The squad leader was speechless, looking at Yuanzi, it was like seeing a fresh salted fish.

Well, it is a salted fish with a taste.

The squad leader stretched out his hands to pinch Yuanzi's little feet. The little feet were very soft in his hands. When he squeezed the acupuncture points on the soles of his feet, he could still hear Lolita's groaning voice.

"Take off your stockings anyway?"

"Then help me take it off, thank you!" Mariko's lips moved, not even bothering to give a polite smile.

"Take it off by yourself." The squad leader didn't want to spoil her, so he let go of his hands and went to take a bath by himself.

After taking a shower, I went back to Yuanzi's bedroom and found that Yuanzi hadn't moved her position after beating her to leave, and she hadn't taken off her stockings on her legs, and she just went to sleep wearing that clothes.

You must know that Mariko is wearing a Lolita skirt today, there are still a lot of clothes, and there is a pile of sweat on her body, she must be smelly when she sleeps.

A thought flashed through the squad leader's mind, so he simply went back to his room and fell asleep.

But not long after leaving, the squad leader returned to Mariko's room.

There's no way, she can't leave Yuanzi alone.

The squad leader sat next to Yuanzi again, she thought she had to help Yuanzi take off her stockings.

Today Mariko is wearing panties and white stockings, the top of which is on her lower abdomen.

The squad leader opened the skirt and saw the round butt wrapped in white stockings.

Originally, there was nothing taboo between girls, but it was a bit embarrassing to open the skirt to look at the buttocks while they were asleep.

There was a blush on the monitor's face that she couldn't see, and the ears were warm. She suspected that the air had become hotter.

She reached into her skirt, trying to take off Mariko's pantyhose.

As a result, the stockings hissed and there was a tearing sound.

"Ah, the stockings are torn." The squad leader looked at the crack and broke down a little.

However, this matter is not a big deal. Because of the characteristics of the material itself and the thinner stockings of girls' stockings, it is easy for the stockings to crack.

Sometimes the newly purchased thin stockings cracked after wearing it once, and it is not uncommon for this to happen.

The squad leader saw that the stockings were all torn, and Yuanzi would not wear such torn stockings anyway, and she had a lot of shopping receipts to replace the stockings, so she just tore them up with both hands!

The monitor tore the white stockings and liberated Loli's short fair legs.

Then Pat slowly untied the little skirt on Mariko's body, wet the towel, and wiped the body of Loli Mariko who smelled of sweat.

The squad leader worked very seriously, with piercing eyes.


In the early morning of the next day, Yuanzi stretched her waist, let out a long loli voice, and then slowly climbed out of bed.

The squad leader is already sitting next to him, reading at quantum reading speed, as if nothing happened overnight.

As soon as Yuanzi got out of bed, she saw two short bare legs, white and delicious.

"Huh? When did I change my clothes?" Mariko was puzzled.

The squad leader stared at the book, and replied between turning the pages: "You fell asleep last night, and you didn't even know you changed it."

"Is that so?" Mariko couldn't remember, maybe it really happened.

Chapter 121 Captain Luo's Persistence, Xiaoqian Joins

"Yesterday, a horrible massacre occurred in the black glove office building 50 meters below the residential floor. The arms were stolen by a cult. Residents are requested to be careful when going out..."

Inside Canteen No. [-], the broadcast system was broadcasting an official denunciation announcement.

Mariko and the squad leader had breakfast together, and were taken aback when they heard the announcement on the radio.

"Did we kill someone?" Mariko asked.

"No." The monitor shook his head.

"We didn't kill people!" The believers behind them also shouted in unison.

Mariko felt a thing or two silently, and didn't hear the taste of lying.

"Go and see what's going on after the meeting is over," Yuanzi said.

The squad leader suddenly remembered something, and poked Yuanzi's elbow: "By the way, don't you have a group, ask."

Yuanzi checked the general group of the Black Glove Agency with his mobile phone, and found that there were relatively few people chatting there.

