【Has it started yet?okay, I get it. 】

His own voice was played from inside. The background seemed to be a rainy day, and some faint coughs of Mato Gosu could be heard.

[This is Kotaro Armen. The time when I recorded this voice was when I, Mr. Manado, and Mr. Nakajima and Mr. Kusaba from the branch were chasing the target "mother and daughter"... Although I said to myself It's a bit strange, but I guess by the time I heard this recording, I had completely forgotten about it. 】


After hearing the content clearly, his eyes widened instantly.

There is no doubt that he is the one talking inside, but he in the recording seems to have anticipated his amnesia.

What happened at that time that made you leave this recording?

However, before he could figure it out, the voice inside continued.

[I know that you in the future, no, you should say I am better (whisper), may be very confused about this matter, but on this point you can believe the... red guy who appears in front of you, he calls himself for killbus. 】

He raised his head and glanced at Lin Qiao, who waved his hand.

[To make a long story short, during the investigation, Mr. Mano and I accidentally discovered the close relationship between the Tsukiyama family, ghouls, and Amazon, and were hunted down. In an emergency, it was this red one. ....Killbus helped us and we escaped. 】

Ghoul? Amazon?

So is this the reason why I asked Zhengdao to investigate the Yueshan family before?

[Although I escaped by chance, unfortunately, there are many investigators in the CCG who were bribed by the Tsukiyama family. They actively or passively provide help to the Tsukiyama family, so if Mr. Manado and I return to the CCG If the news is known to them, I'm afraid all four of us will be silenced because of it. 】

[Therefore, Killbus proposed a plan. The toxins he released would cause certain damage to the brain, and the specific manifestation was the loss of short-term memory. 】

[And if we get news of our amnesia, then the Yueshan family will probably give up... and then borrow this recording to remind us to secretly investigate the Yueshan family in the future. 】

[To be honest, I personally doubt this, but there seems to be no other choice at the moment...]

After continuing for a while, the recording ended.

Chapter 51 Fraud Completed

Holding the recorder tightly in his hand, Kotaro Armen looked complicated and could not speak for a long time.

I don’t know if it’s because he learned the truth about his amnesia, or because there’s a spy among his trusted companions.

Or maybe both.

"...Is this actually...the truth...?"

I listened to the recording over and over again. In addition to his, there was also Manado Wuxi's part. But halfway through the recording, it seemed that I had to pause it because someone came.

"So, can you choose to believe me now?"

Lin Qiao on the side was not surprised by his appearance. He still spoke in the same unhurried tone, and even thought he was being sarcastic.

"Killbus...? Sorry, to be honest, I'm still in a state of confusion."

He sighed and tried to sort out his mood, but just like what he said, the content expressed in the recording was far from what he could accept in a short while.

He returned the recorder to Lin Qiao, but the latter did not accept it.

"It doesn't matter. It's only human nature that you feel this way... Just keep that thing. If you think there is something wrong, it doesn't matter if you go to the CCG appraisal department to verify it."

"...Then I'll accept it."

But for appraisal, that is not necessary.

He put the recorder on the bedside table with a complicated expression. Although he had originally planned to find someone to verify the authenticity tomorrow, of course, considering the content inside, he chose to give up.

If what is said in it is true, then their situation may be very dangerous.

It's okay if he's the only one, but don't forget that Mado Wuxi, who is lying in the hospital at the moment, is still in a coma.

If there were bad people up to something evil, the old man with great military exploits might not even have the ability to resist.

This is absolutely intolerable to him.

Moreover, he had never heard of any synthesis technology that could so perfectly restore a person's voice.

Combined with the sound of rain in the background,


"Last question, if our amnesia was caused by you, why can't Mr. Manado wake up until now?"


——Of course I did it on purpose.

He thought calmly in his heart.

It was partly because I had a bad mouth for a long time, so I unconsciously acted a little harsher.

And more importantly, compared to an honest man like Kiamon Kotaro, the old fox like Mado Gou is much harder to deceive.

With super intuition and rich investigative experience, it was really difficult to lie in front of him and get through.

Of course, what you want to say must not be said like this, otherwise all the previous efforts will be in vain.

So he thought for a moment and speculated in a somewhat uncertain tone: "It's probably a physical problem. Just like some people are allergic to seafood, and some people are not allergic to anything. Moreover, he is still an old man. As he gets older, his resistance is also weakened." I can’t compare with you.”

"Will that be dangerous?"

"Probably not. After all, it is not a fatal poison in itself, and for safety reasons, the dosage was not large. Such a situation is itself an unexpected result."

"Really, that's good..."

After hearing this, he breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously.

Although the hospital kept saying there was no need to worry, with Lin Qiao's confirmation, he was completely relieved.

The boulder that has been hanging in my heart has finally fallen to the ground.

"Um...Mr. Killbus, what you said about the Yueshan family before, can you elaborate on it?"

After gaining the most basic trust in Lin Qiao, his attitude towards Lin Qiao finally improved a little...really only a little.

"I have investigated a lot of information before, and it all shows that the Yueshan family is just..."

