"Inferior Qinghai people dare to laugh at this god."

"This god will let you all be buried here!"

"Yeah ha ha ha!"

Enilu laughed wildly, his body full of lightning.

But right now.

In the distant sky, there was a dragon chant suddenly.

Everyone turned their heads to look.

this moment.

Even Enilo's eyes widened.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were even more "Fuck!"

Pdd widened his eyes in horror, and said in a daze.

"Then what is it, a green dragon???".

139. Akainu: When I am promoted to marshal, you will be a general! !

At the same time as the Sky Island War broke out.

Teacher Ma also passed the Gate of Justice again and entered the Triangle Current.

At this time, he and Smoker's warship had been sailing for almost two hours.

From a distance, the shadow of the Navy ~ Headquarters can already be seen.

The speed of the warship slowly increased.

Teacher Ma's face was a little excited, he turned his head to look at the psychological master and me - you and Tiebushan.

This time escorted the king Qiwuhai Crocodile.

They were actually a little worried about what was going to happen.

For example, someone came to hijack a ship.

But it's all good.

Maybe there is the protection of the navy, maybe others don't know that Crocodile is being escorted to the headquarters.

In short, no one came to hijack the ship.

The journey of Teacher Ma and others went smoothly, and nothing special happened.

Holding the brand new reward order of the Straw Hats, Teacher Ma smiled.

"The fat guy pdd is worth [-] million Baileys."

"It seems that I should also raise my rank."

Teacher Ma said with a smile.

A pirate with a bounty of [-] million Berries is almost equivalent to a major general of the headquarters.

And he is only a major now, far from a major general.


Teacher Ma was not worried this time.

Headquarters officer competition is imminent.

His current strength is between a colonel and a brigadier general, even comparable to a brigadier general.

And as long as Crocodile is successfully escorted back to the headquarters, he will be successful in changing jobs and will be rewarded at the same time.

At that time, his strength will definitely improve a lot.

The same goes for the master of psychology and I have iron cloth shirt.

With the help of this headquarter officer competition, this is an opportunity for the three of them to gain a firm foothold in the navy.

Behind the three of Teacher Ma.

Ain, Binz, and Xiu Zuo also looked excited.

Who would have thought.

Followed by a major of the headquarters, how can you arrest a king Shichibukai?

Before that, they didn't even dare to think about it.

But Teacher Ma really took them to do it.

This is the skill.

Smoker on the other warship looked at this side with a serious expression on his face.

Da Siqi stood beside him, constantly asking questions.

"Colonel Smoker, is that Major Jinlun really a genius in this department?"

Smoker nodded, holding a cigar in his mouth, he was reluctant to talk to Da Siqi.

But Dashiqi didn't seem to see Smoker's face.

"Colonel Smoker, Colonel Jinlun, is he really qualified as a general by Lieutenant General Garp?"

Smoker nodded again and glanced at Da Siqi.

Dashiqi still didn't notice anything.

She just admired Teacher Ma.

Such a young, talented and talented navy, who would not admire him?

"Colonel Smoker..."

But this time.

Da Siqi's voice just sounded.

Smoker cut her off.

"Corporal Da Siqi, this is the first time for you to come to the headquarters."

"Go and tell the soldiers on the warship to pay attention and don't embarrass me."

Da Siqi swallowed the question in his heart, didn't ask any more questions, and went to give instructions happily.

Because we only need to disembark later.

He would be able to see the young Major Jinlun.

At this time.

Netizens were also a little excited when they saw the outline of the Navy Headquarters.

"Mr. Ma, you guys have developed directly after returning to the headquarters this time."

"When the time comes, status, money, beauty, etc. will not be up to you to choose."

"Yes, what's more important is that Mr. Ma will succeed in becoming famous among the navy."

"It is even possible to enter the sight of the world government."

"That's right, there's also that headquarters officer competition."

"With Teacher Ma's current strength, I don't think it's a problem to be promoted to major general."

"When he gets the reward for arresting the sand crocodile, will he become a lieutenant general?"


"God, I think of the surprised faces of the three generals Garp and the others in the Warring States Period when they watched Mr. Ma's promotion."

"After all, it's been less than 20 days since Mr. Ma joined the navy."

"It's been less than a month since the officers' competition in the headquarters."

"One month, from a trainee recruit to a major general in the headquarters."


"This stepping on a horse is not riding a rocket, it's a military rank that is teleported up!"

"But brothers, we also have to admire Teacher Ma's growth in strength, it's simply too fast."

"Yeah, looking forward to the shocked faces of Karp and others in the Warring States Period."

"Every one of them will definitely drop their jaws!"

Netizens are discussing enthusiastically.

Teacher Ma and Smoker's warships also slowly approached the headquarters.

At this time, there is a big man standing at the port of the headquarters.

Only one person came, and he temporarily transferred all the navy here.


Even if it's just him alone.

But it is more grand than many navies here.

Because the person standing at the port is one of the three generals of the Navy Headquarters.

It is the red dog who is known as the most iron-blooded and firmly believes in absolute justice, Sakaski.

The warship slowly docked.

It's still far away though.

But Teacher Ma and others could already see the red dog standing in front of the port.

Akainu wears a cloak of justice, a dark red suit inside, and a rose on his chest.

He wore a washed-yellow navy cap, and he seemed to have a lot of stories.

Akainu stood there with his arms folded, looking at Mr. Ma on the warship from afar.


He only has Teacher Ma in his eyes, and no one else can get into his eyes at all.

Including the former King Shichibukai who is about to be escorted here.

at the same time.

Smoker on another warship looked at Akainu in the port in amazement.

With a cigar in his mouth, his face was full of dignity.

Dashiqi was far away, but he could also feel the powerful momentum from Akainu.

Da Siqi's face was panicked, and the eye girl looked at Smoker and asked.

"Colonel, then... is that General Akainu?"

So long in the Navy.

Of course Tashiki knows the name of Akainu, and has seen the photo of him.


What she never expected was.

The first person I saw when I came to the headquarters was this kind of person.

That's the general of the headquarters!

Known as the most powerful general in the world's government!

Not to mention the red dog who is known as the most iron-blooded among the three generals.

But he is now.

He actually stood at the port and waited for someone.

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