For evolto, even if there is no other time traveler mentioned by Wu De to cause trouble, he will never let Yuandu Yihai and Three Feathered Crows bring back Pandora's Box and Full Bottle, let alone let them kill War Rabbit and Dragon Wo. .

Especially the latter.

Hit him, hit him any way you want, as long as it can increase his danger level, even hit him harder, the better.

But on the other hand, if he wanted to kill him completely and indeed had this ability, then he would have no choice but to find a way to get rid of him.

But these are all off-topic, so let’s leave them aside for now.

Faced with the name evolto said, Three-Feathered Crow fell into a brief silence.

They agree with this statement, at least with their IQs they really can't find anything wrong with it.


"That's what I said, but Mr. Stalk..."

"It's true that we can't defeat that guy with our current strength, and the boss has become like this now..."

"Not to mention that guy is acting together with Build and the others."

They could only suppress a knight under the premise of three against one - and as the opponent's danger level increased and they became familiar with their tactics, there were faint signs of defeat.

If it were to be a one-on-one fight, the result would probably be a one-sided killing spree.

——That would only cause trouble for Saruto Ikai in the end.

The three of them were stupid, but at least they were not blind to reality.

"Don't worry, I've already made preparations for this... Come in."

After finishing speaking, Evolto smiled and clapped his hands.

Then two people wearing white protective clothing and gas masks walked in.

It's just that they have the logo of Xidu on their backs.

Chapter 436 The plan to eliminate the King of Time was decided by evolto

"Why are people from Xidu here?"

Seeing that it was someone from Xidu who walked in, Three Feather Crow instantly became nervous.

But Evolto raised his hand to stop him and said: "Relax, they are foreign aid invited by the Prime Minister and me."

"foreign aid?"

"That's right, because of the failure of your attack on the East Capital, the Prime Minister decided to join forces with the West Capital - naturally, there will be some costs to pay, but you don't need to worry about these."

He stood up with a smile on his face, walked to the two Xidu researchers, and put his hands on them.

"Weren't you just worried that the danger level was not enough? In fact, this problem is not unsolvable."

"As long as we use Xidu's newly developed slammer technology, we can increase the danger level to the human body limit 5.0 in one fell swoop,"

"I think at that time, let alone defeating the King of Time, even retrieving Pandora's Box and the full bottle won't be a problem. I think when your boss wakes up, he will look at you with admiration."

Yes, as long as they solve all this, the boss will no longer have to fight with his life, and he will not be blamed...

Thinking of this, Sanyuya was obviously moved.

Seeing this, the smile on Evolto's face became even bigger, but then he pretended to be concerned.

"Having said that, although this technology is extremely convenient and can bring extremely powerful power in a short period of time, the side effects are also quite obvious."

"That is, once you are defeated, your body will be completely destroyed."

"Of course, it's up to you to decide whether to strengthen it, and I won't force you."

With a magnanimous look, he spread his hands and handed over the so-called decision-making power to San Feather Crow...but he knew that the three people opposite him had no choice at all.

Now Saruto Ikkai was seriously injured by the self-destruct device and couldn't get up for a while.

If the three of them do nothing, once the Dongdu army with three Kamen Riders chooses to retaliate, the entire Northern Capital will be in catastrophe... Regardless of whether it is true or not, at least they believe it.

And the result was just as he thought.

"There is nothing to hesitate at all. The boss has gone to this point for us and our families, but it is just a is not even a thousandth of the kindness the boss shows to us!"

The impatient Hong Yu was the first to lie down in the modified cabin.

Although land production has been severely reduced due to Pandora's Box, there is a saying that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

As the only son of a large local landowner, as long as Saruwatari thought, he could live a life of food and clothing by reselling land.

But he flatly chose to reject this beautiful life that was within reach.

In order to take care of his friends and their families so that they would not starve to death on the streets, Saruwatari Kazumi directly gave up his personal property, and even later voluntarily participated in human experiments and became a weapon of war.

——For San Feather Crow, this is a kindness that will never be repaid in a lifetime.

"That is to say, how can we let the boss rush to the front and act cool all by himself while we do nothing?"

Lan Yu followed and lay down in another modified cabin.

"Amo! You two have finished talking about handsomeness. Isn't this embarrassing!"

The childish Huang Yu scratched his head vigorously, then stamped his feet and lay down in the remaining modified cabin.

As the cabin door slowly closed, nebula gas quickly filled the interior of the cabin... followed by the screams of three people.

Evolto smiled at this and didn't care - he didn't have the habit of anesthetizing people before transforming them.

"But is this really good? Is it too early to start refining the Lost Bottle now?"

He took off the gas mask on his face, revealing a lean middle-aged man underneath - Katsuragi Shinobu.

"Don't say that. Isn't there a saying that it's better to hurry up than to catch up? Besides, I have to thank you for this, right, Katsuragi-sensei~"

He walked behind Katsuragi Shinobu and put his hands on his shoulders.

One thing that Evolto did not lie about was that he really planned to let Three Feathered Crows kill Zhuang Wu.

