"My father has been busy recently."

"But next time he will visit in person, I hope you will forgive me."

The man continued to drink his tea.

"Your father will come to the door in person to avoid it, and I can't afford it."

"As for the contribution you mentioned, that's what I should do."

"As a member of the secret department of the empire, I only hope that the area under my jurisdiction will be safe and peaceful."

"There are no unsightly little people jumping around."

The young man understood what the man meant, and hoped that their family would be able to settle down in the near future.

"Don't worry, my lord."

"As a member of the Ottoman Empire, I also sincerely hope that it will remain stable forever."

"Our family will actively work hard to maintain this."

Soon, after they finished communicating, the man walked out of the yard.

There were already two figures waiting at the gate of the yard.

It was Helena and Rochelle.

The man asked them, "How is it going?"

"Return to the officer, it's done."


The two reported everything in detail.

"A cult group..."

The man squinted his eyes and thought for a while, then said to the two: "I already know the matter, and I will send other people to investigate."

"Take a rest first, you should be tired after working for so long."

When Helena heard the words, a look of anxiety appeared on her face, and when she wanted to say something more, she was pulled back by Rochel at the side.

"Yes, sir."


Time gradually came to dusk.

Ji Yan walked out of the mystery academy, when he came to the school gate.

He happened to see a familiar figure.

When Ji Yan saw the golden hair, he didn't avoid it anymore, but was filled with mysterious factors.

Then the body was immediately shrouded in a spell.

The effect of this spell can make people blind to themselves. With Ji Yan's current shadow content, at most it can make ordinary people invisible to themselves.

But that's enough.

So he walked straight out of the school gate, while Alyssa looked at Ji Yan's figure with some surprise.

There is an uncontrollable excitement in my heart.

Would he not avoid himself any longer?

Alisa hid in the distance and watched Ji Yan's disappearing figure, her eyes were blurred.

It seemed to be immune to the spells cast by Ji Yan.

The light flowing in its blue eyes is like a tide, wave after wave.

When Ji Yan walked out of the school gate, seeing that Alisa didn't make any movements, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

Just when I was about to go home, there was a sudden throbbing in my heart.

It seemed that something familiar was calling him.

Chapter 70 is the master's breath

In the bright room, there are a large number of instruments arranged neatly and orderly.

Its fuselage structure is simple and exaggerated, with a bit of post-modernism style.

The whole is bright silver with a light blue tone, with subtle runes engraved on it, adding a classical flavor to the instrument.

The combination of simplicity and classicism makes it a work of art, but it is not like the instrument used in the experiment.

When the instrument is running, you can see a blue light rising slowly from bottom to top.

After reaching the apex, there is a "hum" sound.

Eve sat on a chair, swinging her slender legs back and forth, looking at the instrument in front of her with some curiosity.

There was a trace of blue light reflected in her clear eyes, and she saw that all the instruments on the opposite side had been activated, and the whole room was enveloped by a wave-like phantom.

Sophia is holding a tiny instrument, and she wants to block the breath in Eve's body layer by layer to achieve the purpose of concealment.

A mysterious and distant breath emanated from Eve's body, as if everything was about to wither.

The inspiration sent a warning to Sophia, and her cerebral cortex seemed to be trembling slightly.

That is the breath that belongs to the Lord of Twilight.

Sophia's nature of exploring mystery surged up again, as if tempting her to analyze this eternity.

But then she was forcibly suppressed, and she knew that such existences were far beyond her reach.

What Sophia did at this moment was to cover the other aura layer by layer on the Twilight Lord's aura, or more precisely, to cover Eve's body.

All kinds of streamers flashed past, and then were sealed in the girl's body.

I don't know how long it took, after sealing the last layer, she leaned directly on the instrument next to her, and exhaled lightly.

Even Sophia, who is the morning star, couldn't help but sweat a little on her face.

After all, to work with the aura of the Twilight Lord, one must bear a lot of pressure mentally.

