"Hey, someone is singing." Hu Tao heard the singing with her sharp ears.

She looked in the direction of the sound, and vaguely saw a person sitting on a tree.

The man was wearing green clothes similar to leaves, it was really hard to tell.

"Really!" Jiang Bai also saw it.

"Although I can't hear what he sang very clearly, the melody is very nice..."

Hearing their voices, the man nimbly jumped down from the tree and greeted them with a smile.

"Hello, thank you for liking my song."

"Hello there!"

Jiang Bai simply looked at the dress of the person in front of him.

This person does not look very old, judging from his figure, he is in his youth.

He was wearing a green hat, with two braids hanging down, and a green cloak. Under the cloak was a looser white shirt with a brown girdle that cinched his waist.

The bottom is a pair of green lantern shorts, a pair of white stockings on the legs, and a pair of gray leather shoes on the feet.

To be honest, if he hadn't exposed his voice just now, Jiang Bai would have preconceived it as a girl.

"My name is Wendy, I am a bard, and I am composing the latest ballad here. Do you want to be my first audience?"

"Okay, okay!" Jiang Bai and Hu Tao readily agreed.

Free song Yao, if you don't listen to it, you don't listen to it.

Wendy plucked the strings and began to sing softly:

The wind passes through the oak leaves

The wind blows through the wide fields

The wind passes through the blue waves

I pass between the wind and the wind

against time

bring the seeds of the story


After singing a song, Jiang Bai and Hu Tao applauded very face-saving.

"It's so nice!" Jiang Bai didn't hesitate to praise himself.

Wendy put away the piano and smiled brightly, "This is a new song I wrote recently, and I was worried that the audience would not like it. Now it seems that I can safely make money for drinking..."

He is not humble at all, and speaks out his purpose openly.

"Seeing that your clothes should come from Liyue, and you are also going to Mond City, why don't you drop by?" Wendy suggested.

"Wow! I'd love to hear the bard's story too."

Both Hu Tao and Jiang Bai had come into contact with bards for the first time.

Walnut doesn't come to Mond that much.Although the profession of bard is very famous in Mond, most of these people haunt places like taverns, so it is naturally difficult for her to see their demeanor.

It is also extremely interesting to know such a bard at this moment.

"My name is Hutao, and this is Jiang Bai. We are from Liyue's Rebirth Hall."

She gave Wendy a brief introduction, and then, as usual, stuffed him with a leaflet from the Hall of Rebirth.

Because he is a foreigner and relatively young, Hu Tao did not sell him the business of Xiangshengtang as usual, but just stuffed a leaflet to expand the popularity of Xiangshengtang.

Wendy looked at it and put it away with an awkward smile.

These two new friends really have a personality.

The three chatted while walking, but they would not be cold.

"So you want to make money from poetry to buy wine?" Hu Tao asked curiously.

"Yes! Drinking is one of my favorite hobbies."

"But Mond shouldn't sell alcohol to minors, right?"

Walnut expressed doubts about his age.

No matter how you look at it, he looks like a teenager, at most a few years older than her, not yet old enough to drink.

Wendy blinked mischievously, "I'm already an adult! It's just that I look smaller."

"It seems that your body has stopped developing."

Jiang Bai sighed and patted him on the shoulder, comforting him: "But that's fine, even if you're 40 years old, you won't look old."

Wendy looked up at him and felt the pressure from Jiang Bai's height.

Alas, this body is not good at all.

Facing tall people, he needs to look up to see them...

"Is it convenient to ask what you are doing in Mond?"

"We're here to find someone and do something by the way."

"Do you need my help? I also know a lot of friends in Mond, maybe I can help you!"

Seeing him take the initiative to recommend himself, Jiang Bai will certainly not be polite to him.

"Really? We're looking for an adventurer named Bennett, do you know him?"

"Bennett? I don't know..." Wendy shook her head.

Although he didn't know, he also gave a way to find someone. "But it's very easy to find an adventurer, just go to the Adventurer's Association and ask!"

The three walked across the bridge and entered the city of Mond all the way.

Under the leadership of Wendy, several people came to the Adventurer's Association in Mond City.

Mond's Adventurer's Association is not similar to Liyue's Adventurer's Association in terms of architectural style.

Although they are all the same organization, they uphold the architectural style of each country and integrate into the country without being unique.

Walking into the gate, there are also scattered adventurers sitting in the hall of the Adventurers Association.

Several people went straight to the reception desk, and met the people in the reception desk.

"To the stars and the abyss, welcome to the Adventurers Association."

