"Speaking of Shinomiya-san, did you just say that as long as I come to see you a second time, you will consider being friends with me?"

"...Did I say that? I don't remember it." She folded her arms around her chest, her eyes drifted to the side unnaturally, obviously she didn't want to admit it.

"Yes, you just said that."

"Is there anything that can prove what I just said? Is there a recording or..."

Xiaoxin immediately took out his mobile phone, opened the recording software, and pressed the play button.

I only heard Shinomiya Kaguya's voice, which came out from his mobile phone: "But I will admire him a little bit, if he dares to come to me again, at least I will give him a high look, think about it a little bit, and become friends." matter…"

Bang, after playing this point, Xiaoxin pressed the pause button and shrugged: "Listen, that's what you said, right?"

"... When did you record..."

"Also, don't record half of the recording. I said in the second half that you need to think more about becoming a true friend? Then why didn't you record it?"

"Don't worry about these small details~" Xiaoxin waved his hand: "Recording! Of course, record the parts that are more beneficial to you~"

Chapter 145: Shinomiya Kaguya and Strawberry Cake


Shinomiya Kaguya turned her head back and gently shook her long black hair away, as if covering the sky with a beautiful layer of darkness.

"At any rate, I am the daughter of the patriarch of the Four Palaces, and I will not take back what I said, but I said it too, it's just for consideration..."

"Classmate Shinomiya, do you want to eat cake?" Xiaoxin took out a box of strawberry cake: "It looks delicious~"

"...are you not listening to me at all?"

Xiaoxin put the box of strawberry cake on Kaguya's table and opened it.

"Wow~ There are just two yuan, we can each have one piece~"

"Don't eat in my room!! Besides, your cake was bought by my guards, right?"

Last night, Shinomiya Kaguya was doing her final review before the exam. Some new servants bought strawberry cake, wanting to let the eldest lady relax, but Kaguya didn't eat such sweet things, so she called it People took it out.

She pays great attention to her figure and muscle training. Since she was a child, under the strict house rules of the Shinomiya family, she has never had much contact with unhealthy sweet and greasy food.

The servants took the cake back, threw it away and wasted it, put it in the refrigerator, and thought about what to do later. Unexpectedly, when Xiaoxin sneaked into the Sigong mansion just now, he smelled the fragrance and found it, so he brought it along. Brought into Shinomiya Kaguya's room.

"En~ It smells so delicious~ As expected, the cake bought by the guards of the Shinomiya family for the eldest lady is completely high-end, and it is completely different from the strawberry cake sold in ordinary supermarkets or ordinary cake shops~"

"...I don't like eating sweet things like this."

"Hey? Why? This smells delicious." Xiaoxin sniffed again: "Based on my 16 years of experience in eating desserts, I judge this cake to be the highest quality!"

Xiaoxin has always been a person who knows the goods.

Shinomiya Kaguya bit her lips lightly and said: "I am not interested in this sweet and greasy thing. It has no meaning except bringing fat and obesity."

"emm... But if you eat this, your mood will get better~ Believe me, no one can escape the temptation of snacks, especially such a high-end strawberry cake. Look at its glorious color and elastic strawberries, as if they are constantly It’s like tempting us to eat it~”

He licked his lips.

"For me, being able to be the first in this mid-term test is a relatively happy thing. The illusory happiness brought by taste is meaningless..."

"By the way, comics, TV, romance, the moon, romance novels, fireworks, sweets, all these things that stimulate the senses and create vain romantic happiness, I don't have...uh..."

She was talking to herself, but Xiaoxin had already cut a small piece of strawberry cake, forked it with a fork, and stuffed it into her mouth.

"Stop talking about this, come and have a taste~"

"... "

This is the first time Kaguya Shinomiya has eaten strawberry cake in more than ten years of her life.

She didn't know the last time she had something sweet. The sweetness of strawberry burst out on her front tongue.

