【Auntie, hurry up, I want meat】

【Oh, this is the dish made by Nini's mother, with a complex taste】


"Mommy mommy?"

Nini stretched out her hand and waved it in front of Mengzi.

"Are you okay? Why are you suddenly in a daze?"

Nini's voice awakens Moeko who is immersed in nightmare memories.

"...Huh? Ah? Haha...Mom is fine. Mom just...was a little careless."

Nini's mother smiled awkwardly, maintaining a calm surface...

However, her heart has already entered a state of infinite collapse.

Then, with a nonchalant smile, she said to Xiaoxin: "Hey... oh, isn't this Xiaoxin? Well... I haven't seen you for several years... Oh, Auntie, I miss you so much..."

Of course, the thing on her mind is: What are you doing here, you brat!! Ruin my good mood for the whole day!!

"Oh? Auntie still remembers me?" Xiaoxin nodded proudly: "That's right. After all, I was a very polite child before, so it must have left a deep impression on me, right?"

"Yes...yeah...haha..." Moeko Sakurada put her hands behind her back and clenched her fists, suppressing her emotions.

"But I said Xiaoxin, although you haven't been here for a long time, Auntie, I'm really happy to see you very rarely... But look at the time now, it's almost time for dinner, don't you want to go back for dinner?"

Hearing what Moezi said, Xiaoxin's heart lit up.

In fact, he didn't want to come today. He was forced to come by Nini. If there was a reason, he couldn't wait to leave as soon as possible.

However, how could Nini let Xiaoxin go?

"Mom, Xiaoxin is going to accompany me today to practice for the drama club's audition performance."

Nini, don't talk too much!!! At this moment, Mengzi and Xiaoxin were thinking this way, and the two of them had unknowingly reached a consensus.

Nini stretched out her hand and put it on Xiaoxin's shoulder: "Xiaoxin~ you won't run around, right? You won't break your promise like Zhengnan's dead fan, right?"


Even the head of the Kendo Department couldn't catch Xiaoxin. However, he couldn't resist Nini's terrifying coercion and the sinister aura with a half-smile.

"Okay, that's it, let's go, let's go to rehearsal first!"

Nini took Xiaoxin away.

Moeko Sakurada returned to her room first.

He opened the cupboard, took out the beaten rabbit doll that had been dusty for a long time, and then walked to the toilet.

Locking the door, making sure no one would hear her, she took a deep breath.

"Huh~~ I didn't expect that one day I would take out this thing again..."

After brewing her emotions, she pressed the character "Beating Rabbit" against the wall with her left hand, clenched her right fist, and beat the rabbit hard.

"Drink!! Drink!! Damn!! Drink!! Why!! Do it again!! Disturb my peaceful life?!! Ah!!!"

On the other side, Nini led Xiaoxin to her room.

The layout of Nini's room is similar to Xiaoxin's impression. The overall color is pink. There are a few pots of flowers and some small rabbit dolls on the window. On the cabinet are some cat dolls and cute table lamps. .

Although the layout of the whole room is very girlish, Nini's personality also has a rather aggressive or violent side. In addition, since Xiaoxin is a friend she has known since childhood, she doesn't care much about Xiaoxin entering her room.

"Come on, let's rehearse the script."

"Finish the rehearsal early and let me go home early..."

"Okay, okay, so first of all, here's the script..."

Nini took out the script she had written and handed it to Xiaoxin.

The plot is about a heroic swordsman who wants to rescue the princess captured by the devil. It is a very standard template for Dragon Quest to save the princess.

"Well... at first glance, it's still an ordinary adventure story, I thought you were writing that kind of... uh..."

Seeing Xiaoxin behind, he felt more and more wrong.

It turns out that the purpose of the devil who kidnapped the princess was not to rule the world, but because he fell in love with the princess. During the time when he kidnapped the princess, the princess was also attracted by the devil's peerless appearance and aloofness. She fell in love with her temperament, and then the heroic swordsman came to save the princess. The princess began to waver again and fell into the torment of choice...

What the hell kind of plot is this?

"Hehe, it's great, right?" Nini touched her face: "A beautiful princess yearning for love... Oh, of course this must be played by me. The princess yearning for love is mixed between two handsome men. One side is a lonely devil king, and the other side is a heroic swordsman, how should we choose? Ah~ such a delicate and emotional story will surely impress the judges by then, right? Xiaoxin?"

"Uh...I think this story...is a bit bloody..."

"Huh? Xiaoxin, what did you say? What do you think of this story?" Nini asked with a half-smile.

"I...I mean, it's a good story..."

"Hmph ~ good! Let's rehearse now."

On the other side, after beating the rabbit more than 100 times, Moeko Sakurada finally calmed down.

"Huh~ After stretching for a while, I feel a little more comfortable."

"Huh? Where's Nini?"

She just remembered that just now Nini seemed to say that she was going to take Xiaoxin to a play rehearsal...

eh? in her room?

Moezi frowned, and his expression became tense.

"Ni...Ni Ni...this girl, why can't she take care of herself? She's already in high school, how can she just let boys in the room? Especially that kid..."

Since she has a bad impression of Xiaoxin, Moezi doesn't mind guessing Xiaoxin with the worst malice.

"That kid Xiaoxin has been running away from our house since he was a child... he must have something wrong in his heart, no! I don't worry, I'm going to have a look."

