The golden elf girl's words were very calm.

She raised her head slightly, and those red golden eyes looked at the sky covered by the night, but it seemed as if she had crossed this dark curtain and looked into the depths of the endless and distant sea of ​​stars.

She stretched out her slender white fingers, moved them slightly, and there was a bright golden line in the dark night.

"If the improvement of one's own strength is compared to drawing a line, then many people can't make any progress when their lines draw a certain length."

"But—if you forego the extension of this line . . . and draw another entirely new line . . . it's much easier."

Wei Mosi's white fingers brushed in the air, and five pale golden magic power tracks appeared beside the previous lines.

"Differentiate one's soul and different worlds, different dimensions, and different planes, leaving a projection of oneself."

"Of course, it is not appropriate to use terms such as projection, avatar, and incarnation to call it, because the soul of the self is differentiated, so the projection of each world can actually be regarded as itself...Compared to the original That body is only the difference between birth and death."

"For the beings who have completed the road to becoming a the thousands of dimensions and planes of the multiverse...every projection can be itself, even if it suffers a devastating blow, as long as it is in the thousands of worlds If there is an indestructible projection, then the gods will not die, which is the so-called eternal life..."

"However, it takes time to gather new projections on the plane where the projections have disappeared, and the new projections also need to accumulate strength... This is the so-called "return from the astral world after a long time".."

"Of course...since it is not a simple avatar controlled by a single will, but a differentiated self in the true sense, incarnated in thousands of dimensions...then plural selves will inevitably cause cognitive distortion and instability. "

"This is why the gods all compete for faith. On the one hand, the power of faith is the fastest way for newborn projections to accumulate power..."

"On the other hand, the beliefs from thousands of believers can also help the gods form a solid cognitive anchor point, so as to stabilize and maintain the distortion and instability brought about by multiple selves."

"This is the truth about the so-called road to becoming a god..."

"Also, among the thousands of dimensions, the only one that has been verified so far..."

"The bright road to eternity and immortality."


Wei Mosi withdrew her gaze towards the end of the sky.

She looked at Charles again with her pale golden eyes.

The evening wind blowing through the forest slowly echoed in the night sky with the unemotional and ethereal voice of the golden elves.

"Frankly speaking..."

"In fact, you have already stepped on the threshold of becoming a god with one foot..."

"There is no need to say more about the dawn world.. Ever since you lit up that pseudo star, almost all survivors have worshiped you almost like a savior..."

"If you want them to worship you, it's just a matter of your words..."

"And after this Arcane Council, your reputation in the Western Continent has reached an unprecedented peak, and you are the pioneer of a new era recognized by the public..."

"Using hybrid breeding technology to improve crops, so that countless hungry people have enough to eat..."

"Relying on Heita Bookstore to carry out popular science and education, to enlighten people's wisdom, so that many poor children also have the opportunity to receive education and change their own destiny..."

"Through the Golden Deer Chamber of Commerce, countless cheap and practical commodities have been delivered to every household, which has made people's living standards a qualitative leap..."

"Also, the wide-area communication network that has completely changed people's way of life..."

"On the Western Continent—"

"From the leaders of the major countries and forces to the common people at the bottom, I don't know how many people have received your favor."

"According to my observation...your online fans are comparable to the Church of Dawn, enough to establish a brand new sect...Even the Church of Dawn may not necessarily oppose it."

The ethereal words of the golden elf girl echoed leisurely in the deserted dense forest.

"The title of god is just a rhetoric, it doesn't matter what you use, but with your strength, it doesn't matter if you don't borrow the power of faith..."

"You only need to differentiate yourself, then you can quickly establish projections by relying on your beliefs in the two worlds, and truly embark on the road to becoming a god."

"And relying on your accumulation in the legendary rank...even if you have just stepped into the realm of the gods, your strength is compared to those gods who have experienced thousands of years and left projections in many planes, Its true strength will not be inferior."

"At that time, it will be a leap in the essence of life, and it will also mean eternity and immortality..."

" the multiverse, in the infinite dimensions—"

“Real big shot..”


In the cold voice of the golden elf, there was a hint of charm in the blur.


Facing the seductive future picture that my teacher described in words.

Charles just shook his head.


"Eternal life."


"Even becoming a big shot in the multiverse..."


"Is it really that important?"


Charles' words remained calm.

Such a thing, as early as when Charles had thought of such a guess in his heart, he had already checked his own heart.

Differentiate the self, create projections in thousands of planes... and then rely on the beliefs of the public believers to form an anchor to consolidate self-cognition.

Sounds really good..


The people, the self in the heart of the believers...

Is it true, is it true self?

In the eyes of the people of the dawn world, this damaged world after the cataclysm is worthless to Shire, but Shire still helped them so much without asking for anything in return...

