[Du Wenmei: It’s definitely not possible to air broadcast, um, Xiaolin, if you are a student, it may be useless to add it, you don’t have so much time~]


Lin Lin thought for a while.


Do your own evening self-study as a day-study?

Anyway, now... uh, I don't feel too much pressure to study.

Listen to it in class, and you will understand very quickly, very quickly~

It's better to come back to the live broadcast. If you go fishing for three days and post on the net for two days, you will definitely become a trash can.

After thinking about it, Lin Lin clicked the button to join the Rising Star Project. The system indicated that it was completed successfully, and the girl nodded with satisfaction.


The girl is in trouble.

Good guy, three hours of live streaming every day, this...

Is this length too difficult to make up?

【Lin Lin: I have time, but... Sister Wenmei, I would like to ask you one more thing, um... What's wrong with the time? 】

[Du Wenmei: Huh?What's the meaning? 】

[Lin Lin: Exactly, besides gossip, games, singing, etc., what else can we do live? 】

[Du Wenmei: Er... you asked me this... that's all?What else can I do?Hmm… let me think about it…]

[Du Wenmei: Live drawing?Well, I think this is also a kind of gossip. 】

[Lin Lin: Painting? 】

Chapter 84 Teacher, I want to participate in the competition!



Lin Lin rested her chin and thought for a while. This, I... am not very good at it.

Well, I am getting better and better at the EQ course.

To be precise, not only did the girl not receive any professional painting courses, but even the art classes of compulsory education and the graffiti enlightenment in kindergarten, she had all learned... Lonely.

Lin Lin thought about it for a while, and wanted to find out if there was any memory of going to an art class when she was a child.

After all, I am a little girl in this timeline, so I can't still be like the boy I used to be, completely free, and have never learned anything.

Mom and Dad...you have to have some snacks anyway...

Scene after scene flashed in my memory, respectively, playing games by myself, playing games by myself, and... playing games by myself.

Well, I can't find any memory of class at all.

It seems that I still haven't taken any interest classes.

But the girl was still unconvinced, took out the paper and pen, spread out the white paper, and drew on it with a pencil.

I only heard the rustling sound of the pencil tip sketching on the white paper. I worked hard for a while, and the girl even wrote and wiped it with an eraser for a while, and then...

Then, the girl put down the pencil, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and nodded with satisfaction.

Very tired, but I feel that drawing is not too difficult.

While thinking about this, she silently picked up the paper, and the girl held the painting she had just finished in front of her, thinking about admiring it, and then...

The girl twitched her mouth as she looked at the slightly abstract paintings.

speak up.

At the beginning, I seemed to want to draw the image of my little vampire princess.

But this...

What did you draw.

The hair drawn by wild lines has no highlights and shadows at all, and the eyes are directly replaced by two circles.

It doesn't feel as good as the stickman... quality.


Finally, the girl put down her masterpiece, and with tears in her eyes, she silently accepted the fact that she was a waste of painting.

Ah, what should I do~?


So worried until the school day, Lin Lin went to school as usual.

Early in the morning, as soon as Gao Liang arrived at school, he saw Lin Lin alone, holding his chin, as if thinking about some philosophy of life.

Classmate Lin Lin, you are really becoming more and more artistic.

Still giving way every day, Lin Lin looked up at Gao Liang with distaste, then stood up, gave way to the other party and squeezed in.

"Good morning, Lin Lin."

"Well, early..."

The uninterested answer made Gao Liang feel a little bit lost for a while.

Since the end of the tutoring, classmate Lin Lin has indeed become a lot colder with him.

Indeed, there are not many opportunities for interaction.

Classmate Lin Lin, do you really hate yourself that much?

But Lin Lin didn't talk to Gao Liang very much, not because he annoyed him so much, but because...

Gao Liang's current state... seems to have forgotten the reminder receipt.

Well, I'd better not talk to him, in case this guy thinks of asking me for a bill, it would be bad.

It's a day to be able to delay, maybe this guy forgot in the end.

In addition, Lin Lin was still worrying about how to hone his drawing skills and do evening self-study and day-study.

Ah, the purpose of the evening self-study and day study is to go home and do the live broadcast, but I don’t know how to draw the content of the live broadcast that I have drawn up.

After much deliberation, Lin Lin even felt that there was no need to apply for this evening self-study and day study.

I don't know anything, why go home.

In the final analysis, Lin Lin summed up the reasons for his decadence during this period. Is it because he lacks too much motivation?

