"It's the same for you when it comes to recklessness. No, even the protagonist will sigh for the kind of mentality you hold. You don't regard me as an enemy at all. If you have such a mentality, why did you come to the battlefield? Come on. You said you would protect the child, and you would strike down the majestic knight who killed his mother with hatred. However, you did not have that hostility towards me. Listen. Kill the mother of the child This is me. This is the holy punishment ordered by me, the killing allowed by me. The solemn knights are only following my orders. The enemy you should hate here is me as the commander. Even It is an insult to us that people who don't understand the truth step onto the battlefield, please understand this point!"

Gao Wen didn't show mercy this time.

The holy sword in his hand shone like the sun, and struck straight on Mash's shield.

Mash was repelled three steps abruptly, her arms trembling from the shock.

However, the aftermath of this attack was much more than that.

The refugees on both sides of Mash were burned to ashes by the heat of the sun.

The little boy just now was protected by Da Vinci, otherwise he would die along with him.

Gawain pushed aside the shield, looked at Matthew who had lost his fighting strength, and stabbed with the holy sword without hesitation.

"It's over! That shield is too heavy a burden for you!"

"Mashu!" Fujimaru Tatsuka didn't have time to protect Matthew, nor did she have the strength to protect her.

At this time, a figure appeared and blocked the fatal blow with the long sword in his hand.

"The one who is too arrogant is you, Knight Gawain. Personal beliefs and performance on the battlefield are two different things—you have no right to criticize her beliefs. This is even more so after falling into evil ways."

"What? You-you are-"

After seeing the crime clearly, Gao Wen showed a look of disbelief.

"It's Lucius!" Fujimaru Tatsuka was overjoyed.

"Fight after saying hello! Now is the time to focus on the enemy in front of you! I will decipher the blessing to the knights of the round table. In this way, the knight Gawain will not be troubled. You will not lose to him. It is not about strength, but a way of being."

"...I want to do something about it too.Hoe the strong and help the weak.Such a decision is always the right thing to do.Therefore, this brilliance is for the protagonist——剣をれれ, silver wrist! "

Silver light bloomed from Lucius' right arm, drowning Gawain.

"How could it be—that's impossible! Why are you here!? No, before that—Knight Bedivere! As a Knight of the Round Table, are you planning to betray the king!?"

General Gawain held the sword and carried Bedivere's treasure.

"What—" Fujimaru Tachika was taken aback.

Matthew saw the opportunity when Gao Wen's blessing expired, and hit him on the back with a shield.

Bedivere and Mash joined forces to attack and knocked Gawain's holy sword flying.

Gao Wen himself was also sent flying.

"Kaventin who repelled me...!? Impossible﹑Could it be that Nuada's wrist—!?"

Bedivere ignored Gawain's words, he was suffering at the moment.

"This smell—is it burning!? That arm from the inside of the body!?"

Matthew, who was standing next to Bedivere, clearly smelled a smell of barbecue.

"Don't mind, it's faster than this! You can retreat now!"

"That's what I meant! So when Lucius was fighting, I scattered the enemies behind! I'm going to run away, Fujimaru Tachika! There's really no way to match Gao Wenqing in the morning!" Da Vinci's cane radiated light .

"Understood!" Fujimaru Tatsuka rushed towards the west breakthrough without hesitation.

Gao Wen stood up with difficulty, looking at the crowd who had already left.

"Bedivere! Wait, what the hell is going on!? You—a knight like you, why did you appear on such a battlefield...!"

【I'm right, this is Bedivere! 】

【Bedivere is so handsome! 】

[This is the real knight of the round table in my mind, this is the knight! 】

[I am right, no matter when it is always right to serve as a monk. 】

[This is a group of corrupt Knights of the Round Table, only the youngest knight has a conscience. 】

Section 250 Sorry, I just woke up and found out that I made a mistake.

I have changed it, just click the upper right corner and refresh this chapter.

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Chapter 251 Chapter 247 Tristan wants to dismember Gao Wen?

Inside Camelot King City, in the resplendent meeting hall, Gao Wen pleaded guilty.

"Gao Wen, return. Assistant officer, where is His Majesty the Lion King...?"

"The king has gone to sleep. Let me tell you what's going on. I will report to you later.

punish.Before that, I just waited here. "

A Qiwen stood in front of Gao Wen, blocking the pace of further progress.

"What a pity. Can't you see the king even at this time?" Gao Wen sighed.

A Jiwen asked back: "Of course. It's just a small matter for the refugees to escape, and it is enough for me to do it for me. Or Gao Wenqing. Do you want to add chaos to worry Wang Tuzeng?"

"I definitely don't have such an idea." Gao Wen's face changed suddenly, and he quickly denied it.

