Bai Sumu meowed helplessly, expressing the complaint in his heart.

When he woke up, Tian Yi called him a scumbag, and Tian Yi bit his head half of his saliva.Although it was said that the saliva belonged to Tianyi, it still made Maomao uncomfortable.

"Heixiu is not happy."

Yan He could hear the little emotion in Bai Sumu's voice.

"Let him be unhappy if he is unhappy."

Luo Tianyi didn't bite Bai Sumu anymore, but rubbed his face against the cat's back to wipe the drool from the corner of his mouth.

The natural enemy of cats is dogs.

Bai Sumu was cursing in his heart, if he wasn't worried about scaring Yan He, he would have wanted to turn into a man and curse at Tianyi.

You wait, see me jumping and jumping on you at night, singing and dancing Rap basketball at that time, so that you can't sleep well.

The little cat has bad ideas in his heart.

Luo Tianyi didn't toss for too long, because she was going to prepare dinner soon.

"Go away!"

Luo Tianyi threw Bai Sumu to a high place, and Bai Sumu, who was already cursing in his heart, cursed even more.

"Meow, meow, meow, meow, woof, woof, woof!"

Bai Sumu circled around Luo Tianyi, the unlucky boy Luo Tianyi was so angry that he barked like a dog.

"Tianyi, Heixiu is really angry."

Yan He bent down and picked up Bai Sumu.Although Yanhe knew that Heixiu was Bai Sumu, and Bai Sumu was Aling's boyfriend, and holding Heixiu was like holding Aling's boyfriend, but she still habitually put the cat on the ground To hug up.

At this time, the dialogue in "White Album 2" hasn't come out yet, if it comes out, Yan He will say "Obviously I came first".

Yan He looked at Luo Tianyi bitterly, her eyes made Tianyi feel inexplicable.

"Yanhe, why are you staring at me?"

The second monk Luo Tianyizhang was puzzled.

"I didn't stare at you." Yan He shook his head, hugged the cat with one hand, and rubbed his eyes with the other, pretending to say, "My eyes hurt."

Tianyi, oh Tianyi, you can have some fun.

Do you know that your cat is a cat demon, do you know that your cat demon has a girlfriend, and do you know that your cat demon's girlfriend is your best friend A Ling.

I, an outsider, have discovered that Heixiu is a cat demon. How come you, the owner of Heixiu, have not discovered that your cat is a cat demon after so many years.

Fortunately, Heixiu is a perverted cat who likes girls, not a ferocious cat demon who eats people. If it were a cat demon who cannibalize people, the consequences would be disastrous.

Luo Tianyi didn't quite believe Yan He's explanation, because after Yan He finished speaking, he looked at her again, and the look in her eyes gave her the feeling that she was looking at the landlord's stupid son.

But after Yan He said that, she couldn't ask any more questions.She knew that Yan He didn't want to talk, so it was useless for her to ask Yan He again, it was just a waste of time.

Luo Tianyi went to the kitchen to cook.

Yan He put the white sumu back on his lap, stroked the cat, and splashed water at the same time.

The water group is an interesting thing. If you don’t do anything, the water group can swim for a day.It’s just that after the water is over, I don’t remember what I watered in the group. I feel that there is no difference between the water group and the non-water group.

Swarms are a risky business.Sometimes the water group can reap a good mood for a day, and sometimes the water group can make you reap a day of high blood pressure.

[ACG Homestead] There are many people in this group, but because Yanhe is the management of the group, no one speaks rudely to her.

It's just that some unlucky children like to post pictures that provoke management.Emoticons such as "Management, I want to drink Assam", "Angrily shoot the management dog's head", "You still have face if you wear a cuckold".

When the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds, and when a flock is big, there are all kinds of people.

[ACG Homestead] is essentially an ACG cultural exchange group, but because all the members of [Gongshangjiao Zhengyu] are in this group, this group has become like a fan group.

