"I'm going to go back to the north first, and take Xiaorou back to Xia's house. She said she misses her grandfather and sister-in-law."

"After she's settled down, I'll come back and help you guys."



Boss Xia hung up the phone.

And at this moment,

On this side,

With the sound of "beep - beep -" in the mobile phone,

The car fell into silence again.

no doubt,

This incident is another big mess.

Moreover, it is still a big basket that no one can predict.

It's like the demons sealed by Pluto were released because of beheading the watchdog and Hades' will.

This time,

It is also the curse of the chain reaction.


After a long silence,

Lu Yin raised his eyes, looked at Su Yuxi and Si Yingxue, and said in a concentrated voice:

"In the tomes of the Night's Watch,"

"It is recorded that the existence that was sealed in the abyss by the gods hundreds of years ago, who is it?"

"He seems to be the creator of the ancient demons?"


Si Yingxue shook her head, her eyes drooped slightly and she said:

"The ancient books of the Night Watchman have been broken."

"In history, there was a notorious traitor among the Night's Watch."

"During his tenure as the administrator of the classics at the headquarters, because he learned too much, he fell into the abyss of knowledge and was swallowed by evil spirits."

"In the end, some of the tomes that recorded the "Battle of the Gods" were completely destroyed. "

"And, those who have learned the contents of the classics will also be killed."

"so that,"

"Today nobody really knows what's going on."


"Even the identity of this traitor has not yet been determined."

Si Yingxue spoke slowly.

hear this,

Lu Yin was slightly stunned for a moment.


In the history of the night watchman, has such a big change happened?


While he was speechless,


Su Yuxi, who was still silent at the side, suddenly raised her eyes, and said with an unusually serious face:

"Although there is no record in the night watchman's classics,"

"However, in the "Book of Isaiah" and the ancient Babylonian mythology, it is mentioned...an ancient being who created demons."

"And, according to my previous research,"

"He seems to have left a figure in many myths, and... probably also the enemy of the gods."

"If the taboo sealed in the abyss is him, I think it is very possible."


As soon as the voice fell,

Lu Yin and Si Yingxue looked over at the same time, their eyes slightly focused,

"who is it?"

The voice fell,

Su Yuxi's pupils flickered, and she said almost word for word:

"The first fallen angel, the first demon, and the first master of hell—"


"Or... Lucifer. "




I believe many people should have guessed it~


Friendly reminder:

The worldview of this book is completely empty, it is the author's comprehensive setting based on various myths~

Don't say "Satan and Lucifer are two existences".

After all, in this book,

Lucifer has many identities, and Satan is just one of them~.

197 The Fallen Angel Against God, The Arrival of the Sword of Commandment (Subscribe)

Under the dark night sky,

The black special car of the Executive Department traveled through the city streets with flashing neon lights, and moved forward at high speed.


the sides of the street,

Countless people are already looking up at the night sky.

Also, the crowd is very noisy.


at the moment they,

I have more or less begun to realize that there is something wrong with the dark sky tonight.


And at this moment,

It is very quiet inside the car.

After Su Yuxi expressed her inference, Lu Yin and Si Yingxue both had eyes twinkling and began to think.

have to say,

Her words are indeed very likely.

Although Lu Yin didn't know much about the so-called "Book of Isaiah" and ancient Babylonian myths,


The name "Lucifer" is impossible to be unfamiliar with.

after all,

In many myths and legends and literary works,

His "betrayal of heaven" feat is one of the most famous stories.

It is said that

After God created the first human, Adam,

Let Seraphim Michael lead him to the angels in heaven, and command the angels to submit to Adam.


arrogant Lucifer,

But he categorically refused to surrender or bow to the son Adam.

Thus, the conflict broke out.

Lucifer led one-third of the angels in heaven to raise the flag of rebellion in the northern part of the heaven.

After three consecutive days of fierce fighting in the heavens,

In the end, Lucifer's rebels were defeated and fell into hell for nine twilights in the chaos.


The rebellious angels lost the radiance shrouded by God,

The white wings also turned black.

From this moment on,

A new race appeared,

Its name is—

Fallen Angel "Fallen Angels".

Lucifer, the leader of the fallen angels who was closest to the existence of the true god, has become the original ruler of hell.

Become the famous devil "Satan".

In many literary works,

also mentioned——

In order to avenge God and seize the dominance of the world, Lucifer,

Incarnate as a snake and sneak into the Garden of Eden.

He tempted the holy sons Adam and Eve, ate the fruit of the forbidden tree of knowledge, and committed the felony of disobedience to God's order.

Thus, the two were expelled from the Garden of Eden.

Lucifer also successfully started a new era for the demon gods of the world.



After all, these are just myths and legends and fictions of literary and artistic works.

Of course, it cannot be viewed as pure history.

after all,

In this strange world,

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