Dalton said this.

All the people present stared at each other.

Teacher Ma looked at Dalton with a smile and asked.

"The former king Valpo?"

"Then where is he now?"

Hearing Teacher Ma's words, Tie Bushan also patted the table.

"This kind of person can still be a king on a horse?"

"Captain Dalton, where is that Walpo, our navy has taken care of this matter!"

The big man Xiu Zuo pulled the shoulder of the iron cloth shirt.

"The Magnetic Drum Kingdom is a member of the world government, and our navy should not take care of the internal affairs here."

"Go to the internal affairs of the horse!"

Xiu Zuo just finished speaking.

Tie Bushan continued to speak violently.

"Have you heard about the boss's justice?"

"That's my justice too, this is the real justice in my heart!"

"This Walpo sits in the king's position and doesn't do anything about personnel, what's wrong with arresting him!"

Xiu Zuo was stunned by Valpo and didn't know what to say.

In fact, he was quite angry.

And now looking at the meaning of Teacher Ma and his iron cloth shirt.

He also slapped the table.

"Zinima, fuck him!"

Look at these two fools.

Ain and Binz immediately raised their foreheads.

They, what kind of people are they with.


Teacher Ma, the chief official, also thinks the same way.

This is a group of god horse navy?

Netizens in the live broadcast room also burst out laughing.

"I really admire the group of people led by my teacher Ma."

"Yeah, this Xiuzuo obviously has the same idea as Teacher Ma."

"A moment ago, this was a retreat."

"Yeah, they are all a group of talents."

"Several (Wang Nuo's) navies are catching pirates all day long."

"Study Qiwuhai while studying."

"Now, the fuck is all studying the king of the franchise country."

"Marshal of the Warring States Period will be pissed off when he finds out."

"That's right, Lieutenant General Garp doesn't care much about these things."

"When he learns about this, at most he will beat him up. It is impossible to arrest him."

"But what about Mr. Ma and his group?"

"This is to directly capture the king and the sand crocodile."

"Is this a group of Shenma navy?"

Look at the barrage of netizens.

Teacher Ma smiled.

He doesn't care what the justice of others is.

The three generals and so on have nothing to do with him.

He only abides by the justice in his heart.


There are many others like him.

And this time.

Dalton looked at these marines and was stunned again.

Are they, really the navy?

Dalton didn't think any more, and suddenly said with serious eyes.

"Walpo is already a former king."

"About a month ago, a group of pirates attacked the Magnetic Drum Kingdom."

"It was also because of those pirates that the Drum Kingdom was overrun."

Looking at Dalton's dignified expression.

Iron cloth shirt asked.

"Which pirates?"

Although now they are basically determined to engage in the Qiwuhai of the sand crocodile.

However, it would be nice to have more pirates waiting to be caught.

That way his iron shirt project can succeed sooner.

Teacher Ma and others also looked at Dalton seriously.

Dalton spit out three words very solemnly.

"There are only five pirates in that group."

"The person in charge calls himself Blackbeard."

listen to this.

Teacher Ma's eyes were fixed, and he turned his head and looked at the psychological master.

The ease on my iron shirt face froze instantly.

He turned his head and looked at Dalton in shock.

"What do you think the man called himself?"

"black beard??".

124. Shocking!Classic quotes!When do people die?

Hear the word Blackbeard.

Teacher Ma, the psychological master, and I, You Tiebushan, all lost their composure.

This made everyone present look at the three very confused.

Netizens in the live broadcast room are even more so.


"Brothers, why do I feel that Mr. Ma is hiding something from us?"

"That's right, with Mr. Ma's appearance, it's obvious that he's heard of Blackbeard before."

"But we've been watching his live broadcast all day, except when he's sleeping and going to the bathroom, he's always on the live broadcast..."


"Mr. Ma, did you just take advantage of those times to discuss with the psychological boss what you were hiding from us?"

"If it wasn't for Tie Bushan's slip of the tongue this time, would you still keep it from us?"

Netizens reacted one after another and accused Mr. Ma.

Looking at the barrage in the live broadcast room, Teacher Ma smiled helplessly.

Facing the puzzled expressions of the young girl and sister Zhou over there.

Teacher Ma coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment.

"I also just received this news not long ago."

With that said, Teacher Ma looked at Dalton.

His eyes are full of seriousness.

"If it's that fellow Blackbeard, he alone can destroy a kingdom."

"It doesn't surprise me."

Dalton's eyes widened upon hearing this.

"Do you know Blackbeard?"

Teacher Ma shook his head.

"I just got some news from him, too."

"Blackbeard is a former member of the Whitebeard Pirates."


Listen to Mr. Ma's words.

Everyone present was shocked.

Dr. Gu Leiwa, who was sitting by the side, also frowned upon hearing this.

"White beard?"

A smile suddenly appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Long time no see, Newgate."

"After so many years, you have grown into the strongest man in the world, the Four Emperors of the Sea?"

Dr. Gu Leiwa thought lightly in her heart.

And Teacher Ma continued.

"Blackbeard was originally a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, but for a devil fruit, he killed a captain and betrayed the Whitebeard Pirates."

"Right now, this matter is still classified."

"However, I feel that it won't be long before the Whitebeard Pirates will issue an order to hunt down Blackbeard in the entire sea."

"And now, Fire Fist Ace, captain of the Whitebeard Pirates' [-]nd team, is also chasing Blackbeard."

"Right now, the two should be in the first half."

Teacher Ma said solemnly.

Hearing the word Blackbeard, he felt that this matter was more unusual.

Those are two people from the New World.

Although Blackbeard used to be a member of the Second Division.

But judging from his ability to kill Sage, the captain of the fourth team, and capture the dark fruit.

This person has both strength and ambition, and is definitely a dangerous person.

Needless to say, Fire Fist Ace is a natural 690 Devil Fruit ability user.

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