But in the past few days, this black-haired wizard who seemed to hide a temple of wisdom in his dark eyes left an indelible impression on Anna.

At the thought of never being able to see each other again, Anna felt reluctance and sadness that even she couldn't explain the reason.


At the end of the message, there was also a gift from Shire to Aurora City——

That is a key.

With one handle, you can turn this world...

with char..

Even the world where Shire lives...

Across space, across thousands of dimensions and dimensions, the key that connects the two planes together.


Anna took a deep breath, and finally confirmed that there were only a few lines of text, but she had read the instruction manual more than ten times.

Although easy to say.

But for this matter, Anna clearly puts more weight on it than Francis.


She gently stretched out her hand, followed the instruction, and carefully pressed a button in the blue crystal.

The next moment, a weak fluctuation of magic power emerged and turned into a blue light curtain.

A series of characters that Anna couldn't understand flashed on the light curtain.

Anna followed the instructions and touched the crystal a few more times.

Immediately afterwards, the characters on the light curtain changed suddenly, becoming words that could be read by her——

【Welcome to the wide area communication network (interdimensional trial version), please enter your user name:】


Anna entered according to the expected plan.

【This username already exists, please change to a new username】

"A follower of the god of arcane magic."

【This username already exists, please change to a new username】

"Arcane apostle."

【This username already exists, please change to a new username】

Anna glanced at Francis behind her and typed "Aurora City"

【Registration passed】

In the light curtain, suddenly the light shines brightly.

Immediately afterwards, lines of text and pictures flashed quickly.

The scene in the light curtain illuminated the girl's eyes.

She saw a magnificent palace in it..

Just seeing a luxurious dinner that makes people move their index fingers..

And countless men and women wearing strange costumes based on the aesthetics of Aurora City.

These gorgeous colors are the scenery that Anna, who lived in Aurora City since she was a child, has never seen before...

This is -

The world Mr. Charles lives in?..

[Your account has been registered successfully. 】

[Now, please post your first post on the Internet! 】

The flow of words and pictures quietly stopped.

Then, they gathered into a line of pale gold text.

Anna gently opened the input box for sending messages, and edited the first line of text.

"Hello, New World"

She looked at the completed text, her eyes shone with complex brilliance.

There is a subconscious sense of gap caused by comparison.

But more, it is a longing that cannot be concealed.

Where we are, this dark and dilapidated dilapidated continent...

One day, can a prosperous civilization be established again like in the picture?

Anna lightly touched the magic spar terminal and chose to send the message.


The first cry of this world civilization to the outside world.


In the dark palace.

The Twilight Witch with long black hair like the night sky was sleeping peacefully on a big white bed.

Dots of stars are floating in the air, gathering beside the sleeping girl, as if surrounded by stars.

Ciel sat lazily by the bed, while fiddling with the smart terminal in his hand, while waiting for Renata to wake up..

"Pseudo-Stellar" was a plan proposed by Ciel himself, and Renata at this moment also exhausted her mind and fell asleep in order to help him complete the "Pseudo-Stellar" star core.

In terms of emotion and reason, it is impossible for Charles to pat his ass and walk away. He must stay and take responsibility to the end.

Of course, for a legendary mage who can do everything with one mind, it doesn't make much difference where he stays.

In the spiritual ocean, Ciel used all the excess computing power on the deduction of the arcane model..

The success of "Pseudo-Stellar" has verified the feasibility of simulating a controllable nuclear fusion reactor with the collapse chain technique of the magic factor.

Of course, the star core fuel of this "pseudo-stellar" comes from the fragments of broken divinity and authority scattered in this world...

In another world, there would not be so many broken divinities for Charr to use.

Even if there is, it is impossible for Charles to ask Renata for help every time, letting her condense the star core at the cost of overdrawing her spirit.

However, under normal circumstances, Shire does not need to expand the scale of the controllable nuclear fusion reactor to such a large...even enough to illuminate the entire continent.

If its size is reduced, then even if it does not use those damaged divinities to create a star core, it can be controlled by Ciel's own ability.

