He didn't see clearly until he came here again.

The sky is round and the earth is a theory put forward very early, so most of the mirrors here are square, because they represent the earth.

And the mirror in front of him obviously represents the sky, and only with the sky and the earth can a world be created.

This mirror is also very strong to the touch, unlike the previous one, which can be broken at will.

"Come on, take me to the next floor!"

Su Bai looked at the mirror, and a force poured into it.

But the mirror in front of him didn't open any channel, but spit out a small perfectly round mirror.

After Su Bai caught it, he was brought into a strange place in an instant.

Everything in this place is reversed, and this is a mirror world.

The sky at this time is a huge mirror, Su Bai looked up at the sky.

It shows every picture of him from entering this world.

In the classroom, he saw the surprised expression of Fatty and the world for the first time.

Later, he practiced step by step, avoided hunting, successfully passed the college entrance examination, and entered the capital.

As if looking at flowers on a horse, all the things he experienced before were reviewed on the mirror.

In the end, the picture freezes at the moment of his death.

At the moment when Bu Zhoushan turned into a huge mountain, and the overwhelming momentum destroyed him, the picture paused.

Chapter 372 Punishment?no it's enjoyment

Su Bai died at the age of twenty!

Seeing the huge handwriting appearing in the sky, Su Bai wished he could burn this place down.

However, at this moment, Su Bai noticed something.

He had died once before in Ragnarok, but that time was not defined as death.

But here, he was defined as dead.

It seems that even if you die in the Twilight Land of the Gods, you may not be able to enter reincarnation or enter the underworld.

That place is indeed mysterious.

Now that he died in the underworld, even though he was resurrected, it can be considered as a lifetime, so there is this review.

This time Su Bai didn't panic, this place looks very fake.

His body can't feel any sense of reality, it's obviously a false world.

It seems that this is the world of evil mirror, reviewing a person's life, and then assigning hell.

But before there was always a judge by his side, now Su Bai has no one around, at most he can only check.

Sure enough, after the pause, the whole world went dark.

Su Bai opened his eyes again and returned to the fourth floor, he was still holding the mirror.

"Brother, can you take me to the fifth floor?"

Lan Jingting came over at some point, there were many people around Su Bai, but no one spoke to him.

Everyone is afraid of something, maybe it is the soul-killing knife beside Su Bai.

Maybe they didn't care about it before, but when Su Bai mentioned the amnesty, everyone suddenly began to cherish their own lives.

Now they dare not do anything to Su Bai, for fear of offending Su Bai by accident.

"I think so too, but it's unlikely, there probably won't be room for you on the floor below."

Lan Jingting seemed to be aware of this problem too, now the places that no one has assigned are so crowded, let alone the lower floors that were already full before.

For a while, she also fell into confusion, because even if there is hope but no time, it is a very painful thing.

"All right, I want to ask you what the outside world looks like now."

Because she was a little familiar with Su Bai, Lan Jingting began to be curious about the outside world.

The era she lived in should no longer be clear, and she herself has forgotten it.

Now she just wants to know the situation outside, and she will have more confidence in the future.

Hearing this question, all the surrounding spirits were ready to listen.

"Outside, let's wait for you to experience it yourself."

A passage appeared in front of Su Bai, and he entered it without hesitation.

He didn't want to tell those people that there might be a war in the outside world, that would be murderous.

The turmoil in the Three Realms should be a certainty, and now this group of people entering reincarnation is just to completely balance the situation.

Watching Su Bai disappear, the world fell into silence again.

Everyone is looking forward to what the new world will look like.

Su Bai who entered the fifth floor was very helpless.

This dilapidated place is really crowded. Fortunately, the spirits here don't need to sleep, and there is no house or anything, otherwise they really can't let it go.

The people here are all talkative people. They usually gossip, spread rumors, frame, slander, and insult.

After this kind of person dies, he is thrown into the steamer hell and put into the steamer to be steamed.Not only that, after steaming, the cold wind blows, reshape the human body, and brings it into the tongue-pulling hell.

Steamer Hell, as the name suggests, has several giant steamer baskets in the middle.

There is nothing to love about life outside, but the people inside the steamer enjoy it.

It is a kind of pastime to be punished in this place. Boredom is the most painful punishment for a long time.

Many people were sent to the Tongue Pulling Hell before, and entered the second and third floors again.

