Chapter 97 Chapter 94

"Da... da... da... da..."

In a luxurious corridor that is as pure and white as a temple, at this time, Loki, who was wearing a tuxedo, was walking forward with a tense face, accompanied by Mo, making the footsteps echo very clearly In the surroundings, it sounds like a melodious piece of music, rhythmic.


Not long after, a very mature female voice stopped Loki, causing him to stop, turn his head, and look behind him.

There, a tall goddess was also wearing a dress, walking slowly towards Loki.

Seeing the plump goddess, Loki's tense face eased slightly.


It has been a long time since I bid farewell to Demeter in the God Assembly last time.

During this period of time, Loki did not see Demeter again.

After all, this period of time is for those who have lived for hundreds of millions of years.For a God whose life is also eternal, it is simply too short.

"What's going on this time? Uranus actually held a god meeting in his own name ahead of time, and asked us to bring a child who had been infected with the "Initial Flame". My family doesn't have such a special child."

The so-called Shenhui, in fact.It's just a kind of gathering planned by a group of gods to relieve boredom.

Such gatherings are held at regular intervals, usually three months apart.

At the three-monthly meeting of the gods, the gods will have a pure chat with nothing to do.There will also be an exchange of the latest information and advice from around the world, as well as various exchanges of opinions on issues among the families of the gods.It can be said to have everything that one expects to find.

Award titles to advanced adventurers who have reached lv.2,

It is also one of the links in the God Assembly.

It's just that this time it's completely different from the previous God's Association. The reason why the God's Association was started earlier was not because of the war games between the families, nor because of the attack of foreign countries.

Apart from Uranus, only those who are the gods of the Orari family and adventurers who have been contaminated with the "Initial Flame", and who are called "intruders" by Mo can participate.

In this meeting of the gods, the gods will serve as witnesses, and as decision makers, they will make the final answer to the discussion of the issues that the meeting of gods will launch.

The meeting place of God's Association is on the [-]th floor of the Tower of Babel in the center of Orario.

This is a floor like a temple in the air.

Loki and Demeter walked through the corridor together and walked into an extremely vast hall.

In this hall, there is no furniture, only an oversized round table.

On the edge of the round table, gods of various colors sat at regular intervals.

And in the first place, sitting there was Uranus who had rarely left the underground temple, and he was always looking at the direction of the entrance.

"You're here at last, Loki."

Loki's face immediately stinks.

"Oh, Loki is here too."

"Then, can we start the topic that even we can't know in advance?"

"Hurry up! I can't wait to see the excitement!"

"Hey, hey, don't say what's on your mind, it should be serious here."

Under the laughter of those gods who wished to make things bigger, Loki sat down in silence, while Mo stood behind Loki.

The so-called God is so unreasonable.

Sometimes it is a small reason, sometimes it is a small and inconspicuous idea, but because of this, they will do everything to satisfy their own group of transcendent beings.

This is God.

It's just that Mo didn't pay attention to these so-called gods. Maybe Mo never cared about these gods. For him, besides responding to Loki's request, the most important thing for him to come this time is to have a look. Who is the "mistaker" calling for help, and how many other "mistakers" belong to this world?

Although the number of "mistaken trespassers" he sent back was very small, only 130, but there were already more "mistaken trespassers" in this world than he imagined.

From Gareth and Refia, to Fairways not long ago, to the two in front of me now.

One was a thin young man in black with black hair and black pupils standing among a group of people wearing camouflage uniforms. That should belong to the party who came to ask for help.

The other is a burly man with pig ears on his head standing behind a silver-haired goddess.

One is an ordinary human, and the other is an orc of the pig-human race.

It is obvious that the two are not only different in size but also in race, but such two people have also passed the test of "passing the fire" before.

But what was the name given to them at the time?

If the pig-man is not mistaken, it should be the "pig-man kid", but that young man with a weak face...

Although Mo could feel the feeling of being burned by the "initial fire" on his body, this child was not someone he knew.

Is it a lone fire bearer?

After all, there are not a few "mistakes" without a guide.

Just when Mo was thinking about this possibility, Mo clearly felt that disturbing sight again.

Based on this line of sight alone, Mo can be sure.