He was the "hero of giving," a truly compassionate savior, and a born saint.

In the eyes of most people in the Western Continent, Shire is a perfect genius who will never be born... a son of a plane favored by the world and fate, born with great luck, and a stalwart who is destined to create a new era.


However, Charles knew that his real self was not like this.

There are many reasons for him to help the dawn world, including a lot of his own selfishness..

He has brought so many changes to the Western Continent.. More, because of his nostalgia for his hometown, he unconsciously wants to make this place the ideal hometown in that memory.

From an objective point of view, I can indeed be called the "good order" camp...but it is by no means as flawless and dazzling as outsiders imagine.

He will be exhausted because he encounters difficult problems in the process of perfecting the "Pseudo-Stellar", and he will toss and turn all night without sleep..

I will also be rejoiced by the success of a forbidden spell experiment, or by a breakthrough in a certain arcane field, and feel a great sense of honor in my heart...

She likes to appear before others, so she specially chose to publish the quantum paper at the Arcane Council...

When challenging the legendary abyss lord as an adventurer, he would be impatient and worried because of the life-and-death crisis of Sylvia, Isabella and other companions, so that a mage rushed to the forefront and was accidentally swallowed into the abyss lord's stomach Charles..

Charles, who enjoys peeping at his friends' web browsing records, even goes so far as to give Claude a mouthful..

Even though his eyes were irritated, but in fact, he still disguised himself from time to time and sneaked into the "Interracial Customs Evaluation Meeting" to watch the crowd...

This kind of Shire is the real Shire, the unique Shire...

Not the "God of the Arcane", nor the "Saint of Mercy", "Son of the Planes".. and not something that the immortal greatness of the multiverse can make up for.



"I don't know what the future holds..."

"Maybe one day, when my lifespan is approaching, I may also be greedy for life and afraid of death, and do whatever it takes to survive."

"Maybe at some point in the future, after experiencing a major change, my current state of mind will change, and I will become a dog, a grievance..."

"But, that's not today."

"At this moment, I can be sure—"

"No matter what the path to becoming a god...or eternal lifespan, or even a personality that transcends planes and is parallel to the multiverse..."

"For's actually not as important as keeping my heart."

Looking at the golden elf in front of him, Charles spoke slowly.


"If I'm not mistaken..."

"Teacher, you and those gods who incarnate in multiple dimensions... should be endless enemies."

Charles looked at the golden elf girl in front of him, and said word by word.

Such a conclusion is not difficult to draw..

It appears in the past of Weimes... and in the clues revealed in the dawn world.

"In that case..."

"Then no matter how good this road is, I will not take it."


Wei Mosi looked at Charles quietly like this, and listened to Charles' serious answer, which echoed in her ears little by little.

Then, she suddenly smiled.

It seems that the frost that has been condensed for thousands of years melts like ice and snow.

There was a smile on the golden elf's elegant face.

Like the moonlight flowers that only bloom at midnight in the Xingyue Forest, they are fleeting, yet beautiful and gorgeous.

"As expected...this is you..."

"In my heart, there was such a moment that I had doubts about you..."

"Thinking about it now, I'm really... not confident enough in my vision for selecting disciples."

The golden elf walked up to Shire like this, and then looked straight into Shire's eyes.

Those pitch-black eyes are clear and translucent, reminiscent of a deep pool of silence...

The look in his eyes was the same as when I first met Charles 13 years ago.

"Close your eyes."


Weimosi's voice suddenly sounded.

Naturally, Charles didn't know the intention of his teacher's words, so after thinking for a while and failing to come up with an answer, he subconsciously followed his teacher's instructions.

"I know... around you, there are many opposite sexes who care about you."

"There are people from different countries, different identities, and different races... Even the Twilight Witch from the Dawn World is no exception..."


"Because of the attitude you have always shown in front of them, your calmness and confidence, and the kindness you have shown them unconsciously..."

"In their eyes, you always have a mysterious aura of dreaminess on you..."

"That layer of halo makes many people less possessive in their love for you, and more admiring and admiring you..."

"Obviously many times the bright opportunities are right in front of them, but they are always reluctant and dare not pierce the last layer of window paper that is sacred and inviolable..."

The golden elf whispered to himself, dissipated with the evening wind blowing through the Xingyue Forest, even Shire in front of him had never heard it.

She walked around Shire's side twice, and the high-heeled shoes made of crystal landed on the soft soil, making a slight "puchi" sound.

In this way, Wei Moss used her red golden eyes to look at the tall and slender young wizard in front of her little by little..

Thirteen years ago, she was the one who brought the still young Shire back to the Tower of Extreme Black...

Then, little by little, the young man who was obviously talented but addicted to slaughtering slimes, who seemed indifferent to the world he lived in, developed an interest in arcane arts...

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