Anyway, all members of [Gongshangjiao Zhengyu] have arrived in the magic capital.

Station B knew that Miku had problems with his legs and feet, so he was going to pick up Miku from the extreme east to the flower planter at the airport.

In order not to expose the fact that she is in the flower planter and not in the extreme east, Miku refused to send someone from station B to pick her up, but told the other party that Bai Sumu and the others would come to pick her up.

"Whoa, what a big bed! So soft! So comfortable!"

Once in the room, Luo Tianyi jumped onto the bed and lay on her stomach.

"Look at your unpromising appearance. Put your things away. Hei, Bai Sumu and Longya said they received Miku, and they will be right back. They are going to go down for dinner."

Yan He patted Luo Tianyi, and the latter stroked his butt with an "oops".

"Fat, dirty."

Luo Tianyi had a teasing look on his face.

"What are you talking about. Get up, get up, don't lie on your stomach, lazy pig."

Yan He grabbed Luo Tianyi's wrist, trying to make this slob who suffered from intermittent paralysis at a young age stand up again.

"The bed is too soft, I can't get up."

After Luo Tianyi said so, he still cooperated with him and pulled her up.

Although the bed was big, soft, and comfortable, she still felt that dry rice tasted better when lying on the bed.

Food is the most important thing for the people. You can sleep for a day without sleep, but you can't go without food for a day.

Dry rice must be dry, not only dry, but also dry like a rice bucket.

"When will they come back, I'm hungry."

Luo Tianyi rubbed her stomach, although she ate a lot of snacks on the high-speed train, but her teeth were too big, and those snacks were not enough for her.


Yan He didn't feel surprised that Luo Tianyi was still hungry after eating a lot in the car, she grew up with Tianyi, and she knew Tianyi's gluttonous appetite very well.

As he grows older, Tianyi has already changed from a small kid in elementary school and a big kid in junior high school to the king of junkies in high school. When he arrives at university, he is afraid that he will be crowned (?) Emperor and become the emperor of junkyards.

"How fast it is."

Luo Tianyi fell on the bed again, rolling on the bed bored.

It's funny to say that Hatsune Miku has to go to the airport and wait for someone to pick her up in order to prevent others from knowing her relationship with the flower planter. However, it is inconvenient for her to go to the airport alone because she has leg problems, so someone needs to take her to the airport first. to the airport.

As Miku's closest person, the task of sending Miku to the airport naturally fell on Bai Sumu.

In the morning, Bai Sumu took the high-speed train to send Hatsune Miku to the airport in Shanghai. After that, he took the high-speed train back to Luoshui City non-stop, and then took the high-speed train to Shanghai again with Tianyi and the rest of the members of [Gongshangjiao Zhengyu].

After arriving at the hotel arranged by Station B, he took A Ling and Long Ya to pick up Miku at the airport.

When Lezheng Ling and Lezheng Longya took Hatsune Miku to the hotel.

As an old member, Mo Qingxian knew that Hatsune Miku had an accident, so seeing that Miku in the wheelchair had no accident, Zhanyin, Xingchen, and Moko Masato were surprised.

It never occurred to me that Miku, who used to make otaku videos, would become like this now.

"Hello everyone!"

Hatsune Miku saw everyone and waved happily to greet them.

Seeing this, although Zhanyin, Xingchen, and Zhengyu Moke were surprised, they should greet politely.

"Okay, Miku is here, let's eat!"

The arrival of Hatsune Miku, the happiest person is Luo Tianyi.

Ok, I can finally eat!

"Okay, let's go to eat first, and after we finish eating, we will go to the headquarters of Station B."

Le Zhengling looked at the message from her mother and said that she had booked a place for them to eat, which was near the hotel.

"What to eat, do you have a big meal?"

Luo Tianyi squinted her eyes and moved closer to Le Zhengling.

"There is no big meal before BML, but after BML is over."

Le Zhengling pushed away Luo Tianyi's head that was about to reach her face.

In the afternoon, it was said that there was a rehearsal, so how could it be possible to arrange a big meal for them.

What's more, eating a big meal is usually a celebration, and BML hasn't even started yet, and it doesn't even count as opening champagne at halftime, so why should we have a big meal.