The one who was stared at by the scorching hot gaze at the bottom of the Tower of Babel just now was the goddess sitting in front of the "pig man".

As soon as the goddess cast her eyes on Mo's body, she never looked away, and her pretty face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Loki, who noticed the performance of the goddess, kept speechless as if he had eaten his stomach.

"This hopeless nymphomaniac is really hopeless this time!"

It's just that Freya didn't pay attention to Loki's words, and didn't even pay attention to the strong pig man behind her, only the "fire" in Mo's body was left in her eyes, and an intoxicating look flickered in her pair of beautiful eyes.

And the pig man didn't say much when he saw Mo. After all, to him, Mo, the "fire passer" who guided him, was just a passer-by in his life, even if he appeared again. Similarly, for him only the order of the goddess is everything.

"Okay, Freya, this child will not be affected by you, and you don't want to dig him out of my family."

Loki seemed to feel something, and made a sound with an unhappy face.

"Hurry up and start the discussion with God!"

All the gods agreed one after another, and Uranus nodded.

Chapter 98 Chapter 95 Another World

Winter 2026

That day was recorded as the warmest day of this winter.

The temperature reached fifteen degrees Celsius, and the air was very dry. Since it was Saturday, many people were shopping or playing in the city center.

Eleven fifty in the morning.

When the sun was shining and the temperature was almost at its peak, three "gates to another world" suddenly appeared in Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, and Kyoto, Kyoto.

And overflowing from the "Gate to Another World" in Ginza are knights and infantry wearing medieval European armor, as well as... strange monsters such as orcs, goblins, and giants that only appear in fantasy stories or movies .

They attack people who happen to be over there.

Regardless of men, women, young or old, or race and nationality, they only aim to kill.People who are accustomed to peaceful countries and peaceful times, without any resistance skills, fell one by one amidst the screams.

Shopping customers, parents with children, and tourists from overseas have all been trampled by horseshoes, stabbed with guns, or turned into ghosts by swords.Numerous dead bodies were scattered all over the city, and the asphalt road in Ginza was stained red and black with blood.If I had to write an inscription for that scene, it would be "Hell".The army of another world continued to pile up on the pile of dead bodies, and planted a black flag on the fleshy hill.And they used their own language to loudly declare the conquest and possession of this land.It was a unilateral declaration of war with no audience.

It's just that compared to the incident in Ginza, the other two in Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture, and the two in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, were not as bloody.

Although a certain amount of monsters also sprang out from the "Gate of Another World" in Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture, but compared to the regular and commanded monster army in Ginza, this side can only be called a group of monsters, just obedient Killed by primitive animality.

However, the "Gate to Another World" that appeared in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture is the strangest and quietest door. The whole body looked like a "living corpse" that had been drained of blood, and by the way stabbed a few civilians to death with a pitchfork. There were no other casualties and the "Gate to another world" also closed itself.

It's just that when the "Gate of the Different World" in Ginza and the "Gate of the Different World" in Yokosuka City were suppressed by the army, and when all the citizens thought it was over, the "Gate of the Different World" in Kyoto City The door opened again.

It's just that this time it's no longer the "living corpse" farmers, but "living corpse" knights who are different from the "living corpse" farmers. Blood flowed like a river during the half hour when the "gate to another world" was opened, and those "living corpses" The corpse knights also seemed to be searching for something, dragging the corpses of the people they killed back to the other side of the "door" every time before the "door" closed.

Unlike the knights who appeared in the "Gate to Another World" in Ginza before, ordinary guns have no effect on this group of "living corpse" knights except for a small effect of repelling them. They can only crush their heads completely. Pang, or use their weapons to kill them completely.

However, this "Gate to Another World" in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture is different from others. An unknown barrier that unfolded on a certain day occupied and wrapped the county and city. For this barrier that cannot be entered, it was originally planned to recover The lost self-defense force also suffered heavy losses here, and any technological products lost their original effectiveness after entering the range of the enchantment.

And facing it, the "Gate of Another World" Self-Defense Force in Yokosuka City also took action.

