"With the ancestors, you should do everything possible to maintain a certain relationship, even if it is a relationship with promises or promises."

"Standing on the shoulders of giants to explore the way forward is always easier than groping alone, isn't it?"

"Besides, we are now receiving one of the green shades... The random blow of the ancestor in the royal city is enough to deter those countries that have been spying on Kazdel and Sarkaz for decades-there will not be any The country’s rulers, military generals, soldiers, and civilians want this shot to fall on their heads.”

"Ah...you are right, by the way... Regarding your previous invitation, the ancients have already given a reply——"

Logos nodded and slid the screen, seemingly seeing some important news, and immediately reported it to Theresia.

"Hmm...Did they agree to the invitation?"

"Well, Dr. Mebius said that he can be stationed on the Rhode Island and provide consulting services for the Rhode Island Pharmaceutical Company in the future. Ancestor Kiyana said that he can have a name... nothing important Just don’t bother her.”

"Hmm... have you won the direct support of two of them?"

Theresia showed a somewhat surprised expression.

"But how you're going to keep us is another question, Theresa."

Following the Queen's voice, Dr. Mebius and Miss Qiyana came to visit. Behind the two elders was a submissive Miss Virgil...

"Ah, doctor, and Ms. Kiana and Ms. Virgil?"

"That guy Alice took the transport plane early in the morning and slipped away with her two guards and Yelena, saying that she was going to Ursus to do some business."

Kiana, who seemed to see Teresia's confusion, took the initiative to explain.

"Virgil, the girl who overslept every day without calling her, didn't keep up... and was left here—but according to Alice, she also planned to keep Virgil on Rhodes Island for a while. .”

"Is that so...then you are welcome to join, Ms. Virgil, Lord of Fire Demons."

Nodding, Teresia extended an inviting hand to Virgil.

"Uh...please give me some advice, Miss Theresia."

"Also... Auntie Alice told me! — Grandma Kiyana, you were like this back then, you can't afford it if you don't scream!"

Ms. Yan Mo looked at the eldest elder in front of her with some "proudness", with a look on her face that this is passed down in one line, no wonder I look like this.


"Why does that guy say everything to others!!"

Chapter 144 Angels, Lateran, and the Merciful

Rutland 72 hours after 'flare' erupted over Kazdale

The city of miracles that will always stand in the wind and rain, the "land of peace and joy sprinkled with sacred music and splendor", "paradise".People are extolling the title of Lateran, yearning for this heaven on earth—for thousands of years, the Lateran, which has allowed the countries to rise and fall, and the country and the people to live in peace, will last forever.

People are always used to giving extra fantasies to things they don't understand or don't want to understand——Why can Lateran last forever?Why are people there so happy?

[They must all have faith! 】

People think so, as if as long as they have faith, they can be "saved" like those Sakotas.The worry-free life of the Sakotas is the proof of "being saved".

It's a stark fantasy, believed by millions of people -- but it's not true.


The fantasy of "salvation" has attracted countless people in suffering, especially the Iberians who were once saved by Lateran.They yearn for the imaginary paradise, they are pious, they are kind, and finally, they are disillusioned and die.

Only one Sakota remained, rescued by his race—

Only he was rescued.Sakota didn't understand why he was the only one saved.Is the prerequisite for salvation not faith, but Sakota?

——He couldn't admit this conclusion, otherwise what would Aunt Barron of the Bitter Salt Grocery Store, Randy, the deacon of Waves Sound Chapel, and little Sagre twisting the rope for the ring bell, be doing in their lives?Who am I among them?

Sarkota's need for other answers became his obsession.


The "miracle" that erupted in the distance did not escape the attention of Andorn, who was lingering on the wall of Lateran. Sakota stared blankly at the sun in the distance falling to the ground, as if with a sigh.

And the messengers who visited the Holy City in the next few days brought Rutland the news of Kazdel's unification——

The "excommunication" from the gods cleared away all obstacles for the current Sarkaz demon king named Teresia, and at the same time silently deterred the surrounding countries.

And Evangelista XI was very taboo about this... He questioned the Pope, and all he got was an old man's sigh and silence.

The "god" in the world's population exists, and Andorn already knows everything that happened in Kazdel—no matter what his real body is, a person, a machine, or an animal that can be seen everywhere, he obviously exists.

"So... what is the "Law" of Lateran?"

A new question sprouted in the man's heart——

Lateran, the splendid, solemn and elegant Lateran, the air of Lateran that is always filled with the smell of vanilla and sugar - all of this is the "reward" of Lateran's obedience to the law, and all of this is Sacota's "salvation" proof".

However, there are no so-called gods in the teachings of Lateranism, only "laws"-the Sakotas obey the laws.Uphold the law, and because of the law it survives to this day.

[Rutland does not have “faith” and does not have “faith”? 】

A bold idea appeared in the mind of this Sakota man who did not grow up in Rutland, and was quickly rejected by him—this answer itself was a rejection of everything he had done in the past.

—He tried repeatedly to comfort every suffering believer he met on the road:

[I say salvation will eventually come, as long as we follow it, as long as we believe. 】

But if "faith" itself does not even exist, how can we believe in it?

The man with extremely confused thoughts was wandering on the walls of Rutland like a headless fly - until he bumped into a woman.

"Uh, sorry, ma'am."

Responding quickly, Andorn supported the woman with short pink hair in front of him, and was quickly attracted by her pair of gray pupils...

Andorn had seen her before. She was neither Sakota nor Riberi, yet she could appear in public meetings of the cardinals, never speaking, and just watching the beginning and end of each meeting.

Those gray and white pupils that seemed to never waver left an indelible impression on this man....