"Ah, there is no big meal." Luo Tianyi was very disappointed when she heard that there was no big meal. In less than a second, she regained her composure and asked, "Then what are you going to eat if you don't have a big meal?"

"Sha County."

Le Zhengling spoke nonsense in a serious manner.

Volume 336 She and Her Cat: Chapter [-] Luxurious

BML, the full name of BILIBILI MACRO LINK, is a large-scale offline gathering of friends held by Bilibili.

The venue is the Mercedes-Benz Cultural Center in Shanghai.

The stage prepared by Station B is not small, and there are [-] audience members of BML at Station B in the other world who "beep, beep, (゜-゜)つロ" with Station B on the spot.It is not surprising that the number of BML this year will not be small in this world.

This year's BML is also the first BML. In order to be able to do well, Bilibili has spent a lot of money to make it an annual event.

The UP of Station B has invited many, many domestic artists and stars, and some foreign artists, voice actors, well-known music groups or independent musicians can also be contacted, and all who can be invited will be invited.

Among them, some people and groups are even more important.

In the venue, the members of [Gongshangjiao Zhengyu] attracted attention as soon as they appeared.

No way, who made the members of [Gongshangjiao Zhengyu] either handsome or beautiful, it's not normal to be unattractive.

Even if someone has a strange vision, XP is special, and they don't like good-looking skins, but like people who are so beautiful that they don't stick to the worldly image, but when they notice Miku, they can't help but look at it.

Eh, a wheelchair?

Many people were shocked when they saw this blue-haired girl with twin ponytails in a wheelchair, and they were even more shocked when they knew that this was Her Royal Highness Hatsune Miku, the world's number one heavyweight princess.

My Luo Tianyi!Hatsune Miku!This is Hatsune Miku!

Some of the B station UP and overseas guests in the venue are lush people and knights. Seeing Hatsune Miku doing this, people are stupid.

Miku, what's wrong with you Miku, didn't you used to be able to sing and dance Rap basketball, why have you become an otto now!

Although these slender people certainly didn't think like this in their hearts, the meaning of what they thought was quite different from this.

In short, it is very surprising, the surprise of being able to eat a whale.

Among the UPs at Station B, some UPs are familiar with Hatsune Miku on the Internet, so after knowing that this blue-haired beautiful girl is Hatsune Miku, they came over to say hello enthusiastically.

Some were curious about Miku's wheelchair, but they politely didn't ask.Some were curious and chose to ask by tapping on the side.

Hatsune Miku knew about these people's curiosity, so she didn't hide it.

Without saying how complicated, miserable, or sad, Miku simply said that she had a car accident and had a small leg problem that made it difficult to stand up, so she needed a wheelchair.

Because her body is a bionic robot, Hatsune Miku, the electronic ghost, doesn't think there is anything wrong with it. She doesn't feel sorry for herself when she says these things, but the speaker has no intentions, and the listener does. The more Miku said so casually, the more optimistic she was, the more uncomfortable and sad she felt.

It was Miku's smile when he talked to them, as if there was a touch of sadness hidden in it.

Hatsune Miku didn't know what these people were thinking, so she didn't talk much about her physical problems.She didn't expect that she didn't talk about it, and these people thought she was silent because she was sad about talking about it, so they all started to comfort Miku.

This made Miku dumbfounded for a while.

Miku wanted to say something, but she couldn't explain it at all. In the end, it could only be incomparability, and she endured everyone's concern and comfort with a smile in her heart.

Bai Sumu and the others also got acquainted with UP of station B, the domestic guests and overseas guests invited by station B, and it was no surprise that Bai Sumu was amazed by everyone.

[Gongshangjiao Zhengyu] The songs of all members are written by Bai Sumu. It is common for high school students to sing, but it is not common for high school student musicians. It is even more uncommon for high school students who can write high-quality songs up.

What's more, Bai Sumu wrote more than one high-quality song.

The most frightening thing is that the earliest song written by Bai Sumu was "Her Royal Highness The World's No. 2009 Princess" in [-]. According to this calculation, Bai Sumu was still a junior high school student when he wrote the song, a first-year student!

This kid is so scary!

Some people realized that Bai Sumu's first song was written in the first day of junior high school, and they felt so scary. What kind of evil is this?