She held her breath as hard as she could, and tiptoed to the door of Nini's room.

Afterwards, she moved her head close to the door to listen to what was happening inside.

"No! Don't, I... I really can't accept it, I... I already have my heart in my heart, I can't..."

This is Nini's voice.

"Hehe... No one will come to save you in this place now, so you just obey me obediently..."

This is Xiaoxin's voice.

Moezi became more and more startled when he heard this, this... this kid, what is he... what is he doing? He wants to rape Nini?

Thinking of this, she also didn't care about the reputation of being a gentle mother, kicked the door open violently, rushed in, and shouted: "Stinky boy!! Let go of Nini!! You..."

I saw Xiaoxin and Nini, just holding the script normally, reading lines to each other, and there was even a little distance between them.

Seeing Mengzi rushing in, Nini and Xiaoxin stopped practicing.

"Auntie, what's wrong with you?" Xiaoxin tilted his head: "Is it because you are constipated, so you are in a bad mood?"

"I...I...you...you...you...what are you doing?"

"Mom, we're rehearsing."

"Rehearsal? Did... did you rehearse like this?!!" Moeko shouted.

"Speaking of aunt." Xiaoxin sniffed his nose: "Does it have a strange smell?"

"Strange smell? Ah!! Oops!!! My curry!!!"

Moeko hurried to the kitchen, the curry was already burnt.


Chapter 025: Have a nice day with Yumiko Miura


"En~" Xiaoxin stretched her waist and got up from the bed.

The outside sun shines into the room, and the birds on the trees are singing softly. It is a bright and good weather.

And Xiaoxin unexpectedly did not oversleep, and even got up 5 minutes earlier than the alarm time.

I felt refreshed and didn't feel tired from waking up early.

It can be said that the whole body is in the best condition.

"En...that's really good~" Xiaoxin nodded: "Today, the whole person is full of that...bling bling

a feeling of. "

He opened the window and shouted out the window: "Okay~! Today will definitely be a good day!!!"

Yes, today will be a good day.

"Okay, students, please put away the reference books and textbooks, we are going to take the first math class quiz quiz."


Xiaoxin, who has been in high spirits since getting up in the morning, can be said to have been humming songs all the way from home to the classroom.

Unexpectedly, not long after the class, Shizuka Hiratsuka on the stage announced the exam.

Or math, which he is not very good at.

"What's the matter, Dumb, do you have to take a math test today? Also, why is it Teacher Hiratsuka? Doesn't she teach Chinese?"

"Yesterday...the math teacher said...today I will ask for leave...Ms. Shizuka Hiratsuka will be the substitute...the exam papers in class..."

Xiaoxin blinked: "Hey~~?? Are you there??"

"Yes...Xiaoxin...didn't you hear it in class...?"

Xiaoxin thought about it carefully, what was he doing in math class yesterday?

Taking advantage of my mother's inattention, put all the green peppers in the bento to Xiaokui? No, that's a matter of Monday.

Appreciate the dynamic superman model you just bought? No, that's what happened last night.

Looking at Komiya Etsuko's photo album? No, that was before going to bed yesterday.

Going to a book signing for my latest manga - The Adventures of Chubby Zaemon? No no no! That never happened!

Then, Shizuka Hiratsuka on the stage said: "In addition, in order to prevent the neighboring students from colluding and cheating, everyone has to temporarily exchange seats for this exam. I posted the seat chart on the blackboard."

The students hurried to the blackboard to check their seats.

Xiaoxin also squeezed in.

"Well~ I'll take a look and I'll take a look~ Wow! It's also good to sit in the last row!! This way, when you look at the answers of the students next to you later, you will be less likely to be discovered."

"Ahem!" Shizuka Hiratsuka coughed softly: "Nohara-kun, please don't reveal your intention to break the school rules so obviously."

"Oh! It's really bad. I didn't expect that I just revealed the plan in my heart without knowing it?" Xiaoxin covered her mouth in feigned surprise.

Then, he pointed to Sho Tobe at the side, and said, "Mr. Hiratsuka, those words about cheating just now were actually said by Tobe classmate imitating my voice!"

"Hey, hey, hey!! Nohara-kun, don't frame me!! I don't have one!!"

Sho Tobe clarified in a hurry, looked at the students around him, and said anxiously: "No, I... I really don't have it... I really didn't say that..."

"Okay!! That's enough!! Students who are watching the seating chart, please take a seat for me immediately!! I'm going to hand out papers."

After Shizuka Hiratsuka gave an order, everyone frantically found their seats.

Xiaoxin sat in the last row, in the back left corner of the classroom.

Sitting on Xiaoxin's right is Yumiko Miura, the representative of the girl group in the class.

"Yo!" Xiaoxin waved her hand: "For the rest of my life, please teach me a lot."

Yumiko Miura looked a little unhappy, and said slightly unkindly: "Don't be so nasty, I just sat next to you for more than half an hour during the exam."

"Okay, then for the next half an hour, I will ask for your advice for the rest of my life."

"So, why do you have to add the rest of your life!"

She rubbed her long, silky golden hair.

"I told you in advance that you are not allowed to peek at my answers later in the exam. If I find out, I will tell Mr. Hiratsuka immediately!!"

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