With the experience of stationing there after entering the "Gate to Another World" in Ginza, the Japanese Self-Defense Forces also began to set foot on the "Gate to Another World" in Yokosuka City, which they called negotiating.

When they passed through the "Gate to a Different World" and set foot on the land on the other side, they saw it. Unlike the unpolluted sky that they saw after entering the "Gate to a Different World" in Ginza, what they saw here But it is a rock wall, and there are unknown light sources around it.

And their proud military vehicles, even individual soldiers' hot weapons completely failed after passing through the "Gate to Another World", as if they were affected by the "rules of the world" in some novels, It is also very similar to the enchantment in Kyoto Prefecture.

So some officials had a big brain hole, why didn't they make friends with people in this world first, and then use them to open the "Gate to Another World" in Kyoto Prefecture.

And under the motion of these officials with big brains, the motion was passed.

But how did they get through the cave of the monster group?

Faced with this problem, those officials also gave suggestions. It belongs directly to the "United Nations", an organization that only the top leaders of various countries know, and an organization that gathers people who have special powers after being resurrected from the dead.

It's just that they still think too little about the organization hidden under the watch world.

The first team of cooperators who appeared in front of them were only the legally dead couple and a high school student with black hair and black eyes who looked like ordinary people.

It was only when the black-haired and black-eyed high school student who looked no different from ordinary people made a move at the moment when they were about to be swept away by the wave of monsters that they realized that it was reasonable for the monsters to be dealt with by human "monsters".


Are these gods?

The black-haired boy looked at the "boom" caused by the "gods" other than Uranus they saw on the first day they came to this world and first reached the ground because they were brought in.

For the first time in the boy's mind, he thought that the gods of this world were unreliable.

God is in a very strange position for the Japanese.

Although they go to the shrine to pray for blessings every New Year's day, most people's admiration for the gods is also amazing, not to mention that most young people also want to ask for love lottery and because of some strange stories related to love And to some places of interest and shrine facilities.

He didn't feel much about the living god sitting in front of him. After all, he had killed an incomplete "god", just an "unnamed king" who lived too long and turned into a living corpse, and The other group is the "Salary Kings" who have been burned to "residue".

On the contrary, he once heard from the group of "Sun Warriors" who would mess with other people's world fragments that there was a "Fran Guard", the only one who had fought against the intact "Unknown King" and "Incarnations of Salary Kings" "Ash", the "Fire Bearer" "Wolf Son" who never spoke his name to those who did not have his approval.

When he looked at the group of gods, he saw a familiar face standing behind a red-haired "male god"?

Why is he here?Isn't he taking care of them in the hospital?



PS: This chapter can actually be regarded as the preface of the next volume, but the author feels that it should be better written at this time, but it may be a bit strange after expressing my limited writing ability.

If you want to be simple, you can simply make troubles for the people of Lengliegu across the world.

The timeline is the world of Black Soul after Mo's last transmission of fire.

And the last sentence... the author, I haven't decided what kind of existence that is _:('□`」∠):_

Chapter 99 Chapter 96 Untitled

It was beyond the expectations of the soldiers who came to this world through the "Gate to Another World" and the black-haired boy in black who had passed the fire.

This time the God Council quickly came to a conclusion.

Just when Uranus told the purpose of this god meeting and their origins, the atmosphere among the group of gods was immediately ignited.

There are no endlessly debated topics as they imagined, no confrontation of interests and humanity, and the situation is completely different from the situation that occurs when their Senate holds Congress.

They can't understand the thoughts of the group of gods in front of them at all, and even the behavior of the group of gods can be said to be unreasonable in their eyes.

Just because they came from another world and just wanted to know what the other world looked like, the group of gods accepted the request of their group of "outsiders".

This is the real God.

A group of transcendent beings who will do everything to satisfy themselves.

It's just that all of this is extremely normal in Mo's eyes. After all, even if the group of people in front of him didn't come to this world through the "gate to another world", that door will sooner or later enter the eyes of the group of gods, and at that time they will become This group of gods took the initiative to send their own family members to pass, and the people from other worlds in front of them just gave these gods an excuse.

"Then which children should we send there? After all, it's a different world, and the entrance is still on the 27th floor. Is it okay if they aren't strong enough?"

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