Loki waved his hand proactively. Facing the gesture of the gods, the staff had professional smiles on their faces and saluted gracefully.

Loki strolled through the beautiful marble foyer with an attitude of killing time.

"Oh, Miss Micia. Work hard."

"Ah, Goddess Loki."

Seeing an acquaintance, Loki walked to the corner of the window.

She cheerfully raised her hand to say hello, and the human service lady greeted her with a slightly fluttering smile.

The girl's name is Micia.Flot, a staff member of the guild, only met Loki at the Monster Festival two days ago.She cooperates with Loki who assists the guild in solving problems and runs around.

Compared to other mature clerks, this child is small in size, with pink hair and a childlike face, which is quite cute, even in modern times, it would make people doubt the possibility of employing child labor.

"Is there a problem?"

"Well, I have something I want to inquire about."

Facing her who sometimes couldn't speak clearly, Loki smiled and leaned his elbow on the window.

"Is Uranus there?"

The moment the name came out, Micia froze.

In the hall with a harmonious atmosphere, it seemed that only she and Loki were isolated and silent for a moment.

Soon, Micia, who opened her eyes wide, became visibly flustered.

"U, u, the god Uranus? Uh, this, that...!?"

"Missia, you can't. Everyone is busy, so you have to do your own things."

When she was about to turn to ask others for help, Loki gently took her hand and whispered.

There was no one else at the window except Micia, and some staff even looked at her distressed appearance from a distance, as if they had already gotten used to it, or maybe they chose to ignore Micia's help-seeking eyes because they didn't want to get into trouble.

"...I, I'm going to contact the high-level personnel (superior), please, please wait a moment..."

"That's too troublesome, there's no need. That's fine, sister Misia, can you just answer one question for me?"

Micia tried to get away, but Loki held onto her hand tightly, rubbing her fingers gently.

Like a small animal entangled by a poisonous snake, she looked up at Loki tremblingly and said.

"Please, please tell..."

"Is Uranus in the old place?"


The baby-faced clerk could neither say right nor wrong, so she could only quietly look away.

Seeing that guilty expression, Loki broke into a smile.

"Missia, thank you——. I'll treat you to a drink next time."

"Lo, Goddess Loki!?"

Before Micia could react, Loki waved and thanked and left the window.

She walked through the window into the depths from the foyer, and the rule that only relevant people could enter was ignored by her.She walked like the wind, striding forward, and passed by the guild staff holding the whole stack of documents several times.

Because her attitude was too upright, and her steps were so unrestrained, the staff were startled by this sudden situation, they could only open their mouths halfway, and they couldn't even call out to her.

"I remember it should be this way..."

After walking past the second office full of desks, the library-like reference room, and other rooms on the first floor of the headquarters, Loki looked around.

Relying on the memory of previous visits, she turned several times in the corridor dedicated to staff, and not long after, the bright red carpet embroidered with gold thread broke into her field of vision.She quickened her pace and came to a wide and long straight aisle.

The red carpet laid on the large aisle lined with columns extends all the way to the stairs leading to the underground in the depths of the aisle.

"—Please stay, Goddess Loki!?"

Just as Loki was about to walk towards the underground stairs, a loud cry came from the passage in front of her and tripped her.

A middle-aged elf male showed up with a large group of guild staff.

The middle-aged elf man in front of him is quite different from the kind of elf with delicate features that ordinary people can imagine. Even if he didn't know the identity of the other elf in advance, he would be more likely to directly identify the wrong race.

Because the middle-aged elf male in front of him is too fat, so fat that even his race may be mistaken.

Even though he is not short in stature, he looks short under this obesity.The thighs full of fat are also thick and short.

Is this really not misreporting race?

"Hey, Loyman, long time no see. How are you doing?"

"Lo, Goddess Loki! This is the sacred road leading to the altar of Uranus! Please go back!"

Loki greeted easily, the elf male and his subordinates stopped and stood in front of her.

"Huh...huh...", a panting man is the actual supreme ruler of the guild, Royman.madil.

He is over 150 years old and has the final decision-making power on the city's operations. At the same time, because of his position for many years, he also spends money like water in his life, and eats and eats too much.

If it wasn't for his genuine management ability, and Uranus wasn't a waste god, I'm afraid it wouldn't be surprising that the guild was taken over by him.

The figure of Royman is despised by all the elves in Orario.

Forgetting racial pride and restraint, brazenness, indulging in money and depravity, and even becoming fat and ugly, many people called him "the pig of the guild" and cast them aside.Even Riveria scolded him badly, calling him "a disgrace to the family".

"Please go back immediately..."

It was just that when Royman repeatedly shouted to Loki, and was ready to let the guild staff behind him take action if Loki made any move, a voice interrupted him.


Chapter 86 Chapter 83 Uranus

Mo and his party did not follow the original plan to stay in Rivera Town on the 18th floor and start the journey of collecting money, but returned to the guild on the ground.

It's just that the treatment is different from Loki's. Under the leadership of the elf girl, the group of them is almost unimpeded in the closed area of ​​the guild. Unimpeded facts.

After all, it was an order directly from above.

The elf girl in front of her can travel freely in any direction.

Soon under the leadership of the elf girl, even though the group reached the destination of the trip, it was only at this moment that the elf girl stopped.

And the people led by her also saw the human wall blocking the road, and the person blocked in it was an existence they were very familiar with.

"Master Loki?!"

As the person who spoke, Refiya's voice was immediately heard by everyone, and almost everyone turned their heads to look at Refiya.

"Oh~ Refia-chan, and Aisi, you are also here, but why are you here?"

"What about that..."

