*Longmen swearing*2

Of course, Tallulah in the distance didn't know how her letter was delivered... The carrier pigeon drone that completed its mission quickly disintegrated into a large pool of paint, scattered on the Among the Dragon Gate.

1Chapter 17 leaves!!!

Ursus Tundra A.M4:00

"Those things called Infected Pickets are really annoying..."

Kicking the corpse on the snow to one side and rolling it into the dug hole, the commander figure of the disobedient team frowned in displeasure.

This is a team of 20 people, and the equipment can be considered up to the standard in terms of today's standards-if they found wandering infected people in the past.It was bound to be a one-sided battle.

Unfortunately, the bad habits developed by the infected pickets on the tundra have brought their good days to an end today.

The premise that a passing dog has to be slapped twice is that it must be a dog, but you have to pay more or less attention to any individual, let alone the four terminators.

"This is already the eighth wave, not counting the ones we have avoided. These people called pickets of infected people are everywhere on the tundra. AK12, the information provided by the commander did not point out that there are people on the tundra. There will be so many patrols."

AK15 carried a puzzled remains and threw it into the excavated pit.

"Hey hey, I know, 15--my system of record hasn't had a problem yet."

Miss AK12, who kicked another corpse at her feet into the big pit, shrugged her shoulders at AK15.

"This is not normal, 12——I have calculated that on average, we will encounter such a patrol team for four kilometers. Their patrol density is completely out of proportion to the population density of this tundra."

"From the perspective of efficiency, there would only be such a team of patrols on an average of ten kilometers on this tundra—the population density of villages on this tundra would be the same."

Seeing that 12 seemed indifferent, AK15 frowned, and began to emphasize the problems his team encountered along the way... Whether the former was aware of it or not, he needed to point it out.

"Hmm~ That's it...so 15, what do you think these people want to do?"

AK12 squinted his eyes and nodded, looking at his teammates, seemingly careless from the surface——

"Our target, they are directed at the commander's friends, these people claim to be the pickets of the infected - and the commander's friend is a former leader of the infected guerrillas, and the current member of the infected relief organization .”

"So, 15 I have bad news, we are at least 1 day away from the target - the UMP45 guy didn't pay attention to the position of the target when he put us down, he just dropped us near the tundra, just Take the commander and leave..."

The AK12 spread its hands, and the speed in the snow is a flaw for any infantry.

"We can contact Miss Dandelay to drop some snowmobiles, AK12."

AK15 immediately indicated that this was not a problem.

"Hmm~ That's how it is, so I've already called for support—it will take a short time for Dandelai's support to arrive."

Miss Xuelang folded her arms on her chest, her expression seemed a little smug, an appearance I had expected a long time ago——

"So? Why didn't you ask for it when Dandelai sent us the airdrop of weapons?"

But her dear teammates don't seem to be buying it.

"Cough cough cough... I said I was too busy at the time and forgot to believe you, 15?"


"Forget it, at least the target is not a big problem at the moment... Their movement speed on the coordinates is very stable, and they will stop at a fixed time for repairs, and they don't look like they were directly driven away."

Looking at the awkwardly smiling AK12, AK15 shook his head helplessly—for tactical dolls, I forgot it was just an excuse, and this guy probably didn't think about it at all at the time.

"These pickets of infected people didn't really find our target, they just wounded like headless flies on the tundra..."

"However, our act of annihilating eight groups of infected pickets along the way may arouse the vigilance of Ursus officials, and send more elite armed forces, and even regular troops to attack them."

"Well...Miss Dandelai's airdrop vehicle will arrive in a few minutes, and our remaining day's schedule can be directly compressed to about 4 hours, so it's not a big problem."

"If it's a big deal, we'll have a fight with the regular army who came here upon hearing the news."

Miss 12 shrugged her shoulders, her expression indifferent.

"Better so..."


Ursus Fourth Army Garrison

A man dressed as an infected picket officer was hovering at the gate of the camp with a sad face, and the officers in the group army did not hide their contempt at all when they noticed his outfit of the infected picket officer uniform.

"What's up with that guy at the door?"

The long wandering of the infected picket seemed to have attracted the attention of a higher-ranking Ursus officer. He frowned and asked the guards on guard, and he also did not hide the disgust in his eyes.

In the eyes of Ursus's regular army, the infected picket team has no glory at all, and naturally they don't enjoy any good looks.