Exactly the same voice, exactly the same face, exactly the same dress.

In an instant, Jiang Bai had the illusion of returning to Liyue.

"you are?"

Catherine smiled and replied, "My name is Catherine, the receptionist of the Adventurer's Association."

Jiang Bai was even more surprised.

Even the name is the same!

"Are the receptionists of your adventurer associations the same person?" Jiang Bai asked a new question.

"I am Catherine, Liyue's Catherine is also Catherine."

Catherine's smile remained unchanged. Apparently, many people had asked her this question, but most of them were unwilling to explain.

Jiang Bai is a little confused, and really doesn't understand the meaning of these words.

Does this mean the receptionist is a separate entity, or is Catherine just a code name?

If so, why do they look exactly the same?Even the voice is the same.

Is it multiple births?

Or are they some kind of inhuman being?

Jiang Bai feels that the latter is more likely.After all, there is such a case as Abedo here, and it is normal for Tivat to have some special humanoid creatures.

Walnut knocked on the table, drawing Catherine's attention.

"Hello, Catherine, we are looking for an adventurer named Bennett, can you contact us?"

Happy New Year!

Before I knew it, this book had 30 words.

I was also coding on New Year's Eve, so I just asked for monthly votes and rewards!

Congratulations on getting rich, bring me the red envelope~

Chapter 152 He's Dead!

"Yes." Catherine nodded, "I can ask someone to contact him now, but it will take a while. Can you tell me what's the matter?"

"It's okay to tell you that an adventurer named Katis has passed away and entrusted us to handle his funeral affairs. We need to give this Bennett some things."

"Has Katis passed away?" Catherine was a little surprised, but only a little.

Now that you have become an adventurer, you are destined to be accompanied by danger. There are too many such things.

The adventurers nearby also heard Hu Tao's words, and the hall of the Adventurers' Association was a little noisy for a while.

"Katis? He's actually dead?"

Many of them knew Katis well, and when they heard the news of his death, they felt quite different.

"I remember the last time I saw him was at the camp in Xueshan, but I didn't expect to hear about his death..."

"Oh, good luck tricks people..."

A few people stayed in the Adventurers Association and waited for Bennett to come over. Of course, Hu Tao and Jiang Bai would not let go of such a good opportunity for publicity.

The two mingled into the group of adventurers who were talking about Katis, and joined the conversation very familiarly.

"Are you also friends of Uncle Katis?"

"You are?"

Several adventurers looked at the two people who looked young and did not look like adventurers and looked at each other for a while.

But these people were the ones who brought back the news of Katis' death, and they didn't object to the two joining the conversation.

A bearded man said, "It's not really a friend, it's just a drink together."

"We are from the Hall of Rebirth, and my name is Hutao. Uncle Katis entrusted us to handle his funeral affairs, deliver relics to relatives, and asked us to scatter his ashes into the fruit wine lake..."

Hu Tao talked about the reason why he came here, and handed out the leaflets by the way.

"Uncle Katis has published his adventure stories, including the stories about the snow-capped mountains that he has explored over the years, in our pre-existing business. You should be able to see them in major bookstores soon..."

While promoting the Hall of Rebirth, Hu Tao also promoted a wave of new books that only had a beginning.

Although there aren't many people around here, it won't be long before the entire Mond Adventurer's Association knows about it.

In this way, they initially gained a little popularity in Monde.

Business is just around the corner in Mond!

"That's right, if you have similar needs, please feel free to contact us at Xiangshengtang!"

Jiang Bai hurriedly made up a leaflet with his own stamp on it. These are all performances, and Walnut can't be monopolized!

The adventurer who received the flyer laughed awkwardly when he saw the content clearly. Although he felt a little unlucky, he felt like he was cursed to die early.

But they greeted her with a smile, and didn't say anything too much. She was a cute little girl, and she couldn't be rude to drive people away. They were really curious about what kind of business Katis had, and she could still publish books.

You know, for these adventurers, if their adventures can be passed down in a book, it is really the highest honor for them!

"Katis died in the snow mountain! Did he find any peerless treasure?" Someone's eyes lit up.

"There are no treasures. But Uncle Katis has completely excavated the history of the ancient country in the snow mountain, and the reason why the snow mountain became a snow mountain..." At this point, Hu Tao smiled mysteriously.

"If you are interested, please pay attention to our upcoming book - "Once Upon a Time in the Snow Country"!"

Not to mention, Hu Tao really aroused people's curiosity, and these adventurers thought that they would buy a copy when the book was published.

Wendy watched all this from the side, and couldn't help opening her mouth.

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