Is the devil so stingy?

"I don't believe that the devil is so stingy, it must be a special test."

A middle-aged man in a tuxedo stepped out of the crowd.

He is from the Yan family in the Southern Territory, and in the eyes of many people, he is considered a relatively powerful person.

What he said was a bit weighty, and no one came out to question it for a while.

I saw Yan Zhong strode to the gate, stretched out his hand and lightly touched the light curtain.


boom! ! ! !

People are gone!

When everyone looked over, there was only a broken tuxedo left on the ground.

"Ahem, sorry, I didn't control the heat well."

The murloc poked his head out and glanced outside, without the slightest apology in his tone.

Instead, he looked like he was watching a play. Now, there won't be any idiots coming over to test him, right?

Don't say it, it's really gone.

Everyone just wants to enter it safely. After all, even if they can't become a demon god, everyone doesn't want to be a grinded existence.

"If I am satisfied with the things I take out, I can go in. If you are not satisfied, you will have no chance."

"That is to say, you can take out as much as you think this trial is worth."

The murloc's words clearly told everyone present that he saw someone ordering dishes.

Wang Hai suddenly rushed out from the crowd, and when he saw the murloc, his eyes were filled with fiery presence.

Sure enough, that place is now this place.

"I am willing to produce ten king-level materials."

He showed a very respectful look, and looked at the murloc a little obsequiously.

The corner of the murloc's mouth curled up, showing an extremely strange expression.

"Wow, wow, how dare you take such a thing?"

"Go away, you have no chance."

Crowd: ? ? ?

how?Without it, there is no chance?

Everyone suddenly envied the fat man who was thrown in just now.

This guy was obviously framed by someone, but in the end the two levels were reversed. Who can I ask for reasoning?

Seeing everyone's puzzled looks, the murloc spoke again.

"Everyone, I just don't like him, you can increase the price."

On how one sentence can make everyone depressed.

Wang Hai wanted to die when he heard it, and the others wanted to cry.

Isn't this shit just an act of robbers?

Except for not killing people and stealing goods, it feels all right.

But everyone dared to be angry and dare not speak out, what kind of existence is a scum?

At least there is a scum, isn't it?

But Yan Zhong just now didn't even have any scum, who wouldn't be afraid?


The fat man staggered to his feet, and when he looked up, he saw an acquaintance.

"Bai Jingjing?"

"You were also plotted against and thrown in?"

Bai Jingjing looked at the fat man in bewilderment, is this guy even worse?

Why did you start talking nonsense during the day?

"I'm waiting for Su Bai, didn't you come here to find Su Bai?"

"What? Is Su Bai here?"

The fat man looked around in surprise, he didn't even know where this place was.

He was able to come here because his father's teacher brought him here, saying that it was a place of trial, and his opportunity was here.

It seems that there is nothing in this place.

Could it be?

Is Bai Jingjing his chance?

Or the person next to him?

Fatty always feels that these two are neither, he has nothing to do with women.

"Yes, Su Bai entered a certain space and hasn't come out for a long time."

"Uh, I heard that this place is the place where the gods and demons are tested. Is Su Bai undergoing the trials of the gods and demons?"

Fatty doesn't know anything, but he has ears after all, so he can still hear the gossip around him clearly.

Moreover, this place is obviously just a plain. Fatty didn't see where the trial of gods and demons was.

Bai Jingjing didn't have any problems here, which proved that there was no danger in this place.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Before Bai Jingjing could speak, Bai Can had already spoken, and she already hated Su Bai deeply.

Didn't bring her with him, just threw her out like that?Mad.

Why does this kind of person participate in the trial of gods and demons?

The most important thing is, why did she go, why didn't she take her?

"you're right!"

The fat man has learned an essence. As long as a girl seems very angry to refute you, you only need to agree with her point of view.

Only in this way can he and the other party calm down, otherwise his suffering for so many years will really be in vain.

On how a man can be alone in a college with a majority of female students.

Fatty did it.

Not just his appearance, but also his destiny.

There is no safe place for a lonely boat, how can it stand among ten thousand mansions?

He is pursuing his own way. His father told him that the night dyed the sky red, and the brilliance of the flower of life lies in having no regrets in his heart.

"You are so useless!"


Fatty was upset when he said something. He was upset.

But looking back, he found a familiar figure.

"You are really here!"


Su Bai looked at several people helplessly. He had just experienced a life-and-death experience, and suddenly found that all the friends around him were still there, and he felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

"You came out!!!"

"Why don't you take me!!! Hmph!"

Both girls looked at Su Bai with concern, but their tones were completely different.

Bai Jingjing cared with worry, while Bai Can paid attention with resentment.

"Haha, the strong are really provocative everywhere."

"Fatty, what are you talking about here, you single dog?"

The fat man who was still watching the show calmed down instantly, the person in front of him was Su Bai.

What is he talking about?

"Sorry to disturb the world of the three of you."


Accompanied by the fat man's wailing, the unreality in Su Bai's heart finally dissipated.

The illusions and experiences he experienced just now made Su Bai almost think that he had finished his whole life, death and rebirth, past and future.

When he woke up, he had already appeared in this grassland.

He knew that he should have failed, and he didn't get out of that state.

This place is not easy.

"By the way, have you seen the members of the Hong family?"

Chapter 188 Meeting Zhan Xinxue Again

"The Hong family?"

Su Bai was a little surprised when he heard the fat man's words.

"Hongyuan and her family all threw themselves into the well and sacrificed."

"What!" Bai Jingjing was shocked.

The moment was full of sadness, and the eyes were filled with tears.

"Don't cry, is there anyone in charge here, I'll ask."

When Su Bai saw Bai Jingjing crying, he was instantly scared.

But this place is obviously a bit like the No. 0 space he entered for the first time, maybe the murloc is still there.

"Did you see the murloc?"

"Yes, a big fish head."

Hearing Bai Can's words, Su Bai comforted Bai Jingjing, and then went to the door alone.

Before he got there, he saw a golden fish head smiling cheaply.

"Old blind man!"


The golden murloc was stunned when he saw Su Bai.

"Where did you fail?"


The old blind man nodded, he was still very happy when he looked at Su Bai.

As if thinking of something, he looked at Su Bai eagerly.

"Have you experienced the snow mountain?"

"Well, it's over."

"That's fine, as long as you get it."

In the whole trial, only the one obtained by Su Bai was unowned, the only one among the eleven levels that could be taken away.

In the trial of the demon god, it is carried out randomly.

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