Thirteen blessings.

But that's not all.

MEI....No, it's Mei.

This world no longer needs any moths chasing flames, nor does it need any thirteen heroes.

Everything will recover, it just takes a little time.

But she has already made arrangements for this world.

Mei, Blanca, Hen and Destobia...

She, he, and her and them.

They will all come back, in familiar poses from memory.

This is the blessing she gave them and them, and it is also the last "treasure" she can leave to this world.

Soon, she will set sail.

Across the endless galaxy, walked the road paved with branches, and then found her own world, her original home.

She raised her head and looked at the sky again.

There is no sky full of stars, only the dark night sky.

The lights of the city have already covered those shining stars.

The sky is dark, and the so-called stars are just a lie in the first place.

Like her past.

Maybe it shouldn't be said that, after all, there is still a shining star in this world, that is the moonlight that dispels the deep night, seals away evil and has countless secrets... the moon!

The wind blew the ink-like hair, and the shallow smile looked so bright.

The owner.

"Sakura, I will always be by your side."

Without too many words, she already understood the other party's mind.

But she still has to say it.

"Well, I will always stay by Befa's side."

The past that belongs to her is indeed false, but she already has the present of this moment.

There are still gaps, but she's about to fill them.

Create your own past in that brand new world, familiar world.

This time there will be no separation, no sadness, and that brand new world will become the one in her heart.

This is a promise from the beginning, and she will be able to fulfill this promise immediately.

She has waited too long for this.

But she has not forgotten, nor will she.

Holding the hand of the maid, it was warm and soft.

It's always been like this, every time. "And me!" Like a koala, it jumped out of space, then wrapped its arms around its neck and hung it on its body.

"Sakura is my older sister, an older sister can't leave her behind!"

Purno hugged her sister tightly, this was the first vow for her, and it was a memory she would never forget.

For the sake of her sister, she is trying to become a qualified elder.

But Yizhi, the two naughty children of Nayuta and Egil, don't want to call her aunt, hum!What a misbehaved two children!

"Well, my sister will never forget Purno."

Looking at that familiar face, Sakura's smile is so warm.

I have neglected this sister for a long time.

Sorry, Perno.

She whispered in her heart, and then hugged her sister tightly in her arms.

She raised her head again and looked at the moon shining brightly.

It's time to go, finish the last thing, after that she will embark on her own journey!

260 four, no false thoughts


A planet that looks ordinary, but is full of secrets in many worlds.

This tone may have originated from early humans' yearning for the moon and for higher places.

So in that era, when human beings were not able to leave the earth and break free from the shackles of gravity, they had too many fantasies about their nearest moon.

But in fact, the moon is just a desolate star.

However, in countless dimensions, people's fantasies have become reality.

Maybe it should be so, but the context of this kind of thing is ridiculous.

It's like trying to figure out which came first, the chicken or the egg.

On such a question, you may indeed be able to get an answer.

But is that necessary?

No, not at all.

Sometimes the so-called truth is not beautiful, even if it is something you have to face, but in some things, giving up is often the best choice.

Especially when it comes to issues that don't make sense to you.

Naia left again.

She is still the same.

But this time she didn't have any thoughts of blaming her.

Because Naia knew it well, and she knew it too.

She has to walk the next road by herself, just like the first one.

There was no one to help her, and she couldn't go to anyone for help.

Because what follows is her past, there can be no interference from anyone, and no interference is needed.

As is the future, so is the past.

including this moment....

Walking on this desolate sphere, everything in front of me is so familiar and yet so strange.

Some things have changed, but the feeling has never changed.

In the past, though only a false past.

Flamemoth has found something, or something secret, on the moon.

The moon, an existence condensed with multiple layers of fantasy.

As for Mihayou, their obsession with the moon is extraordinary.

In this universe, in this dimension, in this framework, the moon can be seen as the origin.

It's like the original princess who went through untold hardships in order to land on the moon, and finally had the so-called Houkai Academy.

After that, it was a continuation of the dream, and another yearning and pursuit of the moon.

The moon, there are too many secrets buried here.

Destiny, anti-entropy, even the fire moth and Alicia.

Without that force, no one can explain the secrets on the moon.

And she saw it.


Or is it fun?

Do those matter at this moment?

No, it doesn't matter at all.

There are so many similarities in this world, if she didn't notice some differences, then she would really think that this world is the original Honkai 3rd.

But this world is not.

parallel world?

Maybe what to say.

On this kind of matter, even Su couldn't give an answer.

trees and sea.

Do they really exist?

Is there a higher-dimensional existence that really exists?

The former exists, but it is not the tree of imaginary numbers and the sea of ​​quantum.

However, there is no problem in using these two names to refer to His existence. That kind of thing is like the name that people gave to the disaster, as well as the Herrscher and its creations, the so-called Houkai Beast.

Humans, no, it should be said that intelligent beings are best at giving their own definitions to unknown existences.

Whether it is Houkai or Herrscher, their original origins are like this.

As for the latter, the so-called higher-dimensional existence.

He exists, but not in this world.

And this is also the difference between this world and the world she perceives.

Su is dead.

The exhaustion of the body, the dissolution of the soul.

He in this world has indeed become a true enlightened being.

Use your own death, but no high-dimensional existence appears, and take it to the universe to play a big game of chess.

That was Su from another world, not Su from this world.

But there is an interesting development.

If Su could go to the Xingyue World, then in Xingyue World's heroic spirit cognition system, he would become the second enlightened being, an existence completely different from the first enlightened being.

Su was even able to create another Honkai world in the Xingyue world with his own celestial wisdom.

Sounds great, but that's just a fantasy.

The Xingyue world had already disappeared, and before it disappeared, Su didn't have the ability to go to Xingyue, the world with the soil that allowed him to completely sublimate.

Stop those useless fantasies,

Also stop at this moment.

There is still a distance from the destination, but at this moment, it is where she is standing.

In the long past, here, right here.

A coin shattered.

The weakest and most "strongest" Yingjie ushered in a death that could have been avoided.

This empty dream, the world is impermanent...

The weakest Yingjie is also the "strongest" Yingjie.

That's not a joke.

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