"Well, I'm curious!"

Taiyi smiled, and he began to talk about things in the human world, including some situations at home. He already wanted to take Noren back to the human world. Here, Magnamon and the others never noticed her.

And that Omega beast seemed to have done something terrible, which made Nolen very scared.

Nolen's eyes were shining. After listening for a while, she couldn't suppress her inner excitement and asked, "Taiyi, do you... want to take me out of here?"

Taiyi was stunned for a moment, nodded, turned to look at Magnamon in the arena, and said, "I don't know what that Omegamon did, but it must be too much to make you so scared."

"What's more, you are still a human. Come back with me. I will take care of you. My parents will take good care of you."

"My sister will also welcome you very much. You won't be left alone here anymore."

Nolen blinked and showed a beautiful smile: "Well, thank you!"

"I'm very afraid of that Omegamon. It's very bad. I'm afraid that when it sees me, it will chop me with that sword, so... I'm very happy. I'll go with you!"

Looking at Nolen like this, Taiyi felt a little distressed in his heart. That Omegamon was bad... No wonder Nolen was so scared when he saw that Omegamon...

"Nolen, come on, let's play football."

Taiyi stretched out his hand and held Nolen's hand. His eyes were bright, making Nolen nodded blankly.

For Taiyi, playing football can make him happy and forget his worries. He hopes that Noren can forget the fear of the Omegamon in this.

Nolen followed Taiyi to the side. She watched Taiyi not using other powers, just playing football with his physical body.

So that’s it, can’t we use other powers?

The football rolled to her feet. She looked up and saw Taiyi looking at her encouragingly.

She followed Taiyi's example and kicked the football. The football flew out and she fell to the ground. She stared blankly at the golden basic data flowing in the air.

It seems like you don’t have to raise your head anymore?

"I'm sorry...I forgot it was your first time playing football."

"I'm very sorry."

Taiyi walked to her side and stretched out his hand. Nolen looked at Taiyi's hand, and then looked at Taiyi's apologetic expression.

Nolen put his hand on Taiyi's palm, and Taiyi grabbed her hand and pulled Nolen up from the ground.

The next second, he felt a soft little hand on his face.

"You don't need to apologize. The ground won't hurt. It's just data, soft."

Nolen didn't like Taiyi showing such an expression, she would be a little unhappy.

Chapter 6: Crisis in the new digital world?

New digital world.

On a high mountain, a white stone church shining with a faint white light stands on the top of the mountain.

The sound of armor clashing sounded outside the church, and a Battle Greymon with no shield and only thrusters on its back walked in from outside the church door.

"I can confirm that there is a problem with the terminal, and the vitality of the new digital world is nearly one-third less than before."

The armor on its body is also more aggressive than the armor of ordinary battle tyrannosaurs, and some blue energy lines appear on the armor.

"BattleGreymon, don't say that. The new Digital World is no better than the previous Digital World. At least the increase in vitality is still there. It has not stagnated."

A left arm transformed into a Gatling cannon, with a missile launcher on its shoulders. MetalGarurumon, fully armed and walking on two legs, walked in from behind BattleGreymon and walked to the side of BattleGreymon to stop. Down.

BattleGreymon sighed softly and looked up at Celestial Beast, who was standing in the innermost part of the church, wearing a white sacrificial robe under a statue of a white crystal tree.

The color of the wings of the Celestial Beast is not completely pure white, but five colors of white, purple, pink, cyan, and gold.

Seeing that Celestialmon didn't speak, BattleGreymon and MetalGarurumon looked at each other.

"In order to prevent the "Ark Project" from appearing again in the new digital world, we plan to go back to the old digital world to find Omegamon and ask it to help investigate this matter. "

BattleGreymon turned around and looked through the open door at the vibrant Digital World outside.

