
"And on the other hand—"

"It is because of the complete control of the "controlled nuclear fusion" model. "

"Creating a real "pseudo-star" is what I expected to do. "

"If you can really take this step."

"Then my understanding of arcane arts may be able to step up to a whole new level."

Charles spoke slowly.

The principles and inspirations of the forbidden spells he created before...

In the final analysis, it still comes from the memory before the time travel.

It is the brilliant human civilization that has neither magic nor a superhuman body—but can ascend to heaven and earth, and is the crystallization of wisdom gathered by countless sages for thousands of years.

Whether it is "Sword of Damocles" or "Nuclear Explosion Magic"—

They are all products that already existed in that era and can be truly applied to practical use.

And what I did before was just to make it reproduce in this different world where swords and magic exist.


Controllable nuclear fusion is a grand idea that even in that era can only be run in the laboratory for a short time, and has never been successfully completed.

If the previous Shire was merely following in the footsteps of the sages of that era——

Then if at this moment, I can truly complete the "Pseudo-star",

Then he is equivalent to standing on the shoulders of giants, truly taking a new step of his own, truly walking at the forefront of arcane arts and science.

This is a test.

Also, a brand new breakthrough and creation——

Go beyond the predecessors and sages, turn the technology that only exists in the imagination into reality, and walk in the forefront of the times.

Let Shire's blood boil involuntarily even if he just imagined it for a while.


"The last reason is because of some selfishness."

Charles spoke frankly.

"There must be a lot of secrets hidden in my teacher, and this world is too similar to the Western Continent where I am."

"That may have something to do with the existence of the gods, my teacher's past, and her enemies—"

"I have a hunch that helping this world avoid the catastrophe of destruction should be something her enemies do not want to see, and it may be able to share some pressure for my teacher."

"And even if we don't talk about this, if a material plane with a tiny spark of civilization can establish a connection with the world I live in, there are considerable potential benefits in it."

"Like a potential consumer market..."

"The rare minerals and resources that exist in this plane..."

"There are also survivors' favor towards me, etc."



Charles paused slightly.

"All the above reasons are just logical excuses I found in the spiritual ocean to make you feel at ease."

"They may represent my one-sided thoughts and emotions, but they cannot determine my true heart."

"I'm doing this for the world because I want to—"

"That's all."

There was a slight smile on the corner of Charles' mouth.

"There is an old saying in my hometown..."

"It's called being happy that money can't buy."

"I work hard day and night to study arcane arts, so that I can keep getting stronger..."

"It's because you have the power to put it into reality whenever you meet what you want to do."

"So, in fact, there are not so many reasons and conflicts of interest at all."

"I'm happy, so I did it.."


"That is all I have to answer to the questions you put to me."

Charles looked at the Twilight Witch with black hair and golden eyes, and walked to her side step by step.

"Frankly speaking, if you want to truly complete the "Pseudo-Stellar", you must rely on your power. "

"Although this dimension has some similarities with the original world I live in, perhaps because of the cataclysm, there are considerable differences in the laws of the plane or in many detailed rules."

"You hold a considerable degree of power in the world, which happens to make up for my unfamiliarity with the laws of this plane."

"Also, if I really want to light up a new sky for this world... With your sense of responsibility, if you join and don't personally participate, you will feel a little worried."


Ciel looked directly into Renata's pale gold eyes.

Then, he stretched out his right hand.

"Maybe it will take a few months, even more than half a year..."

"Starting from scratch, creating a star that can light up an entire plane, even if it is only a simulation, will be an extremely arduous process."

"Perhaps, even with our strength, we will collapse due to excessive mental strength."

"However, what I can promise is that no matter what happens, I will definitely complete this spell."


"Would you like to join the program?"


Renata raised her body slightly and looked at the black-haired black-eyed wizard in front of her.

Everything about him is full of mystery and unknown.

Came into this world without warning.

In a very short period of time, it brought earth-shaking changes to the world.

Immediately after—

He pushed open the door of his palace that had been sealed for 200 years, and appeared in front of him in a hurry.

Then, he told himself a grand and magnificent vision——

Light up a new sun.

This grand idea seems a bit too dreamy.

So much so that for a while, it was hard to believe the feasibility of the idea.


Renata stared at the star model drawn by magic between Ciel's fingers.

This lightless world—

Will there really be a day when you will be illuminated by the light again...

And if that day ever comes—

The self who has always lived for redemption.

Also qualified to pursue..

That belongs to your own life.

"May I have your name?"

Pale golden runes were outlined in mid-air.

"Charles Eggout."


It's really a...nice name.

At this moment, Renata seemed to have returned to the afternoon garden that seemed to be shrouded in a layer of pale golden sunlight before the catastrophe happened.

"Renata, this is the name I racked my brains to come up with for you."

"It sounds good.. There are no bad people with good names, and luck is generally not too bad..."

The mother, whose image was already blurred, was holding the young Renata at that time, sitting on a somewhat worn-out swing, shaking slightly.

"The people who came to the church just said that you will become a saint who is admired by the world and thousands of believers in the future. Your father and the others are very happy."

"But, I actually don't like you like that..."

"As a mother, I only hope that you will be safe and grow up happily..."

"And if there is a person of the opposite sex who can hold your hand and break free from the abyss when you are in danger and you can't break free from the quagmire, that would be great."

"At the beginning, I fell in love because your father rescued me from a group of bandits. Being with him is the happiness of my life."

"Little Renata.."

She gently stroked the little girl's head.

"Hopefully someday.."

"You can also meet, that belongs to your own happiness..."


my own..

Are you happy?

The Twilight Witch's heartfelt voice disappeared along with the blurred fragments of memory.

She stretched out her hand and put it lightly on Charles' right hand.

The fingers of that hand were slender, with slender and distinct joints.

Wisps of heat flowed from his fingertips, bringing a warm feeling..

Chapter 60 I created stellar 7k live

The Western Continent, the capital of arcane arts.

In the towering black tower, wizards wearing pitch-black mage robes came in and out.

Although it is called the Tower of Extreme Blackness, the Black Tower, which is the sacred place in the hearts of spellcasters across the continent, is not just a tall tower.

Even the Shadow Council knows to set up special subspaces in strongholds...and when it comes to controlling the laws of space, who in Pangea can compare with the Black Tower.

Time and space magic is a special school of wizards in the black tower.

Humans, elves, dragons...

The grand arcanists and legendary mages of all ages, through the accumulation of generations, have already built this wizard's stronghold into a magnificent and magnificent kingdom.

Countless secondary planes, subspaces, and subsidiary dimensions are folded and curled up in the black tower.

In the black tower, many wooden doors that look ordinary and unremarkable may be doors that connect to another plane, and when opened, it becomes a small world of its own.

If all the areas of these spaces are counted, the interior of the Black Tower is huge enough to be compared to a real kingdom.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Black Tower, some thieves with no eyesight sneaked into the Black Tower in an attempt to steal the books in the great library.

As a result, the thief got lost in the complicated space structure inside the black tower, and finally strayed into the pasture world where high-level monsters were raised by the Beast Master School.

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