In a space not far from the ground, a huge skeleton was buried underground.

Its body exudes mysterious fluctuations, and golden runes shuttle between them, exuding a faint light, providing illumination for this.

After sensing this power that could destroy the imperial capital, the golden runes between its skeletons began to flow rapidly.

Before everything was ready, he was about to make a move, but suddenly stopped.

Because that violent air flow disappeared!

The golden runes froze in place, not knowing what to do for a while.

Who can resist this terrifying force?

Aren't you afraid of the wrath of the Lord of the Twilight?

And this is also the doubt of the vast majority of people.

They stared at the disappearing air current without a trace, they were all stunned, and they blinked in disbelief.

Even if the Lord of Twilight still exists above his head, it is inevitable that he will feel a sense of survival after the catastrophe

Ji Yan looked at the city below, this was naturally his move.

Because his physical body is still in this city.

But on the other hand, the church is not so pleasant.

The burning cloud continued to attack, falling towards the church.

This time, Ji Yan has already controlled the strength, and the power of the Lord of Radiance has been somewhat dimmed after the previous gathering.

Although the power of the Lord of Radiance is slightly better, it is a group of rootless power after all, without the ability to last.

Ji Yan continued to project, and Guanghui's power was quickly exhausted.

At this moment, only the last glimmer of light remained on the statue.

The priests tried their best to pray for the brilliance, and a little bit of their strength was thrown into it together.

But it's just a drop in the bucket, and it doesn't help the overall situation.

The twilight fire that exudes incomplete decay falls to the holy church.

Without the obstruction of the brilliance, the flames flowed unimpeded.

In the desperate eyes of the priests, the figure of Dusk Fire grew bigger and bigger, and finally surrounded the entire church.

The flames were burning fiercely, but there was no warmth at all.

In a short while, there is only a large deep pit in this area.

So far, the influence of the Holy See in the imperial capital has been completely removed and turned into history.

The only people left are the archbishop in the distance and Bishop Randy in the conclave.

Chapter 92 Ending

secret meeting.

A group of people felt the breath of extreme fear, and their expressions were different.

A group of people from the Twilight Church were in tears, and the excitement in their hearts could not be added.

There is no doubt that the coming of the Lord of Twilight is something worth celebrating for them.

If they hadn't been immobilized, they might have started singing the praises of the supreme Twilight Lord long ago.

But Bishop Randy was completely silent, praying in his heart for the coming of the Lord of Radiance.

Because only He can stop the Lord of Twilight and completely destroy their plot.

God, at such a time, why are you not yet born.

Your devout followers are suffering from the Lord of Twilight.

I hope that the colleagues in the church can file and destroy the Twilight Church outside.

Bishop Randy prayed in his heart.

But as everyone knows, the church in the imperial capital has become history since today.

But Sophia, Eve and the others were not worried.

The former, experienced a spiritual meeting with the Lord of the Twilight, knowing that he is not that kind of evil god.

As for the latter, after being pardoned by the lord of the twilight, she also believes that the lord of the twilight is not a bad person.

Although he is terrifying and behaves abnormally, he likes to send believers into the dusk.

But He did deliver Himself.

And Heloise had to worry a lot, fearing that the Lord of the Twilight would take his precious granddaughter away.

And the black-robed priest is already fantasizing about the world where he can be at peace.


Looking at the place where there is nothing left, only a deep pit remains.

In Ji Yan's heart, the restless and depressed mood has gradually subsided.

The instinct brought by this kind of account really made him a little distressed.

Especially the instinct of Optos, which is even more indescribable.

At this point, time is running out.

Ji Yan began to work on the next plan.

On Baker Street, there seems to be endless walking corpses surrounding the place.

Their faces were ferocious, and their eyes were cloudy.

In order to be stronger in combat, their bodies have undergone various degrees of distortion.

These people have absolutely no chance of being saved.

In his heart, the pity for these walking corpses temporarily dissipated under the influence of the Twilight Lord.

But the plan for it was already decided before.

If you can't save it, you can only send it to dusk.

The flames shrouded it and gradually reduced it to ashes.

Among them, Ji Yan also discovered a noteworthy thing.

There are many kinds of catalysis of walking corpses, but the one in front of him has the participation of other divine powers.

This is the first time he has encountered other powers other than the Lord of Radiance.

Endless perceptions began to run over this area, just to find out where the power was hiding.

It didn't take a second for Ji Yan to discover that power resided in an acquaintance.

It was the black-robed priest.

Seeing this, Ji Yan was slightly silent.

But to be more precise, that power is stored in the gospel on the priest's chest.

Perceived carefully, the book seems to possess the magic power of bewitching people's hearts.

Is it a spiritual god?

However, this Gospel seems to be a sacred weapon of a religious order.

I don't know why the hybrid will be in the hands of the priest.

Take the sacred artifacts enshrined by other sects and come to believe in the Lord of the Twilight.

This gave Ji Yan a strange feeling.

He sent the members of the Twilight Order out of the city.

And give instructions to make them go to the Mass Empire to support Darren.

As for how many people can be left in Darren's hands...

See their luck.

Ji Yan untied the stereotype imposed on everyone.

The time had come, and the breath of dusk began to slowly subside.

The tens of millions of people in the imperial capital froze, and immediately resumed their previous actions after recovering.

The soldier waved his sharp blade, trying to cut it down, but found that the walking corpse in front of him suddenly disappeared, leaving only ashes on the ground.

On the other hand, the people on the side of the empire watched in astonishment as the figure of the Twilight Cult in front of them disappeared.

They looked at each other in blank dismay, but then many people suddenly vomited blood, which was the aftereffect from facing the Lord of the Twilight.

Sanity is on the verge of collapse, and mysterious factors are in chaos.

They are in urgent need of self-cultivation and conditioning.

At the secret meeting place, the black-robed priest looked at the only one left on the side of the Twilight Cult with a look of astonishment.

What about my teammates?

Have they all been brought into the Kingdom of God by the great Lord of Twilight?

The priest looked panic-stricken, as if he had been abandoned by the Lord of the Twilight.

"Great Lord of the Twilight."

"Please don't abandon your believers."

Ji Yan heard this, but did not give any response.

What I do has nothing to do with you.

The priest felt the passing of the breath, and the panic in his heart grew worse.

What should he do with his long-standing dream, and how to obtain the peace he pursued.

"No, Lord of the Twilight."

"You cannot abandon your faithful believers!"

The priest shouted loudly, with a look of madness on his face.

Unfortunately, his god ignored him.

A sharp knife suddenly stabbed out of his body.

The priest opened his eyes wide and looked back, only to find that it was Bishop Randy.

"My poor disciple..."

"I'll send you to see the Lord of the Twilight right now."

His face was ferocious, and he was even more terrifying than the priest for a while.

The priest's face was stunned. He couldn't believe that he would die before he found peace.

Consciousness began to gradually withdraw, and the scene in front of him became more and more blurred.

When he was dying, he felt himself getting lighter and lighter, his heart stopped beating slowly, and his emotions gradually disappeared.

The priest was a little dazed at the moment.

This, is this the peace I am looking for?


The breath of dusk had completely disappeared, and the survivors also breathed a sigh of relief.

They couldn't believe that, as the Twilight Lord of the evil god, he let them go.

Could it be that he was too weak.

So they are not even qualified to enter the Lord's Eye of Dusk?

Thinking of this conjecture, they didn't know for a while whether they were feeling more fortunate or sad at the moment.

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