It’s good that [Gongshangjiao Zhengyu] didn’t enter domestic websites other than stations A and B. When [Gongshangjiao Zhengyu] also released songs on other domestic websites, the group of [ACG Homestead] Membership gets complicated.

In the past [Gongshangjiao Zhengyu] released songs on Station A and Station B. Most of the people who hang out on these two sites are ACG fans, and they are very compatible with the [ACG Homestead] group.

Now [Gongshangjiao Zhengyu] releases songs on other platforms, the composition of fans has become more complicated, and it is no longer limited to ACG fans.These people joining [ACG Homestead] made the ACG atmosphere of the whole group fade a lot.

An easy-to-understand example of group changes is that the early Xiaopo station became the B station during the bloody suppression of Mongolian Shangdan by Emperor Jin and Yuan.

This group is Pan Two-dimensional.

The ACG fans in the group like to chat about comics, animations, games, and occasionally novels.The non-ACG lovers in the group chatted more, star idols, makeup maintenance, handsome men and women, money licking dogs...

In the three aspects of licking dogs, banknotes, and celebrities, quarrels often broke out in the group.

In order to maintain the purity of the group, Bai Sumu launched a big cleansing campaign.

As for how to clean it, it depends on Miku, the almighty electronic ghost in the online world.

Volume Three She and Her Cat: Chapter 239 Another New Year's Eve

Lunar New Year's eve.

Bai Sumu sat on a bench in the park, sprinkled a handful of corn kernels from time to time, and fed the pigeons gathered around him.




What beautiful music, what a moving voice.

If the system hadn't issued tasks to keep him busy, he would also want to be like this group of pigeons, doing nothing every day, just "cuckoo, coo, coo, coo".

It may be a beautiful thing to be a pigeon. I am obviously a cat, so why I have to be so busy when I become a cat is really incomprehensible.

Today, Tianyi and his father-in-law and mother-in-law went out to buy new year's goods.

He was alone at home, so he thought about turning into a human and going out for a walk.

On New Year's Eve, Bai Sumu gave himself a holiday.

You don't need to work, you don't need to be seductive, you can pretend to do nothing.

Although Miku complained about this matter, he still agreed.

Moderate gaming, healthy (?) life.

A twisted melon is not sweet, since Xiaobai is so reluctant, let him have a rest.

Reasonable grazing and rational use of cattle.

In the park, a cool breeze blows from time to time.

Bai Sumu was wearing thick clothes, hat, scarf and gloves, but he didn't feel too cold.

Just sitting alone can be a bit boring.

As a cat, there are cats, dogs, goose friends and human friends.

He turned back into a human, but he didn't have any friends, only A Ling, a girlfriend, who he could ask out.

It's a pity that today is New Year's Eve, it's not easy for Ah Ling to make an appointment, if she could ask him, she would have already asked Ah Ling to come out and hang out with her.

Date her, make her shy, take her first kiss, and bring her into the harem.

"Coo, coo coo. Coo coo coo."

Pigeons appeared one after another on the chair, on the shoulders, and on the hat, boldly begging for food from the cat demon Bai Sumu.

"Fuck off."

Bai Sumu grabbed the pigeon on the hat with one hand, and the pigeon on his shoulder with the other hand.

These pigeons are annoying.

He just wants to feed this group of things that deserve soup and enjoy a peaceful and leisurely life.It's not that these pigeons are bouncing around on my body and head, I'm unlucky or I'm lucky, and I'm being shitted by birds.

"Go away, go down, go down, go down."

Bai Sumu drove away the pigeons that were about to fly to him and the chair.

At this time, he somewhat understood Tianyi's annoyance of jumping, jumping, and stepping on her breasts when Tianyi was going to sleep.

Speaking of which, these pigeons are really fat, but also really stupid.Don't say he is a cat demon, even ordinary people can easily catch these pigeons.

All of them are fat to death, and it seems that whether it is soup or stir-fry, the taste is not bad.

