The lack of skills is one reason, but more importantly, who told him that he was the only one doing research here?

So if you want to make up for this, you have to find another way.

.....Unfortunately, the result was not very smooth.

——As a foreign body implanted in the body, Hebao will be directly decomposed by Amazon cells in at most two days.

The only way is to become a half-ghoul through a Hebao transplant surgery, and then implant Amazon cells.

"Speaking of which, Doctor Kano, don't you have two successful guys on your hands? One black and one white cute little guy, how about using them?"

"Kurona and Nabai, they are rare successes no matter's not like they can't be considered."

After all, the only truly perfect success product of half-ghoul surgery is Kaneki Ken... not to mention that there is now a creature like Amazon.

Now that it is a thing of the past, there is no need to pity the two sisters who barely crossed the passing line.

Taking off his green surgical clothes, Kano Akihiro looked at the old Duo Erfu over there.

"But it seems that you are in a good mood. Did the matter go smoothly?"

"Yeah, it went very smoothly~"

Nodding, Jiuduoerfu put his hands behind his back, obviously in a good mood.

Originally, due to the crusade against the Yueshan family some time ago, the prestige of CCG has greatly increased, and the status of the Hexiu family has also increased, which made him a little worried because he wanted to destroy his household registration.

It is undeniable that if there is no way to break CCG's advantage and He Xiu is allowed to stand at the apex of the entire country's power, all the preparations he made secretly will basically be in vain.

In other words, the Hexiu family must be made to give up the possibility of getting closer.

"What's the way to turn a hero into a villain? Of course, just expose some dirt and let everyone criticize him."

It was out of this thought that he told Prime Minister Wakayama about the RC detection gate and Sigma-type rice dumplings.

But he wasn't stupid either. He didn't tell everything, but kept quite a part of it.

After all, what he wants is a situation like this, where the two sides need to confront each other, but they can't completely fight.

Otherwise, once the situation shows signs of getting out of control, American dad will definitely take action.

Prime Minister Wakayama, who obviously intends to deepen the relationship between the two sides, is more favored by Ami than He Xiuya, who calls on the people to "independence" for his own reasons.

So if the trouble really comes to that point, not only He Xiu will be sent, but he himself will also be involved.

But in general, He Xiu's actions were temporarily blocked... Of course, he also understood that this would definitely not last long.

As long as this period of time passes, people will look away, and V will completely make Wakayama the stabilizing factor disappear.

It's death anyway, so it shouldn't matter who dies by, right?

After all, he is the prime minister of a country - the death of the prime minister must be grand and magnificent!

Taking advantage of the opportunity to assassinate the Prime Minister, he completely silenced him and at the same time stirred up public opinion to blame the CCG.

The CCG, which was originally highly prestigious, instantly became polarized and became an executioner who would do anything for power in the eyes of some people.

And when all this was completed, he shifted his attention to the next goal.

——Lin Qiao, or Red Superman.

"But is it really okay to leak Aren's information like this? If the other party really comes to visit, it will be very bad, right?"

Although the technology for manufacturing Sigma is not as good as CCG, if Kano Akihiro has any advantage, it is that he can obtain fresh lysogenic cells at any time.

Unlike CCG, the dosage must be considered before each Amazon is manufactured.

——Mizusawa Ren

So it is undeniable that if something happens to the other party, he will be the most affected.

"It doesn't matter, he agreed anyway, and all you have to do is knock him down with one punch before the other party comes to the door."

Jiu Duoerfu doesn't seem to have any worries about Kano Akihiro.

"You seem very confident."

"Of course, it's not even a challenge to deal with that guy who thinks he's a little smart, but is actually no different from a fool on the roadside~"

He clenched his fist confidently, as if he wanted to crush something.

Although spiders are good at weaving webs, if they burn their webs, they will be burned into ashes along with them.

Then the conversation changed and he looked at Kano Akihiro who remained silent and asked: "By the way, Dr. Kano, how is the progress of "Dragon"?" "


Kano Akihiro organized his language and thought about how to explain to the other party.

"Because of Ren's relationship, things have gone much smoother than before. Many technical difficulties can be skipped directly and solved using Amazon cells..."

"Uh-huh, but but...?" Jiuduo Erfu suddenly said.

Kano Akihiro on the side didn't pay attention to him. He just glanced at him silently and continued to explain: "In short, although it is barely usable, it is only usable. It will take some time before you can get the results you want." That’s all.”

"Really? Then I'll leave it to you~Dr. Kano~"

Humming a cheerful song, Jiu Duoerfu strode out of Kano's laboratory. He seemed to think of something on the way, and his face curled up.

Chapter 103 Is this a date?

"...If you do this again, I will file a complaint against you for disturbing the public."

Early in the morning, Lin Qiao, who sat in front of the computer and sifted through the list for two whole days, finally succeeded in reducing the number of people to less than 150.