This cake is indeed a high-end cake, sweet but not greasy, the freshness of the strawberry is greater than the thickness of the cream, the fragrance of the cake itself has remaining pigments and spices, not as heavy as the cheesecake, for Kaguya Shinomiya, this sweetness is actually Just right.

"..." Xiaoxin had already withdrawn the fork from her mouth, Shinomiya Kaguya's brain received a strong signal from the taste nerve, and moved her mouth subconsciously.

By the time she came to her senses, the strawberry cake had already been swallowed.

"How is it? It's delicious, right?" Xiaoxin raised his eyebrows with an expression of "I'll just say it".

"No, it doesn't taste good..." Kaguya Shinomiya said something against her will while suppressing the blush on her face and suppressing her inner embarrassment.

I just talked about so many great truths, and now I am slapped in the face with a piece of strawberry cake. Do I still want this face?

"It's too greasy and too sweet. Only people who are immersed in temporary pleasure would want to eat this kind of thing."

"Hmph~~" Xiaoxin narrowed his eyes, he had already seen this expression when he made fried noodles for Xue Nai at Xue Nai's house~

"You... what kind of expression is that on your face? It's really evil..." Kaguya Shinomiya turned her head to the side again, not daring to meet Xiaoxin's gaze.

"Emm... Well, in short, today is just to try something different for Sigong-student, since Sigong-student doesn't like it, then next time I will think about novelty things, that's it for today, bye bye~ "


Shinomiya Kaguya turned her head back, Xiaoxin had disappeared.

"...How on earth did this guy come and go without a trace..."

Xiaoxin was gone, and she was the only one left in the room.

She slowly walked back to the desk, sat back on the chair, and found the box of strawberry cake still on the table.

"... "

She opened her mouth, wanting to call the guards outside to come in and take out the cake, but the words came to her lips, but she couldn't say them.

"...this boring pigmented cream clumped together thing that doesn't taste good at all..."

She said disdainfully, but her hand was already quietly on the knife and she cut off another small piece.

"...I just... want to double check, why on earth are there so many stupid people... who like to eat this unhealthy food..."

She quickly stuffed the cake into her mouth, chewing a little bit, she firmly believed that everything just now was just an illusion...


Her red eyes were wide open, and an unprecedented feeling bloomed in her heart.

When Xiaoxin was here just now, she was reserved in some actions, but now, she almost had the word "delicious" engraved on her face.

【What's going on... This thing is even more delicious than I imagined...】

After swallowing the cake, she couldn't help but cut another piece and was about to put it in her mouth.

"Delicious, right?"

Xiaoxin's voice came from the side again without warning.

"... "

There were beads of embarrassing sweat on the back of Shinomiya Kaguya's head.

She quickly put down the fork, and said anxiously: "You...you went back, didn't you? Why are you back again?"

"Originally, I was going back, right~ But when I was halfway there, I thought, my strawberry cake seems to stay here."

"Hey~ When I think about it, Shinomiya, who swore that the cake was greasy and unpalatable, would definitely throw it away after finding the strawberry cake left behind. Isn't this such a waste of natural resources? So I turned back and came back. Unexpectedly …”

He raised his eyebrows: "I saw an interesting scene~"

"…You and I…"

Shinomiya Kaguya's words were a little flustered, and he thought: 【This guy...he must have done it on purpose...】

But she was used to being cold after all, and she quickly recovered her calm state.

"...Hmph, stop making such silly jokes. I was just curious about what the common people were eating. When you stuffed it into my mouth just now, I didn't have the time to taste too much, so later I I just plan to have a little taste."

"The strawberry cake in this store is not something ordinary people would buy~ it's very high-end." Xiaoxin picked up the fork Kaguya used just now: "However, since you don't want to eat it, Shinomiya-san, then I will eat it." Eat her up."


Xiaoxin quickly put the fork into his mouth and ate the rest of the cake.

But there's just one piece left next to it.

Chapter 146: The Test of Shinomiya Kaguya

"Well? What's wrong?"