"Captain, this guy has been standing at the door since noon. He said he has something important to ask to see the general, but of course I directly refused."

The guard who saluted the officer also glanced at the picket in displeasure, and reported the situation.

"See the general? What kind of thing is he? Want to see the general too? Tell him to get lost."

Hearing the words, the Ursas officer immediately frowned, as if a little irritated.

"We've actually done that, Captain—even thrown him out a couple of times."

And the guard who heard the captain's words also showed a disgusted expression, and went to the officer's side to complain——

"But this guy will always come back with a bad face, and the brothers are already considering whether to break his leg and throw him out this time."

"Tsk...you come with me—I want to hear what he has to report."


"My lord! This captain!"

The pickets hovering at the entrance of the barracks naturally noticed it, and when they saw that the leader was actually a captain, they showed a surprised expression——

Even if the general can't see it, a lieutenant is good.

"I'm Captain Yegor... Tell me, do you have something important to report?"

The officer frowned and looked impatiently at the timid infected picket in front of him. The latter's performance convinced him that the so-called picket team was a group of cowards.

"My lord, the picket team has been chasing an infected armed force who claims to be a peace movement recently. Their predecessor is said to be the infected guerrilla "Shield" on the snow field... You must have heard of this name?"

"...that captain... what else? Are you having trouble chasing those infected?"

Hearing the name Shield, the captain instantly thought of the legend of Ursus in foreign wars, and began to look relieved and contemptuous, and then became serious.

"Yes... yes, Captain... We lost eight picket teams in one day. I sent people to check their patrol routes, and they didn't even find the bodies."

"One day? Eight? How many people have you lost?"

Although I look down on these pickets who only bully the infected on the tundra, the officers still have some understanding of their equipment... Although it is not a refined product, it is also the standard equipment produced by the Ursas military industry—— The general armed forces of the infected can't do anything to these guys. .

"About more than 400 people... The number of patrols actually varies. Among the missing patrols, the largest one is a team of 100 people. My lord, the remaining members of the pickets are no longer afraid to act at will. It's..."

"I'm really helpless to bother the adults of the Fourth Army...Have you ever seen a picket team that can defeat a hundred people, and then leave no trace, and disappear without a trace? "

"Right now, the picket team is starting to spread rumors that there are spirits roaming the tundra, hunting the living things it sees..."

The picket, who had thought of something, added another sentence, which completely wrinkled Yegor's expression.

"Tsk...Come with me, I'll take you to see the general, remember - don't talk useless nonsense in front of the general, just get to the point, your lord will make his own decision."

Chapter 148 Surrounding Mobile Cities from Rural Settlements

For the integration movement, this is not a good start-the winter snow has begun to melt, and in some places you can already see the fertile black land after the thaw...

The retreating ice and snow will no longer help harmonize the movement. The tundra of Ursus is not eternal. In the spring of a good year, the ice and snow will melt to reveal the buried land, and some places that were originally walkable will become swamps and quagmire.

Similarly, the snowflakes that no longer fall can no longer hide the traces of the infected, and those infected pickets will follow the trail like hounds smelling blood.

Winter has never been a problem for the infected group. As long as they have fuel and food that can barely eat them, they can survive this winter. The heavy snow will hide their tracks and make the pickets nowhere to be found—even It can be said that, in a sense, winter is the best day for infected people.

Now, as the leader of the Harmony Movement, Tallulah has to make a choice.

——If you continue to wander here, you will face the endless pickets and even the pursuit of the Ursus regular army.

And it is not a wise choice to continue going north to chase the snowfield that has not yet melted - from the mouth of the patriots, we can know what monsters exist in the real extreme north of Ursus.

The Wendigo Legion, the Internal Guard—and the common scourge of mankind...the demon.

There is a real hopeless situation. There are no villages that can exchange food for the Reconciliation Movement. The only material that can appear there is the Ursas transport team escorted by the inner guards to the northern garrison.

Whether it is robbing a transport team escorted by an inner guard, which sounds unrealistic, or robbing the important supplies of the human "night watchmen" in the northern border, as long as they do it, they will be hanged in Ursas, Even the idea of ​​tens of thousands of years later in the history books of various countries...

—Don't talk about it, if she dares to bring it up, her head will be smashed by Alina, the old man and Mr. Cosmo.

"Only going south..."

