It's just... Xiaoxin was also there, and she was instinctively unwilling to show this side of herself in front of Xiaoxin.

"That cat...should appear in that area all this time...?"

"If that's the case... a little later, after Nohara leaves, I'll sneak over there and look for it..."

If ability allows, Xue Nai also wants to raise a cat.

Helpless, the high-end apartment she lives in is not suitable for keeping cats, so although she has thoughts about cats, she has to go to the pet store every time to satisfy her eye addiction, or pet stray cats occasionally.

Yukino lives in an apartment near Saitama Prefecture.

She deliberately stayed away from her family and came out from home. She didn't want to be too close to Tokyo, but she couldn't be too far away, otherwise it would be inconvenient to go to and from school.

Saitama Prefecture is right next to Tokyo, and strictly speaking, it is also a part of the greater Tokyo area, so it is just right to choose here.

Soon, she walked back to her apartment.

Take the elevator all the way to the sixteenth floor.

She walked to her rented room, took out the key, and opened the door.

"I'm back." Even though she lived alone, she still said habitually.

"You're back~" Xiaoxin's voice came from the side.

"Huh~ Today is really... I thought I was just going to a department store to buy something, but I wasted so much time..." Xue Nai said to herself.

On the side, Xiaoxin's voice said: "However, I saw a cat later, such a cute cat!! It shouldn't be a loss, right?"

"It's's nice to see cats, but...but..."

"But I'm sorry to say it, but I didn't pet the cat in the end, did I?"

"...Yes, alas..." Yukino sighed lightly.

"It would be great if I could touch that cat more, and even if I could feed it, it would be even better to see how it eats, right?" Xiaoxin's voice bewitched.

"Yes...but, Nohara-kun was there at the time, I...I didn't want to do this in front of him..."

"I have an idea, take advantage of the night, I'm not there anymore, go there again, find that cat, and have a sneaky masturbation!!"

Yukino's eyes lit up and he agreed: "Yes, that's what I thought just now."

Xiaoxin nodded: "So, you really, really like cats, right?"


At this time, Xue Nai finally reacted.

", pervert?!!"

She stared wide-eyed, took a few steps back in an instant, her eyes returned to ice-cold, and looked at Xiaoxin warily.

"You... how did you get in?"

"How did you get in here? Well... I think about it, I just followed you all the way, but you seem to have something on your mind, so you haven't noticed me..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xue Nai swept over with a flying kick.

"Shameless peeping pervert, you have lost your qualifications as a human being, please die where you are now."

Xue Nai is not a delicate girl, she has practiced aikido, and other basic self-defense skills are not weak.

Xiaoxin quietly glanced at the beautiful legs sweeping over, stretched out a hand, and grabbed the oncoming ankle without any pressure.

"Oh, Yukinoshita, don't be so excited~~"

"... "

Yukino was quite surprised. He didn't expect Xiaoxin to be able to catch his kick.

At the same time, her face turned slightly red. After all, she was being held with one foot raised, and only the other foot was on the ground. This was too unsightly.

"...let...let go of me..."

"Oh~ Of course you can let go, but as long as you calm down, you can talk about anything."

After speaking, Xiaoxin let go of his hand.

After being released, Xue Nai quickly retracted her legs, took a few steps back, and took out her mobile phone from her bag.

"Hey, Mr. Police, I have been harassed and molested by a perverted stalker here, please send the police quickly to bring the criminal to justice." She looked at Xiaoxin coldly and said into the phone.

Of course, this was just a bluff, since she didn't even come to call urgently in such a short time.

"I said, I'm not so good that I need to call the police." He scratched his head embarrassingly, and said: "Besides, don't you want to touch the cat?"

After all, he picked up a white cat from behind his feet, which was the one he met outside the department store just now.

He followed Xue Nai all the way back to the apartment, and took the cat with him along the way.


The white cat barked at Yukino, it was so cute.

"... "

Yukino put down her phone. She didn't expect that Xiaoxin would bring the white cat back.

The meowing just now made her heart call Su.

Under Xiaoxin's gesture, the white cat slowly walked to Xue Nai's feet.

Those watery cat eyes just stared at her.


Xue Nai couldn't bear it anymore, she didn't care about anything at the moment, put the backpack away, squatted down, and stroked the white cat's head.


The white cat enjoyed the feeling of being rubbed very much, its eyes were squinted together, and its head kept rubbing.

Seeing this, Xue Nai boldly stroked the white cat's chin and back further.

Although she had been to a pet store before, she rarely had the opportunity to pet a cat so closely.

Yukinoshita Yukino is satisfied at this moment.

Xiaoxin on the side was not idle either, he took out his mobile phone, "Click! Click!", and took a picture of this classic scene.

When Yukino heard the sound of taking pictures, she immediately wanted to take a few steps back, but she couldn't let go of the cat, so she had to pick up the white cat and put it on her chest, then took a few steps back and looked at Xiaoxin with a wary face.

"Peeping and stalking the perverted gentleman, and now adding a sneaky filming gentleman? Your sentence is getting heavier and heavier."

Xiaoxin blinked, "innocently" said: "I didn't do it."

Then, he suddenly looked at his hand in "surprise" and cursed: "My hand!! could you do such a thing? Yukino is so beautiful, smart, and gentle(?), you How could you be like this, not obey my control, and do such a thing?"

