Before Yuanzi left.

The teacher in charge encouraged Yuanzi, not to forget his job: "Even if you don't study textbooks in the future, you can't stop studying. You have to practice a painting every day, browse industry trends every day, look at other people's paintings, and study every day."

"Otherwise your competitiveness will slowly decline, and everyone else is improving... Oh, I've said too much, you should go back and study first."

Mariko left depressed, his head was buzzing, learning this kind of stuff was really hypnotic.

After the homeroom teacher left, he turned on his phone to check Yuanzi's artist account.

"Really, I like such dark things at a young age, what should I do?"

The homeroom teacher looked at Yuanzi's painting "The Crow" with a sad face. As the saying goes, one side supports another person, Yuanzi became like this, which has a great connection with the family environment.

After watching it for a while, the head teacher stopped reading it, but after a while, he couldn't help picking it up and looking at it again.

Obviously, I was terrified when I saw it, but I couldn't restrain the joy in my heart, trying to chase the mysterious aura emanating from it with my eyes.

Has the pressure of two years forced out a big touch in the dark style of painting?

Thinking of this, the head teacher was in a daze, he was really a poor child.

Chapter 49 The Squad Leader's Doubt

The next day, Mariko went back to school, and the monitor had already appeared in his seat, with his back to her.

Mariko put down her schoolbag and deliberately made a noise to attract the monitor's attention.

No, the squad leader turned his head and looked over when he heard the sound of the schoolbag being seated.

"Morning, monitor." Mariko squeezed out a sweet smile.

"Morning." The squad leader said something, turned his head away, and read aloud.

Obviously, the monitor is still angry.

But from the moment the monitor responded with the word "morning", Yuanzi knew that she and the monitor had not broken up, otherwise she would not have responded.

Now is probably the stage where the squad leader is sulking.

Don't mess with women at this stage, this is her most sensitive period.

Yuanzi knew this, tried to control her mouth, did not initiate conversations, and was a silent learner.

As a result, Mariko didn't take the initiative to talk to the morning reading plus the first class.

Instead, the squad leader couldn't hold back anymore, turned his head, and looked at Yuanzi head-on for the first time.

"Mariko, don't you have anything to say..."

As soon as the words were spoken, Yuanzi, who was upright, stood up with a book in both hands, and nodded innocently to the book.

Seeing this silly action, the squad leader suddenly had nothing to say.

What an idiot, why should I fight against an idiot? Mariko himself is clueless and lacks IQ, so how could he think so much.

The squad leader thought of this, and simply shook Mariko awake.

"Ah, are you in class, monitor?" Mariko was suddenly shaken awake, her consciousness a little fuzzy.

"There's no class, but it's almost time." The monitor said gloomily, "You're just waiting for me to talk to you, aren't you?"

"No, I fell asleep just watching." Mariko yawned.

This is an old problem with almost no solution.

Yuanzi has thought that the text in the book in front of her could not be interpreted by her. Maybe it was because of her own distorted thinking that she saw hypnotic information that others could not accept.

Yuanzi was thinking wildly, but the squad leader handed out a note that could be called a blockbuster.

"Look at the note I wrote five days ago."

Yuanzi heard the words and looked down at the note written by the monitor.

What forgive me, this is the last time, I'm sorry, I won't take you next time, suffering and other words.

Every time she read a sentence, Yuanzi felt her face was warm, and she slapped her face.

My little secret was actually known by the squad leader!

"How do you know?" Yuanzi didn't write a note, and directly questioned the monitor: "You were already asleep then."

"You can't pretend to be asleep. At that time, you were very tired and your eye circles were dark." Yuanzi murmured, the more he analyzed, the more he felt that it didn't make sense.

The squad leader heard the words, thoughtful, and finally solved the doubts in her heart.

The squad leader has been thinking about when Mariko said those few words these days, but she doesn't have the slightest impression of it.

"You said it while I was asleep on purpose? You are so bad, why do you have to bear everything alone." The squad leader was extremely upset.

Yuanzi opened his mouth to speak, but the class bell rang, but the monitor didn't hear it clearly.

"What did you say, say it again." The squad leader leaned closer.

Seeing that pink ear approaching, Yuanzi's own exhaled breath hit the monitor's earlobe.

The squad leader felt a little itchy, and turned to look at Mariko.

Yuanzi suddenly said: "I didn't deliberately say while you were sleeping, you tell me first, where did you know?"

"No, you didn't say such a long word just now, you definitely said the answer just now, and now you don't want to tell me, okay, you, are you addicted to hiding it from me?" The squad leader stretched out his hand and grabbed Yuanzi's waist.

At this time, the teacher stepped into the classroom with high heels, and the thumping sound woke up the persistent monitor.

The teacher brought a stack of test papers and said, "Two classes are followed by exams, everyone be quiet and don't talk."

In an instant, the whole classroom fell silent.

No more, the squad leader can only temporarily hold it down.

The squad leader was very curious, and looked up at the teacher from time to time when writing the test paper, and secretly wrote a new note to Yuanzi while the teacher was not paying attention.

Yuanzi was not forgiving, she just wanted to know where the squad leader knew about it, otherwise she would not let go.

No more, the squad leader can only tell the truth.

Mariko looked at the content on the note, with a look of surprise: "I heard it in a dream."

