All along, she pretended not to see it, because she knew very well that if she got involved in such things, her peaceful life would soon disappear completely.

There is no shortage of so-called lunatics on Twilight Street, and lunatics simply don't care about the so-called boss behind her.

If it is a real existence, then there is still a glimmer of life, but she is very clear that she does not have a so-called boss at all, and the boss is just a fictional existence that was born after being misunderstood in a hurry.


I must leave here, I must not let this guy find Sakura!

Absolutely not to bring trouble to Sakura and those children in the nursing home!

Thinking of this, the weak cat has great courage.

Mebius noticed something, and his hand on the trigger tensed slightly.


She had a bad feeling, so she didn't intend to delay any further.

And if we continue to fiddle like this, there will be opinions over there.

Although it can be ignored, the cries of a group of mice are somewhat annoying after all.

Paduofelis didn't answer, but just looked at her calmly.

At that moment, Mebius suddenly noticed something, turned her head suddenly, and at the same time her other hand was thrown towards Padufelice!

A cat rushed towards Mebius.

The fleshy body looks heavy, giving people a feeling that it will be very comfortable to hold.

It jumped up, and then it hit the ground, and it was... so heavy.

Mebius couldn't help showing a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Then she turned around, ready to receive her prize.

But the slightly widened eyes did not reflect the existence of Padufelice, she disappeared!

how can that be!

The electric shock device should have hit!

She heard the voice just now!

That is obviously the reaction of the device after it comes into contact with the human body, and it has no effect on animals or anything!

But why did it become like this?

That person? !


The heavy cat raised its head and let out a meow.

Mebius turned around again, staring blankly at the cat in front of him who hadn't run away.

It's heavy, and it feels very comfortable to hold in my arms......

After a moment of hesitation, Mebius stretched out his hand, and carefully placed his hand on the cat's dark hair.

The hair, though dull, is exceptionally soft and clean.

Caressing the cat's liquid-like body, a subtle smile appeared on Mebius' face.

She didn't know why she thought so, but this idea just popped up in her mind suddenly.

"Little guy, can you take me to the children?"


Mao Mao seemed to make a questioning expression, as if to say that the child was that child.

Mebius seemed to understand, with a faint smile on his lips.

The cutest child. "

The smile on Mebius' face at this moment is so gentle and beautiful.


The cat raised its forelegs and let out a melodious cry.

It seems to understand something.

Elegant steps, dexterous posture.

Cats go ahead and people go behind.


Padufelice ran very fast, shuttling quickly on the roof of the house like a cat.

Although I don't know what the purpose of that strange woman is, but no matter what, I have to make this matter clear to Sakura and Nia.

But what is it?

Padufelice held a small gadget tightly in her hand.

This is what the woman threw at her. At first she thought it was a special weapon, but when the thing was about to touch her, the little thing seemed to be broken, emitting a blue light, and then like It was a leakage and fell to the ground.

She felt that this gadget was very valuable, so she picked it up.

Is it really worth it?

Shaking his head vigorously, he temporarily suppressed the strange thoughts in his mind.

The most important thing now is to tell that child, Sakura, and the Nia community.


Suddenly stopping in her footsteps, a trace of confusion appeared on Paduofelis's face.

Should I go to Sakura's child first, or should I go to Nia first?

On the other side, in the stronghold of a certain gang.

The battle has begun, but it is over.

Hen leaned against the wall. Although he hadn't smoked for a long time and had the idea of ​​quitting smoking completely, he still lit a cigarette at this moment.

The people at the top are indeed sitting on such a transaction.

Hen's face was very calm, but the emotions surging in his heart were so complicated.

Why can't those guys remember the lesson from the beginning!

Do they want to stage another Honkai outbreak in this place!

A wall seems to separate a world.

Inside the warehouse, Alicia and others looked at the boxes that were almost full of the entire warehouse in front of them, and everyone's expressions were silent.

Man....why keep making the same mistakes.....

290, the thief in the room

Gently push open the concealed door.

Is sister Britney up yet?

Obviously it's only past eight o'clock.

Sister Britney usually sleeps until after ten o'clock.

He is obviously an adult, but he likes to lie in bed like a child.

But Sakura also likes the quilt very much, because the quilt is very warm, just like the warmth of being hugged by her mother.

Sakura likes winter the most, because she can always be hugged by her mother in winter.

In the cold winter, I like it.

The little feet wrapped in white silk stepped on the slippers at the side, which were prepared by Britney's sister.

"Is sister Britney not home?"

Whispering suspiciously, Sakura looked around and then at her feet.

There is no sign of Britney's sister, not even shoes.

Did Britney forget to close the door when she went out?

there's noise.

Ears heard the sound, upstairs.

Is it Miss Britney?

On the second floor, a middle-aged man kept looking for something in the room full of boxes.

The door of the bedroom couldn't be opened for some reason. After several attempts, he gave up and went to another room, hoping to find something valuable.

Since they can open a bakery on Twilight Street, the family must be very rich!

But it seems to be alone.

No matter, quickly find something valuable and get out of here!

The owner of this bakery is said to be tough!

All he wanted was something valuable, and he didn't want to be noticed by that woman.

The rummaging stopped suddenly, and the middle-aged man held his breath, and he heard footsteps.

Is that woman back?


The sound of footsteps is a bit strange!

Seems like a child's footsteps? !

As a thief, of course one has to be a little bit capable, and if you don't have a little bit of skill, you're still hanging around in Twilight Street like this!

The thief came to the door slowly, and walked towards the door through the crack beside the door frame.

Looking outside, at the same time the thief's hand has been quietly pressed on the doorknob.

He pushed the doorknob lightly, keeping the door ajar.

This room is located at a corner, if you go up from the stairs, it is difficult to see the condition of the door.

Along the crack of the door, listening to the soft footsteps, the thief gradually saw the child coming up the stairs.

Really a kid? !

The thief was slightly startled, and swallowed hard.

For some reason, he actually felt an inexplicable fear from this cute little girl.

What exactly is going on! ?

The thief didn't notice that behind him, like a creeping shadow, a figure quietly came behind him without making the slightest sound.

Britney looked at the thief in front of her with an extremely cold expression, like a piece of solid ice.

That was Britney that Sakura had never seen before.

Britney was very angry, she never thought that someone would sneak into her home.

Although there is a reason why I forgot to check and did not turn on the security measures.'s really annoying!

He stretched out his hand suddenly, shortened the thief's neck in an instant, and then supported the thief's body with one hand, so as not to scare Qiuyue with the sound made by this guy's body.

Then Britney directly exerted force and threw the thief out of the window.

Behind it is the garden, and it is hidden by a high wall, so no one will find it at all.

And there's a lot of people out there, this guy won't be lonely.

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