This is still too much for Sophia, but it's okay for her teacher.

And Heloise outside the room was already waiting a little anxiously. She found that she was useless as a morning star.

This made her feel helpless.

Finally, the door of the laboratory opened, and Eve saw the frowning grandma, so she ran over with little feet and stretched out her hand to smooth her brows.

"Eve, how do you feel now?" Heloise looked at Eve and asked.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to little Eve."

"Don't you still believe in my skills?"

Just as Eve was about to speak, a magnetic female voice came from behind.

Heloise sized up the girl in front of him carefully, feeling a little worried, and released his perception again.

There was indeed nothing unusual, and there was no aura of the Twilight Lord in his body.

"Grandma. Sister Sophia is right, I feel the same as usual."

Eve laughed too, then squinted her eyes and put her arms around Heloise's arm.


On the other side of the slum, several people hid in the dark house and talked.

The roof was dripping and splashing.

In the bedroom, several figures lying horizontally can be vaguely seen.

Outside the bedroom, several people were talking in low voices, wearing ordinary clothes, but they didn't seem to fit them well.

One of the elders said in a low voice: "I can feel that the person whom my lord is watching is in this city."

"But I lost my sense of him."

Another younger person also took up the conversation.

"There must be other Twilight Orders looking for this man now."

"We must not let those people find him."

"Otherwise they will use this person to blackmail us, whether we will obey or defy."

After hearing this, the elder continued with a gloomy face, "So, we must first find someone who is watched by God."

"Otherwise, you can only let others slaughter you."

"Now we can't sense his address, so it means that other people can't sense it either."

"Everyone is on the same starting line."

"This is the closest we've come to success."

At this moment, the person conspiring to have a conversation in the room is one of the many Twilight Sects.

Their strength has no advantage over other sects.

After all, the person with the highest factor content was the old man, and he barely passed 0.6.

These people came here from thousands of miles from the Mass Empire. Apart from looking for people who are watched by God, they also have reasons for fleeing.

There is a twilight sect in the Mass Empire that has gone mad. It began to cleanse its own members frantically, and then announced to other sects that it had received an oracle.

I hope everyone can work together to build the Twilight Mission.

It's just that, just bow your head temporarily.

But this Twilight Order can only be allowed to enter after the other orders have been cleaned.

And these people are impressively on the purge list.

Who are they?

They are all heinous criminals, and members of the Twilight Order are just a layer of their identity.

So everyone fled to other places.

It happened that there were people who were watched by God, so some people came here.

As criminals, their ambitions are naturally extremely huge.

However, the strength of these people can't support their huge ambitions, so they can only spend their days fooling around.

But only after the appearance of people who are watched by God, the opportunity has come.

As we all know, the status of a person who is watched by a god can be compared to the leader of a religion, after all, he has the opportunity to communicate with the gods.

And the appearance of this person also represents the coming of the gods.

This gave the Twilight Order a great encouragement.

Now they want to find this person, not to attack him, in front of God's gaze, attacking is tantamount to courting death.

These extremely ambitious people only hope to pull this big skin and gather all the Twilight Cults under their own hands.

Although everyone in the Twilight Sect shouted for beatings, its overall strength has declined after being wiped out by many parties.

But since it opened its arms and opened its arms to everyone.

The Twilight Cult has become the most powerful evil god organization in this world.

Although its interior is scattered and independent, it does not have the power to unite like other sects.

But its inexhaustible tenacious vitality keeps the Twilight Cult always active on the mainland, without disappearing at all.

And now, there is an opportunity for them to unite the Twilight Cult. No matter what the reason is, they always have a righteous name in their hands.

And there are some delirious people who blindly believe in gods, which is also a powerful boost.

Thinking of this, a group of ambitious people in the room couldn't help but get excited.

If you really want to talk about the belief in the Lord of the Twilight, there is still a little bit, but not much.

But compared to these, their own interests are more practical.

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