Or, catch all these pigeons and take them to A Ling's house to propose?

For a while, Bai Sumu was sitting in a convertible with Kennedy——his mind was wide open.

It may be because today is New Year's Eve, the park is very lively and full of people.

Most of them are old people and children. There are fewer couples, but more couples.

Seeing many families of three or four, Bai Sumu inevitably had fantasies about the future.

If the harem line is successful, isn't it too ostentatious and arrogant for him to go out for a family dinner alone with five beautiful girls, Yanhe, Tianyi, Aling, Xinhua, and Miku?If he had a child, that person would be even more arrogant.

The family drives a car when they go out, and his family drives a van when they go out.

How about buying a Wuling Hongguang in the future?

The thoughts in Bai Sumu's head jumped abnormally.Obviously Mingyi and others are still high school students, Miku has not changed, and the strategy for Tianyi, Yanhe, Xinhua and the complete strategy for Aling have not started yet, but he is already thinking about a bright future.

Speaking of which, I didn't see my old friend today.

Bai Sumu threw the last bit of corn to the pigeon and walked around the park.

After turning around, he didn't find his good friends in the park.

It's a pity, if you want to borrow some more money from them, why don't you go to work today.

The friend Bai Sumu mentioned was a professional beggar who begged in the park.

These friends were his stable source of income when he had no status, and they all came here on a rare occasion. He still wanted to make a fortune, but he didn't expect them to not go to work today.


Outside, Bai Sumu walked around until dark before returning home.He had no chance when he was a cat before, but now he can become a human being. He bought and tasted all the delicious food he saw.

Glutinous rice, fried rice dumplings, fried shrimp cakes, candied haws, marshmallows, stinky tofu.

Bai Sumu wanted to eat many things, but he didn't have Tianyi's black hole appetite, and he was full after eating stinky tofu.

There will be a big meal tonight, I don't know when to eat it.If he eats it early, he probably won't be able to eat it; if he eats it late, he will still have the stomach to taste his father-in-law's handicraft.

At home, my father-in-law rarely cooks, and it is basically impossible to cook on days other than New Year's Day and New Year's Eve, so it is rare for his father-in-law to cook, and he still wants to try it.

As the sky was getting dark, Bai Sumu turned back into a cat and returned home.

When he got home, Tianyi and his father-in-law and mother-in-law had already gone home.

"Meow, meow, meow meow."

Come, come, come, come and wipe the jiojio for me.

Back home, Bai Sumu stood on the mat behind the door, calling for his beloved concubine Tianyi.

"Where did you go to play again? I'm not at home every day."

Luo Tianyi heard the cat meowing, and she got up from the bed while playing with her mobile phone.She saw Bai Sumu complaining while going to the bathroom to get a towel for Bai Sumu to wipe his feet.


Bai Sumu rubbed his face against Luo Tianyi's arm, trying to pass the test.

Recently, he has gone out to play every day.

Who told him to change into a human? After finally becoming a human, he naturally wanted to become a human and take a walk outside when he had time.

If he didn't have a convertible, he would like to go out and have fun in a convertible.It's okay even if his brain is wide open, anyway, he still has a life.

"Really, I go outside every day and get dirty, and I have to take a bath for you at night. Don't you know that it is very troublesome to take a bath for you?"

In winter, Luo Tianyi doesn't bathe Bai Sumu every day.If Bai Sumu didn't go out, she would bathe Bai Sumu once every three days at the latest.If Bai Sumu goes out every day, then she has to bathe Bai Sumu every day.

Heixiu is a cat who just wants to go to bed.If he went outside, he wouldn't be able to go to bed if he didn't take a bath that night.

In summer, Luo Tianyi can accept not letting Bai Sumu go to bed.But this winter, it is really nice to have a fluffy and warm cat warming the bed.

Stuff the cat into the quilt half an hour before going to bed, and you can get a warm quilt when you go to bed half an hour later.


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