After Mariko took a shower, she wandered around in front of the squad leader, walking up and down.

The squad leader didn't notice it, and she didn't bother to notice it. She was all focused on reading.

It wasn't until Yuanzi walked around dozens of times that the squad leader looked up at Yuanzi, wondering, "Why are you crazy?"

"Hey, look at me, don't I have a good temperament?" Yuanzi asked.

"Yes, I see you wandering around like a fool. If you are free, why don't you read some useful books for me."

After the class leader finished speaking, he pushed out a book "Cooking Encyclopedia That Ordinary People Can Learn" and approached Mariko.

Yuanzi looked at it and couldn't help being embarrassed.

She is a foodie, but if she is asked to cook herself, she is clumsy and it is difficult to make delicious food.

Besides, the squad leader's cooking skills are good, Mariko has always asked the squad leader to do it for him, and Mariko himself occasionally helps with washing vegetables and so on.

The squad leader is obviously not satisfied with this, she wants to transform the lazy Yuanzi and make Yuanzi more versatile, so as to share the pressure of life.

Mariko waved his hand, showing an ugly smile, "Forget it, I'd better read my book."

The library has a large collection of books. Mariko only needs to find a book with a strange enough title and take it out to read the first page to know whether it is a occult book.

Mariko immediately pulled out the third occult book.

By the way, the system's identification must open the first page of the book to determine whether it is a occult book, otherwise it cannot be judged.

Yuanzi had also thought about this on-hook learning system.

She thought about it, and if she wanted to become strong, she had to hang up and study constantly.

"Maybe there are magic books in this world?" Mariko thought wildly in his mind.

She had to think so.

Otherwise, her learning function is really useless.

If you can't use it to strengthen yourself, it has no value.

And the knowledge of mysticism does not mean that it is completely useless.

Mariko wants the kind of knowledge that can change herself and have supernatural powers.

The two books that Yuanzi has learned recently are one is about dream analysis and the other is about ritual history.

Yuanzi now has a lot of superficial knowledge of ancient rituals and modern rituals in his mind, not to mention knowing the core essence of various rituals, at least he has a general understanding.

However, understanding is nothing but understanding, and she was asked to arrange a mysterious ceremony, but she couldn't do it.

That book only taught her to recognize, but did not teach her the core secrets of mysterious rituals.

Without knowing the core secrets, it is naturally impossible to arrange mysterious rituals.

Mariko spread out the third mysterious book while thinking.

This book is an old book she found on the fourth floor, and the title of the book is "A First Summoning Experience".

This is a popular novel from a third-person perspective. The text is not boring, but has an interesting and segmented style similar to web novels. She can read it.

But after hanging up to study, the content inside has changed.

The book is not a third-person perspective at all, but No.1 perspective.

The mood changes of the protagonist in the article will be synchronized with her, making her feel the same way.

The protagonist of this article has no face since he was a child, so he hopes to summon a faceless demon to make people all over the world faceless.

In this evil state of mind, Yuanzi's experience was extremely bad and quite grueling.

[Knowledge point +1]

[Knowledge point +1]

[Secret breath +1]

Yuanzi watched it for an hour, then exited the on-hook mode, clutching her little heart, beating.

She glanced at the system diary:

["Summon the Faceless Demon Ritual" progress bar: 4/704]

The hidden aura is always drawn a lot in the early stage of reading, but generally not much in the later stage.

Mariko wiped the sweat from her forehead, she didn't like to read such evil books, but after reading it for an hour, she realized that this book seemed to be the mysterious power she had dreamed of.

Before she studied occult books, she had no other choices for the time being, so she continued to study this type of books.

Now watching "The Ritual of Summoning the Faceless Demon", Mariko's world view has been opened up.

Occultism can also be used to enhance strength.

Summoning a faceless demon for his own use, although not enhancing physical strength, is equivalent to enhancing in disguise.

However, after taking a bath that night, with the running water, the forehead skin was washed, flowed through the hair tip, and slid over the soft skin.

Yuanzi's excitement cooled down, and her mind gradually calmed down.

"No, this kind of thinking is not normal, how can I learn such an evil summoning ceremony." Yuanzi reflected.

["Summon the Faceless Demon Ritual" progress bar: 11/704]

Yuanzi has already read more than ten pages, and roughly knows that this book is a real hand-in-hand teaching, teaching people to complete an evil summoning ceremony from scratch.

But from another perspective, the summoned "faceless demon" mentioned in the article must be an evil species, and it will take away the face of anyone who has a face.

What Yuanzi is doing with this kind of power is not in line with her three views at all.

This kind of power, don't worry about it.

Mariko was wearing simple white pajamas, lying on the bed with her hands on her pillow, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

After taking a shower, the monitor wrapped himself in a bathrobe and slept next to him, and asked, "What's the matter, you are frowning."

"Squad leader, if there is another way to become stronger in front of you, but the price is evil, will you choose this way?" Yuanzi asked.

"Of course I wouldn't choose. Why did you fall into the evil path?" the squad leader asked without thinking.

"Yeah, I thought so too." Mariko smiled.