If his family is not from a musical family, he has been influenced by the music environment since he was a child, and the songs he created in the early days had the help of adults, then he is a time traveler, Wen Chaogong who traveled from another world.

Station B is a Two-dimensional website, at least for now.Some UPs are also Two-dimensional, so some UPs can open their minds like Kennedy, absurdly and truthfully suspecting that Bai Sumu is a time traveler.

In the venue, most of the people met for the first time, and this first meeting became a small fan meeting.

Basically UPs are fans and guests are idols.

Here [Gongshangjiao Zhengyu] belongs to the ranks of other UP idols, but some members are also fans of other guests.

However, this must not be a real fan meeting.

After a brief acquaintance, under the arrangement of station B, the group of them began to prepare for the rehearsal for the official performance three days later.

[Gongshang Kaku Seiyu] There are a lot of members in the program, 12 members, except for Kagamine Rin who did not come, 11 members participated in BML.

There are 11 of them and there are eight songs.

Don't ask why they can have so many songs on stage, if you ask, it's shady, if you ask, it's permission, and if you ask again, it means that station B is run by Ah Ling's family.

This is the first time [Gongshangjiao Zhengyu] officially appeared on the big stage. In order to make the members of [Gongshangjiao Zhengyu] the absolute protagonists of this stage, the song written by Bai Sumu this time is very luxury.

It is so luxurious that these songs will be absolutely scary for people from another world to see them together.

Xinhua's "MOM", Yanhe's "Just Met You", Luo Tianyi and Le Zhengling's "Frost and Snow Millennium", Zhan Yin and Mo Qingxian's "Koi Copy", Bai Sumu's "Great Song", Stardust "The Order of Mountains and Rivers", "The Storyteller" by Yuezheng Longya and Zhengyu Moke, and "I've Thought About It" by Hatsune Miku.

Among other things, "I Just Met You" and "I've Thought About It Too Much", Bai Sumu believes that [Gongshangjiao Zhengyu] will become the biggest topic of discussion in BML this time.

No, maybe the biggest hot spot is not [Miyasho Kaku Seiwa], it's Miku.

When Bai Sumu knew that Hatsune Miku insisted on standing up and singing, he knew clearly that if this BML was successfully held, it would be unforgettable for everyone.

Miku, who insisted on standing up, sang "I once thought about it too".Although it sounds bad, Miku really needs to stack a lot of buffs. If this buff is stacked and the singing is excellent, then Miku's popularity will explode after BML.

Maybe it can become Ai Shalu in one fell swoop.


PS: Big victory for dead line fighters!I stayed up late again, and quickly adjusted my work and rest. I couldn't stand it anymore and cursed.Going to bed, good night, mom slapped.

Volume 337 She and her cat: Chapter [-] is right here

Hatsune Miku, known as Little Roosevelt.

At least, during these three days of rehearsal, someone compared Miku to Roosevelt in terms of willpower.

Do you want to fight like this?

Many people don't understand, singing is not dancing, there is no need to insist on standing, it is too hard.

During the three days of rehearsal, everyone worked very hard.

Because this is the first BML, it will affect the future BML.If the first BML cannot be held well, then the subsequent BML will not be held.I don't have this strength, you know.

Hatsune Miku is the hardest one. Although she has a strong endurance, every time she finishes singing, she feels like she just got out of the water, sweating all over her body.

"Thanks for your hard work."


"Drink water."

Today's final rehearsal ended, after Hatsune Miku stepped down, many UPs and guests came to express their concern.During the past three days, Miku's perseverance has amazed others, and they all sincerely admire this little Roosevelt.

Hatsune Miku can actually sit and sing under the arrangement of Station B, but she doesn't want to sit and sing, she wants to stand.

After all, she is the number one princess in the world. Since she is the princess, she must show her best side in front of the knights and lush people, instead of being weak in a wheelchair.

On stage, what she needs is the applause from the fans who love her enthusiastically from the heart, not the applause of sympathy, pity and encouragement when they see her sickly sitting in a wheelchair.

What she wants is a yearning liking, not a loving liking.

In any case, for this BML stage performance, as Her Royal Highness the world's number one princess, she has to stand up.

In the evening, after eating the buffet dinner prepared by station B, the group of [Miyashangjiao Zhengyu] returned to the hotel.

"It's so tiring, it hurts, it's so hard."

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