The two are highly correlated, but not identical.

The outside world of Hakoniwa is divided into a world attached to the view of mythology and history, and a world attached to the view of human history.

There are constraints among them-gods and Buddhas cannot appear in the world of human history.

This is also why gods and Buddhas were unable to crusade against the final trial. Hakoniwa is the converging point of the outside world, but the final trial of human beings is rooted in human history.

If there is a world of human history that deviates from the confinement of Hakoniwa, only dragons and protoss can go to the corresponding world to correct the direction of the world, and gods cannot reach the world of human history.

A small number of gods who are not strong can still find ways to sneak in, but if the gods are too strong, or there are too many—the world will be destroyed.

It's not just the four-digit and five-digit gods of the starburst level that burst the world, but the wind of decadence descends and clears offenders.

Outside Hakoniwa, the forces in the human history part basically have the support of gods and Buddhas behind them, but the national-level forces in the human history part are not puppets of Hakoniwa gods and Buddhas.

Hakoniwa gods and Buddhas can influence human history, but they cannot directly interfere with human history. It is difficult for gods and Buddhas to enter the world of pure human history view attributes, and they may encounter decadence if they are exposed.

There is no doubt that Qianyan is the funder behind Millikin, but it is nonsense to say that Qianyan can completely control this level of national power.

It seems that the world of Hengsha exists in the country of Millikin, and there are many ghosts in its heart!

Thousand eyes are strong?

Powerful gods and Buddhas cannot enter the world of human history.

Thousand Eyes has double-digit powerhouses?

Sorry, let alone the world of human history, double-digit powerhouses, in theory, can't even enter the world of gods' history.

The two-digit number can be operated illegally to some extent, as long as it is not discovered by the Hakoniwa core, but in case it is discovered...

Hakoniwa Core will let you know why Hakoniwa's strongest is decadent style.

In Little Garden, the two-digit standard is full power, confining one's own power to oneself.

To put it simply, if Hakoniwa is regarded as a country, the three-digit enterprise is the pillar enterprise in the country, and the enterprise is three-digit, but it also belongs to the country-the two-digit enterprise takes its own property, completely separates from the country, and establishes a country .

It can also be said to be treason.

The core of Hakoniwa has no self-awareness, but it follows fixed rules. Those double digits are all traitors in the judgment of Hakoniwa Core, and they are enemies that need to be sanctioned.

——Shiroyasha is an exception,

If the double digits make some small moves, the Hakoniwa core will not be able to detect them, and if the movement is too large, the Hakoniwa core will not be polite.

The logic between Hakoniwa's core and the two-digit number is not "how much you interfere with Hakoniwa's affairs, you have to pay the price", but "You thief who cut my flesh, give me back what was stolen from me".

The two-digit number was not disguised by the spiritual status, but was sensed by the core of Hakoniwa, and the door was blocked by the decadent wind of the two-digit number at the beginning.

In Little Garden, most of the gods and Buddhas are pursuing to become double digits, but there are also strong people who do not pursue to become stronger, but have other goals.

Such as Utopia, such as Datong, such as everyone is like a dragon, etc., these people do not want to break through double digits.

Most of the three-digit gods and Buddhas are difficult to break through, but there are very few three-digit gods and Buddhas who don't want to break through.

Hakoniwa is the stage, the three-digit and four-digit actors are actors, and the two-digit dancers jump off the stage.

But the two digits are not the director, the director is the core of Hakoniwa who has no self-awareness. When Hakoniwa was created, all the gods and Buddhas formulated the rules according to the situation at that time.

The two digits jumped out of the stage, except for the very few opportunities reserved at the beginning, it is not even possible to interfere with Little Garden.

Gods and Buddhas who do not pursue their own growth but pursue other things will naturally not become double digits.

In Di Shitian's view, the two-digit number is strong, but it is also subject to heavy constraints.

A big power can’t do without double digits. Without double digits, it can only act according to Hakoniwa’s rules. With double digits, it can violate the rules. Although violations are risky, there is such a possibility, which is extremely important in the gift game.

But for one side, even if there are too many double digits.

One two-digit number is enough, anyway, no matter whether it is one or two, it is not strong enough to be decadent.

It is better to keep the top triple digits who are capable of becoming double digits, and it is better to develop power in Little Garden.


Two digits are similar to nuclear weapons, too many are useless, but more top three digits are more conducive to the development of power.