After asking the class monitor for questioning, Yuanzi became more determined in her opinion.

To be a human being should become stronger in an upright manner.

As an ordinary person who has received a good modern education, Mariko's character is a bit lazy.

But the bottom line of her three views is still there, and she will not fall into crooked ways in order to become stronger.

"It's a pity, it would be great if the magic book was in front of me." Mariko murmured in his heart.

With her on-hook learning ability, she can learn something even if there is no word in the sky in front of her.

The next day, Mariko touched the summoning book and thought about it.

Although she decided not to use the evil Faceless Demon summoning technique, in case she encounters this kind of ritual in the future, she should get a general idea so that she can prevent it in the future.

So Mariko flipped through the book and searched for it again.

On-hook learning is just a learning module for the brain hosted by the system, so Yuanzi can move freely when he is on-hook to study.

While holding the book, Yuanzi searched the bookshelves for books, looking for new mysterious books.

Fortunately, the squad leader didn't follow, otherwise she would definitely criticize Yuanzi for not doing her job properly again.

Chapter 25 Mariko who wants to make money

"Day 45 of living in No Man's City.

Today, there is no wind, no clouds, and the weather is fine. Mariko and I are fine.

Parents far away in another world, how are you..."

The squad leader took a rusty pen and wrote down today's account in a diary.

"Squad leader, are you writing your diary again?" Yuanzi approached.

She is stupid, except for nightmares, she is always in a state of freedom, laziness, and heartlessness.

The squad leader is very envious of this mentality.

Because such Yuanzi can live a more chic and happy life than her, instead of worrying about her future life every day, and don't have to worry about her parents in another world.

"Yeah, if I don't write a diary, I'll be bored. I'm afraid that I will forget the past, so I plan to write down the things I remember slowly, and write down as soon as I remember." The squad leader bit the tip of the pen.

Recently, the squad leader has read enough books.

For a top student, after going through the initial crisis, the efficiency of reading and studying is not as scary as it was in the first few days.

Now the squad leader feels his head swell for a while after reading a book.

As a result, the class leader took the initiative to reduce learning efficiency, read books with a relaxed mood, and no longer pursued efficiency first.

After changing the purpose of reading books, the class leader no longer has such a headache when reading books, and he also reads comfortably.

Mariko counted the rankings of himself and the monitor, and they are:

4,699,971,709 (Mariko)

4,599,972,300 (squad leader)

According to this eating speed, it is impossible to break through the 45 billion mark by the end of the eating game.

Those traditional Chinese medicine soups are the best in the first few times, and the effect is not so good when you drink them later.

For this purpose, the squad leader also prepared a common tonic commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. After the two drank it, the effect increased sharply for two or three days, but the effect dropped back after the fourth day.

Generally speaking, the best way for the two of them to rapidly increase their rankings is to hunt, capture animals with higher rankings, extract their blood, and cook their flesh, otherwise the growth rate will always be so slow.

Even, when it grows to a certain level, the ranking will slow down.

As for the animals that Yuanzi used to test the medicine, they ate food for more than ten days, and their ranking growth rate became very small. Basically, they will not rise sharply, but they will not drop slightly. It can be seen that food is still of little use to the 30 billion ranked creatures. .

The two sorted out the collected information, and basically figured out the rules of survival in the new world after the nuclear explosion.

The higher the ranking, the more terrifying the bodily functions, and even evolve superpowers.

Superpowers are also Mariko's dream.

If you want to gain supernatural combat power in your later life, hunting advanced creatures is undoubtedly the right choice.

But both of them are ordinary people with limited means of life-saving. Once they encounter unreasonable monsters like Cthulhu, the death rate is extremely high.

And Mariko said, in Cthulhu's worldview, never die easily.

Going out to hunt is tantamount to walking on the tip of a knife, repeatedly probing on the verge of death.

So both of them decided not to go out.

The horrific psychological trauma caused by that nightmare still affects the two of them to this day.

Even after taking the medicine, the mind is not as tired as before, and the two dare not try again.

The monitor put away the diary and looked for the next book to relax in the library.

She knew that if she kept reading, there would always be times when she would get bored.

But now that she is not tired of it, she will live with Yuanzi in a safe way until she gets tired of reading books, and then she will find a way to change her unchanging life.

The squad leader has her little Jiujiu in his heart, so Yuanzi doesn't.

Yuanzi looked at the countdown of the system, and there were 45 days until the end of the game, that is, one and a half months.

One and a half months, whether it is long or not, is not short.

Yuanzi's eyes are empty, and the system hangs up to study, and his mind is dual-purpose. While studying, he is thinking about things after the game is over.

Will her life change after the game ends?

Nothing seems to have changed.

Mariko frowned slightly and tapped the table with her fingers.

So far, the occult knowledge Yuanzi has learned, except for the evil summoning book, really does not strengthen her.

"I can only bring back my memories, not anything, so is there any reward from the system?" Yuanzi thought.

It is estimated that there is no reward in the system, Yuanzi couldn't help but flashed such an inspiration in his heart.

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