"A common merchant family, right?"

Before he could finish, Lin Qiao interrupted: "I have to say that their disguise is indeed very good... But I won't talk nonsense about this and just get straight to the point."

After a pause, as if to give Armen Kotaro some buffering time, Lin Qiao spoke slowly.

"——The Tsukiyama family is a ghoul family."

"Ghoul!?" His eyes widened instantly. Even though he was prepared, he was still shocked when he heard the answer.

"That's right, ghoul. The entire family, from top to bottom, even the servants at home, is the same."

"There are also branches and subsidiaries under their family name. Most of the core employees there are ghouls. If you really count, the number of people is at least over a hundred."

"By the way, you probably still have an impression of the Yamashita group selling humans to ghoul organizations not long ago, right? Although there is no direct evidence, I can basically confirm that it is related to the Tsukiyama family."

The information related to the Tsukiyama family was revealed bit by bit, although part of it was retained in order not to affect the Anding District, but that alone was shocking enough.

As for the Yamashita Group...that incident was originally an opportunity for CCG to notice him. After all the senior members of the Yamashita Group were dealt with by him, no one had more say than him.

At least in the eyes of Armen Kotaro, it was not surprising that Lin Qiao could give this answer.

"So let's work together, Inspector Yamen."

He extended a very sincere invitation to the investigator opposite, and even his nonchalant tone became serious.

But what awaited him was silence from the other party.


No rejection, no consent.

Except for the sound of the wind blowing in from outside the window, which kept fluttering the curtains, the surrounding silence was eerie.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand Kotaro Armen’s inner struggle at the moment. Even with the previous recording, it was too difficult for him to suddenly cooperate with Amazon.

Lin Qiao had no intention of urging him, but just sat quietly waiting for his answer.

Looking up at Lin Qiao, he took a deep breath: "...To be honest, I still can't trust you."

After being silent for a long time, he spoke with some seriousness.

"However, I believe Mr. Manoto. If even Mr. Manoto has made such a judgment, it means that it is absolutely correct!"

As if he had convinced himself, his tone gradually became firmer.

"That's enough, Inspector Amen."

It is already very good to be able to achieve such a temporary cooperation effect.

"Then what do you need me to do? Let me explain in advance that without evidence and a search warrant, even the CCG search officer cannot..."

"No, you don't need to do anything."



No, then why did you come to me?

Facing Armen Kotaro's black question-marked expression, Lin Qiao smiled softly: "Don't worry, I have made detailed arrangements. The end of the Tsukiyama family is coming."

Open the window and jump down from above.

"Then, ciao~"


Looking at the figure that disappeared immediately after jumping out of the window, Kotaro Armen always felt a little complicated.

He looked down at the phone in his hand, hesitantly opened the phone book inside, looked at the names of CCG colleagues on it, sighed, and finally threw the phone aside.

He felt like he wouldn't be able to sleep at all tonight.

But just when he was deeply entangled, Lin Qiao, who should have gone far away, was hiding outside the window of his living room, clinging to the wall with one hand like a real spider.

"Well, I didn't choose to report it... It seems that this time I don't have to erase his memory and start over again."

He murmured to himself after seeing through the thermal imaging that Kotaro Amon dropped his cell phone and lay down on the bed.

It's been seven or eight days since he started again, and he has to repeat similar conversations two to four times every night. If it doesn't work again, he's afraid that he will really be able to beat Kotaro Armen to death.

"Do you believe in Mado Gouo more than yourself..."

It seems that I found the right method this time.

After staying outside for a while, Lin Qiao left after confirming from his heartbeat and breathing frequency that he was asleep.

"It's your turn next, Tsukiyama Xi."

I also hope Kaneki Ken can give me some help.

Chapter 52 Gourmet Restaurant

Am I some special being...?

After transforming from a human into a ghoul, a boy named Kaneki Ken asked himself this question more than once.

The mirror full of water mist can only reflect a blurry face, but you can still see two completely different eyes reflected in it.

The right eye of a human, and the left eye of a ghoul.

I simply wiped the water mist on the mirror and looked at myself inside.

He is neither a human nor a ghoul; he cannot fully integrate into the world of ghouls, nor can he completely get rid of his human past.

But just in the past few days, he met someone unique... no, it should be said to be a ghoul.

Tsukiyama Hagi, nicknamed "Gourmet", is a ghoul who doesn't look like a ghoul at all. He doesn't have the bloodthirsty and violent side in his impression.

Although he was a little curious, because everyone in the store had said that he was a troublesome person in District 20, and because of Lin Qiao's relationship, he had no intention of contacting him at first.

However, there is a saying that falling flowers are intentional, and flowing water is ruthless... It seems that this sentence should not be used here, but the meaning is fine.

Anyway, he got stuck with that guy.

Having said that, the other person is not the type to tell embarrassing and cold jokes and make people annoying.

On the contrary, it gives people an inexplicable affinity. Even people who like literary books like him can always say something that is eye-catching. Their behavior and conversation are completely different from those of ghouls he has come into contact with. Instead, they seem to have received higher education. Educated rich boy.

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