"Is this the one who rekindled the 'fire'?"

"It's unexpected that this small human race can do this."

"Gaia-chan, can I record him?"

"No, Alaya-chan, the flame in his body is not an ordinary fire."

A conversation heard in a hazy consciousness.

The pain scolded my limbs, and my head and whole body were very hot.

In a daze, Mo felt a slender hand stroking his body back and forth, poking it with his fingers from time to time, as if a child was curious about his body.

It's just that the eyes couldn't be opened, and the "tiredness" that should have been insulated after becoming "ashes" filled the whole body, and he didn't even have the strength to move his fingers.

It seemed as if all the fatigue brought about by his desperate efforts to spread the fire over the years was presented at this moment.

Even as long as Mo relaxes his nerves, it is not impossible to fall into a deep sleep in the next second.

But listening to the words of the unknown person next to his ear, Mo Ke did not let go of his vigilance.

Because in his memory, the moment before he lost consciousness, he saw his hand turned into ashes with his own eyes.

And the next moment, his whole body was immediately filled with fatigue, and it became a luxury to even move any part of his body. He could only lie here silently listening to those people of unknown origin comment on his behavior.

Just when the owner of the slender palm moved more and more presumptuously, Mo opened his eyes.

"Oh yeah? Are you awake?"

It's a very light, crisp and sweet sound.

The moment the voice sounded, the pretty face of a delicate little girl came into Mo's eyes.

That is a little girl who is only about twelve or thirteen years old in terms of appearance.

And the moment the little girl finished speaking, the hand that could not move at all became passive as if being pulled.

"Run, Gaia-chan!"

"Alaya! I told you not to mess with things in other worlds! Why didn't you listen again!"

Listening to the child's voice that he had never heard before, looking at the little girl facing him and the figure at the edge of his vision, Mo was sure that he didn't know these people at all.

Because in those countless times of reincarnation, these figures never appeared even among the group of "mistaken intruders".

Why did I appear here?

Who are these children?

One question after another appeared in his mind, but he didn't ask it.

It's not just that he can't know whether the person in front of him will lie or how reliable it is, but it's the approach of a familiar force.

A force that he would never admit to being mistaken.

The power of "prime fire".

It's just that whether it's the fire transmission as the second "Salary King", the fire transmission of "Ash" as a last resort, or the fire transmission that revitalizes the "Initial Fire" this time, the feeling is far better than Not to mention this approaching power.

This power appears to be deeper and more abnormal, as if the "initial fire" that illuminates the whole world and brings difference to the world is only a part of it, or even just a discarded power.

"I should have said it, don't take my 'toys' elsewhere. Of course, if you win me, it's fine to draw one from my 'toy box'."

Pointing his finger on Mo's forehead, even though the "existence" stood in Mo's field of vision, Mo couldn't see the "existence" clearly at all, and the "existence" was blurred before Mo's eyes, as if It is as if the body is protecting itself by blocking this incomprehensible thing.

"But as a mere "toy", you are not qualified to see all this now."

As soon as the words fell, Mo's eyes darkened and he lost consciousness.

Chapter 179 Chapter 77 Transformation

Not long after the figures of Jack Baldo and Siris disappeared from their sides, the flame wrapped around the sword of the "Spiral Sword" became vigorous again, emitting a dazzling crimson light.

The entire garden area that was almost destroyed by the battle not long ago, the magic power that was released when the flames erupted just now became violent like a torrent as if stimulated.

As the center of all turbulence, the "spiral sword" crazily absorbs the magic power in the surrounding area.

As the scale of the crimson light became larger and larger, the magic power in the surrounding area was almost sucked dry again, as if the previous feeling was illusory.

Just as the magic power in the surrounding area was completely sucked dry, the crimson light also disappeared at the same time, replaced by a "flame".

A "flame" that violates all common sense and common sense of magic.