"There seems to be something wrong. For Gao Wenqing, it was an unexpected gaffe... It is distressing."

A sad Tristan stood beside Aqiwen.On the other side of him is also a familiar person.

"Ha, isn't it merciful again? Because the knight of the sun is very gentle!" Mordred said without hesitation, wearing a silver helmet and carrying a long sword.

"This can't be called gentleness, Lord Mordred. It should be called disrespect. The order of the holy election to be the king was executed at the main gate. Even if this is not done well, even the Knights of the Round Table will die. There is no need to wait. The king's verdict. Agrawan, let me do it and execute Gao Wenqing's punishment?"

Tristan plucked the strings lightly, and the beautiful sound echoed in the hall.

Seeing the wound on Gawain's cheek, Mordred couldn't stand it anymore, and quickly stopped him: "Hey, what are you doing? Even if there is a punishment, it's just to make him reflect, there's no need to behead him. "

"Mordred... So you don't understand the king's heart... Are you going to let the king cut off the head of the knight of the round table? It's so sad... Such a situation is no different from the end of the world. I am for the king , and had to take the life of his friend with his own hands... Can you understand, Knight Gawain?"

Tristan taught Gao Wen the decision-making power.

Who Gao Wen did not make a defensive posture at all, and even said indifferently,

"Of course. Judgment like yours, Tristan. My blessings will not work in front of the throne. It doesn't matter if I cut off my head. I don't think it will fail with the sharpness of weeping illusion."

Tristan exerted his right hand slightly, "That's right. Cut it off cleanly. You can't do something disrespectful like blood staining the throne."

The slash made by the voice of ? reached Gao Wen's head in an instant.

Fortunately, Mordred appeared in time and blocked the blow before Gao Wen died.

Otherwise, Gao Wen, who was defenseless, would definitely be torn to pieces.

"Wait, wait a minute, are you serious!? Are you serious!? Really, stop, stop! Let Tristan cut off Gawain's head, my father will not allow it, right? !? Because if it was King Arthur, he would definitely say "If you want to kill anyway, then do it yourself brutally!"!"

"No, wait. Put your bow away, Knight Tristan. It's hard to imagine that someone like Gao Wenqing would be resisted by refugees and let them escape. Did something unexpected happen? According to its content, it should be appropriate Reduce Gao Wenqing's punishment. How about it, Gao Wenqing. The thief who attacked you at the main gate should not be a refugee?"

A Qiwen also helped to persuade.

Gao Wen said: "No, I don't think this is something that requires a special report. It's just that two servants who don't know have mixed in. No matter which side is called by the Holy Grail, they are confused. There is no way to threaten To our heroic spirit."

After thinking for a while, Ah Jiwen said: "That's it. Your report has been conveyed. Knight Tristan, the punishment for Gao Wenqing——"

"It's so noisy. Has the military meeting to attack the desert started? Agrawan?"

The Lion King paced towards the throne in the palace, looking at the four people below.

The four hurried forward to salute.

"Unexpectedly. I asked you to come to the throne in such a late night. I am very sorry, my king. It has been half a year since the king ruled. The holy capital is also gradually prospering. The noise of the market is endless, the ears of wheat are full and drooping, The water in the canal is sparkling, the flowers in the garden are in full bloom. The sky is always cloudless and clear, and the wind of hunger and desolation cannot touch this place. All of these depend on the governance of our king. There is no room for filth under this governance This commotion should be treated as a misunderstanding."

A Qiwen bowed his head respectfully, and said words of praise.

"No need to flatter Aqwen. I have only come to hear my knight's report. Explain what happened, my knight. I will believe what you say."

The Lion King nodded slightly, then set his eyes on Gao Wen.

"That would be a disrespect. I carried out the king's holy election correctly. As a result, three qualified candidates were found. We protected two of them and treated them as residents of the holy capital. However... the remaining ones were lost. The next person. I did not supervise well. In addition, I forgave the resistance of the refugees, and lost twelve solemn knights. The circle was broken, and more than a hundred refugees fled. They divided into two groups, one of them went to the mountain area The other party was hidden by a suspicious businessman, and his whereabouts could not be tracked."

Gao Wen also lowered his head, not daring to meet Wang's gaze.

Mordred looked at Aqiwen suspiciously, "Suspicious businessman? Is this Agrawan's fault? You haven't killed those guys yet?"

"It seems so. There is indeed a business leader whose body has not yet been confirmed." A Qiwen did not hide it, but said it generously

"The above is my report. No matter what punishment I receive, I have come to my senses. My life is dedicated to you - please enter

Judgment, my king. "

Gao Wen closed his eyes, knelt on the ground, and waited quietly for the king's verdict.

"Really. Then raise your head, Gao Wen. Ah, just keep your knees like that. After all, there is no need to get up."