MetalGarurumon nodded: "Indeed, no one knows whether Yggdrasil will launch the "Ark Project" again. The last "Ark Project" resulted in only us and a few remaining in the new Digital World at that time. Digimon. "

BattleGreymon sighed: "After the next "Ark Project", there may not be another new Digital World for us to migrate to. "

The last time Yggdrasil executed the "Ark Project", 99% of the Digimon in the New Digital World at that time died. Only Silphmon, Mummymon, BattleGreymon, MetalGarurumon, and the only one survived. The infant Digimon, Digomon, and most of the Digimon who escaped together at that time died in the "Ark Project".

If the Royal Knights hadn't stopped Yggdrasil in time, the New Digital World would have reappeared. However, after the "Ark Project" in the New Digital World, the Digimon barely survived.

Although Dukemon later went to retrieve some Digimon from the Sea of ​​Data, but... the new Digital World had no increase in vitality, and was even declining sharply.

That new digital world became the old digital world, and the new digital world they are in now was the result of Amemon taking the initiative to find the old digital world and lead them there. However, there are also some Digimon who are unwilling to leave the old Digital World. .

Now BattleGreymon and MetalGarurumon are very worried about the reduced vitality increase in the new Digital World. Although they can go to the other two Digital Worlds, one is the "past" full of ancient species of dinosaur-like Digimon and The "future" of another large number of artificial intelligence evolved types of Digimon.

They didn't go much to these two digital worlds. They just took a glance and lost interest. The new digital world is much bigger than these two digital worlds.

"I have explored the two digital worlds of the "past" and "future". The vitality increase in those two digital worlds is also nearly one-third less than before, which is exactly the same as the "present" digital world we live in. "

BattleGreymon turned around and looked at the Celestial Beast who was standing under the statue praying, and his tone became tough.

"We are going to the old digital world. Can you please open the door and let us go to the old digital world?"

"Wait a minute, BattleGreymon, don't say that."

MetalGarurumon felt that BattleGreymon's tone was a bit tough. After all, Celestialmon brought them to the new Digital World, so they couldn't be so rude.

Celestialmon put down her praying hands and slowly turned around to look at BattleGreymon and MetalGarurumon.

"BattleGreymon, MetalGarurumon, I already know what you two have discovered."

BattleGreymon and MetalGarurumon looked at each other in confusion, before Celestialmon continued.

"Phoenix Beast discussed this matter with me not long ago. Later, we went to the terminal core through the passage left by the Royal Knight. After seeing the core, we confirmed some things."

"The current growth rate of vitality in the digital world is normal. The less than one-third growth rate was driven by Master Yggdrasil."

"Now Lord Yggdrasil has just restored the new Digital World to a normal state. Why do you think that Lord Yggdrasil will execute the "Ark Plan" again? "

"The current new digital world was created under the leadership of Lord Yggdrasil. We were also moved from the old digital world to the new digital world by Lord Yggdrasil."

"And it is also Lord World Tree's order that I go to pick you up."

Celestial Beast tilted her head. She didn't understand why BattleGreymon and MetalGarurumon were so distrustful of Yggdrasil.

In the instructions left by Lord Yggdrasil at that time, Amimon was clearly asked to go to the old Digital World to pick up the surviving Digimon. Lord Yggdrasil had long expected that the Royal Knights would betray him, and he also expected that Alphamon would appear and fight The fact that Greymon and MetalGarurumon could survive was also expected by Master Yggdrasil.

She didn't understand why those royal knights left Lord World Tree. Even if the royal knights would no longer be loyal to Lord World Tree, the Celestial Beast... no, the other angel beasts and Phoenix beasts would swear allegiance to Lord World Tree!

"But... World Tree is not trustworthy. The current attitude of the Royal Knights shows a lot of things."

WarGreymon was obviously not moved. It was afraid that Yggdrasil would come up with another plan.

MetalGarurumon nodded and agreed, "Yes, we can only find Omegamon who is still in the old Digital World to explain this matter."

"Omegamon will stop all Yggdrasil's plans!"

