The appearance of the particle of C cannot be related to the Queen of Halloween, and those who intentionally create this kind of favor must be unable to coexist with the Queen of Halloween from a standpoint.

However, this favor happened to be of great help to the Halloween Queen's spirit.

Alpha thought it was weird, so weird that she wanted to believe that this kind of favor was really conceived naturally in human history, not the result of any top three-digit figure.

A system that communicates with human beings and relies on absorbing human spiritual power to exist, is used to manipulate people's hearts, which is really a bit against the sky.

In Little Garden, it is impossible for a group of gods to completely grasp the history of mankind. The last one who wanted to do this, the dystopian demon king is still lying dead waiting to be resurrected!

... If you really want to say that this is the backhand left by the dystopian demon king when he was still alive, but it is useless, and Alpha can still believe it. If normal gods and Buddhas do it, it will be a proper cerebral palsy.

It is used to collect traffic-related achievements, and it is used to collect Internet-related merits... Even, this is a waste.

From Alpha's point of view, the best result is not to use it to contain external achievements, but to promote them.

It is not easy for gods and Buddhas to guide the conclusion of human history, but it is not easy for human history to develop by itself?

Take out this kind of C particle, such a useful thing, the human history in the outside world is not rushing to use it?

It is too uneconomical for gods and Buddhas to promote this kind of favor through confinement, and this kind of product does not need to be promoted. Various forces in human history have received the real thing, and they will promote it themselves-holding sovereignty, and the achievements are not too loud. ?

How far has the traffic in human history reached?Just the plane.

After the particle of C is popularized, it is teleportation on a global scale.

To what extent is the exchange of human history?Network only.

After the popularity of C particles, human beings can communicate directly with brain waves.

It only needs to be promoted and a little time is added, and a large amount of achievements will be poured into the pocket.

The most important thing is-sovereignty is in Su Qing's hands.

Unlike Reverse Izayoi, Reverse Izayo is extremely adaptable to the third star particle, so that the sovereignty of the third star particle feeds back most of the merits to him, but the sovereignty of the star particle does not belong to him.

Even if there are gods and Buddhas who kill Nihui Izayo, they will not be able to obtain the sovereignty of the third star particle. After all, they must conform to the sovereignty of the star particle and obtain the approval of the sovereignty before they can share the merits of the third star particle.

But the sovereignty of the particle of C belongs to Su Qing.

From the heart, in Alpha's view, the C particle is inferior to the third star particle. The third star particle is a perpetual motion machine developed to the extreme, and the gold content of the perpetual motion machine is too high.

But no one can get the sovereignty of the third stellar particle, not even double digits.

The sovereignty of the particle of C belongs to Su Qing.

At first, Alpha really thought that this thing might be a coincidence, that it happened to appear in the world observed by Hakoniwa.

But she is a little confused now, why does Su Qing know the essence of the third star particle and prestige?

But if it wasn't a coincidence, she couldn't figure out who could use the C particle to rule people's minds, do this kind of thing like buying a box for a pearl, and directly take out the sovereignty and wait for someone to grab it.

Now this thing is only at the five-digit level, but after the management of the gods and the outside world, it is at least a three-digit gift, and two digits are not impossible.

Alpha is also a little confused and doesn't quite understand the current situation.

—But what does that have to do with her taunting the Halloween Queen?

Alpha smiled and said: "Oh, this kind of favor that confines people's hearts is not only hateful, but also anti-human. If we are still alive, we will definitely be the first to support the banning of this favor."

The Halloween Queen sipped her black tea.

...Alpha is annoying!

But she couldn't help it.

Her spatial ability is the best in Hakoniwa, but she was running human history before, and was accidentally taken by Alpha.

The initial alpha took the lead, and the price was—no matter how she manipulated the star-to-star realm, or wherever she jumped in space, in the next instant, she would return to the starting point, to the garden she was in now.

If she wasn't distracted thinking about human history, the battlefield between her and Alpha should be "How Alpha locks the Queen of Halloween".

Now, caught blind.

If you really want to say that she can't do anything, that's not the case, it's just a loss of the initiative. It's serious, but it's not completely irreparable.

But that's a matter of going all out.

Doing her best to clear the anchors where Alpha locks her, the Halloween Queen pouted, unhappy.

Taking a deep breath, the Queen of Halloween said lightly: "The favor of this C particle is very suitable for me. I admit that I am tempted. If you don't come to stop me, this sovereignty will indeed fall into my hands."