The lion king raised his jade hand slightly, and a white light bloomed.

Gao Wen was knocked into the air by the white light, and with the roar, the wall opposite the Lion King collapsed one after another.

Gawain was barely caught until the outer wall, but he was also embedded in the wall.

【Tristan, he really...I cried to death. 】

[Is this the inside of the round table?They behaved so "harmoniously" that they couldn't help being filial piety. 】

[Is it written by Iron A?I remember that his political methods are very clever, and he has been active in the public eye in recent years. 】

[The Lion King...is a bit like King Arthur but he is not the same person at all, at most he is somewhat similar, and the full heart is definitely not what King Arthur has. 】

[This is what King Arthur looks like when he grows up, like another King Arthur. 】

The remaining three knights of the round table looked behind them.

Tristan: "How... so enviable. Even if it's just from the fingertips, you can actually get the gift of the king's holy spear..."

A Jiwen: "Gawain...! Mordred, how is Gawain!?"

" Mordred: "Don't panic, Agrawan.Let me see... Ha, as expected of Gao Wen, in terms of tenacity, he is the first in the round table.Look at that funny look!Not only was it beaten into the city wall, but even the outer wall of the holy capital was blown away!Even so, he survived!Ah-ah.It's very troublesome to repair the wall right now—? "

"Alive...Is Gao Wenqing still alive...?" Hearing the news from Mordred, Ajiwen heaved a sigh of relief.

"Listen, Knights of the Round Table. I have dealt a mortal blow to Your Majesty. The fact that he survived this blow is deemed to have pardoned him. Any dissent?" The Lion King looked around.

"How can you disagree with the king's sentence...Although it is a very sad thing, yes...you did another amazing thing tonight, and you did it beautifully, Gao Wenqing. I can hear this in the tavern again It's a tribute to him like that. . . . It's sad. Even here, my ode to Lancelot and I have never increased..." Tristan became more and more sad.

"I said from the beginning that I would leave it to my father, why would there be any objections?" Mordred grinned.

The Lion King: "Mordred. I remember that I haven't given you the right to reside in the Holy City yet? The only time you can stay in the Holy City is during the day. Go back to your corresponding territory."

"Ah, I'm going back to the wilderness right away! Just leave the defense outside to me, father!" Mordred quickly left with his long sword on his back.

Seeing the back of Mordred leaving, Ah Qi asked respectfully: "My lord. Although this is not something that should be inquired on this occasion. Why not assign Mordred to the holy capital?"

"Indeed, it's not a question worthy of asking me, Agrawan. Or do you want to compete with Gawain's tenacity? Even though it is the iron Aqwen, it should be able to withstand my blow." Lion White light bloomed from Wang's fingertips, and the same attack as before could be released at any time.

"This...! No, I just think that if Sir Mordred stays in the holy capital, the defense can be strengthened—" Aqiwen asked at the risk of being seriously injured.

"It's not necessary. That guy can only be used outside. Just keep her alive before the war with the Sun King begins." The Lion King's words were so cold that people were not interested.

"I see. Temporary freedom is the highest reward. Is that so? Let Mordred go after the refugees. She will be happy to relieve the king's worries." Aqiwen understood the meaning of the king, Praise without hesitation.

"That's not necessary. As long as the refugees are left alone, their corpses will be exposed in the wilderness one day. The Sun King will soon understand our true intentions. You are ready to fight him. When the Knights of the Lake return from their mission in triumph , it’s time for the decisive battle with the Sun King. Let’s do this, Aqiwen.”

The Lion King shook his head slightly, got up and left the throne.

After the Lion King left, Aqiwen looked at the direction of her departure and murmured:

"Again, relying heavily on that man..."

Tristan: "Agwen? Is the pursuit of refugees really like this?"

A Jiwen: "Of course. After all, it is the king's order. But—not to mention the refugees, the dissidents cannot be easily let go. Since Gao Wen was able to repel Gao Wen, it must be the foreign master and his party. From now on Regard the Master who clearly resisted us at the main gate as a traitor. Immediately pursue and annihilate him. In the end... what will happen to the refugees who walk with the traitor is force majeure."

Tristan: "I see. It's very your style, Aqiwen. So, who should this task be entrusted to?"

Aqiwen: "That's right—ah, there is indeed one person. There is a knight who has nothing to do now. The guerrilla knight Lancelot. Let's contact you who is on the way back to the holy capital. Go after him A rebel from a foreign land. Tell him that he is not allowed to return to the holy capital until it is done."

[Intuition tells me that this Lion King is not King Arthur, and his actions are completely different from King Arthur. Even the fallen King Arthur would not be able to show such an appearance, nor would he be able to say such words. 】

【What the Lion King said lacked an emotion...a human touch. 】

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