Many forces in Little Garden are in the 2+3 mode.

Gaia in Greece is the big boss, the 2 in 3+3.

The three-digit Gaia wanted to build Hakoniwa and lead the history of mankind to a bright future. He never planned to become a two-digit number. Later, something happened to the two-digit Greek gods, and Gaia also had an accident-only from three Gaia inherited part of the star power, and Typhon was easily promoted to double digits.

The 2nd in Buddhism is Sakyamuni, and the 3rd is Maitreya.

There's something special about the biblical pantheon.

The Huaxia god system is mainly divided into two factions. In the Sanqing, the two-digit number is Taishang, and the three-digit number is Yuanshi. The existence of Lingbao is also a bit special, so it cannot be theorized as usual.

The three emperors are all three digits, and the two digits in this series are Nuwa who graduated from the name of the three emperors.

Double digits are strong but strong, but Hakoniwa's core is stronger. Only in rare times, for special reasons, can double digits be on the stage of Hakoniwa.

It is true that those who are qualified to break through the double digits are the top gods and Buddhas, but if two of the forces in one party have the ability to break through the double digits, basically only one will break through, and it will be the relatively weaker one.

Leave the one with the stronger personal ability to plan in Little Garden.

After breaking through the double digits, he basically bid farewell to Hakoniwa. He is just a pendant of violations on weekdays, and his failure to be on the stage is not just a mere talk.

For example, Qianyan, two goddesses with two double digits-this is not a good thing at all.

Keeping three-digit powerhouses who are qualified to become double-digits in Little Garden, Qianyan will develop faster and gain more achievements.

But helplessly, with only a two-digit powerhouse, there was no chance of winning against the White Night King at that time, and the existence of Bai Ye at that time inhibited the development of Thousand Eyes—even though Bai Ye himself did not realize it.

The two top game organizers in Thousand Eyes could only reach double digits to win the Bai Ye at that time.

Originally, Hakoniwa could not fully control the progress of human history in the outside world. The two leaders of Thousand Eyes both became double digits, and their control over external national forces further declined.


Di Shitian thought, you Qianyan is indeed the investor behind Millikin, right?

Then this pot, you can't get rid of it.

This entry point is really good.

Those who have the ability and reason to take action against no name, that is, those few, without clear evidence, none of them can move, otherwise it will be Hakoniwa crisis.

But isn't that the proof?

Even if you have 1 reasons, it will not change that the sovereignty of this virus is in the hands of Millikin, and it cannot change that you, Qianyan, are the funder of Millikin.

Di Shitian observed the scene for a moment, suddenly startled, and his tone changed.

"Of course, I also know that you Qianyan also has difficulties with Qianyan, and you can't completely control Mi Lijian."

Among the two goddesses, Alpha, who was outside the master, was slightly silent. She didn't think that Di Shitian would excuse her.

"Then please, Mr. Alpha, explain to me, a useless god...why are there illegal operations here?"

Di Shitian's face was cold - hey, I pretended.

"Ordinary games can violate the rules, but the rabbit's ears are connected to the box garden. In the game of the black rabbit referee, there will be no violations when the game is established..."

Di Shitian said indifferently: "I checked the Akasha records. The contestant of the game died a day ago. The murderer, the Akasha records do not show."

"This is not a game at all, but it is established."

Di Shitian said indifferently: "...Except for two-digit illegal operation, which interferes with the Hakoniwa rules, there is no other possibility, right?"

"The sovereignty of the virus is in the hands of Millikin, and Thousand Eyes can shirk it, but Milliken can't find any other double digits?"

Di Shitian quietly glanced at Bai Yasha.

Damn, can it really be possible for 30 years in Hexi and 30 years in Hedong?That Bai Ye, who was once so stupid and cute, managed to find a way to bury the twin goddesses?

How on earth did she complete an illegal operation that only a two-digit level could achieve with a four-digit spiritual level?

Bai Yasha's behavior beforehand was too strange, no one would really believe that it was the twin goddesses attacking no name, but using this as a reason to blame the twin goddesses is all unexplainable evidence.

I'm not sure if you Qianyan attacked No Name back then, but either you two are responsible, or you two come up with other clues...

Di Shitian said indifferently: "Compared to you two-figure gods, I, the master of the heavenly army, may not be able to catch your eyes... Do you mind if I find a few more people to uphold justice?"

Di Shitian started to make contacts, but it was not easy to put pressure on the twin goddesses by himself, so Di Shitian decided to shake people.

