He is him, these colorful things are traces of history, they are all collections from ancient times to the present, but Su Bai doesn't need him.

It is enough for him to live in his own life. He is not a god and there is no need to know so many things.

Responsible?That's not what he should do.

His life should not be arranged by history, everyone should have their own way.


Su Bai roared angrily, and the surrounding people who kept approaching him trembled and froze in place.

It seemed to be startled by Su Bai's tremor.

The whoosh sound came out again, and the colorful lights didn't leave, but they attacked more fiercely.

They attempted to launch a strong attack directly, and wanted to completely assimilate Su Bai, so that they could become the guards of this place.

The long river of history needs to be guarded by guardians, otherwise the book of history will be lost again, and everything will lose its color.

And Su Bai happened to be the one who had been in contact with the lost piece for a long time, so the book of history spared no effort to keep Su Bai.

"Sorry, I still have my own way to go."

At this moment, another thing fell from Su Bai's body.

It is a four-square treasure seal.

It exudes a hazy chaotic color, assimilating all the surrounding colors.

Primordial Qi was separated from it and merged into the long river of history.

The originally violent river of history calmed down in an instant.

The book of history no longer shines brightly, but becomes milder.

"Understand the power of chaos, experience the aura of the primordial, and the way of heaven descends, which cannot be destroyed forever!"

A voice from ancient times suddenly sounded, and the voice directly entered Su Bai's thoughts, and there was no way to avoid it.

It was clearly something he couldn't see, but he could clearly feel it.

The source of the avenue seems not far away from him, but it seems that he will never reach it.

Su Bai sensed the surrounding environment and fell into a deep sleep.

His body gradually recovered under the influence of primordial energy, and the original space also returned to its proper appearance.

After a while, Su Bai woke up.

Stretching his waist, he hadn't slept so comfortably for a long time.

The state of the body is actually incomparably good, as if surpassing everything before.

"The Sifang Baoyin actually contains the energy of chaos, which is an energy that existed earlier than the creation of the world."

Thinking of these, Su Bai suddenly realized that what he had obtained could not be underestimated.

A broken rock that looks like nothing is actually part of the history books.

An ugly-looking Sifang Baoyin actually has this energy, and now he wonders if he is blind.

Su Bai rubbed his eyes vigorously, really blinded his big bright eyes for nothing.

Sighing, Su Bai looked around.

Fortunately, the surroundings have returned to their original appearance.

Su Bai walked to the door and stretched out his hand to open the door, and there was actually another space inside.

Without delay, Su Bai stepped in directly.

Looking from a distance, Su Bai saw something that he will never forget.

The Great Wall actually exists, and it's just underground.

This space is infinite, and the Great Wall stretches away, as if it doesn't know the end.

This Great Wall is not an ordinary Great Wall. It is not only built of bluestone and sand, but also contains many bones and weapons.

It doesn't look like it was built at all, but it looks like a magnificent scene created by countless people who sacrificed their lives when resisting some kind of enemy.

There is no trace of any blood, but the skull and the skeleton of the body exist. These bones are not only of alien beasts, but more of humans.

What is the Great Wall built underground guarding?

Su Bai could already imagine how vast the Great Wall is, as if it were a miracle.

Su Bai thought of what the First Emperor had said before.

"I will rule the six kingdoms, and the world will be unified. I will build the Great Wall to town the dragon veins of Kyushu, defend our Great Qin, and protect our country."

The Great Wall was used to suppress the dragon veins of Kyushu.

As the first emperor, it is of course incumbent on us to keep the dragon veins of Kyushu and not be taken over by other races.

Moreover, with the protection of the dragon veins of Kyushu, his great cause has become more consolidated.

If you don't suppress it, you can't stabilize the dragon veins of Kyushu. Once the power of the dragon veins is lost, the loss will be infinite.

The first to suffer must be the common people. The advantages of suppressing the dragon veins outweigh the disadvantages.

"I swear here in the name of the First Emperor: When I am here, I will guard the land and open up the borders, wipe out the barbarians, and establish the foundation of my great Qin forever! When I die, I will also become a dragon soul and protect my China forever. This oath, The sun and the moon are the witnesses, the heaven and the earth learn from each other, and the immortals, demons and gods listen to it."

With these words, Su Bai guessed that the first emperor was planning to use his body to suppress the dragon veins of Kyushu after his death. After all, his mausoleum was built at the beginning of the Great Wall.

It is still possible to resist foreign enemies by connecting his power of the first emperor.

