
The mutant let out a painful roar, and then slapped his claws hard, smashing the soldier into a pulp. Before he could recover, he heard a sharp sound from behind.

D-4 rounds leave the barrel and head toward its hard body.

What was unbelievable was that the ammunition pierced through its armor without any resistance, and then pierced into its flesh.

The next second, the mutant let out a scream, and his body began to tremble involuntarily.

Immediately afterwards, it swelled and squirmed, and finally, with a bang, it exploded, and various organs and flesh and blood exploded outward.

The atmosphere suddenly took advantage of the opportunity, and only the breathing of the soldiers around the exploded meat could be heard.

After a while, the captain said: "Go to the heavily infected area-D."


"Well, it turns out they put that disgusting weapon on top of this team." The little girl turned her gaze back from the dead mutant, shrugged her shoulders, and rolled her eyes, "I really like this kid, no Thinking that it was the first one to die on this weapon, in order to avoid too many losses, other powerful children had to walk around this team...until this team encountered a big octopus."

"Hey." The little girl suddenly thought of something, and looked at the tentacle monster next to her with a little smile: "Gu Yao... right? I remember that I also asked you to deploy children in several streets, didn't I?"

The tentacle monster nodded silently.

"That's great." The little girl evoked a big smile, and then replied with a blank expression in the next second, her eyebrows raised slightly, and her tone was slow, "I want you to help me kill the teams passing by those streets, don't you mind? "

The tentacle monster froze for a few seconds, then nodded slowly.

"Good thing." The little girl had a satisfied smile on her face, "I thought you would be so affected by the human being beside you that you wouldn't even have the heart to kill him."

"Okay, okay, come on, come on..."

She jumped impatiently on the ground and opened her hands: "Let me see how you operate."

The hand covered the tentacle monster's forehead, establishing a short-term link.

Through Gu Yao's perspective, the little girl saw several transport vehicles and soldiers approaching not far from the street, and said excitedly: "They are here, they are here! Kill them!"

The excited voice suddenly stopped, and the little girl smiled faintly, raised her eyebrows and said, "Do you think we are playing... er... that human game, what is it called Surrounding the Carrot?"

Her tone was slow: "Guard the house, put up defenses along the road, and then fight monsters."

Coming to the street was a small team, a tank, two transport vehicles, and dozens of soldiers.

When the right time came, Gu Yao quickly ordered the tentacle monster below to aim at the bottom of the tank and pierce it forcefully.


The soldiers had raised their guns.

At the same time, several air cannons hidden in the dark also opened their mouths and aimed at them.

The air cannon variant also has the appearance of a dog, but the whole body is hairless, smooth and off-white.

The two small eyes are like black peas, and the mouth is very big, closing like petals, and will bloom again when the cannon is fired.


Invisible shells shot out, knocking over the transport vehicle.

The soldiers pressed the trigger and sparks flew.

The air cannon's defensive power is not good, and one of them was directly pierced through the head. Gu Yao felt that the monitor she was monitoring was blacked out and turned into a blurred screen.

The gun is not friendly to these creatures without a hard shell. At this time, the sickle monster is needed.

The whole body exudes a bone-like cold light, they leap between the buildings, and then quickly pounce down, while throwing down a soldier, the tail behind them swung vigorously, chopping off the head of another soldier.

Blood was sprayed and stuck under the overturned transport truck.

There was a scream.

The personnel in the tank have been penetrated by the tentacles and lost their vitality.

Landslide victory.

"First victory!"

The little girl watched through her vision and clapped her hands excitedly:

"Great... oh, there's a survivor, kill him."

When Gu Yao heard this, she shifted her sight again, and sure enough, she saw a soldier kneeling on the ground, holding something in his hand, and seemed to be muttering to himself.

"Kill it, kill it." The little girl stuck out her tongue and rolled her eyes, "I'm tired of watching it, let's cut a shot."

But the tentacle monster remained motionless in place, and even the other monsters on the street were also motionless, as if they had become sculptures.

The little girl frowned, a little confused: "What's wrong? Does he eat zombies?"

The tentacle monster was silent for a while, and then a word appeared above its head:

[He is sad. ]


The little girl frowned, and looked at Gu Yao again.

There, the soldier was half-kneeling on the ground, holding a small photograph in trembling hands.

He took off his hood, his eyes full of suppressed tears.

Looking at the little boy in the photo in his hand, he choked up and took a deep breath, then lowered his head and kissed the photo: "I love you, I love you..."

After that, he staggered up, gritted his teeth, took out the pistol at his waist, pointed at the silent zombies, and roared: "Come on! I'll kill you!"