Later, it was completely frozen, and the number of people here has never decreased, and it has always been so many.

After all, there are too many people who were born to make this kind of mistake, so even leaving can't reduce the number of people in this place.

This is also the largest place among all hells, because there are so many people.

There is a strange smell floating in the air, this is the smell of transpiring spiritual body.

If it was placed outside, it would probably smell like steamed meat, but the spirit body here has no physical body, only a strange smell emanating from it.

This place looks much better than the fourth floor, at least the people here have received enough punishment.

They still have hope of getting out, so they won't despair.

Seeing Su Bai approaching, an old man came over.

"Young man, do you want to take a sauna?"

Su Bai smiled wryly, the old man called a steamer punishment a sauna, where would he save face?

But the spirits in this place really took this punishment as a sauna.

"No, I have to hurry!"

"Hurry up?

Now that you're here, do you still want to leave?

I'm afraid you don't know that you can only enter the first floor here. "

Su Bai knew that this place could lead to the first floor, but now there is no one on the first floor, so it is impossible to connect.

So what the old man said was actually very one-sided.

"Hurry up and integrate into our life and enjoy life."

The old man tried to enter the crowd, but because there were too many people, he tried several times without success.

He smiled awkwardly, "Of course, it all depends on one's ability."

This time Su Bai was very uncomfortable, because there were no huge stones or blood-red writing in the place he arrived at.

There are only a few huge steamers that can be seen here, and the flames below are burning day and night.

The water in the cauldron seems to never boil dry, and the heat inside is always abundant.

Looking at the burning flames, Su Bai could even think of the scene of the hell below.

This flame should have been passed up from the hell below. The flames that burn day and night make this place extremely hot.

It is already very uncomfortable not to enter the steamer, let alone enter the steamer.

"Boy, help me."

The old man really couldn't squeeze in, so he could only worry at the edge of the crowd.

Seeing this situation, Su Bai didn't hesitate at all, just grabbed the old man's arm, turned around and threw it out forcefully.

The old man turned 360 degrees in the air and successfully fell on the steamer, showing an expression of enjoyment.

Not everyone can enter the steamer, because there is only one passage, and it takes luck to jump into the steamer.

If you are unlucky and fall directly into the flames, the burning pain is not the enjoyment in the steamer.

The fire here will not destroy any spirit beings, it will only increase the pain.

The spirit body burned by the flame will be in a state of being burned for tens of thousands of years.

So the people in this steamer are seeking wealth and wealth.

"They can't jump here at all, the spirit body is under great constraints."

"Then how did they get into the steamer for punishment?" Su Bai was curious.

"The previous judge would build a bridge of steam, which can be regarded as making the punished feel the pain in advance."

A man appeared in front of Su Bai's eyes, with a long scar on his face that was extremely ferocious.

Chapter 373 Seeing Zhan Seventeen Again

steam bridge?

Su Bai already has a sense of pictures.

This thing must be hot.

But now this group of guys actually enjoy this, which makes Su Bai a little confused.

The man with the scar looked a little powerful here, and no one dared to approach him within a meter of him.

"You guys are actually alright here, it's the ones on the upper level who are desperate."

Su Bai said to the man with the scar, he thought this man was quite interesting.

Hearing Su Bai's words, the man with the scar immediately realized something.

Indeed, the people on the upper tier are the most desperate.

They have all received punishment at least, as long as the reincarnation is recast one day, they still have a chance to go out.

But the people in the evil mirror hell, who wasted so much time in vain, are indeed innocent and pitiful.

"Our place belongs to the middle position, and the flames below are all burning here."

The man with the scar seemed to be a little familiar with this place, so he actually introduced it to Su Bai.

It seems that it is also because I haven't seen a new face for so long, and I want to communicate.

"You still know the following things?" Su Bai was a little surprised. It stands to reason that the group of spirit bodies probably only remember their own layers, and there should be very few introductions from outside.

After all, there are still some mysteries in the underworld. I didn't expect this man with the scar to understand it so well.

"Have studied it, can people who live on the tip of a knife not know these things?"

Before his death, he was actually a person similar to a gangster, but he seldom used hands.

More things are to make suggestions, as a military division type of person.

But it is inevitable to live in this kind of place and offend people, and the scar on his face is also caused by offending people.

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