Using himself as a guide, he contained all the wandering deity and authority in this world in Shire's magic energy array...

Even with the support of Ciel's spiritual power, Renata still ran out of fuel.

Whether it is her body, strength or soul, she is on the verge of collapse, and she no longer has the strength to stand still.

However, the next moment.

Renata felt that her body, which had almost lost consciousness, was gently supported by a generous and strong hand.

She raised her face slightly, and looked at the young man with black hair and black eyes in front of her.

The Twilight Witch held up her last spirit, and the pale golden words were slowly outlined in the void: "My work, it's done..."

"Well, yes—"

"You did a good job, the star core creation process has been successfully completed."

Ciel smiled and shook his head, interrupting Renata's forced writing.

He squatted down gently.

Then, the mantra was chanted silently.

"Raven. Creation of the Void"

Wisps of magical power involve the surrounding elements.

A white and soft bed was silently formed in the empty, dark palace.

With careful movements, Charles placed the soft body in his arms on the big white bed beside him.

"Since you're tired, let's go to sleep..."

"As for what's next..."

"Leave it to me."

I heard Ciel's promise...

The black-haired girl lying on the soft bed gently closed her eyes just now.


Charles stood up.

And his eyes turned to the distant sky again, in the ring array that bound a dazzling star core.

"Pseudo-stellar" ... or in other words, a controllable nuclear fusion reactor. The biggest difficulty lies in the bottleneck of energy efficiency.

In short.. is how to achieve the most basic requirement of "output greater than input".

To realize the simulation of stars.

So whether it is the fusion reaction formed by deuterium-tritium elements in Shire's previous life, or the magic factor collapse technique improved by Shire combined with wizards and magic technology now...

In essence, three conditions are required—that is, density, temperature, and constraint time.

If you don't pursue long-term and stability, but just maintain the operation of its reaction in a short period of time, then the difficulty is not high, even the world of Shire's previous life can already be done in the laboratory.

That is also the principle of the forbidden spell created by Ciel—"Nuclear Explosion".

It only needs to provide ultra-high temperature that can trigger the reaction in a short period of time——

For example, the activation technique used by Charr in nuclear explosion magic - "Hellfire. Kai", which was improved by Charr to the level of a forbidden spell for high temperature characteristics, is enough to trigger the chain of magic factor collapse.


The splendor of the nuclear explosion can only last for a few seconds or even tens of seconds.

Charr can easily cast a fire curse once, or five times..

even ten times..

Twenty times, thirty times, forty times...

With Shire's extraordinary spiritual ocean, it is not impossible to do it.

However, even Shire...

It is also absolutely impossible to wait by the reactor day and night in units of a few seconds and continuously set fire-type forbidden spells, just to ensure the ultra-high temperature that the "magic factor collapse reaction" can carry out.

What this world needs is not just a brief flash like a shooting star once or twice..

It is a star that can burn forever in units of hundreds or thousands of years.


And before Shire's eyes, the center of the countless silver-white rings—

The star that is condensed from thousands of divine fragments and sovereign authority.

It was the solution finally given by Ciel and Renata after several months of thinking——

Contain all the fragments of divinity and authority that are wandering and unowned in this world.

And use these eternal and indelible divine powers as fuel to build a quasi-stellar core to provide the ultra-high temperature environment required for fusion reactions.

Moreover, these broken divinity and authority are themselves polluted, and have long been harmful to this world. They will only pollute the surrounding environment spontaneously like a disaster without light.

At this moment, it is contained in the star core and used as fuel waste, which happens to kill two birds with one stone.

It is undoubtedly an extremely difficult project to contain the divinity and authority of a world..

But after half a year of hard work by Shire and Renata, they finally succeeded.

And next...

That was Charles' job.

Also - the final process of "Charles Pseudo-Stellar".

In his eyes, mysterious runes flickered.

In the depths of the silvery-white circles, where the star core is located, bright white light suddenly shone, far exceeding the brightness of the previous starlight.

The star core is burning.

And in the depths of the star core, in the most extreme high-temperature environment——

Countless magic factors are collapsing..

Transform mass - into pure energy.

If such a collapsed chain continues indefinitely like when the forbidden spell "Nuclear Explosion" is launched.