The flame is burning.

The blood of the corpse is flowing.


"So." The little girl broke the silent atmosphere, frowned and said, "Before he died, he thought of a heir that he ejaculated, and then? Isn't this normal for human beings? It's not uncommon, kill him , Hurry up, hurry up."

The tentacle monster didn't move, and the white words still appeared above its head:

[He has something very important. ]

The soldier pressed the trigger without hesitation, sparks burst out, and the bullets were fired at the mutants.

[Even important enough to disregard your own safety. ]

This is a kind of human nature.

[He will be sad. ]

Just like her and Chu Muge.

The little girl narrowed her eyes, then shrugged her shoulders, with a little smile: "So he wants to die, so why not let him go?"

Seeing that the tentacle monster still didn't move, and those bullets shot through the soft abdomen of a scythe monster, the little girl tilted her head, and the smiling face disappeared completely.

She looked at the tentacle monster and blinked: "Okay, that's it."

With slightly parted lips, she said lightly, "Either you kill him, or I kill you."

The atmosphere is stagnant.

The tentacle monster still didn't answer.

The little girl narrowed her eyes slightly, and looked at the tentacle monster. When the heavy atmosphere was about to explode, she suddenly soothed her eyebrows and smiled.

At the same time, on the other side, the soldier suddenly widened his eyes, and a huge tentacle penetrated his head from below, and then pulled back, causing the corpse to fall powerlessly to the ground.

After controlling her tentacles, the little girl turned around in a dull manner, and walked slowly away from the city:

"What a waste of time."

Chapter 9 ends (double update)


"Zizi... is approaching the heavily infected area-D, be careful."

Flesh and blood spread all over the land, and the converging army entered from the periphery, preparing to advance all the way to the center.

Just now, several teams lost contact.

When other soldiers who went to support arrived at the accident site, they saw only corpses and scrapped vehicles on the spot.

——The attacking zombies all evacuated.

Everyone in the headquarters looked solemn.

"There are special mutants that can command zombies."

Someone has come to a conclusion.

"Then where?"

"Probably in the brood."

It is impossible for the mother to know when they will attack, so it is very likely that they escaped into the brood and then commanded other zombies to fight back.



They know too little about this special infected body. There are only two cases reported in China, and there are also abroad, but no matter who it is, so far they have not succeeded in catching a mother for research.

At present, everyone's guess is that this special mutant uses brain waves to control zombies, but it is not known how far the control distance is.

As for the research on zombies, human beings haven't stopped for a moment after they slowed down.

The pyramid of order collapsed and human society was paralyzed, but aside from these, the zombies everywhere are perfect samples for experiments.

Viruses in zombies are a very mysterious thing, because you can't even call them viruses, like prions.

Resurrecting from the dead, evolving and mutating, seems to lead human beings to a completely unknown field, and they are helpless for a while.

But fortunately, after hard work, there are still some effects.

For example, some medicines and weapons that appeared after the outbreak of the last days were developed.

The commander-in-chief put his hands on the table and took a deep breath.

It would be nice to catch special mutants.

"Then attack the brood first." He said calmly, "We can't let it continue to hatch more monsters."

The brood is the core of the heavily infected area.

After the size of the meat blanket reaches a certain level, a brood will condense.

The brood is like the most critical part of a large machine, only with it can other parts of the machine be operated.

There are many heavily infected areas in the city. Since the brood is the same color as other flesh and blood buildings, it will be hard to tell where it is for a while.

The helicopter hovered high in the sky, constantly reporting the situation in the infected area below.

There are more than ten districts in total, only D, F and H have not been searched.

The teams entering the city began to disperse outside the three districts, preparing for the next step of exploration.

"I think a bombing can be done first."

"No." Someone shook his head, "Those tall buildings will become fragmented, which is not conducive to the team's next move."

It would be fun if someone was crushed to death by a collapsing building half way through the exploration.

What's more, although ammunition can still be manufactured, it still needs to be used sparingly these days.

The tank crushed the car covered in blood and kept driving on the road.

"Seven o'clock direction, commercial square, a large number of enemies, ready to fire!"

"Got it, ready to fire!"

The zombies gathered in the square also saw the tank and the soldiers along the road, looked at them with gray eyes, then opened their mouths and roared and rushed over.

The bullet roared out from the gun barrel, piercing through the head of the zombie who ran first. Seeing the blood spilling from the forehead, the zombie ran forward a few steps, and then fell to the ground.

The loud gunshots immediately drew out the zombies in the shopping mall.

They scrambled to come out in a swarm, a black mass of dead heads, and they came towards the team.

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