Tallulah felt a deep sense of powerlessness at this moment. The infected people living in no fixed place were like water without a source, trees without roots...following the form and wandering around.

"It would be nice if there was a city...it even needs to be a city...a moving town, even a landship—"

"We can't afford that kind of thing... Tallulah—the Integrative Movement can't afford to maintain even the tiniest land-ship."

Alina interrupts Tallulah's fantasy....

"I'm just thinking - Alina...no..."

"Perhaps we should really take a city, as a symbol, as a symbol of rebellion against the oppression of the infected in Ursus today...?"

"That's for later, Tallulah... Unless God gives a good opportunity, the well-defended mobile city will not be captured by our group..."

"No... Don't we have the old man and Mr. Cosmo? Maybe it's really not difficult to take over a city?"


Alina didn't really see or understand the power of Wendigo and the forerunners—but Tallulah did. During her days as the heir of the Duke of Kechesi, she read countless classics collected by the Black Snake, and heard about the power of Keqisi. The many stories Siche himself tells...

——Five groups of shield guards can slaughter a team of knights, four inner guards can sweep a settlement, three Wendigo can conquer a small city, two army groups can destroy a principality, and one king can disrupt a whole land.

[Ursus is an extension of my hands. 】

On the cover of the biography of the first emperor of Ursas, such a passage was written in hot golden words, which left a deep impression on Tallulah who first read the book about the combat power of the former king and the Ursas army.

"Well... then you have to discuss it with the old man and Mr. Cosmo... If we really have a city, Tallulah, who was trained as the heir of the Duke, may be able to manage it... But the burden will definitely be heavy , except for you, everyone has no such experience..."

"Even to study, it takes time."

"Yeah, Mr. Cosmo and the old man should be back in ten minutes. After the snow melts, there are a lot more animals on the tundra. Maybe everyone can have a good meal today."

Tallulah nodded, as if she had made up her mind.

"Alina, no matter whether the old man and Mr. Cosmo agree with me or not, we must go south..."

"Well...I believe you, Tallulah, you should have weighed the pros and cons..."

"The integration movement must go south and enter the south of Ursas. Only in this way can we get rid of the pickets on the tundra that specialize in chasing the infected, and even in the wild, we can find more suitable shelters, mountains, The rivers—those off the main arteries of the moving city—are not as barren as the tundra."

"We can even set up a fixed camp as a base for the integration movement..."

The more Tallulah talked, the more excited she became. This Drake girl from Victoria and Ursas seemed to have finally awakened the blood of Yan Kingdom hidden in her blood, which belonged to her mother. This kind of thinking gradually overshadowed the idea of ​​grabbing a city.

"Besides, just because Alina is far away from the city does not mean she is far away from the village—I have seen the faces of those noble tax officials when I was the heir to the duke..."

"The villages in the south are not much better than the villages on the tundra...except that they are not so easy to freeze to death when winter comes, and they are also oppressed by the lord tax officials."

"They are the same as the infected people - the "oppressed" in Mr. Cosmo's mouth, and they are the people we must win support for."

"I feel like Tata, you are saying something very extraordinary..."

Alina, who was stunned for a while, gave a reply after listening——

"Also, Alina—you have to know that the main reason why the mobile city has been collecting food taxes from the villages near the waterway is that the precious land in the mobile city is rarely used for growing food. primary industry."

"Mobile cities are mainly based on the secondary and tertiary industries, that is, manufacturing, service and financial industries... These are located near the waterway of a mobile city, with agriculture, fishery, animal husbandry and other primary industries as the main industries Village settlements are the real lifeblood of a city!"

"With their support, we 'surrounded' a city in a sense, made it a prisoner..."


Alina opened her mouth wide and looked at Tallulah in shock... She seemed to have understood what her friend in front of her wanted to do...

"Tata...you seem to have come up with some kind of incredible theory..."

"But it's a bit difficult to practice... To get the support of those villages and settlements, we need at least the force to fight against the violent agencies sent by the mobile city - we need a strong armed force."

"It's a process that takes a long time to build up, but Alina - our path is clear!"

Tallulah excitedly grabbed her friend's arm and shook it, rejoicing at her new discovery, until a whistling sound broke the atmosphere between the two.

An arrow passed between the two of them and stuck in the tree trunk behind them, followed by the stern warning of the sentinel and the shouts of the shield guards.

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