While Refia was watching her main god explaining her state, the red eyes of the elf girl swept across the faces of everyone blocking the way in front of her, and finally stopped on Royman.

That was the existence she hated the most in the guild. If it hadn't been for the agreement with Uranus, she would never have had any contact with the "Shame of the Elf" Royman in her life.

"What are you stupid pig doing here?"

"Fei, Failweiss?! What are you doing here, a mourner?" Compared to treating gods with due courtesy, Loiman was attracted by the elf girl he called Failweiss from the very beginning. I was taken aback, but afterwards I used an extremely disrespectful tone.

"You have the guts to say it again." When Riveria, who was an elf royal family, called the trash in front of him "the shame of the family" uttered the taboo title, a silver flash flashed, and the silver-white The rapier rested on Royman's neck, even if he turned his head slightly, the sharp rapier would draw a bloodstain on his neck.

"You, you, you, what do you want to do? This is the guild." Looking at the situation that had never happened before, Royman, who felt his life was threatened, became slurred in an instant.

"Do you think you can suppress it in the name of the guild? This time I have an order from God Uranus."

Fairway didn't back down, but stood on the luxurious carpet and threatened Royman, and Fairyvis glanced away.The other people beside them didn't dare to intervene in the dispute between the guild leader and the adventurer, they just stood there at a loss.

"Do you think I will believe your words? Although I don't know how you let Uranus know of your existence, this time I will not let you go in casually."

"—Royman, let them come here."

Just at this time.

A majestic voice came from the front guided by the red carpet and columns, and from the depths of the underground stairs.

"But Uranus...!"

"This time I gave the order, you step back."

The low voice made Royman shut up with just this sentence.

He looked at Fairway's group several times, then at the underground stairs, and then left the main passage one after another with the others in a dejected manner.

Loki watched Royman's chubby back leave. This little episode didn't affect anyone, only Tiona vomited at Royman's back like a small child. Tongue.Then he turned back to face the stairs.

The owner of the voice remained silent, expressing his permission to pass without words.On the vast and silent passage, a group of people stepped on the carpet and headed towards the dark abyss underground.


The sound of footsteps reverberated.

The light from the magic stone lamp was not enough to illuminate the long staircase.

No one spoke on this long staircase, which made this short period of time even more terrifying.

Refiya's little hand tightly grasped the cloak of the wandering knight's armor on Mo's body, as if she wanted to keep a sense of security from it.

It's just that Refiya's actions didn't attract Mo's attention this time.

At this moment, almost all of Mo's attention is focused on the dim road in front of him with insufficient light.

What kind of existence is this god named "Uranus"?

Although Mo's knowledge of this world is still insufficient, based on the performance of Gareth and Fairway, he can probably guess that that "fire-passing journey" brought them not only the experience of fighting, but also the experience of devouring The power of soul strengthening and the "great achievements" achieved by the leapfrog challenge were also brought back to this world by them.

After all, among Gareth and Fairway's family, they are also the top existences, one is Lv7, and the other is Lv4.

And as for Refiya... I believe he was too protective back then...

It is said that apart from the growth in firepower, there is no growth in other aspects.

Sure enough, I still need to take the time to teach Refiya the mage's melee combat style.

A mage doesn't know what a mage is in melee combat.

Do you think that all members of the Falan Undead Team are melee monsters who only use the "Fran Great Sword"?

This is impossible. Of course, there are a group of terrifyingly strong magicians in the Falan Undead Team.

Although some mage groups of the Falan Undead Team may not be able to hold the "Fran Great Sword", but the skill of the "Fran Quick Sword" combined with the "Fran Dagger" is enough for them to fight against the enemy. Fang Knight has the upper hand when facing off.

It's just that whether it's "Fran's Quick Sword" or "Soul Sword", the "Palace Magician's Staff" that has been sawed so short that only the head of the staff is left is obviously unable to play the role of a sword handle.

Looks like it's time to find a new weapon for her.

Walking down the stairs, in front of you is the stone hall and altar that feel like a long history.

Large stone slabs cover the ground, like a hidden underground space of a temple.It was not the magic stone lamp that illuminated the surrounding space shrouded in darkness, but four torches flickering red flames.

In the center of the altar surrounded by torches forming a quadrangular shape.

Sitting on a huge stone throne—a divine throne, the burly and majestic old god cast his gaze from under the hood, his blue eyes swept over the faces of everyone in front of him, and he even froze for a moment when he saw Refiya. Yes, in the end, his eyes stopped, and stopped on the body wearing the most special ink in the group.

"...meeting for the first time, the bearer of fire, no, the 'owner of fire'."

Chapter 87 Chapter 84

"...meeting for the first time, the bearer of fire, no, the 'owner of fire'."

A deep and deep voice shook the air.

A strong body over two meters tall was wrapped in a robe.He has a straight face with deep wrinkles, a white beard on his chin, and hair of the same color can be seen slightly from the hood.

The quiet expression stands unshakably like a statue.The posture of sitting tall and firm with his thick arms resting on the armrest of the throne is the image of the ruler of the sky imagined by the "ancient" people who have not seen the gods in person.

Among the gods, the tall and powerful old god is extremely powerful, and his high godhead is enough to make people in the lower world bow their heads and obey orders unconditionally.

It's just that the Mo in front of him is not the lower realm person recognized by the gods, and even those "intruders" who have been contaminated with the "initial fire" have broken away from the limit of the lower realm person recognized by the gods.

Listening to the name spoken by the god in front of him, compared to the first time Loki said it out of his body, he used the "body of ashes" to take it away, and the "initial fire tinder" that he almost took his life to get ’, this time he didn’t have much reaction.

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