Just as he was about to treat himself to a nice meal, there was a knock on the door from a certain pink-haired DuangDuang.

The perseverance in pursuit is admirable...but if possible, can you not use it on yourself?

"Besides, it's already winter, and you're still dressed like this, aren't you afraid of freezing yourself to death?"

After taking a quick look at Yi Bingru, he saw that the person he was wearing was not the white uniform from CCG, nor was it the fluffy down jacket that wrapped him up like a strawberry daifuku when he came to his house last time.

The combination of skirt and fleece stockings, plus the symbolic coat outside, is quite eye-catching, but the warmth...

Although it doesn’t completely require style rather than warmth, I still feel like I can’t feel warm no matter how I look at it.

Or is this a superpower that all girls have?

Reluctantly, he let the other person in and handed him a cup of freshly baked hot coffee.

Yi Bingru took the coffee cup absentmindedly, looked down at the beautiful layer of milk foam on the surface of the coffee for a while, and then carefully picked it up and took a sip.

Not at all as lively as usual.

"What's wrong? Are you not feeling well?"

Lin Qiao asked as if she could see something on the other side's mind.

Yi Bingru nodded a little cautiously and replied in a low voice: "...Recently, everyone in the bureau is very wrong..."

On the one hand, the prime minister was assassinated, but on the other hand, CCG really made Sigma-type rice dumplings.

This made many insiders become uneasy, and many investigators even offered to resign, making the already restless people even more uneasy.

"So you thought of coming to me? This really makes people don't know what to say..."

After roughly deducing the current internal situation of CCG, Lin Qiao said helplessly while leaning on the sofa.

"Well, because it feels very reassuring to be here with Mr. Ishimori."

"Are you using this place as some sort of psychological clinic?"

"Can't you?"

"You said... forget it. Anyway, even if I say it, you don't have the consciousness to do it. Just come if you want."

Lin Qiao's head was full of black lines, but the other party suddenly became so...quiet, and he was not used to it.

It seems a bit pretentious to say this, but it's really not something I'm used to.

Yi Bingru nodded silently, holding the warm coffee in his hands and taking a sip.

"Speaking of which, Mr. Ishimori, can you...can you accompany me for a walk?"

Putting down the half-drunk coffee, Yi Bingru moved his eyes to the side, or simply closed his eyes, and invited in a small voice.

"You guys, sometimes you really push your limits..."

Do you want to go with each other to relax?

Lin Qiao sighed. When did he become the kind of intimate big brother in the eyes of the other party?

"But forget it, it just so happens that I don't have anything to do. It's not impossible to go out with you."

He said in a tone that there was really nothing he could do about you.

Working in front of the computer for two days is also a mental burden for him. It would be good to go out and relax.

He simply changed his clothes. In order to blend in with the surrounding environment and not look too out of place, he rarely wore a thicker coat.

"Wait a minute, there's one more thing -"

But just when he was about to go out, Lin Qiao called Yi Bingru.

Then he took out a down jacket from the closet and handed it to the other party.

"You put this on first, and I'll lend it to you. With you like this, I'm really afraid that you'll turn into an ice sculpture halfway through."


He hesitated for a moment, but after looking at Lin Qiao's appearance, he opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

Just holding the fluffy white down jacket in his hand, he lowered his head and nodded lightly.


As for a better place to relax, it would probably be somewhere like a park, or a teahouse with few people.

At least that's what Lin Qiao thinks. At least it can be solved nearby.


"Amusement park?" He looked at Yi Bingru with some surprise.

It's not impossible, but it always feels like there are some subtle elements.

"Mr. Ishimori?"

"It's okay, I was just wondering if I should drive there... By the way, where did I park last time?"

His eyes wandered around the roadside and finally stopped at a certain place.

"It shouldn't be necessary, it's not far anyway."

"Since you said so."

I didn't pay much attention to these issues.

It’s not that far anyway, it only takes about 10 minutes to walk there.

Because it's not a Saturday or Sunday, and because it's a small one, there aren't many people inside.

But she seems to be more interested in the Ferris wheel than rides like roller coasters and merry-go-rounds.

Frankly speaking, Lin Qiao really has no interest in doing something like this that takes more than 10 minutes to complete one circle...

But forget it, let her do it.

"By the way, Mr. Ishimori, are we... a date?"

"You think so."


Bringing a girl to an amusement park... Although this is true, compared to the romantic atmosphere, it feels like an old father bringing his silly daughter from the country into the city.

"And aren't you very interested in Ferris wheels and stuff like that? Why do you still look so bitter and resentful?"

Yi Bingru came back to his senses from his absent-minded state.

His mouth opened slightly, as if he wanted to say something to Lin Qiao, but in the end he just turned his gaze to one side, and then asked Lin Qiao nervously:

"No, how should I put it, I just suddenly realized that I don't seem to know much about Mr. Ishimori..."

"There's nothing to know about that kind of thing, right? I'm not a celebrity."

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