"The Frozen Bird uses the Frozen Light!!!" Big.

370: Situation crisis!Brother Long is going to lose? !

The power of ice quickly condensed in the air, and the light blue light hit the flying fire-breathing dragon head-on.

"He hit it directly!!!" Seeing this scene, Xiaoyao couldn't help exclaiming.

"No problem, no problem." Xiao Sheng quickly comforted him, "Because the effect of this trick is not enough, it can't cause too much damage to the fire-breathing dragon."

This time Xiaosheng's judgment was very accurate.

The freezing light hit the left wing of the fire-breathing dragon, but it didn't cause too much damage to the fire-breathing dragon.

The fire-breathing dragon showed disdain, as if mocking the frozen bird.

"Amazing, as expected of Brother Long!!!"

As one of Xiaozhi's most popular Pokémon, Charizard is very popular with the audience.

Seeing the unruly expression of the fire-breathing dragon in the video, the audience all cheered.

That's right, that's what "[-]" is all about. It's the feeling of looking down on everything and being aloof. This is the fire-breathing dragon who fears neither the sky nor the earth in their minds.

Qiang turned around against the freezing light, and it was Xiaozhi's turn and the fire-breathing dragon's turn.

"The fire-breathing dragon uses jet flames."

There is nothing better than the flame-spraying effect of the fire-type skill against the ice-type freezing bird.

Knowing how powerful the legendary Pokémon Frozen Bird is, Xiaozhi didn't dare to do too much work, but chose the safest attack.

"Get out of the way and use the steel wings."

Easily dodged the fire-breathing dragon's jet flames, grabbed the gap that the fire-breathing dragon could not defend when attacking, and the freezing bird quickly approached the fire-breathing dragon.

The steel-like wings hit the fire-breathing dragon's chest fiercely. The pain caused by the impact made the fire-breathing dragon stop the flame spray.

The fire-breathing dragon showed a ferocious face in pain. It seemed that the damage caused by the steel wings to the fire-breathing dragon this time was very objective.

"It's a lie, isn't the steel wing of the steel system only able to cause 1/2 of the effect on the fire-breathing dragon?"

The audience was dumbfounded. They thought that the steel wings would not cause too much damage to the fire-breathing dragon, but judging from the painful expression of the fire-breathing dragon, it didn't look like it was acting.

"In addition to the energy of the steel system, the impact also caused additional damage to the fire-breathing dragon. The impact of the legendary Pokémon under full force, even the fire-breathing dragon can't easily resist it."

This should be the closest answer to the truth.

Falling from the sky again, the ground raised waves of yellow sand.

The fire-breathing dragon is really dangerous this time.

With his hands on the ground, the fire-breathing dragon gritted his teeth and struggled to get up.

The fire-breathing dragon almost forgot when was the last time he encountered such a strong opponent.

Is it a duel between the Silver Conference and Xiaomao's Blastoise?

Or the collision with Ye Yue's flame chicken in the semi-finals?

Hum hum.

There was pain all over the body, but the pain not only did not kill the fire-breathing dragon's will to fight, but made it more excited and high-spirited.

From the moment he stepped into Charizard's Valley, Charizard knew that it was never the strongest Pokémon.

Even Little Lisa couldn't defeat it when it just entered the valley.

But now, after nearly a year of hard work, it has become one of the kings of the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley.

The fire-breathing dragon believes that it will become the only king of the fire-breathing dragon valley in a short time.

Is it able to improve so quickly because of its outstanding talent?

No, it is not.

Its talent can only be considered ordinary, and it is not a genius at all in the fire-breathing dragon valley.

Its only advantage is that it has a tenacious heart, and it has the will to never give up.

What about the legendary Pokémon, Charizard believes that he will be able to defeat it and surpass it.

"Frozen bird, use water wave!!!"

The unique move of the water system hit the fire-breathing dragon's chest, and the fire-breathing dragon's physical strength, which was continuously hit by the steel wings and water waves, had already reached its critical point.

Ahida in the auditorium probably guessed Darla's intentions.

Constantly let the Frozen Bird avoid the attack of the fire-breathing dragon with speed, carefully looking for the right time, in order to use the water wave at the critical time.

Completely win the game.

Completely different from its rugged appearance, Dara is actually an intelligent trainer.

The symbol held by Dala actually tells people this.

Symbol of knowledge.

"Stand up, stand up, Charizard!!!"

Xiao Zhicai is in Dara's calculations regardless of whether everything is right or not, he knows that this battle is far from over.

He didn't give up, neither did Charizard, and the game was far from over.

Even though it was scarred and scarred, the fire-breathing dragon still did not show timidity. It used its will to control its legs so that they would not fall... …

It doesn't want to end this battle like this.

Xiaozhi on the sidelines also fell into a deep entanglement.