Think about the reason why you asked Gao Liang for tutoring last time?It was not because of the study and meeting tasks, I was quite motivated at the time.

Now, ah~ decadent and comfortable.

Of course, Lin Lin still likes this kind of life...

[Ding dong, new mission released!The host is requested to conduct painting preparation training within two weeks, hold a painting live broadcast for more than three hours, and participate in the National Art Competition for Middle School Students held in Huadu City this month to win the municipal award. 】

[Successful completion of the task will reward: popularity value 5W, top drawing ability, failure, the host will only be able to use stick figures for live broadcast in the future! 】

Life... gone.


Lin Lin scratched her hair in annoyance, what the hell, why did the system task come as soon as it was said!This……

Seeing his task getting more and more difficult, Lin Lin was about to cry.

This is too difficult, why is the difficulty of the live broadcast mission not in the live broadcast?

I'm even more worried now, just kidding, I am already slow enough to gain followers, if I use stickman live broadcast, this, this, this...

Can someone really watch the live broadcast of stickman?

The fate of the trash can is waving wildly at me, hey!

The girl trembled on the spot in horror, while Gao Liang looked at her suspiciously, and didn't understand what was going on for a while.

Before he could open his mouth to care about the other party, suddenly, Mr. Zhu led the art teacher into the classroom.

She clapped her hands, beckoning everyone to be quiet, and then handed the podium to the art teacher.

The art teacher is also very straightforward. Anyway, few of the students in the following group have ever attended an art class, and he doesn’t know much about it.

"Ah, that, students, I just got the news that next weekend, this year's National Art Competition for Middle School Students will be held in our Huadu city. At that time, there will be an offline audition first, and then the finals will be judged, practiced, and competed. These may take a while, but if you can get city-level or even national-level awards, you will have an advantage in the future college entrance examination admissions, students who study art can sign up now!"

After the art teacher finished speaking, he turned his eyes to the whole class, "Well, students who want to sign up, please raise your hands. Is there anyone who wants to sign up?"

According to the experience of the previous classes, there are really not many people who sign up for this competition. Although the awards have a certain amount of gold, the entry threshold is indeed very high.

Nowadays, high school study is so urgent, there are so many courses, and almost all the art students who can have qualified drawing ability and have the confidence to sign up for the competition.

There were not many art students in Teacher Zhu's class, and the class was silent for a while, as if no one wanted to raise their hands.

Lin Lin was sitting in her seat frustrated, still anxious about what to do.

When I came back to my senses, I suddenly saw the art teacher standing on the podium, and the class was still silent.


She turned her head, looked at Gao Liang, and asked in a daze, "What's wrong?"

"Registration for the art competition, no one in our class seems to apply, and I'm not interested either."

When Gao Liang opened his mouth to preach like this, Lin Lin was taken aback for a moment, and immediately reacted randomly!

I am super, something is wrong!

Game, my game!

"Ahem, it looks like no one has signed up for our class. Then I'm going to the next class. Let's continue with the morning reading. It's all right..."

The art teacher shook his head, just about to leave, suddenly!

Lin Lin raised his hand, stopped the art teacher in front of the whole class and said:

"Teacher! I want to sign up, I want to sign up!"

ps: Gubaa, a late update.

First of all, thank you for your support, the first order is not bad, I am very happy, Zhubao is also very happy!Really appreciate everyone's support!

Then, regarding the update after it is put on the shelves, because the author is about to face the exam month, so there will be three updates in two days for the time being, and it will get up soon in the summer vacation.

In the future, the update time will be unified at 0:30 every day or earlier, please subscribe~

Chapter 85 Lin Lin Participates, I Participate Too!


The whole class turned their heads away one after another, looking at Lin Lin who raised his hand in bewilderment.

Especially the art teacher, after thinking for a long time, he couldn't remember who this little transparent person was, so he could only push his glasses and nodded awkwardly.


Lin Lin turned his head to look around, seeing that everyone was looking at him, and felt a little embarrassed for a while.

"Student Lin Lin..."

At the critical moment, Gao Liang who was on the side reminded the other party in a low voice: "You stand up and say..."

"Oh!" Lin Lin stood up quickly after hearing the words, and the art teacher also recovered from his senses at this time, looked the girl up and down, and then asked:

"Do you want to sign up? Classmate, what's your name?"

"Eh..." Lin Lin stood up in a panic and was not ready. It was just because of the mission that she had to participate in this activity, so she jumped out suddenly at the last moment when the art teacher was about to leave.


Participate in an art competition or something.

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