Andorn once curiously launched an investigation into this mysterious woman, but what he found was very little, or it was extremely strange——

He once asked a cardinal he met on the street, but the latter was puzzled and said that he had never seen such a lady.

But Andorn clearly remembered that the pink-haired woman was sitting in the same row as the cardinal the day before, or even in adjacent seats...

However, the investigation was not without success. A few days ago, Andorn received a name or title from the same believers who had been comforted by him -


After comforting and inspiring those believers, the mysterious pink-haired woman would sometimes appear in front of those believers who really needed help... and grant them various "miracles."

And this name is not a woman's self-proclaimed name, but a name given to her spontaneously by those who have been given miracles and redemption.

They even gave themselves a title - agents



"You... are the "God (law)" of Lateran?"

Andoren, who was picketed by chaotic thoughts, subconsciously raised the doubts woven in his heart.

"You have a lot of confusions, puzzles - and even dissatisfaction. You are longing for an answer..."

The pink-haired woman didn't answer his doubts, but only described Andorn's current situation in a gentle tone, and her gray pupils calmly stared at Sakota in front of her.

"Yes...I'm thirsty for an answer..."

Andorn was silent...

——If you are doing what they have given you your name...then, I beg you to give me "mercy".

"Even if...the reality in Rutland is consistent with your worst guess?"

Andoren's heart sank to the bottom of the sea after hearing the woman's words... Then he struggled again as if he was about to surface——

"Even if it is consistent with the conjecture I least want to accept."

Andorn looked up at the pink-haired woman in front of him with firm eyes.

"Then, let's go..."

The pink-haired woman turned around and walked towards the bottom of the city wall.

"Go to the depths of Lateran and see..."

"—The Fire Stealer and the Commandment named Prometheus, to convince you of the Lateran Law."

"...persuade...."Latran law"??"

Andorn's eyes widened, looking at the merciful person who was going away, he couldn't believe his ears...

"Go, Andorn...go and follow that Ms. Ishmael...They already know your distress and are waiting for your narration."

The white-haired old man appeared next to Andorn at some point.

"Your Excellency the Pope?! Why are you here..."

"She's leaving, Andorn."

The old man pointed to the woman who was about to disappear at the corner of the street...with a happy expression, but the seriousness in his eyes could not be concealed

Ishmael, Ishmael - this name represents only one meaning in the myths and stories of the old man...

【He already knows your pain】

Chapter 145: What does Kazdaele look like in the future you envision?

Kazdel-Ursus Frontier Airspace Vanguard Gunship Alice and Team 404

"Where shall we go first? Commander."

In the driver's seat, UMP45 set the aircraft to automatic flight mode, and then looked at Miss Alice who was looking at the communication interface.

The latter seemed to be planning to contact someone.

"In their royal capital, Holy Horse Castle, do you want to meet the emperor whom you have made an appointment with before, or should you go to the Ursus Tundra to meet that Bozhuo Kasti?"

"He has caused a lot of trouble to Miss Dandelai. He has saved many infected people before, especially young children and the elderly. These people were sent to the Golden Courtyard."

"Our Miss Dandelion said that the courtyard is a little bustling and bustling in the past, but a large group of children seems to make her feel dizzy."

"....That's a good thing, 45--how are those kids with oriosis?"

"When I chatted with Dandelai last time, all the replies she gave were under control - some of the less serious ones have been cured by equipment such as blood purification equipment, but she is a little troubled that she should teach these children What...."

"Now there is an Elafia teacher named Alina in Bodrokasti's team. Originally, Miss Dandelai's plan was to invite her to visit the Golden Garden and teach these children who were sent over—but that He is just an enlightenment teacher in Ursus. Even if he comes as requested, he probably won’t be able to teach these children much.”

"And according to Ms. Dandelai, not long after the Patriots' guerrillas transformed into the Reconciliation Movement, this emerging organization seemed to have encountered a lot of trouble, and she was never contacted to pick up the rescued. One contact only resulted in a request for a few more boxes of supplies.”

"Well, I think they should choose to take care of and train those infected people by themselves... After all, from a simple guerrilla to an infected person relief organization against Ursas, more manpower is needed to Do more."

"Then the only problem we have to deal with is what to do with these infected people who were sent here..."

After listening to 45's narration, Alice just nodded... Miss 45 interjected again.

"By the way, Commander—I heard from Dandelai that the organization has connected with Brother Cosmo, but she hasn't had time to contact and confirm this matter."

"That's it... so the rebellious team—"

The Archon looked at the Tactical Dolls who were having some kind of "Mao" push-up competition in the cabin, and immediately twitched the corner of his mouth...


"Commander, did you call me?"

Miss AK12, the leader of the disobedient team who was named, recovered from the push-up match between AK15 and AN94, and looked at Alice beside her.

"There is a long-term task for you..."

As soon as the Archon finished speaking, the members of the Disobedient Team completed their assembly in a flash and stood in front of Alice.

"We are always ready, Commander, please give the order."

"You need to reconcile with an infected rescue organization called the Integration Movement. Their predecessor was an infected guerrilla called "Shield". In this organization, there is a Wendigo leader named Bojocasti is our friend."

"In addition, our Mr. Cosmo may also be in that team, and get on line with them as soon as possible."

"Bozhuo Kasti has a positioning device on his body. I have already synchronized the data to your Yuntu network, found them to help them out of possible difficulties, and observed whether the leader of this emerging organization called the entire movement is worth our time. support."

"I see—the need to limit firepower, Commander."

AK12 nodded, and the disobedient captain who had received the official mission also became serious and began to confirm the requirements of the mission.

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