Celestialmon looked at BattleGreymon and MetalGarurumon silently. After a moment, she saw that BattleGreymon and MetalGarurumon's attitudes were very determined, and she sighed deeply.

"I understand."

Celestial Beast slowly raised her left hand, which was wrapped in a layer of green armor.

A colorful ray of light was released from her hand, flew out of the church, and turned into a colorful whirlpool door in the air outside the church.

Celestial Beast put down her hand, turned around and continued to pray towards the statue.

BattleGreymon and MetalGarurumon looked at each other, turned around, left the church, and flew into the vortex gate in the air.

After the vortex gate is closed.

inside the church.

Celestial Beast looked up at the statue. Among the crystal tree statues, there was a statue of a girl holding a staff inside the giant tree statue.

"My lady goddess..."

A soft murmur echoed through the church.

Chapter 7:Omegamon returns to the data space.

data space.

In a gladiatorial arena composed of a large amount of golden basic data.



The explosion collapsed the entire arena and turned into a large amount of golden basic data scattered into the data space.

BattleGreymon flew out from the large amount of golden basic data that was wandering around, and landed on the ground. It gasped and looked at the large flow of golden basic data that was wandering in front of it.

A golden ray of light flashed through the golden basic data stream, and Magnamon walked out of the golden basic data stream calmly.

It stopped, folded its arms, looked at BattleGreymon and nodded: "Very good, it has met the reservation requirements, but it is not enough."

In fact, the strength of BattleGreymon has surpassed that of most ordinary BattleGreymon, but it is not enough compared to the one with the X-Antibody.


Magnamon's voice fell, and a large amount of golden basic data wandering around gathered around BattleGreymon and Magnamon, and a larger and more solid arena surrounded them.

Outside the arena.

Yagami Taichi helplessly looked at the arena that was getting closer and closer. The arena had been blown up three times, each time bigger than the last. If the arena exploded again this time, he would have to go back.

"It won't blow up again. We don't have to go back."

Nolen had a lollipop in her mouth. She followed Taiyi's gaze at the arena and said.

Tai nodded and didn't say anything, because the amount of data that made up the arena this time was so huge that it probably couldn't be exploded.


Nolen whispered, two citrus-flavored lollipops appeared in her palm, and she handed them to Taiyi.

"Eat, lollipop."

Taiyi took the lollipop from Nolen's hand. Nolen looked at Taiyi and put the lollipop into her mouth, and she showed a happy smile.

Looking at Nolen's smile, Taiyi also smiled: "There is also a lollipop."


The lollipop in Nolen's mouth disappeared, and she put the lollipop in her hand into her mouth.

Although Taiyi's stomach was full, it was worth it to make the child Nolen happy.

Through this period of time together, Taiyi felt more and more that Nolen and Jiaer would get along very harmoniously, and the two of them would definitely get along in harmony.

Raising one sister is a matter of care, and raising two sisters is also a matter of care. It is not difficult.

The old digital world.

On top of a high mountain.

Omegamon looked at the forest below silently. It didn't understand why Doromon's mind and character were still the same after so long. Doromon had never shown the form Alphamon once had.

Is it true that Alphamon will not reappear after giving it the X-antibody?So why did Alphamon degenerate into Multimon instead of disappearing directly?

Doromon obviously has no memory of going to the data space, and it even thinks that it was Omegamon who took the initiative to solve everything.


Omegamon closed its eyes, suppressed the turbulent emotions inside, and opened its eyes.

Suddenly, it looked up to the plain beyond the end of the forest.

"A passage from the new digital world?"

"There are still Digimon coming to this old Digital World, haha, it's really rare."

Omegamon just glanced at it and then withdrew his gaze.

on the plain.

A colorful whirlpool gate opened, and MetalGarurumon and BattleGreymon rushed out of the whirlpool gate.

"Is this...the old digital world we used to stay in?"

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