Regardless of his thoughts, Yi Bingru immediately shouted to other customers in the store: "This is the ghoul investigator, and he is currently carrying out an expulsion mission. Everyone should leave the scene immediately!"

There was no response, the surroundings were very quiet, so quiet that it was a bit eerie.

has a problem!

In the past, if a ghoul appeared in a public place, the people around him would not only make a mess, but they would also scatter and run away towards a place they thought was safe.

Today, however, the situation is completely opposite.

Even though there were relatively few people and the background music was loud, there was still no reaction to the big noise just now.

Yi Bingru glanced at the surroundings with his peripheral vision, and then his pupils suddenly shrank.

I don't know when, other customers in the store have fallen unconscious on the table, and some of them are frothing at the mouth and don't know whether they are alive or dead.

And Amazon, who is tan all over and has spots on his head, is moving these people to the back kitchen.

After noticing Yi Bingru's gaze, he instantly became a little panicked and accelerated the dragging speed.

"Did you put poison in the dessert...?"

At this moment, Akatsuki Manato, who was next to her, suddenly felt dizzy. His body refused to arouse, and he couldn't even hold the Kuink in his hand.


Yi Bingru quickly used his free hand to support Manato Akatsuki who was about to fall to the ground.

poisoned! ?

Looking at her colleague and friend who suddenly collapsed, she said in disbelief: "How could it be? Xiao Mingming has never eaten anything!"

"No, the poison in Inspector Manado has nothing to do with dessert."

Lin Qiao picked up the dinner plate on the side and threw it in a certain direction.


The flying plate instantly shattered the glass, and the cold wind blowing from the window immediately relieved Mano Akatsuki's symptoms.

"They did poison the food, but it wasn't the desserts that were poisoned, it was the air."

He glanced at the other people who had fallen into coma with his peripheral vision. Although many people had eaten the pudding brought by the waiter, two of them had not moved on the table.

"That mushroom-like thing should be able to release poisonous spores that can cause coma. This is why they close the windows and turn on the air conditioner. In order to spread the spores to every corner of the room in a short period of time .”

At the same time, the waiters themselves have to move around, which can spread the spores faster without attracting anyone's attention.

And by then, they will be able to obtain a large number of humans as a food source without any effort.

"That's a pretty good guess, kid."

After guessing the truth, the crab-shaped Amazon didn't look anxious at all, and instead let out an enchanting laugh.

Licking her mouth, the pink-haired woman smelled really good. It smelled much better than ordinary humans.

"I'm just curious. Aren't you afraid of getting poisoned yourself by doing this?"

"Oh, am I poisoned?" The crab-shaped Amazon snorted disdainfully and pointed with its sharp crab claws at the mushroom-shaped Amazon hiding behind the cashier.

"That piece of trash wants to poison me? In the next life!"

"Oh, that's it. I probably understand."

Lin Qiao narrowed her eyes slightly. According to this look, although the mushroom-shaped Amazon can release poison, the actual toxicity is not very strong, and it may not even be fatal.

For Mr. Krabs, it may be a little uncomfortable at best if he smokes too much.

He didn't even feel it - if he hadn't suddenly seen everyone around him collapse, he wouldn't have even realized that this place was poisonous.

How could there be such a useless guy?Are you an edible mushroom?

But this is also the reason why Mr. Krabs was so unhurried from beginning to end.

The poisonous spores of the mushroom-shaped Amazon have little effect on him, but if it were a human being, the effect would be outstanding.

"But so what if you know? How long do you think you and the woman next to you can last?"

It takes longer than you think - as much as it's tempting to say that.

Trying her best to pretend to be weak after being poisoned, Lin Qiao turned her head and glanced at Yi Bingru's trembling hand holding Kuink. Her semi-human physique gave her a stronger poison resistance than the real Tokatsuki, but it was limited to That’s it.

After all, she is not Lin Qiao, so she should be hit anyway... Well, why don't we just knock her out and then beat the two thugs on the opposite side to death.

I have to say that Lin Qiao was a little moved by this.

"...Mr. Ishimori, please take Akatsuki and leave first. I will buy time for you!"

This is the only way at present.

He handed Mato Akatsuki into the hands of the latter, who was also "weak". He held a knife in both hands and Yi Bingru's eyes revealed a hint of death awareness.


"Although I really don't want to let down your kindness, I personally think it's still a bit difficult."

Pointing to the window, just now, the rolling shutter door at the entrance of the store automatically fell down.

If it was before the poisoning, Yi Bingru could have used the Kuink in his hand to cut a hole in the rolling shutter door that was large enough for people to pass through, but now...

Looking at Yi Bingru, who was breathing more and more rapidly, Lin Qiao, after a brief hesitation, reached out from behind and covered the other person's mouth.


Chapter 78 Drag the boss into the boss room

The sweet taste entered Yi Bing's mouth.

The napkin wetted by the drink was patted on her face, bringing her a sense of clarity.

"Mr. Ishimori?"

"Let's use this to boost it first. It's hard to say how much effect it will have, but it's better than nothing."