But thinking of the sun, moon and stars in the hall, Su Bai once again looked at the oath in this sentence.

The sun and the moon serve as a mirror, and the world and the earth share a mirror. It is unavoidable that there are some suspicions of shirking responsibility after death.

But since he built the mausoleum here, it proves that his oath is still being kept.

Being able to be the first emperor of the first generation certainly has no reputation.

"The place is found, but where is the Dragon Vein Jade Seal?"

Chapter 321

The Great Wall is used to suppress the existence of the dragon veins of Kyushu.

Now that the Great Wall has been found, what about the dragon veins?

As far as the eye can see, there is a continuous Great Wall, and nothing else exists.

"Who is good at breaking into the starting point of the Great Wall?"

A huge man appeared out of nowhere, he looked at least two meters tall, and his body was unusually burly and strong.

And the sound is loud, like a big horn.

"Dare to ask your Excellency?"

The person in front of him must be alive, definitely not dead.

Su Bai dares to be sure of this.

But meeting living people here, Su Bai really saw a ghost.

It just felt like something wasn't quite right there.

"My surname is Bai."

As soon as Su Bai heard this surname, he was immediately interested. His name itself has the word Bai in it, and Bai Jingjing is also surnamed Bai.

He and the person surnamed Bai are still very destined.

Looking at the big man, Su Bai even needed to raise his head to feel more comfortable.

"Do you have the Emperor Shi Huang's handwriting when you enter here?"

Su Bai shook his head, what to say about this thing.

The first emperor has been dead for so many years, where did he steal it?

This guy doesn't feel right talking.

"Then you can't enter here, and no one can step into the Beacon Tower without the order of the First Emperor."

"Hasn't he been dead for many years? Where can I find the handbook?"

When the big man heard Su Bai's words, his eyes lit up instantly.

Seems to have found something interesting.

"Oh, yes, you have been dead for many years, so you are a grave robber?"

"No, I'm just here to pick up something."

He doesn't rob tombs, and he doesn't even want to come here. If Bu Zhoushan wasn't too powerful, he wouldn't come here to send them off.

He was allowed to study in this crappy place, and he hated this place to death.

"Take what?"

"Dragon Vein Jade Seal!!!"

Su Bai didn't hide anything, it was completely unnecessary at this time, this person might still know some news.


"Don't make a fuss, it's been so long, don't you realize that Kyushu is not what it used to be?"

"And your surname is Bai, you should have participated in the affairs of the underworld, right?"

Hearing Su Bai's words, the big man laughed foolishly, as if he was embarrassed by someone discovering some secret.

He scratched the back of his head with his hands, and looked at Su Bai with some embarrassment.

"No, it's none of your business!"

"I know a girl named Bai Jingjing, she is from the Bai family, so I am very friendly to anyone surnamed Bai."

Su Bai suspected that this person might be Bai Jingjing's ancestor, but there was no evidence.

But just now he didn't deny going to the underworld, so it should be true.

"The black and the white are always the same in the underworld, are you the Bai family and the Hei family right?"

"Hahaha, let's get to know each other again, my name is Bai Xiong."

Bai Xiong stretched out his huge palm and looked at Su Bai.

Su Bai's hand stretched out, it was really quite different from his.

"I am the ancestor of the Bai family. I was invited by the first emperor to help guard the dragon veins of Kyushu."

"Many people have come to our Bai family, but I am the only one left here."

It turned out that everyone rushed back because of the affairs of the underworld, but Bai Xiong was forced to stay here because of his strong fighting power.

This left behind is countless years.

Back then, the underworld was worried about reincarnation, so it planned to use the power of Kyushu to revive the wind of reincarnation.

But the dragon veins of Kyushu were suppressed, but reincarnation was forced to be abandoned.

"Back then, our ancestor Bai Qi fought for the Qin State, and in the end, he made great achievements in the battle."

"But our Bai family has signed a relationship with the underworld, and no one can die directly."

"The stronger the strength, the greater the curse."

When Bai Xiong mentioned Bai Qi, the God of Killing, Su Bai was immediately interested.

Su Bai had heard of Bai Qi's murder of tens of thousands of people.

He has been regretting this incident since then, maybe there is something hidden in it.

"What was the purpose of killing 10,000+ people back then?"

Bai Xiong was stunned for a moment, with a slightly unkind expression on his face.

He doesn't want to hear such things, and some people believe in such things as murdering tens of thousands of people.

"Although he killed many people, this order is not up to him."

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