Could it be that this is the evaluation of the classmates in the class?

Ok?How could I, a beautiful girl, receive such comments?

"He's pretty good-looking, but he's very dark and introverted, occasionally a little nervous, and a weird person."

"Yeah, if she looked normal, she wouldn't be so withdrawn. It's a pity, she has a personality problem."



"Hey, did you hear that? There seems to be a strange sound effect?"

"Ah... It seems that there is, hey, that classmate Lin is here, please keep your voice down!"

Feeling Lin Lin's eyes full of resentment, the chattering classmates quickly shut up, and then pretended to be serious about studying with their books upside down.

The corner of Lin Lin's mouth twitched, this...

The acting skills of the classmates in the class are really bad.

She looked around at the eyes of the classmates at the moment, most of them were similar to those gossiping classmates.

There was no admiration or admiration in the eyes looking at him, but more...strange, doubtful, like looking at a freak, or...

Don't care at all.


Lin Lin suddenly languished, her head slumped on the table, and her self-confidence in thinking that she could rely on her appearance just now collapsed instantly because she became a beautiful girl.


Why, I have become a beautiful girl, and...

Will it still be like this?

Looking at it like this, my reputation in the class is not very good. I am obviously good-looking, but I have a problem with my personality...

Have you received such an evaluation?

It's usually dark...

Could it be that the world line has changed, and I...

Do you still have no friends at school?

Teacher Bai Yansong's famous words came to mind involuntarily...

"No way? No way? No way?"

Could it be that I have become a beautiful girl myself, and I still have no friends in the class?

how can that be possible?


In this way, the girl began to wait patiently.

Holding the idea that "a beautiful girl like me will definitely have friends even if she has a problem with her personality", the girl began to patiently "wait for her friends" from the time she finished her morning reading and got out of class.

I don't believe that no one came to play with me during this break, obviously I look so good-looking.

The girl nodded confidently, and then began to look at the clock hanging on the classroom from time to time.

10 minutes left...

Um, are everyone still sitting in their seats? It seems like they are all chatting in their seats.

Speaking of which, it's really easy to make friends at the front and back desks, so let's wait for the people around me to talk to me.

9 minutes left...

Why did the person in front of me run to another corner of the classroom to find someone to play with?


Someone also came to play with me.

7 minutes left...

Heh, it must be my friend who went to the toilet, don't worry, I guess he will come over to say hello in a while, after all, he just went to school in the morning.

4 minutes left...

I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry, did my Void friend fall into the latrine, why hasn't anyone come to me yet?I can't really be alone, can I?

1 minutes left...



Lin Lin sat there blankly, falling into despair for a moment.

No, there is no hope, there is only 1 minute left, how could someone in this world come to find me again.


Forget it, accept the reality...

"That, classmate Lin Lin?"

Suddenly, Gao Liang, who came back from the corridor, patted Lin Lin on the shoulder.

Lin Lin was stunned.

At that moment, there was a huge struggle and resistance in her heart.

The villains of the two teams respectively represent "don't accept the fact that I'm still a friendless social horror house" and "don't want to get involved with my lifelong enemy." There was repeated tension between them, and finally...

Lin Lin raised his head as if grasping at the last straw, with tears in his eyes.

Ah, yes, after all, Gao Liang is his deskmate, so it is inevitable that the relationship will be closer.

Besides, I'm already a girl in this life, so Xiao Ling's incident shouldn't be counted, hahaha...

There is really no way, although I am very reluctant to admit it, but it is better to have friends than no friends!

Mr. Gao Liang, sorry for the inconvenience, please say good morning to me!Ernest!


Gao Liang pointed to the narrow aisle in front of the front and rear tables, and asked, "Can I go in?"



Gao Liang watched the girl's face change in an instant, she was obviously looking like a cocoa girl just now, why did she suddenly look disdainful?

Lin Lin stood up speechlessly, made way for an aisle, and then let the other party walk in.

Sit back to your seat, and Lin Lin didn't...

Finally accepted the reality.


Isn't this exactly the same as my last life?


She was gnashing her teeth, suddenly, Gao Liang poked her again.

"Well, the head teacher asked you to go to her office after class."

"Can't you... can't you bring some good news?"

Chapter 15 Teacher, I want to change my deskmate!

Going to school is a human suffering.


Not only do you have to be at the same table with your deadly enemy, but you even have to be called into the office by the teacher for a training meal.


Standing in front of her homeroom teacher, Teacher Zhu, Lin Lin could only bow her head very humbly, and then listened carefully to the teachings of this outstanding female teacher who has already brought out several excellent graduating classes at a young age.

Although I don't know exactly what will happen, but...

Once called to the office by the teacher, there is a high probability of being scolded, right?

Sure enough, seeing Teacher Zhu pull out a paper from a pile of papers, Lin Lin glanced at the name and score on the paper, and then took a deep breath.

Lin Lin scored 69 points.

Although it seems to be okay, it seems to have passed, but in fact... In Huadu City, the full score of high school math papers is 150 points.

The passing line is 90 points!


Lin Lin's score not only failed, but even failed to reach the middle line. If converted, the full score is 100, which is more than 40 points.

It's over.

She immediately knew why Teacher Zhu wanted to find her. Teacher Zhu held a thermos cup soaked with goji berries in one hand and a paper in the other, frowning.

After a while, she turned her head and handed the paper to Lin Lin.

"This is last Friday's weekly exam paper, Xiao Lin, what's going on?"

Lin Lin took the paper with trembling hands, and the corners of his mouth twitched when he heard the death question, which was as terrifying as coming from the Evil Spirit High School.


Yeah, what's going on pinch.

After a brief glance at his test paper, Lin Lin quickly discovered that the... main reason for his poor grades was actually because of...

My big question is a red cross.

Multiple-choice questions, uh... It's rare that I can't even do them.

Fill in the blanks, also so-so...

"Well, do you see a problem?"

Teacher Zhu turned his face to the side and looked at the other party helplessly.

"Look... I can see it..."

Lin Lin replied stammeringly.

"what is the problem?"

"It's all... all problems."

Teacher Zhu was speechless for a while, and then knocked on the other party's head, only to hear the girl say "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh then-handing,' then looked at the teacher wrongedly looking at the teacher.

"You don't know how to do the big questions at all, and you don't have a good grasp of the methods. It's okay to choose and fill in the blanks. You don't do too many questions, right? It feels like you haven't seen these types of questions before?"

"'s true that I'm a little unfamiliar." Lin Lin glanced guiltily at the other side of the desk, staring at another male teacher sitting opposite Mr. Zhu, quite uncomfortable.

Teacher Zhu also had a black line, "But I have talked about it in class. Judging from the choice to fill in the blanks, your knowledge points should be fine. Did you do the homework I usually assign?"

"Uh... this, teacher, I think you have to define what it means to do it yourself..."

Lin Lin's eyes turned to the potted plants placed in the office window. Teacher Zhu was taken aback, unable to understand what the other party meant by this.

What does it mean to do it yourself?

"If you do it yourself, you can do it yourself. How else can you do it?"

"Uh, what I mean is, if you don't know how to write at all, if you just write some answers every time, do you count as doing it yourself?"

After Lin Lin finished speaking, he looked at his teacher with a guilty conscience, and saw that Teacher Zhu's eyes were darkened, and then he sighed helplessly while covering his head.

"Oh, so you didn't listen to the lecture at all, and didn't do your homework well when you got home?"

"I have always adhered to the excellent study habit of never leaving homework until after evening self-study."

"Then what do you usually do when you get home at night, just play games?"

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