I also covered my mouth and nose with a wet napkin. Although it was completely unnecessary, I still had to perform the performance.

Lin Qiao finally gave up and transformed to kill the two Amazons alone.

This is not the time to face Kotaro Armen and Goo Mado.That time he deliberately avoided the surrounding cameras, but this time he was clearly captured by nearby surveillance cameras on his way here.

So no matter what method is used, even if it is to erase the memories of Yi Bingru and Mato Akatsuki, in the eyes of the CCG investigator, he will more or less have some connection with his transformed self.

After all, after eradicating the Tsukiyama family, his ability to erase people's memories has been exposed.

So the best way is to solve these two gate types in a "reasonable" way.

Picking up Kuink who had been dropped by Mato Akatsuki on the ground, he tried to recall in his mind the uneasy feeling he felt when the results were handed out after the exam.

Pretending to be as scared as possible, he swallowed and said, "Although it may not be of much help, I'll try not to hold you back."

Just like a real ordinary person who is forced into a desperate situation and can only do that.

"Mr. Ishimori..."

Yi Bingru's heart moved, and he opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he just bit his lower lip tightly, nodded seriously, and held Kuink in his hand.

"Hey, do you still want to be a hero at this time? Unfortunately, I am only interested in the smell of that woman, so forget it."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Mr. Krabs sneered. What threat could an ordinary person who couldn't even hold a weapon pose?

He waved his pliers at the mushroom-shaped Amazon huddled in the corner.

"Stop pretending to be dead, come here quickly, that boy belongs to you today."

"Oh, here we come."

Apparently he was used to being ordered around like this. The mushroom-shaped Amazon didn't have any dissatisfaction. Even after hearing that he could feed a person by himself, he came over in a hurry...

Then he was kicked by Mr. Krabs.

"Remember to get away! Too much stuff on you makes me itchy!"


Lin Qiao's body was trembling slightly, and even the hand holding Kuink was a little unsteady. In the eyes of others, she looked completely frightened.

"Mr. Ishimori..."

"...Don't worry, it's okay."

Deep in my heart, I warned myself, hold it in, you must hold it in, otherwise the drama before laughing would be in vain!

The mushroom-shaped Amazon, who had been kicked for no reason, patted his butt and got up from the ground. His completely black pupils looked straight at Lin Qiao.

Kuinkshan paused for two more seconds with his eyes on his hand, but that was all.

Nothing to be afraid of.

Like an angry buffalo, he ran towards Lin Qiao.

The blood-red long whip tried to rush towards the mushroom-shaped Amazon, but it could only make a deep mark on it.

Lin Qiao, who was trying to retract the whip in a panic, couldn't dodge in time. After pushing Akatsuki Manto out of his arms, he was directly knocked away by the mushroom-shaped Amazon and fell heavily on the table behind.

"I can't get back up" on the spot.

"Mr. Ishimori!"

The sharp sword light slashed towards the mushroom-shaped Amazon, but was blocked by Mr. Krabs, who was covered in red carapace.

Although he keeps calling the other party a waste, the other party is really a waste, but if the other party loses his ability, it will be quite troublesome for him to prey on himself in the future.

"But Inspector Ghoul, to be honest, when I was young, I also wanted to join the CCG."

The crab claw blocked the long knife-shaped Kuink, and then the whole body quickly crashed into it.

He gritted his teeth and stood up on the ground with Kuink. Although he wanted to rescue him, the crab Amazon in front of him was like an insurmountable mountain.

In the end, I could only watch helplessly as the mushroom-shaped Amazon dragged Lin Qiao, who was lying motionless on the ground, to the back kitchen.


After walking into the kitchen, the mushroom-shaped Amazon threw Lin Qiao, who was already furious, on the ground, and turned around to close the kitchen door.

"That should be all right?"

"I think so."


No, who replied this?

After being stunned for a moment, the mushroom-shaped Amazon suddenly turned around, only to find that Lin Qiao, who had lost his breath just now, was looking at him with a smile, and then he was completely stunned.

Isn’t your special girl a dead ball?

Although he knew that his physique was far inferior to Mr. Krabs, it was still easy to kill an ordinary person.

Can't understand, can't understand at all.

And weren't you scared just now?Why are you suddenly... No, you look at me with a smile like this, I'm really scared.

Without thinking too much, he raised his hand and punched Lin Qiao.


But something happened that frightened him.

The moment it fell, its arm was caught by someone. With a force measured in tons, the young man in front of him caught it with his bare hands.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't continue to press down. Judging from the fact that the opponent was able to pull his arm back bit by bit, it was clearly at a disadvantage.

Is this girl reasonable?

No matter how stupid he is, he now understands the fact that he has been cheated.

This is not delicious food.

But a big daddy!

The other party is probably Amazon just like them, and the two female investigators are the prey he is targeting... Damn it, what a coincidence!

He took a deep breath and planned to spray the remaining poisonous spores in Lin Qiao's face to escape.

But immediately, a powerful knee hit his abdomen, directly interrupting his energy accumulation, and his whole body arched up.

Gently shaking the spider evolution bottle in his hand, Lin Qiao sighed: "You are really weak."

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