"Your body is digesting ninety days of dream memories..."

"The knowledge you learned in the dream will be slowly activated with memory."

In the column of abilities, the ability of "on-hook learning" is grayed out.

Put your thoughts on that column, and the explanatory text immediately appears:

"The pre-condition "dream" for on-hook learning has not been met."

The on-hook learning ability is exclusive to dreams, and cannot be on-hook in reality.

But even if you can't hang up, a mysterious side painter with a lifelike hand can still make a living.

Then there's another key capability:

"System proxy call: available"

Within the next 10 minutes.

Memories from the dream kept flashing before Yuanzi's eyes.

She remembered all the daily life of her and the monitor, as well as the monitor's painful face.

He didn't bother to complain about how the system was activated until he was an adult, and now his mind is full of thoughts about the monitor.

Before Yuanzi pulled people into a dream, they never thought that they would cause such a big trouble to the other party, so that Yan Qianqian was about to collapse due to the torture.

Especially what happened on the last day in the dream, Mariko opened and closed his eyes, and could recall the haggard face of the squad leader.

This is the first time she has seen it in her life, and it is also a restricted area of ​​memory that Yuanzi does not want to touch.

Thinking of the memory of those [-] days, infinite guilt pricked her heart like a needle.

Yuanzi subconsciously took out her mobile phone, wanting to say sorry to the monitor.

She typed a bunch of words, deleted and changed them.

It can be imagined that the squad leader does not necessarily have the memory of the dream, and it is not appropriate for him to apologize indiscriminately.

Furthermore, Mariko doesn't want to bring the squad leader into the dream of Cthulhu's world view again, she doesn't want to harm anyone.

So these typed words, still send it?

Mariko was restless and didn't know how to make a choice.

Mariko was only 17 years old before time-traveling, and lived for three years after time-traveling, her body is 18 years old, and her mental age is 20 years old.

At this age, she hasn't stepped out of the ivory tower yet, so she doesn't know how to deal with this kind of thing.

The squad leader is undoubtedly a victim, Yuanzi thought, no matter what, she should apologize to the squad leader face to face.

But from another point of view, if the squad leader has a memory, after knowing the truth that Yuanzi dragged her into the dream to suffer, is it possible that the relationship between the two of them will be broken?

Mariko sat there for a while, his mood changed repeatedly, and he changed the typed text several times.

In the end, the hesitant Yuanzi cut and pasted a few hundred words into a sticky note on the phone to keep in case of emergencies.


Yunguo, Guanshui City, Yan Qianqian's bedroom.

The sunlight outside the window slanted in, illuminating the small blue bubble-print quilt.

The girl let out a muffled snort, and a tear came out of the corner of her eye. The teardrop quickly became the size of a bean, slid down her smooth skin, and landed on the blue pillow.

"Mariko, Mariko..." Yan Qianqian's mouth moved slightly, murmuring Mariko's voice.

"Don't die." Yan Qianqian turned around.

"Don't leave me behind." Turning over for the second time.

"Your hands are so cold..." Turning over three times.

At this time, Yan Qianqian's body had rolled to the edge of the bed.

The moment the body was about to fall off, the body suddenly woke up and opened its eyes.

She frightened herself, she would not have fallen, but her body trembled, and she still rolled down.

A thud.

"It hurts, it hurts so much."

Yan Qianqian covered her head, touched her shoulder again, her little face squeezed together.

At this time, Yan Qianqian felt that her face was wet, as if there was a watermark.

Subconsciously touched his face with his hands, his fingers were wet.

"Why did I cry?" Yan Qianqian felt very strange, and didn't understand how the tears came from.

"Speaking of which... Mariko, it's okay to eat bat meat."

Yan Qianqian got up suddenly, her brain was buzzing, and her body muscles were tense. She looked around quickly, looking for the dying figure, and at the same time, she was also on guard against possible dangers.

The strange thing is, this is obviously her bedroom, how could Yuanzi be here.

"No, how could Yuanzi eat bat meat? It's not right."

Yan Qianqian couldn't care about the headache from falling to the ground, her mind was confused, as if there was a cloud of memory that was as fuzzy as fog, making it impossible for her to recall those details accurately.

She couldn't figure it out, so she had to slowly sit back on the edge of the bed.

Suddenly, a flash of memory flashed in front of my eyes.

His body bounced up again, and he yelled without warning: "Mariko!"

It was a rather terrifying flashback.

In my memory, Yuanzi was lying on the cushions in the library, her head was covered with bandages, the back of her head was stained red with blood, her eyelids were closed tightly, only her eyelashes moved occasionally, as if she was about to die.

Yan Qianqian could still hear weak breathing in her ears, she wondered if it was an auditory hallucination.

But this kind of voice can never be wrong, it is definitely the petite and exquisite Yuanzi who protects her in the most dangerous time.

"Mariko where are you!"

Yan Qianqian didn't know why she was so excited, she rushed out of the door, then out of the empty living room, opened the door, and outside the door was the streets of Guanshui City.

The moment the door was opened, there was a roar of voices.