Alpha straightened up from the chair, his face full of shock: "Impossible, absolutely impossible, Halloween, I believe in you, this kind of grace that distorts the human self, how can a kind and upright person like you use it? Absolutely impossible!"

... Her face really deserves a beating!

thought the Queen of Halloween.

Slightly shaking her head, the Queen of Halloween said indifferently: "If someone creates the C particle and uses it to control people's hearts, then this must be my enemy-but the favor itself is innocent."

Alpha smiled and said, "Tools are innocent, but those who abuse them are guilty?"

"I've always thought so," said the Halloween Queen.

"...Such as Crow Bias?" Alpha asked again.

The Queen of Halloween fell silent.

Alpha shrugged, blast!

Not everyone is Indra. In the history of mankind, India was a colony of Daying, but the relationship between Indra and the Queen of Halloween is not too bad.

The relationship between the Queen of Halloween and the Gods of Kyushu is very bad.

Start with the Raven War.

The Kyushu gods are roughly divided into three systems. One is the Heavenly Court system headed by Haotian. Haotian disappeared shortly after becoming a double digit. class.

The second is the immortal system headed by Sanqing, which has absorbed some ancient immortals and gods, and has a deep overlap with the heavenly system.

The third is the humane system headed by Fire Cloud Palace... At the same time, this system is also recognized by the outside world as the strongest one in the Kyushu system.

From the history of mankind, the achievements are also the most.

There are also struggles within the gods of Kyushu, and even the battles between the gods and the gods are not clear, and they fall into chaos from time to time, and because the history of mankind and the history of mythology do not completely correspond, the history of mankind may be biased for some reason... …

For example, no one expected that the vegetable chicken, Rudaiqing, would really enter the Central Plains.

It can only be said that if the disciples and grandchildren of Confucius can have three parts of the backbone of the master, the generals and monarchs in the late Ming Dynasty will mainly have [-]% of the level of the Three Kingdoms period.

——Even with Qing himself, he didn't expect that he could enter the Central Plains.

Dai Qing accidentally won the fruit of victory, and knew that his family lacked supporters in the history of gods, so he simply closed the country and completely cut off the interference of the history of gods in Kyushu in the scope of human history-when facing the Queen of Halloween later, everyone It's a similar approach.

The seclusion of the country with Qing Dynasty was broken, starting from the Raven War.

The Queen of Halloween is naturally responsible, and she is mainly responsible, but her original intention at the time was actually just to attract foreign aid, and she just wanted to target Dai Qing.

In Little Garden at that time, the dystopian demon king was raging in the west area, and many god groups were contributing, but the Kyushu department was in a state of failure as a whole.

The reasons are of course the same.

Our Kyushu gods were seriously injured, did Genghis Khan know?The final trial of mankind... You said that was hundreds of years ago?The Ming Dynasty is dead?

Kyushu Shenqun said that they are all internal injuries, and to cope with the final trial of human beings, can't the internal injuries be serious?

And, didn't we just fight the Seven Days War not so long ago?The damage was heavy... You said that it only lasted seven days?

Kyushu Shenqun said that it was all said to be an internal injury. The monkey is the last earth star spirit, and I don’t know how many goddesses of the earth are standing behind it.

Among the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, only the Yellow Emperor participated in the anti-utopia front.

The Queen of Halloween only found out not long ago that Kyushu... at least the Immortal Department had cooperated with the dystopian demon king.

The Immortal Department and the Tianting Department basically wear a pair of pants, so it makes sense that Kyushu's overall performance is poor.

As for the Department of Humanity, Fuxi at that time was trying to guide the human history of Kyushu, and there were many problems with the human history of Kyushu at that time.

Shennong guarded the family, and the Yellow Emperor participated in the dystopian war. This help is basically in place.

But in the eyes of outsiders, only the Yellow Emperor himself participated in the dystopian war, compared to the size of the entire Kyushu... Isn't that troublesome?

The Yellow Emperor is not weak, but the entire Kyushu god group has put in this little effort, what else can it be if it is not bad?

According to the thinking of Hakoniwa God and Buddha at that time, this must be the fault of Dai Qing. The Kyushu Immortal God of Hakoniwa has a weak relationship with Kyushu in human history. In other words, the human history of Kyushu has a weak connection with the core of Hakoniwa.

The dystopian demon king is still in the West Zone, so it's none of our business in the East Zone?

The development of anti-utopian Lingge to the limit to seal Hakoni, is it related to the human history of our Kyushu?We are almost cut off from the Kyushu in human history. Interference in the past is difficult to pass on, and the achievements cannot be passed back.