The "flame" began to extend the moment it appeared, but it stopped expanding when it reached a certain range, and the blazing fire began to change under the morning light, slowly forming a human shape.

Slowly... Nerves, bones, flesh and blood, skin, clothing, appearance, and even the "Wandering Knight Suit" that he wore not long ago were also formed under the "flame".

It's just that this time the "flame" was not buried inside the body made of flames from the very beginning, but outside, and when the body made of flames was fully formed, the strange "flame" 』But it shrank, a layer of crystal-like shell.

That was the crystallization that Burt and the others had seen before, the crystal that once brought Mo back from death and was crushed by him himself.

"Crystalization", "Initial Fire and Tinder" submerged into Mo's body again, and let the body floating in mid-air fall down.

It's just that the falling body didn't stand firmly, and it should even be said that there was no consciousness from the beginning, so it couldn't stand firmly.

Just as the fallen body fell forward, a flame split from Mo's body, and firmly caught the powerless body that fell.

The flame gradually formed after picking up the ink. It was a figure wearing a "gold-wrapped black suit" like an ancient black dress.

"Thank you for your hard work, my lovely little apprentice."

Under Clara's gentle tone, the "fire transmission" that lasted only a few hours this time has officially come to an end.


Unable to perceive the passage of time, it may be a moment, or it may be eternity...

When I opened my eyes again, what I saw was the pure white ceiling without any stains.

After sitting up, Mo realized that he was lying on a bed at this moment, looking at the unchanging simple double ward.

Recalling the terrifying energy vortex caused by the sudden surge of the "prime fire" before the body was turned into ashes, it was like the mutation caused by passing the fire as the "second salary king".

Is it just a success?

I don't know, I don't know, even as a practitioner of the plan, he doesn't know.

After all, this is an unprecedented thing. It is not as simple as in the past, just killing the guardian of the "Initial Fire" and then joining the "Initial Fire".

Under the circumstances at that time, Mo was either directly sucked dry by the "initial fire", or was directly burned up by the skyrocketing "initial fire", and died so badly that he couldn't die anymore.

Thinking of everything I had spent for that one transmission, in the end I managed to barely succeed on the basis of the most unbelievable luck.

Only now his brain hurts.

It was like being pierced into the head by a fiery iron rod, and even the memory of the moment when the fire passed seemed to have been ravaged.

Mixed with fragmented, but never seen fragments.

That darkness... seemed to bring him eternal peace.

It's just that this incomplete memory didn't make him let go of too much attention. Instead, he pressed his forearm to his forehead and sighed.

The fire transmission this time was more thrilling than before, and it also made Mo's body and mind feel rare tired.

"It's nothing more than spreading the fire, this reinjects power into the "Initial Fire", it really wasn't done by humans..."

Just when Mo couldn't help sighing, he felt very clearly that his body seemed to be different from before.

The "fire seed" in Mo's body and this body also seemed to have undergone great changes.

If it is said that the body was in the transformation period when it was crushed and pulled out the "Spiral Sword" transformed from the "Initial Fire Seed" for the first time, then it has completely completed the transformation now, and has become more The guardian of the "Initial Flame" is even more terrifying.

Ordinary flames can't hurt him at all, the damage of all flames will be reduced, the bones become harder than the metal he knows, and the muscle fibers become even more difficult to tear.

And the upper limit of magic power that can still be perceived, the upper limit of magic power that can hardly be raised even after spending countless souls, has "broken through" under this extreme challenge.

It's just that compared to the previous breakthrough after absorbing the soul, this "breakthrough" is obviously more terrifying.

The human body is limited, even "ashes".

Compare the body to a container.Comparing magic power to water, when the water fills up the container, the container will naturally not be able to hold any more water called magic power.

But the previous upper limit was completely destroyed.

And this time the upper limit increase is not as small as before.

It was an explosive growth, and even Mo couldn't feel the upper limit of his magic power.