People came and went outside the door, and vegetable vendors set up stalls on both sides of the street, full of various vegetables.

The ground is full of discarded vegetable leaves and garbage, and the road surface is wet and dry, and it is extremely dirty and muddy.

The cheerful bear child screamed and roared past.

The parents grabbed the boy by the collar with a dark face, forcibly held the child, and squatted down together to bargain with the vegetable farmers.

The calm office workers wore suits and ties, combed back their hair, and rode small electric donkeys.

Even if today is Sunday, they can't stop them from working overtime and passing by the vegetable market.

"People, a lot of people!"

Yan Qianqian was overwhelmed by the scene in front of her, unable to think for a while, trembling all over.

These people seem to be able to shine, to shine brightly.

The inner emptiness, loneliness, fear and other emotions are all burned up like shadows in the dark.

Tears welled up from the corners of his eyes uncontrollably, sliding down gently.

That kind of joyful mood, the mood of finally returning home, can no longer be contained.

"Why am I so happy..."

Yan Qianqian didn't understand how this emotion came about, there was no warning at all.

An old vegetable farmer with a familiar face turned his head and was startled when he saw Yan Qianqian standing there crying, "Xiaoqian, why are you crying? Which bastard bullied you?"

Chapter 34 There is only no Cthulhu myth

"No, I didn't cry." Yan Qianqian kept waving her hands in denial.

"Then why are you crying?"

The old vegetable farmer didn't believe it. He watched Yan Qianqian grow up on this street. Yan Qianqian usually looked optimistic and didn't cry much.

"Which bastard is bullying you, tell everyone, and everyone will come to his home and ask his parents to comment." The old farmer rolled up his sleeves, showing his strong biceps.

Several veteran vegetable farmers with familiar faces also rolled up their sleeves, filled with righteous indignation.

The old ladies who bargained for the price smelled the gossip, and the DNA in the depths of their souls moved. They immediately squeezed over with their bear children, and said in a tone of someone who had come here:

"My little old lady, don't be overwhelmed at a young age. Discuss with your parents beforehand. No matter what the storm is, as long as you persevere and don't give up, it's nothing to worry about."

After all, the old lady's eyes lingered on Yan Qianqian's belly to see if she had a child.

"I, I don't think about it..."

Yan Qianqian was very embarrassed, the topic became more and more distorted, and she couldn't stop the conversation at all, so she could only yell: "I said no!"

After shouting this, the chattering people immediately shut their mouths.

Yan Qianqian didn't have the face to stay here, her face was hot, and she ran away from the crowd in a hurry.

After changing to another street, the street was full of strangers, no one paid attention to her, everyone was minding their own business.

This kind of passerby taste of going her own way is so real, making her feel as comfortable as returning home.

"Finally back, it turned out that it was really a dream." Yan Qianqian murmured.

But she still has great doubts in her heart.

What were the specific details of that dream, why she dreamed that Yuanzi died after eating bat meat.

Thinking of Yuanzi's death, she felt a dull pain in her heart, with a feeling of oppressive suffocation.

It stands to reason that Yuanzi was not so important to her that she committed suicide in despair.

Yan Qianqian wandered aimlessly on the street. Today is Sunday, so she doesn't need to go to school, so she just enjoys the sunshine and the noise in her ears.

Her body was so eager to hear the voices of a large number of humans, as if she had been away from the human group for ninety days.

Ninety days?

Yan Qianqian didn't understand, she didn't understand how this round number popped up, it made her seem like she really stayed in an uninhabited city for [-] days.

Take out your phone and open the hot class

In the class group, there are a few sand sculpture kings posting pictures, fighting against the sky, two tigers love to dance, and there are a lot of dick pictures.

Sometimes she wondered where the sand sculptures these people collected were endless.

But it was obviously a funny picture, but it couldn't arouse Yan Qianqian's inner desire to laugh.

It was as if there was something empty in my heart, something was missing.

What's missing?

Obviously back in Guanshui City, it is a happy thing to feel the existence of human beings, but why can't I feel happy?

Yan Qianqian operated on QQ, and inexplicably came to Yuanzi's chat window.

She didn't know what kind of message to Yuanzi, so she couldn't help feeling a little annoyed.

"What the hell am I struggling with? Isn't it all right to ask 'Are you okay'!" Yan Qianqian thought.

At this time, she noticed that there was a line on the top bar of Yuanzi's chat:

"The other party is typing..."

This line of words sometimes disappears and sometimes appears.

Yan Qianqian just stood on the street, staring at the phone in a daze, waiting for Yuanzi to send a message.

At this moment, she was very excited, knowing that Yuanzi was still alive, she was very happy.

But her heart is also very contradictory: it's just chatting with Yuanzi, friends shouldn't be so excited.

The two thoughts clashed fiercely in her mind, which made her forget the existence of passers-by and that she was still on the street, so she just stood there in a daze.

But after waiting for several minutes, Yuanzi did not send a message.

In the end, Yuanzi's status bar dynamic disappeared, and there was no movement for a full 2 ​​minutes.

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