thought of taking a break and starting to engage in the songs he recorded in the studio today, but he didn’t expect that this show was breathless.

One ring clasps one ring.

Intending to make a quick decision and not waste time, Lu Zhou rolled over and got up, and strode out to the interview room.

Old rule, say hello to the staff and get down to business.

Staff: “After announcing your age and occupation tonight, has the female guest you have the first favorite in your mind changed?”

Lu Zhou: “No.

As for who the female guest who is the first favorite, he himself actually does not have a ranking …

Staff: “So, from beginning to end, the female guest you most want to know more about has not changed, it is still the same person, right?”

Lu Zhou: “Uh… I think I need to correct it, in fact, so far, I don’t have a female guest that I particularly want to know in depth.

The staff showed a stunned expression, “Oh? Is it? Isn’t there one that is particularly interested? There should still be some, right?

Lu Zhou smiled and said, “Not for the time being, let’s observe it again.”

Staff: “Then do you think that after you announce your profession tonight, will the female guest’s impression of you change?”

This question… Lu Zhou smiled bitterly and said, “I think it will definitely change, and it is estimated that it will reduce points.”

Staff: “Why do you think it will be a point loss?”

Lu Zhou showed a subtle smile and said implicitly: “This doesn’t need to be too clear, right?

Staff: “As far as I know, it seems that you did not receive a bedtime text message from the female guest tonight, did you feel lost?”

Lu Zhou: “What is expected, there is nothing to lose.”

Staff: “Looking forward to tomorrow’s appointment?”

Can you say not to look forward to it? It is estimated that it will be scolded by netizens for saying so…

Lu Zhou pursed his lips and smiled and said, “It’s okay, I hope to have fun together.”

Staff: “It’s the second day today, have you seen who and whom were a couple before?”

At the mention of this, Lu Zhou was a little spirited.

“I feel like I see it all.”

“Zhang Chen and Ye Fangfei must have been a couple before! Tonight I bumped into them washing dishes in the kitchen, and the magnetic field emitted by these two people was not right.

“And then… Xu Junze and Chu Yao are a couple, right? An Internet celebrity, an MCN boss, this professional nature is easier to intersect, I feel that they are quite similar to the conversation.

“The rest is eliminated, then Wen Yiming and Qi Jiajia are a couple.”

“Did I guess it all?”

After speaking, Lu Zhou also asked triumphantly.

The staff laughed and did not answer his questions.

But Lu Zhou thought that he should have guessed.

At the end of the interview, Lu Zhou wandered back to the villa, but he didn’t expect to be stopped by PD Zhao Xing on the road.

Zhao Xing pulled him to the non-shooting area and chatted for a while.

“How does it feel, are you still adapting?”

“It’s good at the moment.”

Zhao Xing nodded, took out a cigarette from the cigarette box and handed it to him.

Lu Zhou waved his hand and said, “I won’t smoke.”

“It’s nothing, just ask you, have you ever thought about chasing Li Jiayan back?”

When Lu Zhou heard this, he raised his eyebrows in surprise, “Are you teasing me?”

Zhao Xing exhaled a wisp of smoke, raised his hand to pat his shoulder, and said, “I just think it’s a pity that such a good girl lost it.”

“Li Jiayan’s conditions are very good, she must have appearance, talent and talent, and her family is also good.”

“Good seedlings, men will stare, you see how positive Wen Yiming is to her, and… Tonight, she and Xu Junze cooked, and the interaction between the two was also very good.

“Xiao Zhou, I just want to remind you that this is a very good opportunity, if you still have feelings for her in your heart, you can try to consider compounding, and the fertile water does not flow into the fields of outsiders.”

Lu Zhou listened to a rough idea, and gradually understood a little.

“Brother Zhao, don’t go around such a big circle with me, be honest, is it that the director team wants to exacerbate Ben for me? Are you going to let me go with the affectionate compound male character?

Unexpectedly, the routine was seen through, and Zhao Xing took a sharp puff of cigarette, trying to hide his embarrassment.

“Director Lin really thinks that the line between you and Li Jiayan is not very good at present, and I hope to have some conflict plots, so… Do you want to cooperate? This may be good for you to get a little more shots.

Lu Zhou looked down at the ground, shook his head, and said, “Forget it, I don’t want to sell misery just to rub the camera.”

Zhao Xing choked on a puff of cigarette and coughed, he raised his hand and waved the smoke, frowning: “What does this have to do with selling misery?”

“In order to increase the exposure of the feature film, specifically to play a dog licking man who wants to get back together with his ex-girlfriend, the key ex-girlfriend has no idea of getting back together at all, which in the eyes of the audience, isn’t I quite a miserable man?” Isn’t this miserable? The

corner of Zhao Xing’s mouth twitched twice, and he opened his eyes and asked nonsense: “How are you sure that Li Jiayan doesn’t want to get back together with you?” Maybe people are gambling in their hearts and deliberately pretending to show you? Girls like to come to this set. Lu Zhou glanced at Zhao

Xing with difficulty and said, “Brother Zhao, my career is a bit mushy, but my brain is not stupid.

Zhao Xing: “…”

Okay, it’s not good to fool, it failed.

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