Seeing Kaguya Shinomiya's expression of reluctance to see the cake gone, Xiaoxin deliberately asked: "What's wrong? Classmate Sigong?"

"...I just thought that the fork I used was used by you again, and I felt..."

"Souga? So Shinomiya-san is worried about this matter? Don't worry, I won't care about your slobber. I've always been like this, and I don't care about trivial matters."

"I mean I'd feel sick."

No longer teasing Shinomiya Kaguya, Xiaoxin brought the topic back to the matter of "friends".

"So ~ Shinomiya-san, we are friends now, right?"

"Thinking too much, Shinnosuke Nohara, as I said just now, I just..."

As the words came to his lips, Shinomiya Kaguya suddenly turned his head.

[Before, I planned to use an extremely difficult test to test Nohara Shinnosuke. Originally, if he had not come to me again, I would not have had this opportunity. Isn’t it just right now...]

So, her tone changed: "Well, I will really think about it, but to be a true friend, you need to have common interests and hobbies, or have gone out together a few times, and have shared memories, right? ?”

Xiaoxin nodded: "That's right, Shinomiya-san, what you said makes sense."

"Well~ Anyway, the first semester test is over, and this weekend is fine, why don't we go out to have fun~ If we just go out for a while, the guards of Shinomiya should still agree? If you don't worry, it's a big deal Just follow us secretly to protect your safety~"

[Took the bait...] Kaguya thought to herself: [But...don't make it too obvious first. 】

"Go out? As I said before, I have no interest in most entertainment. Whether it's watching movies, going to amusement parks, or going to festivals, I have no interest in such meaningless activities."

"For me, it's better to accompany me to the archery field to practice archery for a day. It's very interesting."

Xiaoxin rubbed his chin: "emm...Student Shinomiya's interest is indeed a problem..."

"By the way~ How about the zoo? In class today, I seem to have heard someone discussing that a new zoo has opened near the port area, why not go there~"

【The zoo in Minato-ku? I remember... Isn't that invested by our Shinomiya family? Well... Yes!】

She said lightly: "A zoo..." Then she pretended to think for a few seconds.

"...Let's do it, at least you can learn some biological theories and increase your knowledge in this area."

Seeing that he and Shinomiya Kaguya finally reached a consensus, Xiaoxin smiled and said: "Wow~ It's really rare that I and Shinomiya have found a mutually acceptable plan. Sure enough, even if it seems difficult, it will be possible after all. A solution can be found.”

"Don't be too happy. If my experience is not very good by then, I will not agree to be your friend, and I will not go to the student union. I just want to give you a It's just a chance."

She is still pretending to be arrogant, with her eyes closed and her head turned aside, Bingzhihui's airs are still on display.

Xiaoxin said that it didn't matter at all, and waved his hand: "Then, we will meet at ten o'clock on Saturday morning~ I'm really leaving this time, remember to see you there~"

After saying this, he left, and when Shinomiya Kaguya opened his eyes and turned his head back again, there was no one left.

"... This guy, did he really leave this time?"

After waiting for about 5 minutes and making sure that Xiaoxin didn't run out again, she let out a breath.

Then, she took out her antique push-button cell phone and called Hayasaka Ai.

At this time, Hayasaka Ai had just taken a bath and relaxed from the fatigue of the day.

In her mind, it should be easier in the next few days. After all, she no longer needs to follow Nohara Shinnosuke, and he didn't look for Miss Kaguya today, which means that there are no more trials and tests, and she should be able to Less miscellaneous tasks...

But at this moment, the eldest lady called her.


She picked up the phone: "Miss?"

"Haasaka, come to my room right now. I have a new task to answer."

"...Miss, I just finished washing..."

"Come here quickly, it's important."

"...Understood, follow orders."

After hanging up Hayasaka Ai's phone call, Shinomiya Kaguya saw the only piece of strawberry cake left on the table.

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