Scrolling up, most people are silently mourning, and thankful that they did not participate in the inspection that night.

There are also some members of the black gloves who were not officially selected as relocation personnel, and they were eccentric and gleeful in the group, and those who were selected deserved to die.

The more Yuanzi inspected, the more surprised she became, because she found out that it was true, the Black Gloves Agency had really been slaughtered.

But she can be sure of one thing, she did not issue a massacre order, and the arsenal is also under control, it must be someone else who did this.

Yuanzi jumped to his team and asked, "Is anyone still there? Something big happened last night."

After a while, Captain Luo replied in the group: "Yuanzi, you are still alive. I thought you died last night."

Mariko: "???"

Xiaoqian: "Mariko! You are still alive! Great, where are you, I don't know where to go now."

"No, why do you think I'm dead?"

"Because everyone in the team is a high-quality stock, the probability of being selected is very high, there is no reason not to go."

Yuanzi asked back, "Then why are you still alive?"

"I'm worried about the secrets behind those dozen scraps of manuscript paper, so I stayed and continued to investigate the matter."

While Captain Luo was talking, he posted another foggy photo.

In the photo, there is a back view of a woman in a yellow windbreaker. The mist is hazy, and the mist like tentacles rolls under the feet of the woman in the yellow windbreaker, making people feel goose bumps.

"I've been wandering around that house a lot lately, and I finally found clues to the original owner of the old manuscript. If you have nowhere to go, you can come and seek refuge with me." Captain Luo said.

"Captain Luo, you have to be careful, this matter can't be investigated further, something will happen." Yuanzi said.

"I've made up my mind."

Captain Luo does not want to hear objections and follows his inner judgment.

Yuanzi suspected that Captain Luo had lost most of his sanity, and he couldn't wake him up no matter what.

"Xiaoqian, are you coming?" Captain Luo asked.

Xiaoqian: "Captain Luo, I listened to Yuanzi, it's too dangerous."

"It's okay, you can come to me if you can't get along, I have a way to survive, even if the food supply is cut off."

After Captain Luo finished speaking, his avatar darkened, and he pursued the dangerous secret without hesitation.

No one in the group spoke, and it was eerily quiet.

The squad leader elbowed Yuanzi's waist, "Pull her over, it's not easy for a person to survive in the last days, at least it's your colleague."

Yuanzi thought the same, and then asked in the group: "Xiaoqian, do you want to come to my place? There are many people in my place hugging together to keep warm. The future will definitely be an era of underground organization of demons dancing wildly. It is difficult to live alone."

Xiaoqian replied in seconds: "Okay!"

The squad leader who sat watching Yuanzi scratched his hair, this Xiaoqian replied so quickly.

The squad leader felt that the other party wanted to find Yuanzi a long time ago, but he had no reason to ask.

Of course, it might be her illusion, the squad leader doesn't care much.

Yuanzi sent the other party the address of the No. [-] cafeteria, and then asked the believers around him to open the passage after eating, and let people outside come in for breakfast.

At present, the official has not cut off the supply of food, and the ingredients are continuously transported to the cafeteria through the freight elevator.

As far as the shelter organization is concerned, as long as things do not develop into a state of collapse, food must be supplied to the residential area, otherwise too many people will die, and the shelter will not be able to develop sustainably.

Yuanzi's plan is to rely on the elevator passage inside the cafeteria, take advantage of the elevator door to open, and send troops to occupy the underground transportation transfer station.

After occupying the transportation transfer station, the mutual aid association can further occupy the agricultural planting layer.

Shelter 460 has a well-developed underground transportation system. Food is usually transported from the agricultural area to the transfer station, and then transferred to the three major residential floors through the transfer station's capacity.

While Mariko was thinking about these things, the phone rang again.

Looking down, it was Xiaoqian who had arrived at the cafeteria, but she couldn't see Yuanzi because of the thick fog.

