"Uh, wait, Miss Eden... I really want to smell someone I know again."


"It's done, Duck—"

Karenina, who was carrying the hammer that Duck Lord still couldn't figure out what it was used for, looked at the miraculous city in front of her that was built with the help of the great technology of the forerunners, and nodded with satisfaction.

"It feels good to not have nosy Party A pointing fingers - I approve of you duck!"

Karenina, who actually only took one month from the start of the construction to the completion, patted Yajue's duck's head in a happy mood.

"I am amazed at the speed of your delivery, Miss Karenina - a pleasure to work with."

Looking at the splendid city in front of him, Yajue rubbed his hands, as if it was also a little excited as a stage to show off its skills in the future.

"Of course—I am the Chief Constructor, Planetary Engineer, and Star Shaper Karenina of the Universal Technician Union."

"So... the city is built, shouldn't it be time for you to recruit employees-duck, you don't really want a person and those self-discipline machines to do all the work, do you?"

Looking at the city streets where only self-disciplined machines are flying, Karenina frowned. This kind of empty feeling makes the structure not feel very good. Miss Karenina prefers the sense of prosperity brought by the lively streets.

"We are recruiting...I plan to recruit basic workers from infected people. Colombia's policies have made infected people much more hostile to this country than other countries. It can even be said that they have a good impression."

"I read the report card that Dan Delai gave me - the group called infected people in this era seems to have some kind of pollution or something like that?"

"It's not discrimination or anything - I'm afraid they are walking well on the road, and suddenly they lie on the ground and disappear."

Karenina touched her chin, and looked at Yajue next to her with some doubts.

"In that case, Miss Karenina doesn't have to worry...how can I say ore disease—it's actually a chronic disease? And we can provide some treatment methods to control the concentration of origin stones in the blood. This happens.”

"Sudden sudden death is basically a severe patient."

Lord Duck shook his head and rejected Karenina's conjecture.

"That's good. If you need medical treatment... I can send another application to Miss Dandelai to see if I can bring that Dr. Liv from the Star of Life over..."

"Miss "Extreme Day"? It would be best to ask her for help——If Miss Dandelai wants us to send Ms. Floren, who will eventually die, Miss Karenina must remember to refuse."

"I don't need you to tell me...that joy monster is "notorious" in a certain sense-if it wasn't for the really good technology, it would have been buried somewhere else by someone else."

Karenina shrugged—

"Then we have the basic labor force, and we need to provide them with standard medical assistance, educational facilities, and logistical support—where are you going to recruit these personnel involved in administrative management?"

"I have a good candidate, Miss Karenina—how about you show me this Miss Ribery?"

Yajue took out a file from his briefcase, tiptoed and handed it to Miss Karenina.

"Pelika Takin, Li Boli, graduated from the National University of Colombia, an expert in international relations and diplomatic countermeasures, economic management... Currently looking for a new job."

"Before, he was squeezed out by the Colombian government because he publicly attacked the corruption and weak attitude of some members of the Colombian Congress, and resigned angrily."

The photo that Ya Jue handed over was a somewhat young white-haired Li Boli girl. The girl in the photo was leaning against the phone booth, not knowing who she was calling again. Her blue eyes seemed to have spotted the photographer of the photo, and she was talking to the camera Looking at each other——

"...so young? No—"

But Karenina, who saw this photo, fell into silence, and then gradually turned into an incredible...

"Wait...this is Governor Tarkin? Isn't she dead?!"

"Uh...Miss Karenina? Do you know this Miss Perika?"

Noticing the rapid change of his colleague's expression, Yajue scratched the hair on his head and asked in doubt——

"You don't know her? Duckling—that's Governor Tarkin, do you know what that word means?"

"Uh... what?"

"The moon of war on Tyra's head was built under the leadership of her idea, you don't know the name—besides, she is also one of the biggest patrons of the Universal Technician Union, a fanatical giant Weapon lovers."

Duck Jue, who was reminded by Karenina, began to quickly search for useful information in his brain——

"...Tarkin...Perika Tarkin—wait? Right...? Shouldn't the Moff of the Outer Rim have died early in that war?"

Yajue, who finally remembered who the owner of this name is, also showed a surprised expression——

"This time the dead are really resurrected... My dear."

"It's a bit different, Lord Duck—I've seen the governor, and she looks a little different from what appears in your picture."

"At least in my impression, that lady should be a standard old human being, who has not received any mechanical or genetic modification surgery, and is not such an image called Li Boli... and the most important point— - Lord Duck, the governor is recorded as having died in the line of duty."

"Hmm...another immortal who can be resurrected? Maybe we should contact Archon Alice—she might know something."

Yajue and Karenina, who made a bold guess, looked at each other...

"Grand Consul? Indeed, I'm going to contact Ms. Alice now. It just so happens that the city has been initially completed. I can report the progress to her."

Chapter 93 Teresia Save Me——by Warfarin

Forerunner Squad in Unknown Mountain North of Kazdale

"Nice to meet you, Duck - it looks like you and Karenina are having a great time working together?"

Alice, who connected to the communication from Colombia, looked at the city rising behind Lord Duck on the projection screen and nodded.

"Ahem, the construction work of New Alaska has been basically completed and can be put into operation - Madam, Miss Karenina's efficiency far exceeds my imagination."

And Ya Jue's reply was not what Alice expected.

"Yes, but it seems that you and Karenina have other problems besides this matter?"