At the same time, I sighed in my heart——Bai Ye, you are unreliable in your work, you said it was this kind of situation, you have shaken everyone up, and today you can make the two goddesses vomit blood.

Di Shitian used a secret route to contact reliable comrades in arms.

Little ones, hurry up and invite you to play the big one today.

Bai Ye invited him, isn't it a surprise?Are you happy?

White Yaksha pondered for a moment.

Cold hands and feet.

ps: Only the largest-grown dragon species and the highest-level protoss can compete head-on with the simulated star creation map. This is the content of the original work, and there are no gods.

ps: Di Shitian, you are the person who commands the Heavenly Army, and is also the person entrusted by the Yellow Emperor with the authority of the Heavenly Emperor, so how...

This is the original text.

This does not mean that the Yellow Emperor was once the Lord of the Heavenly Army, but there is such a possibility. The authority of the Heavenly Emperor cannot refer to the Yellow Emperor letting Di Shitian come to Kyushu to be the Lord of the God Department, right?That's okay too.

The authority of the Emperor of Heaven may refer to the authority to command the Heavenly Army.

It is mentioned in the original book that the Yellow Emperor participated in the dystopian war, but there is no detailed information...

At least in this book, the Yellow Emperor was the former master of the Heavenly Army. After the dystopian demon king appeared, he left his job to Di Shitian and ran to the dystopian front by himself.

No.17 Chapter Exciting General ①

Two digits, Thousand Eyes headquarters.

In a gothic room, the white-haired loli frowned.

The leader of Thousand Eyes, the Alpha of the beginning, and the Omega of the end.

Regardless of the essence of its spirituality, since the definition of beginning and end is borrowed, there will naturally be some manifestations of this definition in the body.

Alpha looks like a young white-haired loli, while Omega is a mature and sexy black silk big sister.

Alpha solemnly declares that she is the elder sister who looks younger.

According to the original development plan between the sisters, as the younger sister, Omega will become a two-digit number, and she will retain a three-digit spiritual power to be active in Hakoniwa and develop Thousand Eyes.

It's important to be a double digit, but the inside of Hakoniwa is even more important.

Little Garden is the converging point of countless worlds. If you make achievements in Little Garden, you can converge to the outside world in equal proportions.

In Little Garden, two-digit numbers are not allowed to appear on the stage of history, and three-digit numbers are also restricted miserably. Harvesting together, this constraint is not worth mentioning.

Trying to conquer the final trial of human beings in Hakoniwa and saving the world once is equivalent to saving the world once in a world with countless Ganges sands within the confinement range of Hakoniwa.

How big of an achievement is this?

Without the confinement of Hakoniwa's core, even if the two-digit and three-digit powerhouses are strong, how many years will it take to walk in this world with as many sands in the Ganges River once?

Even if the double digits are very strong, they can't be like the core of Hakoniwa, confining the countless worlds outside. Even if the double digits can't be on the stage of Hakoniwa, they still interfere with Hakoniwa in various ways.

Hakoniwa is the basic two-digit market.

Little Gardens can be destroyed and rebuilt. Gathering the power of more than half of the gods can create a new Little Garden and create a new converging point—in fact, there are indeed quite a few double digits who intend to create a new Little Garden.

Among them are her and Omega.

There is no way, because she met Bai Ye, and her younger sister alone can't handle it, so she has to become a double digit as an older sister.

Qianyan's two top game organizers have become double digits, and there is no three-digit number that can provoke the mainstay. This kind of Hakoniwa rule that double digits cannot be on stage is somewhat unfavorable to Qianyan.

Three digits is the limit of Hakoniwa, but it is also three digits. The gap between the strong and the weak is greater than that of humans and dogs.

Double digits are beyond Hakoniwa's limit, but while double digits are strong, for some triple digits it's just a thin line.

——For example, this Di Shitian who clearly wanted to blame her.

Alpha knew that Di Shitian did have the capital not to be afraid of her. As the top three digits, Di Shitian had completed a certain amount of preparations.

Just like Bai Yasha is only four digits now, but can return to two digits at any time after activating the theory of Tiandong, Di Shitian is somewhat similar.

Indra, also known as Indra, was once the king of gods in India, but with the progress of human history, his status has gradually declined. Although he is still regarded as the king of gods, he is below Brahma. He became one of the guardians of Buddhism.

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