Xue Nai watched Xiaoxin perform calmly.

Pretend! Continue to pretend! Believe you and count me as loser!

Chapter 018: Cooking at Yukino’s house

Although she didn't have much contact with her in class, Yukinoshita Yukino felt that she had half seen what Xiaoxin was like in just half a day today.

You're just a thick-skinned guy.

When you scold him, he either smiles and ignores him, or pretends to be stupid, or changes the subject.

It's a poisonous tongue buster.

Yukino felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

"Oh~ my left hand... Yukinoshita-san, what should I do, I think my hand has already begun to disobey my orders..."

"My hand!! What are you doing? You... how can you take a picture of Yukinoshita's super kawaii student at will? Ah?!! My left hand, what are you doing now?! How are you Can you back up several copies of the photos you just took? Why are you so disobedient?"

Xiaoxin continued to act here, and over there, Xue Nai's eyes gradually darkened, revealing a chilling "smile".

"Since that disobedient hand is so disobedient, then... I can help you cut off the disobedient hand, right? What do you think? The voyeuristic pervert follows the candid cameraman."

She walked into the kitchen while talking, and then took out a kitchen knife.

"... oh oh!! The feeling is back, the feeling is back!! The control of my hand... is coming back, um~... Phoo!! It's back, it's really a surprise, I almost thought I was going to lose myself just now Fortunately, my self-awareness prevailed in the end, and it was a near-miss battle, right, Yukinoshita-san."

Xiaoxin was sweating on his back, the moment he saw Xue Nai coming out of the kitchen with a knife, he quickly ended his scene.

Xue Naipi smiled but sharpened his knife and said, "It was indeed a thrilling battle. However, this hand suddenly lost control today. Who knows if it will happen again someday? I think it is still It's safer to cut it off once and for all."

"Oh... oh no, no, no, no, I still have confidence in my willpower. Also, you put down the knife first. You hold the knife in one hand and hold the cat in the other. If the knife accidentally hurts you It’s not good for cats.”

"Please rest assured, pervert, I am also very confident in my willpower to control the knife, I will cut the knife to the bone and never cut sideways..."

At this moment, suddenly, a grunt interrupted the two of them.


It's the cry of hunger.

"Ah, it's meal time, I'm a little hungry." Xiaoxin quickly changed the subject and rubbed his stomach.

"My stomach growls at the house of a girl in the same class. The pervert is really rude." Xue Nai had just finished speaking, and the cry of "Gu~" also came from her stomach.

"... "

I looked at the clock, well, it's already one o'clock in the afternoon, and it's already past lunch time.

It turned out that Xiaoxin got up early and went to the department store. Unexpectedly, besides buying models, he also ran into a missing incident. After the end, he licked the cat for a while, and followed him all the way back to Xue Nai's apartment. Just now, the two argued again , this toss has been gone for most of the day.

Xiaoxin said: "Okay, it's indeed time for lunch, let me cook something."

"You? Cook?"

Xue Nai was instinctively vigilant.

"Actually, you just want to peep into the private kitchen of a girl living alone, right? It really is a voyeur pervert following you."

"No, no, I really know how to cook, trust me."

Xue Nai shook her head, "No need, on the one hand, I don't really believe that the perverted gentleman really has no ideas, on the other hand, I can cook by myself, so I don't need you to do it."

"Oh, Yukinoshita-san, you don't have to be polite to me."

"I'm not being polite..."

"Anyway, leave the cooking to me. Yukinoshita-san, you are right by the side, stroking the cat and relaxing, wouldn't it be nice?"

After finishing speaking, Xiaoxin stepped forward, quickly stretched out his right hand, brushed past Xue Nai's hand holding the knife, and retracted it again.

The next second, Yukino felt that her right hand was empty. She looked down and saw that the kitchen knife in her hand had unexpectedly slipped into Xiaoxin's hand.

"?? How did you do it?"

"Okay, let's cook."

Xiaoxin twirled the kitchen knife he had just bought, walked into the kitchen, and without waiting for Xue Nai to say anything, he opened the refrigerator and rummaged through the ingredients, as if this was also his home.

"... "

Although there was a lot of trouble about Xiaoxin being chased by the Minister of Kendo and others before, Xue Nai also more or less knew that Xiaoxin had good physical fitness, but he didn't have such a fast hand speed, right? This is a bit beyond Xue Nai's recognition Got it.

She opened her mouth to say something, but seeing Xiaoxin's completely self-absorbed look, even putting on an apron and preparing to chop green onions, she just moved her lips in the end, but didn't say anything.


The white cat barked at the right time, attracting Xue Nao's attention.

It can't be stopped anyway, so let's see what this pervert will do later.

Xue Nai decided that no matter what, she would use a poisonous tongue to evaluate Xiaoxin's dishes.

Although she had a hunch that even if she heard criticism, with Xiaoxin's personality, she would just smile and sloppy, or deliberately listen to the irony, in short, there would be no harm.

She walked to the sofa in the living room, sat down, put the cat in her arms, and stroked it gently.

Cats are enjoying it.

While stroking the cat, Yukino didn't know what she was thinking.

This... feels like being suddenly broken into life, I can't put it into words...

Soon, Xiaoxin's lunch was ready.

"Hahahahaha...Universal Invincible Shinnosuke Thunderbolt Fried Noodles, here we come!!!"

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