Looking at Ya Jue who hesitated to speak on the screen, Alice asked a question——

"Ahem...Ms. Alice—do you remember the lady named Perika Tarkin?"

"Perika...that high-ranking star district governor? What's wrong?"

Frowning slightly, the consul who was thinking about who the name was raised his head, and looked at Yajue and Karenina in front of him again.

"Miss Karenina and I were picking out who to hire for the management of End Industries and New Alaska, and saw her haunt Columbia..."

"The lady just had a fling with the Colombian MPs and got kicked out of the government."

"But in my mind and Karenina's mind, this lady should have died in the line of duty, and she was an ordinary human being..."

"There is an image record, Yajue."

Seeing the confused expressions of the latter, Alice decided to take a look herself——

"Oh, yes, here it is—ma'am."


"Well, that's her, Ms. Perika Tarkin."

Alice nodded after looking at the photo, and then added something as she thought of something.

"—Only the Moff likes to wear the red and blue badges of honor vertically across his chest like this."

"Is she also an immortal? Ms. Alice?"

"Hmm... I'm not sure about this, she only appeared after the unification - this will only be known after you get in touch."

Miss Alice also seemed a little surprised to learn that Miss Perika was still active in Terra.

"If it's really that Governor Perika, then recruit her..."

"Does that mean I'm on vacation...can I be the hands-off shopkeeper?"

But Yajue thought of another aspect...seemed to be a little happy.

"Theoretically speaking, the status of a high-ranking star district governor is indeed higher than you, and has more action rights and experience than you..."

"But Yajue... If it's really the governor of Perika - I have to remind you, she doesn't feed idlers... If you don't do any work, and you have nothing to do in front of her, You will probably be stuffed into the pot by her to stew."

"Cough cough cough...I'm just talking, casually talking—by the way, is your operation going well?"

Ya Jue, who coughed awkwardly, led the topic in the direction of Ms. Alice——

"It's not optimistic...The Sarkaz regent known as Teresis is consciously driving his followers to dig our ruins...and most of the defenses in this area have failed. Our Now we are preparing to take back a ruin that they intend to steal."

"What about the two consuls of the Kaslana family? Madam?"

"The specific location has not yet been determined...but little Virgil said that there is a feeling of getting closer and closer in the northern part of Kazdaele. I think it won't be long."

"Then I wish you a smooth journey, and I won't bother you."



"What did you talk to that duck about?"

AK12, who saw the end of the communication, came over curiously.

"New Alaska has been built, and the End Industry is ready for use—we can fulfill our contract with the Columbia Bureau of Investigation."

"Sounds like good news. I seem to have heard you mention the lady governor..."

"Ah...that's right, that young lady who is keen to conceive all kinds of giant structures—let's not mention this, how is the situation?"

"The Blood Demon Lord seems to have a lot of cronies around him this time... He himself doesn't seem to be in a good condition - the knife Miss Virgil gave him seemed to have damaged a lot of his vitality."

"Hmm... as expected."

Alice nodded and signaled AK12 to continue explaining....

"The remaining small Sarkaz are nothing to worry about. You know the gap between them and us—however, they seem to have a disagreement on how to open the gate of this ruin."

"Oh? How do they want to open our gate?"

"Uh... looks like it wants to explode...?"

"It's just...pretty whimsical, you know what I mean, Commander?...they're trying to blow our door open...."

AK12 shrugged at Alice.Showing an unbelievable expression.

"You may want to look at this, Captain and Commander."

Just when AK12 was about to laugh at Sarkaz's whimsical behavior below, AK15 walked over with a video projection...

"...These should be the explosives they have explored from other ruins before, and the shell seems to be some high-strength antimatter explosives."

"...do they really know what they're doing?"

Seeing the image released by AK15, the corners of Alice's mouth twitched...

"Cough cough cough——I want to remind you, Commander...this kind of one-time explosive does not have an identity authentication lock device...anyone can detonate it."

"Hmmm... the rebellious team, and Lucia and Virgil?"

"Standby, Commander—"

"Aunt Alice, who are we going to kill next?"

"Before these idiots blow us up into the sky... beat 'em down."

"Roger that!"

— Immediately, the Sarkaz Royal Army in the valley fell into chaos.


USS Rhode Island No. 2 aisle

"Theresa save me!!!"

"Logos——! Save the old man!!!"

A white-haired female Gorefiend ran wildly in the corridor. Judging from her attire, it was probably that Dr. Warfarin——

However, Warfarin's situation at this moment seems to be a bit unfavorable. The doctor who is usually kept at a distance now rushes to ask for help every time he sees someone, and he doesn't know who he offended on the boat——

Just when everyone was still wondering why the blood demon doctor suddenly went crazy, a woman in an overloaded black protective suit and a nurse with a happy smile on her face appeared from around the corner.

——That is Dr. Mebius and Ms. Flora, who are more notorious than Dr. Warfarin, the newcomers on the Rhode Island's list of least wanted characters.

"Why did Dr. Warfarin mess with those two..."

Seeing the plague-like Babita operators looking at the two men chasing Warfarin, they immediately ran to the side of the road, fearing that the latter would slip into the laboratory unfavorably and add some very "horrible" life experiences.

"I don't know... I heard from the staff of the medical department - it seems that Dr. Warfarin didn't get the medical examination form of the doctor and Miss Floren... and then I don't know if it's because of greed or hand. Itchy, went up and took a bite at the two uncles who were resting."

"It is said that he even yelled for me to taste your poisonous blood, Doctor..."

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