Even if the dystopia succeeds, for Kyushu Immortals, it's just a matter of changing a little garden.

The weaker the relationship, the more convenient the follow-up cut. Even if the dystopia occupies Hakoniwa, even if the wind of decadence really comes, it will be a big deal to pay a certain price, and relatively speaking, the loss will be reduced.

At that time, some gods and Buddhas thought of a bad move.

——The history of human beings in Kyushu has gone astray. Now it is difficult for the gods of Kyushu to interfere with Kyushu in human history. Those three-digit figures who have a basic record in human history, don’t you want to do something?

Didn't Oikiyo resist the influence of Hakoniwa Shrine and Buddha on them?How many times have you rubbed and cleared the belt, won't it be enough to break this restraint?

In theory, this is feasible. If Kyushu gods and Buddhas can gain a lot of merit from human history, they should be more active in the crusade against dystopia.

But also only theory.

Everyone knows that this is a very offensive thing. When gods and Buddhas intend to interfere in human history, the results are quite different.

The gods and Buddhas in the box garden are naturally unwilling to provoke gods like Kyushu, but it is impossible to think that the power of gods and Buddhas in human history completely obeys their wishes.

Anyway, the pressure from the gods of Kyushu was the back of the gods and Buddhas in Little Garden, and the wealth plundered from Kyushu in human history was taken by those forces in human history.

Want to break Dai Qing's seclusion, so that the influence of the Kyushu gods can be passed on to human history, and at the same time, is it possible for the forces under their hands to do nothing to Kyushu Qiu?

It's bound to be a vendetta.

In Little Garden, no group of gods wants to be the first bird.

This early bird, who was still young at the time, became the Queen of Halloween.

In this world where the history of human history is bounded by the core of Hakoniwa, it is doomed to restrain Hakoniwa's restraint from development, and to be rubbed against the ground by other forces of human history.

And after the big bang, other countries successively invaded Daiqing.

——But the problem is, you are the first one.

The problem is that this decision was not made by the leader in human history, but by the Queen of Halloween at that time!

And, most importantly...

Why, since no one from the Immortal Department and the Heavenly Court Department will fight against the dystopian demon king, you will take action on the human history of Kyushu?

Are you out of your mind?The history of mankind is the territory of our Humane Department, and it is also our territory if we play it off. Our Humane Department is the chairman, and they are shareholders if they die.

Why don't you go to the Heavenly Palace or the Alchemy Furnace, you have to start with human history, right?

Since then, the relationship between the Queen of Halloween and the Gods of Kyushu has been very ordinary, and the relationship with the Humane Department has dropped to freezing point.

Chapter 19 Opportunities

Alpha tossed the silver hair of his shawl.

With Qianyan's current situation, she really didn't panic after the pot was broken.

The situation in Little Garden is complicated and confusing, because everyone is an old fritter with their own ideas.

From the two-digit and top-level three-digit numbers, randomly throwing dice and throwing two people out, the probability of having a feud is more than [-]%.

Most of the time, all the god groups know that it is best for the god group to follow the trend and gain a little bit of benefits. When doing things, most of the god groups value benefits.

Even if your ambition is lofty, your heart is pure, and your character is selfless, but they are all three digits, who can know that only if your fist is hard enough, will others be willing to sit down and listen to your reasoning?

Di Shitian distributed his spiritual status to other people, and he did not see him distribute the spiritual status indiscriminately, and the ones he distributed were all humans of the Indian lineage.

But if the gods and Buddhas really only focus on benefits, the situation in Hakoba will be clearer.

The problem is that many gods and Buddhas have some beliefs in their hearts. For this belief, most gods and Buddhas can take meritorious deeds from human history against their conscience, and they can tolerate small things.

It is similar to the fact that in ancient times, when the heroes competed for the throne, they clearly decided to become the emperor, but for the development of their own power, they could temporarily seek refuge with other princes, or even temporarily accept recruitment.

But if the red line that the gods and Buddhas stick to in their hearts is touched, these gods and Buddhas will turn their faces without hesitation.

The gods and Buddhas in the mixed box garden are very clear about a truth, the more they think that the important things to themselves, the less they can't expose them, otherwise they will be calculated to death just like that idiot Bai Yasha.

Shiroyasha is considered good, Shiroyasha's bottom line is Hakoniwa, and the gods and Buddhas are basically unlikely to really attack Hakoniwa.

If it is known that one of the 'power', 'wife', 'children', etc., is one that would rather die than give up...then the weakness is known by other gods and Buddhas, can it be good?

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