Prepare for the one you love....

It's just that I shouldn't be her favorite person, right?

According to certain settings, Kazami Yuka's other her had a partner when she was born, and that other existence is Kazami Yuka, another her for her.

"Thank you."

Walking past Photon, Sakura left these simple words, the little guy seemed very happy, she covered her cheeks, and kicked the air with some force with her floating legs under the skirt.

Like a child, cute and innocent.

Along the long corridor, it looks like an endless corridor at first glance, but that is just an illusion caused by the light.

The Dream Pavilion doesn't look very big, but its area is much larger than what you see on the surface.

After all, this is a dream hall, a world created by relying on a special dream.

This is a more magical place than Yakumoju, which Yakumozi built in the gap.

It is even said that the establishment of Yakumoju only appeared after Yakumo Zi referred to the existence of the Dream Pavilion.

As Kazami Yuka's former friend, Yakumo Zi is naturally aware of the existence of the Fantasy Pavilion.

It's just that she has never been in the fantasy hall.

She is not welcome here, not even her former self.

Two hundred, Boli forbidden technique

human world.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu stared blankly at the notebook in front of her, her eyes were dull, and the notebook in front of her was pure white.

She has been sitting in the chair for a long time, but there is not a word about the content of the fifth book.

She lost her inspiration and lost her future.

She has already handed over the content of the first volume, the second volume, and even the fourth volume to the library.

Under the operation of the library, she has achieved unbelievable results.

The gorgeous rhetoric and the writing and stories that outline people's hearts make her a god-like existence in a short period of strength.

But when the creative passion dissipated, her mind was left blank.

She has ideas, but those ideas are ridiculous compared to her before.

She didn't even want to try, because in her opinion, the idea in her head now was an insult to her before.

She cannot allow herself to sully the work that is hers.

Swallowing saliva, the snow-white neck twitched slightly.

Frowning, clenched fist, outstretched hand stopped in the air, and finally fell gently.

She can't do anything!

Her brain was drained, and that hollow feeling made her miserable.

Time has passed, and the creative thinking beyond ordinary people has left her.

She understands that if she still wants to obtain the creative thinking that surpasses ordinary people, she must find that god, and get the wisdom from her that can make her the god of light novels.

But this time it's not free, she needs to pay a price.

After experiencing the power of God-like creation, she can accept the so-called price in her heart, even if she still doesn't know what she has to pay.

She wanted to finish her light novel without letting her poor writing taint it, so she was willing to give!


For some reason, she couldn't leave her room at all, and from time to time, a strange voice came out of her heart, persistently asking her to dispel this idea.

And she believed it, and she believed it for no reason, and she didn't even know why.

When she regained consciousness and rekindled the idea of ​​looking for the other party, that voice came out of her heart again, and then... there was no more, it was like an unbreakable cycle, and such She has spent two days, a total of 48 hours.

And there are only two days left before the time I agreed with the editor.

Although she can change this time, after all, she is also a god-like existence in the Undead River Library, and everyone is moved by the stories she describes.

Moreover, the content of the fourth volume that was sent before has not been released yet, so she still has plenty of time, but she doesn't want to change the time!

Like a paranoid.

In Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's view, she can do it, she can complete the content of the fifth volume within the specified time, as long as she can still have the creative thinking that surpasses ordinary people!


I must go back to my previous self.

She had to go back to her former self!

There were faint bloodshot eyes in the wine-red eyes, and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's mental state had become a little abnormal.

The creative thinking beyond ordinary people has formed a poppy-like effect for Kasumigaoka Shiwa.

She needs and longs for it, and she wants to turn herself back into her former self.

But a certain existence interfered with her, making her unable to leave here.

She grabbed her hair vigorously, and her neatly combed hair suddenly became messy.

The eyes covered by the hair stared blankly at the blank notebook in front of him, and those eyes became more and more preoccupied.

The world outside the house, the waving imperial pen, the stirring space.

Black and white turned into a huge yin-yang fish, it fell suddenly, and the space shattered.

The evil spirits that hindered her progress were instantly wiped out.


Huo Lingmeng had a displeased face, but he still came!

A group of evil spirits emerged from the streets that had just been cleaned up, and they became stronger and crazier.

"After all, it's coming to an end. If you don't work hard, you will be eaten by Sakura~"

Hakurei Reimu's voice slowly sounded in Fu Reimu's mind, with a sense of comfort.

And in the space of consciousness, she watched what Huo Lingmeng saw through the embodied TV, and held a freshly chilled watermelon in her arms.

Eating fruit and watching theater is a virtue!

At this moment, Huo Lingmeng doesn't care what the other self is doing, and she is already tired of these evil spirits in front of her.

In addition, the world is constantly resisting her existence.

That resistance didn't diminish her power, it wanted to exclude her from the world.

Nasty feeling.

The white jade-like imperial coins swung violently.

Only once was there scarlet but not black and white.

The spiritual power exuding an unclean aura turned into a violent storm.

It stirred the space and tore apart the illusory bodies of those evil spirits.

Cleaning up the evil spirits again, Huo Lingmeng activated the subspace in an instant.

The body quickly shuttles through the space.

As for the gap.......

She is finished now

Not at all.

After all, she is not her sister Sakura who can completely ignore the rules of the world.

In the final analysis, the gap is just an advanced way of spatial movement, and its existence is based on the existence of the realm.

And now the world is resisting her existence. Although the gap can be opened as usual, it all depends on the idea of ​​the person behind the scenes where she will be sent.

The sub-cavity is different.

Although it is a technique of space movement, to put it bluntly, you still use your body to shuttle and walk on the space with your feet. You can grasp the orientation and everything by yourself, rather than relying on the coordinates of the space.

The waving imperial coins stirred the space again.

The evil spirit that reappeared was broken again, and at first glance it looked like paper.

But every evil spirit has the strength not weaker than high-level monsters, or even big monsters.

The blessings given by the world to these evil spirits make them so powerful.

Although it didn't pose much threat to Huo Lingmeng, it was enough to affect her progress.

"Troublesome guy!"

Huo Lingmeng stopped, and the sub hole also lost its function.

The pure white imperial coins turned into sporadic light spots and dispersed, and a black and white yin-yang jade appeared in his hand.

The previous yin-yang jade was indeed broken, so this is the new one.

And it is a special Yin-Yang jade forged from Amaterasu's remains.

Just like that pure white royal coin.

"Do you need help?"

Hakurei Reimu's voice rang in his head, with a faint smile.

"It's too late for you to say this!"

Huo Lingmeng said coldly, and at the same time, she had continuously poured her spiritual power into the Yin-Yang Jade in her hand.

"No, everything is just fine."

Pure white spiritual power emerged from the void, continuously pouring into the Yin-Yang jade.

Gorgeous brilliance bloomed from the yin-yang jade.

Huo Lingmeng leaped high, the Yin-Yang Jade in his hand twirling crazily.

The Boli Forbidden Technique is a heavenly dream!

Two hundred and one, the shyness of a girl

Weird feeling.

But not so strange.

It's just that the line of fate has been moved again.

Where is the trouble?

The forward steps stopped slightly, and then continued to walk toward the depths.

She had already heard the slight sound, and the voice of the girl struggling.

Stopping, looking at the red door in front of her, Sakura raised her hand and tapped lightly.

The door opened.

Or there is no lock at all.

What appeared in front of my eyes was a beautiful picture.

half naked body, messy room...

It's beautiful and messy.

Beauty and ugliness are never absolutes.

So they could all be present at the same time, and it was right in front of her right now.

It's not literally ugly though, just messy.

Discarded clothing, of all kinds.

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