It was not because the other party hindered the growth of Zhan Rabbit and Long Wo, but because they wanted to use this method to kick Wu De away from the world.

From the previous conversation, he roughly guessed that if his opponent died, he himself would not be able to stay in this world for long.

- This is very important.

Although the other party must have hidden information, Evolto would rather let him get out of his plan than those who didn't.

After all, the risks he brings are too high and the benefits are too little.

The reason why he chose to send Three Feathered Crows was not because he himself came on stage, but just to prevent Zhuang Wu's ability.

——Wu De once briefly mentioned to him about Shi Wang’s abilities, especially the blank dial.

Although he didn't know if he could be included in the history of Kamen Rider, Evolto decided not to take the risk.

Anyway, that thing can only absorb the history of the Cavaliers. Wouldn't it be better if I just send the Slugger?

Of course, the strength of the three-feathered crow that has been upgraded to the Lost Slammer will increase significantly, but he doesn't have high expectations whether he can definitely kill Zhuang Wu.

If it doesn't work, just try the opponent's strength. Fortunately, you can have a base next time.

"It doesn't matter even if the Three-Feathered Crow is killed, just treat it as refining the Lost Bottle in advance."

Sitting on Huang Yu's modified cabin, Evolto looked indifferent. For him, this was a completely profitable business.

Even the death of Three-Feathered Crow can arouse the anger of Ichikai Saruto, allowing him to refine another Lost Bottle.

"But if he knows about this, I'm afraid there will be big problems..."

"Then it's okay as long as Wu De doesn't know about it, right? He's still in Xidu anyway."

He said matter-of-factly with his hands spread out, and then looked at Katsuragi Shinobi with interest.

"Or, Mr. Katsuragi, do you really want to betray me in the future as Wu De said and secretly inform me?"

"...Do you really believe what he said?"

"It's hard to say."

Deliberately approaching Katsuragi Shinobu, Evolto half-squinted his eyes, observing the latter's reaction.

It felt like being stared at by a venomous snake spitting out its seeds. No one knew when it would open its bloody mouth and swallow the person in one gulp.

But it only lasted for a short period of time before this suffocating aura disappeared.

"You're just kidding, I trust you the most, Katsuragi-sensei... How about my earth joke, wasn't it? Were you shocked?"

The expression on his face became cheerful again, and he patted Katsuragi Shinobu's shoulder hard.

It's just that the latter's expression remained a poker face from beginning to end, without any change.

It makes evolto secretly bored.

"Then, everything is left to you, Katsuragi-sensei~"

After waving his hand, Evolto, wearing a small suit, left the laboratory.

Can Katsuragi Ren believable?

There is no value in discussing this. After all, he has regarded the other party as a useful tool from the beginning.

Regardless of whether it is credible or not, as long as it loses its use value, he will erase this tool man.

Looking at Evolto's leaving figure, Katsuragi sighed helplessly for a long time.

"Qiao, I can only leave it to you..."

Chapter 437 Long and I were defeated again

"It's so cold!"

Longga sneezed and wrapped his coat tightly around him.

Looking around, there is a dense forest and white snow covering the ground. What you see is a monotonous white world.

This is Siberia.

The average temperature all year round is between -2°C and 7°C. Even in summer, the average temperature is only 10°C...not to mention that it is almost winter.

The weather is cold, the land is vast and the people are sparse. This is a perfect description of this place.

After careful consideration and Lin Qiao's inducement, Zhan Tu finally agreed to have a friendly match with Lin Qiao in order to know Shi Dongsuyi's plan.

As for the location, this is it.

"...But why do you have to come to such a cold place...?"

Are other places bad?

Wrapped up in clothes again, War Rabbit had already transformed into a Bubble Rabbit Tank. Through the body temperature system brought by the Knight System, it was immune to the cold surrounding temperatures.

As for Lin Qiao...

Ryuuga glanced at the person opposite who was wearing quite cool clothes - he came without slippers, probably as a last sign of respect for this area.

Of course, in fact, he himself was quite outrageous. He put on a coat and came here in such cold weather, but it turned out to be only a little bit cold...

It's just that there is a more exaggerated example in front of him on the opposite side, so his level seems normal.

"After all, you have to go to a place where there are no people before you can give it a try, right?"

The rather familiar words made Zhan Rabbit frown.

Lin Qiao smiled. The reason was naturally to avoid exposing his existence, so it was better to find a place a little further away.

Anyway, there is no limit to the scope of action in this world.

He took out the smoke gun and inserted it into the Spider Lost Bottle, transforming in front of War Rabbit and Ryuuga.

When the thick smoke that shrouded the body disappeared, what appeared in front of War Rabbit and Ryuuga was the scarlet armor that was quite similar to BloodStalk and focused on defense - BloodRiot.

"Speaking of which, Zhuangwu, won't you come down?"

After moving her body, Lin Qiao turned to look at the Time Demon Machine suspended on the side.

"No, no, just call me later when you finish fighting and have barbecue."

Because it was too cold, and he was just an ordinary person, and he was also being beaten, so Zhuangwu decisively chose to refuse.

"Well, if you say so..."

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