"Today is a great day~"

The little girl was very happy today, even though she was bombed by a parasite by Gu Yao, she was still as happy as buying a lottery ticket.

She switched to a narrative tone, and said lightly: "Humans will never know what stupid things they did. They forced a poor innocent little girl and an ugly monster away from their hometown, and then they will return Their……"

The tone brought a smile: "It will be an unprecedented massacre."

"Why are you looking at me like this?" The little girl turned her head and looked at the monster behind her who silently looked at a fool, shrugging, "I'm only a few months old, and I'm still a helpless poor cub, you want me to mature enough Where are you going?"


Chu Muge held the Tang Dao expressionlessly, his whole body was covered with purple and red blood, and walked into the RV.

Under the light inside the caravan, every footprint of her was stained with blood, as if she had come to kill her.

Looking at the brothers and sisters who wanted to come forward, Chu Muge waved his hands and said lightly: "It's okay, I'm not hurt."

Gu Yao also heard it, so she was going to return to the passenger seat and sit down again.

Unexpectedly, when Chu Muge saw it, his eyes lit up, the cat ears on the top of his head moved, and he rushed to Gu Yao in a stride.

Mao Mao blinked her watery eyes and stretched out a hand: "Senior sister, I was injured here during the fight, can I bandage it up? Do you want me to teach you?"

Gu Yao felt a little distressed when she heard her complaining, so she nodded and looked at her arm carefully.

Brother and sister: ...

Can you stop such blatant double standards as a human being?

In the dark night, a pile of corpses lay outside.

Everyone was busy for a while, and began to pick up the leaks.

There were more than a dozen shotguns, and after throwing them and the bullets into the RV, Bai Caijie let out a foul breath.

Thanks to the raiders for the equipment.

If you fail to plunder, you will be robbed.

Bai Caijie, who was forced to rob others, was very sad, feeling that his morality had been condemned, and the corners of his mouth curled up, almost from ear to ear.

Before getting into the car, he hesitated, and looked at the distorted body of Bai Moxue not far away on the ground: "Do you want to bury her?"

"Need not."

It wasn't Bai Moxue who helped them, Bai Moxue died long ago.

Chu Muge sat in the driver's seat in a hurry, and said lightly: "She is not even human."

As soon as the words fell, she immediately tilted her head and said softly to Gu Yao: "Of course my sister is different."

Gu Yao: o?o

Before starting the RV, Chu Muge looked back lightly.

After such a battle, the RV was full of holes, the windshield had disappeared, the decorations inside the car were overturned, and Bai Caijie was still holding a gun in his arms.

Gou Da has a fast self-healing ability, and now he is lying on his stomach with his eyes closed.

The front is clear.

Next stop, New Gallo.

(Volume III · End)

Book information:

Title: I became a zombie and was picked up by the heroine

Author: cat eating pigeon


Book introduction:

Gu Yao confusedly transmigrated into a novel she had read, and then became one of the short-lived schoolgirls who was bitten by zombies. The only label on her body was the former Bai Yueguang of the male protagonist.

When Gu Yao passed through, the original body had already been bitten by a zombie, so what she faced was the hell-level difficulty opening where she was about to become a zombie.

Broken, die in peace.

However, she never dreamed that...

The self who turned into a zombie was actually picked up by the heroine.

I didn't expect that the heroine in the novel turned out to be a crazy critic in private.

So the novel is also called——

"Zombie Breeding Manual"

Volume Four

Chapter 1 Welcome to New Gallo

"No, it has to stay there."

The RV's engine started, but it took a long time to start.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Chu Muge whispered to Gu Yao again: "Sister, it will be discovered in the past."

Gu Yao and her stared at each other, then looked away, looking at Gou Da who was lying on the back of the RV.

Gu Yao may still be able to pretend to be a human in troubled waters after arriving in Xinjialuo by relying on her appearance that is no different from ordinary people, but it is absolutely impossible for Gou Da.

"It's very strong, so it can stay somewhere outside the city." Seeing that Gu Yao was reluctant to part with his dog son, Chu Muge tried to persuade: "It may be in a more dangerous situation if it enters the city."

Gu Yao nodded.