After a while, Yuanzi walked to the door and brought Xiaoqian in.

Xiaoqian was a little confused at first, watching a mysterious guy approaching in the fog, and kept approaching, bringing her dark pressure.

Xiaoqian couldn't help but retreat, and if Yuanzi hadn't called out in the end, Xiaoqian would have run away.

But after regaining her senses, Xiaoqian found herself very strange, Yuanzi is so cute, why should she be afraid.

Especially after getting closer, Mariko doesn't have that mysterious feeling, and is still as cute as imagined.

At this moment, the squad leader also came over from the fog, observed Xiaoqian's tattoo, saw the fox tattoo slowly swimming, and murmured: "It really is a moving tattoo."

The eyeballs of the fox tattoo stared at Yuanzi first, then at the monitor, and then back at Yuanzi.

After standing outside the door and talking for a minute, Yuanzi invited Xiaoqian in for breakfast.

Xiaoqian noticed that the people around her respected Yuanzi very much, so they stepped out of the way. After a while, someone even came over with a breakfast plate, and Yuanzi asked Xiaoqian to take the plate and enjoy today's sumptuous breakfast.

Milk, bread, porridge with mutated fish and some mutated vegetables.

"Mariko, why is this different from what I imagined, I thought..."


"I thought we were hugging together to keep warm." Xiaoqian said speechlessly.

Xiaoqian came here and found that Yuanzi didn't need her at all, there was a group of people serving Yuanzi here.

Moreover, there was a woman next to Yuanzi who was very close, as if they were an inseparable pair.

"This is Yuanzi's classmate, right?" Xiaoqian thought for a while, and remembered that Yuanzi had a very important friend.

When Yuanzi was still working in the black gloves, she didn't eat with her teammates at noon, but chose to eat with her classmates in the ordinary cafeteria. At that time, everyone knew that Yuanzi had a very good friend.

Now that Xiaoqian saw the real person, she immediately understood.

Originally thought Mariko needed her, but it turned out to be just her wishful thinking.

"By the way, you are a cult organization, right? You have seized the right to distribute food in the cafeteria." Xiaoqian worried from a personal point of view after finishing the meat porridge: "Aren't you afraid that the fog will clear in the future and you will be liquidated by the authorities?"

The inner ghost has transformed into the leader of the esoteric religion, Xiaoqian thinks that Yuanzi's fate must be bad.

Chapter 122 Canteen No. [-]

The fog was thick, and the two rows of buildings were dark and silent.

After Captain Luo turned off the chat group on his mobile phone, he carried the folded old paper with his gaze firm and fanatical.

He saw a woman in a yellow windbreaker just now, and that woman shouted at him, "Where did you get those papers? Who are you?"

Captain Luo only replied at the time: "I am an investigator, and I came here specifically to investigate the secrets of old paper."

The woman gave him a deep look, then turned and left.

Captain Luo only had time to take a photo of the back, and lost the other party. There was no way, the fog was too thick.

It's useless even if you can listen to the debate position, the opponent disappeared when he ran to the corner, suspected of using supernatural power to leave the dead end of the alley.

This made Captain Luo further believe in his belief: "I am one step closer to the secret!"

After Captain Luo was lost, he accidentally turned to the group group and found that there were still two living people chatting.

Involuntarily, he had a feeling in his heart that he should invite Yuanzi to join the team.

A girl like Yuanzi has extraordinary combat power, rich knowledge of occultism, and is usually mysterious, so she is very suitable to join this type of investigation.

Unfortunately, everyone has their own ambitions, Yuanzi rejected Captain Luo's invitation.

Immediately afterwards, he extended an invitation to Xiaoqian.

In Captain Luo's opinion, Xiaoqian's fox tattoo is full of spirituality and has huge room for growth.

He learned from inside information that the power of tattoos is very terrifying, and the deeper it develops, the more terrifying it is.

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