It is obvious that the magic power is being generated, and it is only a matter of time if the generation speed is filled according to the previous capacity, but now he does not feel full of magic power at all.

It was as if the capacity of the body had become a bottomless pit.

After perceiving the changes in all aspects of himself, Mo looked at his hands and smiled wryly.

"Is this a blessing in disguise?"

This transformation is stronger than ever before, but at the same time, it also makes him farther and farther away from the standard of being human.

Mo took off the hospital gown that someone had put on, and put on the extremely light shirt and sports trousers.

Just as Mo stretched his hand towards the doorknob to go out, the doorknob was twisted.

He is no stranger to that long orange hair, and he has not forgotten that delicate and lovely face.

Just why, the child jumped on him again.

Crystal tears poured out of his eyes and wet Mo's chest.

Looking at the lovely girl crying into tears, Mo Ting's heart felt turbulent again.

Is this what it feels like to be cared about?

Chapter 180 Chapter 78 The Confrontation of Two Worlds

Tsuzuki Ward, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture

Yokohama Konoku General Hospital

I had already expected that this day would be extremely busy. After all, the gossip and gossip from their upper echelons and staff at the same level showed that the group of people from other worlds and the "God" will set off tomorrow morning to assist the army To clean up the city of Kyoto that has been occupied and isolated from the world for nearly two months.

No matter who it is, there is great hope for this rumor and the coming tomorrow.

As long as those who stayed at Kohoku General Hospital in Yokohama that day and saw that battle also believed without reservation, they believed that it was like the "protagonist" in the story, that even the giant dragon in the fairy tale could be easily defeated "hero".

That "Knight" who has the power to break even "Despair".

As long as there is that person, all difficulties and desperate situations will not be a problem.

It's just that when the morning light shines on the earth again, the abnormal scene, the scene that seems to indicate that the end is approaching, is not the solar eclipse that people in this world recognize, that dim light, that shed tears like blood The crimson stream of light added a icy coldness to the already cold weather.

They were terrified, and once again they were as terrified as before the "knight" stood up.

Fearing the coming of the end...

Fearing my own death...

Even though those adventurers from other worlds set off with the army, their fear was not erased this time.

Because the "knight" is gone this time, not in the starting team, the strongest "person" in their cognition.

Only two hours after the combat power composed of the combat power of the two worlds set off, the abnormal "solar eclipse" that lasted for more than two hours subsided, and the crimson stream of light like tears of blood also stopped flowing , the sun, everything returned to normal, and everything seemed as if nothing had happened.

Only the military tent still standing near the hospital shows that all this is not a dream.

Just over an hour after the people in the hospital confirmed that this was not a dream, there was another noise in the sky. It was the noise made by the helicopter rotor rotating and stirring.

The military transport helicopter sent back those adventurers from another world again. They didn't have any damage on their bodies, not even a little bit of dust from the battle, as if they just walked around.

And this time they brought back "heterogeneous", which has a unique name in Japan's special culture.

"Monster girl"

Two "Arachne" with the half body of a spider, a "half-dragon" with a few scales, small dragon horns and a fluffy tail, and a "humanoid" with snakes instead of feet? ’ and a ‘ghost? ".

Time passed quickly, and it was now the lunch break at twelve o'clock. Those who had been nervous all morning also came to the cafeteria in batches to relax their nervous emotions.

But what happened in the garden outside the floor-to-ceiling windows of the cafeteria could not reassure the medical staff.

The air seemed to be condensed, and the atmosphere in the garden outside was not very good. A group of people with monster characteristics and those adventurers from another world were separated by a distance of about five meters. Watching the group of people with monster characteristics vigilantly, Cragg and Gwyndolin also guarded their respective sisters behind, holding their own weapons tightly, and even Andre, who was a blacksmith, also guarded them. Fireproof girl, her hands seemed to be able to knock those adventurers to the ground with a heavy punch in the next moment.

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