Then it won't be long before the accumulated energy explodes into the purest destructive power, destroying everything around it.


This should have been a logical result, but it did not happen.

A colorless, formless, but amazingly restraining magic power field, silently containing the hot and shining star core and the collapsed magic power factor...

The collapsed chain, destruction and explosion did not happen.

but bound by this invisible field—

Only the purest light and heat emerge from it, calm and soft, and extremely stable.

Compared with the violent appearance of the previous nuclear explosion, it seems to be the extreme of heaven and earth.


"Impossible! Charles himself didn't provide magic power. How could it be possible to have enough magic power to create a domain that can restrain the collapse of magic power simply by relying on the magic spar array for energy storage!"

"It's not just a matter of being restricted for a while, but it needs to run stably for decades or even hundreds of years!"

At the Black Tower headquarters in the Arcane City, Kieran, who was lying on a recliner and watching the live broadcast, suddenly trembled and fell off the recliner.

He has a good relationship with Shire, and Shire is not the kind of cheapskate who treasures his broom and hides something when he discovers it, for fear of being known by others and then surpassing himself.

And Kieran is also a legendary mage after all.

Although it is only limited to talking on paper, if you really want to do it yourself, you will definitely be blinded, but after Ciel's personal explanation, Kieran can still understand the principle of nuclear explosion magic.

Therefore, when Shire broadcasted live earlier, he had some guesses about what Shire was going to tinker with. Although he was surprised that this guy actually made that thing, he still managed to maintain his composure.


As the so-called layman watches the fun, the expert watches the doorway.

The viewers in the live broadcast room have been watching in a cloud for a long time, and now they can't understand anything, they just follow the trend and brush "6666 under the crown of Shire".

But Kieran, who is a legendary mage, understands——

Compared with the big scene where the stars gathered and ignited the stars before——

The magic field produced by the silver-white ring, which restrains the magic factor from collapsing without limit, is the biggest difficulty.

During the transmission of magic power, there will be different degrees of loss due to different media——

This is common sense in the wizarding world.

It is also the reason why all offensive magic has a range. Once its effective range is exceeded, the power of magic will drop significantly.

But at this moment, the picture in the live broadcast room undoubtedly broke Kieran's cognition——

Charles is not the kind of person who talks big. Since he said that he wants to create a star, it must be fully feasible.

However, according to the specifications of the magic spar energy storage array in the picture, the magic power supplied to the restricted field will be exhausted due to the loss in the transmission process in a few days——

How could it be possible to run stably for hundreds of years, or even thousands of years, as Shire said?


Winter Empire, the imperial capital.

In a gorgeous palace made of ice, snow and crystal.

An ice elf girl with blue hair and blue eyes, reminiscent of the Snow Mountain of the Three Sages, was wearing a plain white dress and sat barefoot on a throne made of ice crystals.

Strands of ice-attribute magic power flowed beside her, condensing into a light curtain made of ice crystals.

The Queen of Winter, Axia, quietly watched the picture in the light curtain with her ice blue eyes..

As a legendary mage, she also had similar questions as Kieran.

But soon, she remembered the question that Charles asked her specifically not long ago.

Her icy blue eyes flickered slightly, and they were fixed on a certain part of the light curtain.

In the silver-white metal ring, one spell after another was arranged staggeredly, and the fluctuation of magic power one after another, covering everything around with a layer of ice blue light.

Forbidden spell - "Absolute Zero".

Axia is naturally very familiar with the forbidden spell created by herself.


Rao, she never thought that her forbidden spell, which was originally used to kill the enemy, would be used by Charles only to assist the completion of another spell.

"At ultra-low temperature.. the transmission of magic power in the medium will enter the superconducting state, that is, there is no loss.."

"To create a stable magical creation with a service life of thousands of years."

"Then the superconducting state is a step that must be completed."

In Axia's ears, the casual words from when she was with Charles suddenly appeared.

She didn't pay attention to it at the time.

Unexpectedly, in just half a year, Shire actually gave her such a huge and crazy surprise...

out of thin air..

Light up a new star?

Axia stared at the ice crystal light curtain.

There was a faint light flickering in the beautiful ice-blue eyes that were as indifferent as icebergs.

"It's really a..."

"Amazing guy.."


No matter what the onlookers think—

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