The fire-breathing dragon seems to have entered a desperate situation. At this time, it should no longer hide, and the best choice is to unleash all its strength.


But it is still too early.

Overheating is not the same as ordinary tricks. After using it, it will greatly reduce the special attack of the fire-breathing dragon.

This is a double-edged sword and must be used only when you are sure you can kill with one hit.

Finally Xiaozhi endured it.

Dara didn't know, Xiaozhi had already thought so much in just a few seconds.

Now he finally showed a rare smile, the situation is under his control, and the game is about to end.

"Frozen bird, use the freezing light!"

"Get out of the way, Charizard!"

The tenacity of the fire-breathing dragon exceeded Dara's expectations. After being hit so hard, it was able to take off forcibly, avoiding the freezing light of the freezing bird.

He really deserves to be his valued opponent!

But it's not over yet!

"Frozen Bird, increase the power!!!" Dala ordered loudly.

Continuously being hit by steel wings and water fluctuations is not ineffective against the fire-breathing dragon. It can be seen that the speed of the fire-breathing dragon has dropped significantly compared to when it first started.

This is the moment Darla seized.

The increased horsepower of the frozen light 3.3 line still managed to catch the fire-breathing dragon, and the energy of the ice system froze the left wing of the fire-breathing dragon.

The flame-breathing dragon whose left wing was frozen lost its balance and fell heavily to the ground.

The situation of the fire-breathing dragon is already very critical. It is obviously a fire-type Pokémon, but its wings are frozen by ice-type skills.

The signals emanating from this are already obvious.

"Next, use the water wave!"

Darla is unforgiving.

Let the Frozen Bird attack again.

It's just that the target of Dala's water fluctuations this time is not the fire-breathing dragon.

It's ice cubes that condense on the ground.

The water wave hit the ice cube, and the ice cube was cut into ice particles.

Under the destructive force of the water fluctuations, the ice particles hit the fire-breathing dragon neatly.

This is the combo skill that Dala carefully researched! ! ! .

371: The tenacious fire-breathing dragon burns out with all its strength!

A combined move of freezing light and water waves.

Combines the power of ice with water and gives ice particles great penetrating power.

This is Dara's hidden ultimate move.

Countless ice particles hit the fire-breathing dragon's body, and the already scarred fire-breathing dragon was a little difficult to parry. It spread its wings and tried to block the ice particles with its wings.

But there are too many ice particles, and the fire-breathing dragon is really powerless.

"Fire-breathing dragon, hurry up and fly away."

Seeing that the fire-breathing dragon's physical strength was being consumed extremely quickly, Xiao Zhi hurriedly gave instructions.

The trainer's instructions gave the fire-breathing dragon the backbone, and it was no longer at a loss as before, and the heart of the fire-breathing dragon suddenly became firm.

Spread your wings and fly into the sky.

"Catch up, Frozen Bird!!!"

Dala didn't mean to let go of the fire-breathing dragon. As an excellent trainer, he couldn't give his opponent a chance to breathe in the battle.

"What happened to the fire-breathing dragon? Its speed is much slower than before!"

Xiaoyao said worriedly.

The speed of the fire-breathing dragon was two levels slower than at the beginning, which could no longer be explained by physical exertion.

What is going on here?

After careful observation, Xiao Gang on the side finally had the answer.

"Look at that!"

Xiao Gang pointed at the end of the Charizard's wings.

Looking in the direction of Xiaogang's finger, Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng finally understood the main reason for the slowdown of the fire-breathing dragon.

The left wing of the fire-breathing dragon was frozen, and the freezing made the fire-breathing dragon no longer able to exert its force freely, which was the main reason for the slowdown of the fire-breathing dragon.

In the sky, the battle between the freezing bird and the fire-breathing dragon continued.

The fire-breathing dragon, which is completely out of state, has no way to block all the attacks of the freezing bird. In the collision, the fire-breathing dragon is getting more and more disadvantaged.

If it doesn't explode, there will be no chance.

Xiaozhi knew it was time to take out his trump card.

"Charizard, it's time for a showdown!! 々々!"

"Fly to the top of the frozen bird!"

"Burn out!!!"

Burning out is not an ordinary skill, this is the ultimate move of the fire-type Pokémon, and it is also the most powerful fire-type skill that the fire-breathing dragon can learn.

The power of up to 130 points even surpassed the 110 big character explosion.

Dala didn't expect that the fire-breathing dragon would hide such a powerful secret weapon. Looking at the red-hot fire-breathing dragon burned by the fire energy, Dala smiled.

Is this interesting? This is the duel he has been looking forward to.

As the pioneer leader of the Battle Frontier Zone, Dala often encounters trainers who come to challenge him. To be honest, Dala is a little tired.

In order not to hurt the young heart of the challenger too much, one must carefully hide one's strength and pretend to be evenly matched on the scene.

Dara has long been tired of such games.

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