Some experts say that dreams are a reflection of the subconscious mind.

When the squad leader was asleep, he was in a dream, so the squad leader's subconscious heard Mariko's farewell and remembered it.

Until the squad leader dreamed again in reality, he remembered the unknown farewell.

Ah, thinking of this, Yuanzi's face became hot, and she felt ashamed.

Squad leader: "It's your turn, give me the answer quickly."

Yuanzi then hesitantly wrote a line: "I said it when the dream was about to end, you were so tired that you fell asleep."

When the squad leader saw this line, he couldn't get angry.

This guy Mariko knew it was a dream, but he actually knew when the dream would end.

"Then what do you mean by letting me suffer alone in the future? Will that dream continue?"

"Ah, I don't know either."

Yuanzi lied, in fact, the dream game will still exist, but it is not clear whether it will continue after the first round of dreams.

There are still 33 days before the start of the second round of dream games.

In Yuanzi's mind, the dream of Cthulhu's world view is still too dangerous, there is no need to lure friends into the dream.

On the monitor's side, she also knew the danger of Cthulhu.

If Yuanzi falls into that ninety-day dream again, there is still a chance of going crazy.

The squad leader felt uncomfortable when he thought that Mariko would go crazy.

"If you fall into that terrible dream again, remember to call me over, you can only shoot guns alone, no one will help you drive, no one will take care of you, how can you live." After half an hour, the monitor sent another message note.

Yuanzi looked at the note in a daze.

However, the teacher also noticed the movement here, and was about to get up from the podium to see what the two were passing.

The class monitor has been paying attention to the teacher's movements. When he saw the teacher stand up, he reached out and grabbed the note, tore it off, stuffed it under his buttocks, and then raised his karate: "Teacher, Mariko wants to ask me for an answer."

The teacher scolded Yuanzi angrily: "Yuanzi, don't interfere with the problem at the same table!"

"It's the teacher!" Yuanzi shook his body, it was slapped by the monitor's other hand, and he couldn't help replying loudly.

Everyone looked at it together, then lowered their heads and continued to do the questions. They had nothing but to do the questions.

Seeing Yuanzi's attitude of admitting his mistake was acceptable, the teacher nodded silently, and sat back again.

Crisis averted!

The two breathed a sigh of relief.

Having said that, it is still too dangerous to pass notes during the exam.

Everyone is writing test papers, and if there is any obvious movement, it is easy to be watched by the teacher on the stage.

The monitor blinked at Yuanzi: Let's talk after class!

Mariko also returned a look: Why are you blinking!

Squad Leader: "..."

Chapter 50 A harbinger of citrus flavor?

At lunch time, the squad leader caught up with Yuanzi and ate on the grass in the garden of the campus, trying to break the casserole and ask the truth.

The squad leader posed two core questions, whether the Ninety Days dream will come again, and why Yuanzi can perceive that the dream is coming to an end.

Yuanzi's eyes rolled, fortunately, the few classes in the morning gave her enough time to think, and now she has made up a reason.

"First of all, I am the host of the dream, so I know the end time of the dream, and I probably know what kind of dream it is."

"Why did that dream appear? Because I came into contact with some occult books, and was somehow implicated in mysterious events, so I was entangled in strange dreams, and then I prepared the summoning ceremony in advance."

Mariko paused again when he said this, "The book I came into contact with is the myth that cannot be named."

"But I can't remember where I read it. I don't know where the book is."

Mariko's repeated explanations straightened out the logical relationship, and the squad leader understood the general content.

All of this is related to occultism, if Yuanzi hadn't met that thing, he wouldn't have been implicated in it.

"This feels like a novel. The two of them are somehow involved, and then start a dream adventure." The squad leader muttered, which reminded her of the novel.

Entertainment in this world is very developed, with countless themes blooming, including the one mentioned by the squad leader.

"Yes, that's probably how it feels." Yuanzi nodded.

The squad leader glanced at Yuanzi, "Will that dream of yours come again?"

"Ah, here." Yuanzi dared not admit it, "I probably won't come."

If Yuanzi admitted generously, wouldn't it be clear that he wanted the squad leader to join the dream?

Mariko didn't want to drag the other party into that terrible dream.

The squad leader was full of disbelief, took a sip of the soup, and said:

"You said that sentence, 'Let me suffer alone in the future', can I understand that next time you dream, you won't involve other people in it."

"Of course, such a horrible thing, how can you continue to trouble others." Yuanzi said this, and immediately knew that it was troublesome, and he couldn't speak quickly.

No, the squad leader's face darkened.

She kept poking Yuanzi's head with her fingers, "Okay, I'm promising, I want to take on everything alone."

"No, I didn't say that!" Mariko denied again.

But such a hasty denial proves that Yuanzi has a ghost in his heart.

The squad leader pulled Yuanzi's face with his hands, only to hear Yuanzi's ah, then let go of her face, and said to Yuanzi:

"Listen, I don't want to suffer, but now that I know about it, I can't let it go.

At least there is still a way out in the dream. Didn’t we last for [-] days last time? We’re not afraid to do it again, as long as we don’t die.

Don't bear everything by yourself, if you enter that dream, you must invite me in, otherwise I will break up with you, you don't regard me as a friend! "

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