Chu Muge felt something was going on, and suddenly his eyes lit up through the shattered windshield in front of him, and he thought of something: "Sister, if you are really worried, at worst, feed it crystal nuclei."

Chu Muge hesitated for a moment, and had to admit: "It's a bit special, and it's also the first time I've seen a creature that is compatible with so many abilities..."

Eat crystal nuclei?Are there crystal nuclei in these corpses?

Gu Yao glanced at her, and all the words were contained in her eyes.

Chu Muge had a sympathetic heart, so he got up from the driver's seat and said casually, "I'm not sure if they have crystal nuclei, but there's a good chance that the big guy has one, but I've never seen him before..."

She and the big guy are not in the same lab.

The feeling of purple blood on the body is not very good.

Maomao got out of the car, took Tang Dao, first walked to Bai Moxue's body, then glanced at the RV behind, and then waved the blade.

How should I put it, the operation of cutting off the head of a somewhat familiar person and then splitting it to find the crystal nucleus always feels a bit weird.

——Especially when this person is still a beautiful young lady.

But Bai Moxue was already dead, and Chu Muge didn't have to bear the burden.

Sure enough, I picked up the skull and poked it inside, but found nothing.

Chu Muge let out a breath, then looked at the hill-like corpse.

After the tanker died, his body muscles relaxed, and his whole body became limp, without the slightest defense.

Tang Dao cut his huge head, and then picked it up slightly. Chu Muge squinted his eyes, and turned a crystal clear crystal nucleus from inside.

This is the crystal nucleus of a supernatural being, which is different from the completely white crystal nucleus of a zombie.

There was water in the RV, Chu Muge washed it, and then handed it to Gu Yao.

Gu Yao confiscated it, but instead looked at Gouda lying on the ground.

Chu Muge glanced at the puppy, narrowed his eyes, and felt a little reluctant: "Senior sister, I think it's better for you to eat... I remember that the zombie queen should be able to obtain the power in the crystal nucleus..."

Gu Yao glanced at her, then took out a post-it note:

[How did you know? ]

Chu Muge tilted his head and smiled: "I dreamed about it."

Half-covered, Chu Muge didn't seem to be hiding anything, but it seemed to be vague.

Gu Yao looked at her, then lowered her eyes, and sighed helplessly:


In the next second, both of them paused.

Chu Muge opened his eyes slightly.

Gu Yao looked at her blankly, then opened her mouth again: "Hey."


The vehicle starts and starts to run on the road.

In the silence, Chu Muge suddenly said:

"Sister, can you say one more thing?"

"Cough, um."

Gu Yao cleared her throat:


There was applause all around.

——It's not Chu Muge, he's driving, it's brother and sister.

But the three people who heard her voice were very excited. Even Bai Caixie, who had a broken hand, patted his thigh with his intact left hand, and couldn't help saying "Okay!"

This appearance is the same as the first time a family heard a baby call mom and dad.

Gu Yao: uvu grows up as a girl.

After a moment of joy, Gu Yao subconsciously glanced at the back of the car.

The place where the dog is big is empty.

It was left behind by the corpse, eating and swallowing the crystal nucleus, so it must become stronger and stronger.

Now let it stay outside the city for the time being, and hide it as a trump card.

Chu Muge glanced at Gu Yao, and said softly: "It's okay, senior, it's not like I won't see you anymore, get ready, we're almost there."

Gu Yao nodded, and looked down at the white stripes in her hand.


The sky was pitch black.

There was a car horn sounding, beeping, and the white headlights were dazzling, shooting a dazzling light on the dark road.

An interception belt was set up outside Xinjialuo, and a black tower was built. Soldiers with guns stood on it, looking down at a pile of vehicles lined up without saying a word.

The strong light from the tower shone on these vehicles and also illuminated the angry faces of those people.

Their faces were haggard, but with impatient anger in their eyes, they shouted to a backhanded officer standing in the interception zone: "It's already the fifth day! Why don't you let us in!"

"That's right!"

"that is……"

There were echoes from behind, and the crowd began to complain wildly.

"Didn't it mean that you can take refuge here?"

"Let us in!"

"Let's go in!"

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