Of course, there are many details that can be improved, and this is also the direction of Shire's future research——

And once such a reduced controllable nuclear fusion reactor succeeds, it means that...

An almost endless source of magic power.

This will give wizards in the entire Western Continent ..

Even the entire civilization has brought about earth-shaking changes.

While deducing the model, Charles also divided his attention to the smart terminal in his hand.

Because he has been busy with the creation of the "Pseudo-Stellar" for the past few months, Ciel has hardly read the news.

It was just one o'clock at this moment, and the overwhelming message alert hit instantly.

Fortunately, as a legendary mage, Shire, who has a huge spiritual ocean, is not afraid of this kind of multi-threaded processing.

Most of the messages in the message list are asking about Charles's movements during this period, why he didn't reply to the message, etc., and Charles replied one by one.

Of course, there are some exceptions to this.


"Sylvia, Saintess of Dawn: Create a star...Even if it's just seen through the light curtain, it's quite a beautiful curse..."

"Charles: Yes... this is the romance of wizards."

"Dawn Saintess Sylvia: Congratulations, Charles."

"Charles: Thank you."

"Dawn Saintess Sylvia: Speaking of which... the black-haired girl in the gauze dress in the live broadcast must also be very beautiful, right?"

"Char: According to the common aesthetics of humans in the Western Continent, the word "beautiful" is indeed an accurate evaluation of her."

"Dawn Saintess Sylvia: .."

"Dawn Saintess Sylvia: Staying with her in the same palace for the past few months... must have been a very happy time, right?"


Charles recalled the experience during this time.

Put all your heart and soul into the development of the forbidden spell "Pseudo-Stellar".

Although physically and mentally exhausted, it took a lot of his energy..

But for a wizard devoutly devoted to arcane arts, this kind of process of immersing himself in the ocean of arcane arts, studying and making progress day and night, to accomplish a grand goal...

And finally, realize the fantasy in reality..

This is undoubtedly a very happy experience.

So he replied to Sylvia truthfully: "This is indeed a happy time."

There was a long silence on the terminal.

After a long time, a brand new message popped up——

"Then I want to meet her"

"I want to see with my own eyes, what kind of person can get such a high evaluation from you..."

"Okay, if there is a chance, I will introduce Renata to you."

Charles readily agreed.

Sylvia, as the Saintess of Dawn, has an extremely high status in both the Holy See of Dawn and the Holy Kingdom of Fales because of her identity and status.

However, the believers' worship of the saint has also eliminated the possibility of heart-to-heart friendship like friends.

Over the years, only a few people in the Morning Star Adventure Group have been able to really talk to Sylvia.

Although Renata is the Twilight Witch, as the saint who was almost chosen at the beginning...

Perhaps, it might be true that they will have a lot of common language with Sylvia.

Ciel closed the chat window of the terminal and opened the administrator background.

As the creator of the wide-area communication network, Shire has the highest level of management authority over the entire communication network.

"Tsk...thousands of accounts with login IPs in the abyss plane..."

"And each account has a record of coercing and luring other accounts to leak confidential information."

Charles clicked his tongue in surprise.

As expected of an abyss plane that knows about aggression and war all day——

Even though they have already lost in the Holy War of Dawn, they are still ruthless, unable to recognize the gap in strength, and still thinking about the dream of counterattacking the Western Continent all day long.

Charles flicked his fingers and locked all these accounts into the small black room permanently.

He fiddled with it a few more times, and suddenly his heart moved.

Then, click on the browsing history of several accounts.

Who can refuse the fun of being a permission dog and peeping at friends' chat records?


The browsing history of the account "Golden Deer Chamber of Commerce Male God" is completely carved out of the same mold.

"What should I do if I lose my hair at the age of 24?", "Top Ten Ways to Quickly Solve Hair Loss", "The Research Progress of Ultra-high Simulation Wigs of the Black Tower Golem School", "How to Evaluate the Hair Transplant Technology Being Developed by the Black Tower Alchemy School ", "Death to expose! The magical secret that the elves never lose their hair."

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